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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Hikari is still steadying herself - she internally notes she'd been right about the Knight and intends to ask why she'd hid later - as people start talking.  "I mean... this is kind of what I already did, just with less singing and saving more than one world, right?" her voice has a hint of fear, but beyond that a quiet resolve. "Besides, I sort of live in the universe- er, multiverse? I'd never live with myself if I tried to back out."


Ivory decides to neglect to mention that while she would have done it anyway, she is physically unable to leave Hikari and live. 




Victoria is quiet, but is quickly taking stock of her situation. Several other warriors are present, from a variety of worlds. Likely none from a world quite like hers, although there were several that looked like bog standard humans right now. They were summoned to fight multiverse destroying abominations. She could get behind that, partly for the reason the girl with the armored ghost had said. 


However, there was a more personal priority to check - she reached for a bag at her side and opened it. She still had a good amount of Grief Seeds. This would last her for a while... but unless they came across another world with Witches, she'd be running on fumes before too long.

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12 minutes ago, Astrorious said:


then another mob, this one with purple hair, approached Gary in a friendly manner, though this one dose not introduce himself, he does seem like he is trying to lighten the mood. with some sort of simple game in his hands. 

"oh, ah, ok..."


" Onion" Kenta counts out the letters and unfolds the corner he lands on," Cheeseburger bacon onion rings. Complicated little man I like it. Goes great with dipping sauce and beer." Kenta walks off more than willing to let someone else explain whats going on. 

"OI, Who wants to go get Groceries with me?" He calls loudly waving the list that he has folded high above his head. 

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Edmond though still puzzled, was not surprised by yet another apology from Sachi. He nodded once, and then looked over towards the sound of the approaching vehicle.

A motorcycle of sorts...antique, maybe mid-twenty-first century? Odd that someone could have brought it here with them...

"No, I'm afraid I don't know any Cinna..."

He was about to continue, when he heard the low voice of Mar. As he spoke, Edmond felt a growth of spirit, and a renewed sense of purpose. It certainly was an inspiring speech. Edmond swiveled his head, and saw that some of the others were equally heartened. He joined in the brief cheer, but all too soon the noise had faded. The quiet conversation did little to fill the void left by Mar's speech. Edmond took another glance around the group. The one calling themself "Hellfire Knight" had removed something, probably some form of voice modulation, for now she spoke with the voice of a young girl.

Huh. I suppose she didn't expect to be taken seriously...hopefully that won't be a problem

Edmond made his way over through the group, and for the first time noticed Alexandria's present condition. A small piece of metal was embedded in one of her eyes, swiveling along with her eyes as she moved them.

"I think you have a piece of shrapnel in your eye? I'm not sure, but I might be able to help with that..."

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4 minutes ago, Amoris Verienium said:

" Onion" Kenta counts out the letters and unfolds the corner he lands on," Cheeseburger bacon onion rings. Complicated little man I like it. Goes great with dipping sauce and beer." Kenta walks off more than willing to let someone else explain whats going on. 

"OI, Who wants to go get Groceries with me?" He calls loudly waving the list that he has folded high above his head. 

After naming a few foods in a somewhat comical manner, the man walks off, asking the others who about gathering food. 

"Well... that was interesting..." Gary said to himself, chuckling a bit, "I guess this place is better than falling into a dungeon...".

"So, who built the Castle? its quite impressive!" He called out as he walked toward the behemoth structure.

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58 minutes ago, Amoris Verienium said:

" Halley that's a very pretty name." Kenta says smiling at her warmly " would you like your dinnertime fortune told?"  He points at the hastily scribbled grocery list that he folded into a fortune teller. 


"Ah- " Halley took a few steps back, surprised by the sudden offer. "Well... sure." 


Anything but energy crystals. I missed the last time I actually tasted something.


She took the folded list and unwrapped it. The list seemed to be for a meal for two. "You're too kind, Kenta." She laughed lightheartedly, still unaware of the perv man's tactics. "Where am I supposed to get all of the groceries?"


47 minutes ago, Adamance Ascendant said:

"I am."


"Huh?" Halley turned to the new voice, assuming it was a newcomer, but what she saw was instead the shady figure that talked with a synthesized voice before. Strange enough, the voice this time was natural. Taking another look at the figure, she realized that the voice did not match up with her appearance.


Secretive... perhaps she's on the run, trying to cloak her identity? That's cool! If she's revealing her voice to us, she must trust us then, that's nice to know.




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1 minute ago, IntSys said:


"Ah- " Halley took a few steps back, surprised by the sudden offer. "Well... sure." 


Anything but energy crystals. I missed the last time I actually tasted something.


She took the folded list and unwrapped it. The list seemed to be for a meal for two. "You're too kind, Kenta." She laughed lightheartedly, still unaware of the perv man's tactics. "Where am I supposed to get all of the groceries?"





" I am going to go and gather the groceries. I tried to get get everyone's attention and ask them if anyone wanted to go with. No responses though." He smiles at Halley and folds the list back up in the fortune telling form and shoves it back into his pocket scratching the back of his head while still making eye contact but not enough to make Halley uncomfortable.

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"I'm not fit to be a savior, but if defeating these Trespassers is the only way back, I'll help." Leon smirked, as he trying to hide his doubt from himself.


He approaches Mar and Solomon. "Can I come with you guys? Watching someone making something is always an interesting experience"

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23 minutes ago, Amoris Verienium said:

" I am going to go and gather the groceries. I tried to get get everyone's attention and ask them if anyone wanted to go with. No responses though." He smiles at Halley and folds the list back up in the fortune telling form and shoves it back into his pocket scratching the back of his head while still making eye contact but not enough to make Halley uncomfortable.


"I'll go with you, if that's okay." Halley volunteered. I'm going to assume that he got his hands on the whatever currency they use here. If we end up having to steal, I'm getting the hell outta there.

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28 minutes ago, IntSys said:


"It's um, me. I'm the Hellfire Knight." The voice was actually slightly on the deep side for someone of her size, as she hesitantly pushed back her hood, revealing her face; she had somewhat childlike features, with bright violet eyes and silver hair, though her face was set in a determined expresson. "Um. I decided that hiding myself was pointless, since we're not fighting each other."

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4 minutes ago, IntSys said:


"I'll go with you, if that's okay." Halley volunteered. I'm going to assume that he got his hands on the whatever currency they use here. If we end up having to steal, I'm getting the hell outta there.

Kenta smiles happily ," I'd be honored to have you go with me on this adventure. " Kenta pulls a small leather bag from his pocket and ties it to his pants," I keep different kinds of currency as a form to barter." He explains walking slowly toward town letting Halley choose the pace.

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"Hey, just because I'm a girl, don't think I can't keep up! I fought the strongest people in Tempest and came out on top, so-" She abruptly cuts herself off, looking about at the group somewhat self-consciously. She elects to glare at Theodore instead of continuing whatever rant she'd just started. 

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6 minutes ago, Adamance Ascendant said:

"It's um, me. I'm the Hellfire Knight."


"Hi, Hellfire Knight. My name's Halley." She said. "Is Hellfire Knight a nickname? We have names like that too back in where I came from."


8 minutes ago, Adamance Ascendant said:

"Um. I decided that hiding myself was pointless, since we're not fighting each other."


"Don't worry. I only fight evildoers, and you certainly don't look nor act like one." She smiled at the girl. "I'll be going to buy groceries. Tag along if you'd like to." She turned around and walked along with Kenta.


4 minutes ago, Amoris Verienium said:

Kenta smiles happily ," I'd be honored to have you go with me on this adventure. " Kenta pulls a small leather bag from his pocket and ties it to his pants," I keep different kinds of currency as a form to barter." He explains walking slowly toward town letting Halley choose the pace.


"That's nice to know." She accelerated her pace a bit, and before long, they were at the gate. The markets were already at sight. "What's on the list?"


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"Oh, I didn't mean anything offensive, it was just. . . unexpected. Believe me, I don't have anything against women! 


Come on, don't glare like that!"


Theo is very unsettled by the daggers currently being beamed at him. As Mar pipes in, he turns slightly, and gives his reply. 


"I'll join you in a little while."


He then turns back around to try to parlay with the girl. 


"So. . . is there something we can call you besides 'Hellfire Knight' now?"

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6 minutes ago, IntSys said:


"Hi, Hellfire Knight. My name's Halley." She said. "Is Hellfire Knight a nickname? We have names like that too back in where I came from."



"Don't worry. I only fight evildoers, and you certainly don't look nor act like one." She smiled at the girl. "I'll be going to buy groceries. Tag along if you'd like to." She turned around and walked along with Kenta.



"That's nice to know." She accelerated her pace a bit, and before long, they were at the gate. The markets were already at sight. "What's on the list?"


 Kenta smiles keeping pace," Well mainly it's potatoes and vegitables. Some fruits and a little meat. I'm looking to get things that we can make into bulk because obviously we have a large group of varied individuals. So I figure if I get some things to can and perserve and some stuff to just use then we should be good as well as seasonings."  Kenta has no problem making conversation and filling in the silence when needed. 

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"It's my, um, nickname for the tournament in Tempest. My actual name is Yukimura Hiroki." She seems unconvinced by Theodore's reply, but it seems to have at least had some effect, as the girl's returned to looking about at their surroundings somewhat nervously. 

[13 vs 19]

[18 vs 22] 

Name: Shoddy Scale Cloak

Description: A cloak made of chainmail with small metal scales attached somewhat haphazardly, with some imperfections in the chain weave. A similarly imperfect enchantment is infused.

Type: Armor

Armor: +3 RES

Minimum Stats: 1 STR

Weight: 6

SYN Bonus: 5 SYN = +1 RES, 10 SYN = +1 RES

Special Qualities: Rewind: On the first instance of damage taken per battle, this armor provides double the normal RES bonus by shifting the wearer slightly backward in time.

Heavy: Due to imperfections in the crafting process, this piece of armor is especially encumbering to wear.


An astute observer would have noticed the Battered Hero seemingly vanishing once he reached a certain distance away from the group, shortly after he drew his sword.


The group heading into town runs into Cid, a group of human workers, and two chipmunks(?) that he glares at pointedly before turning toward the group. Two of the workers are pulling a cart with what appears to be two enormous rocket boosters and miscellaneous parts on them. "So, I figured since you found yourselves a ride, I'd make getting y'all offworld easier on myself. All we gotta do is hook up these gummi boosters to that thing's engines, and you'd be good to go. They've got properties that let them travel between worlds, so they should get you going with the power from your, uh, castle's engines. 




Sound good?"

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Andre kneels down and offers the gellified slime a hamburger. The smell of the greasy meat and melting cheese combining into a lovely mouthwatering bouquet. Also, the sudden appearance of a man that's well over six feet tall and not wearing a shirt (though everyone would be fairly certain he's actually been there the whole time if they thought on it) would be slightly startling.

"Oi, come on, up ye get bueaty. Y'can do that inside where we aren't about ta lose bits of ya iffin ya sink inta the ground to much."

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"Well, nice to see that you've grown comfortable enough with us, for the most part," Eon remarked, amused at all the current developments. His attention was then drawn over to the gummi boosters that Cid appeared to have brought with him.


"So then, this will be how we get around? I suppose it will do," Eon muses. It's not quite as natural as him simply gliding through space, but a castle tank that could go between worlds was novel enough to warrant a go.

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"Yukimura it is then. Can we call you Yuki for short?"


After talking with Yuki, Theo follows after Mar to retrieve his armor. 

"Wow, Mar, it looks good. A little too heavy for me right now, but I'm sure I'll get stronger eventually."

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"Um, my given name is Hiroki. I forget that English speakers don't know that, sorry. And please just call me Hiroki, shortening it feels, um, a little, familiar?" She looks at the engines, at the castle, at Cid, and back to the engines, an increasingly dubious expression on her face.

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