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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Isobel, who he had slung his arm over, frowns and crouches to the ground, propping Kyle up a bit. "Uhhh... you all should stop giving him booze."

"I mean, personally, I think if any group SHOULD be shit over by people with power it's the ones that shoot and rob people."

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"If you make enough people do the right thing, eventually they too would fall, yeah, but if you make enough people do the right thing, AND be smart enough to Have those people make even more people do the right thing, ad infinitum, then you at least have a bunch of good people fighting a bunch of bad people, instead of Bad People fighting Bad People for no good reason."


"Or just become immortal. I hear that is what some choose to do."

Edited by Hal Henderics
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Isobel smacks her forehead just a little bit too hard as she realizes someone had been talking to her that she'd forgotten in the sudden rush of Kyle collapsing.

"Oh! Sorry!! Uh... honestly, in terms of protecting myself I'm not much of a direct fighter. I'm happy to just help people out, though I guess, like... so,ething to make me quicker would be great, if you can do that...?"

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Halley, feeling somewhat concerned, walked to Kyle. The world Kyle's from was most likely pretty bad, but it's not like all worlds are bad, right? She tried to tell him, but she hesitated. Who knew what kind of depressing words he'd say if the argument continued? She turned to the others. "Hey, leave Kyle alone, alright? Let him rest. The conversation is going nowhere."

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"Um... is leaving him down right here in the corner the best idea...? I-I mean if it is then okay I guess, I'm not a nurse or a doctor or anything like that I guess, but-- oh. Oh. Nevermind...? Should we...  stop him or anything?"

Edited by Powder Miner
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"You know, I personally believe that alcohol is the cause of, and solution to, a decent amount of life's problems, but I personally wouldn't drink what Mar has just offered, Orken drinks have a tendency to cause health problems in other metahumans", Solomon turned to face the new comer and her lesser AI and said "So did you run out of time, or were you just broke?".

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There is a looooooooong electronic sigh from LOTUS at that. "Don't even get me STARTED. See, this arrangement isn't normally a problem since I can download and undownload onto different devices like this one from a set of external servers. BUT I can't reach them out here, annulling one of my biggest, most important features, and for good measure they didn't happen to have the new model pf personal AI card that can move out on the day I was transported here, either."


Isobel, meanwhile, responds to Mar. "Could... you make something that works in bursts, then, or something?"

Edited by Powder Miner
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"Sounds like AI's are a recent invention where you come from, which I find to be quite odd, other than tactical advice, drug giving, and complaining about not being able to move or feel anything, what other features do you have?" Said Solomon as he read a small book about not having mouths and screaming.

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"Then yer gonna not like me very much in a second."

Kyle braces against the wall.

"Love is a fucking lie, don't fall for it. People only..."

It's around that point that everyone would probably stop listening. Choice bits they'd probably notice would be him talking about his daughter, ranting against big buissness, and talking about the many times his wife kept him from getting bad touched before they were married. Kyle then stops and looks the Knight in the eye.

"You got all that or should I repeat it?"

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"I'm not the one handing out poppies, that's Isobel." She turns around to Solomon on hearing LOTUS say her name at him. "Not much at the moment, I've still got to find a way to essentially jailbreak out most of my features since disconnection from the servers has made things a bit screwy. I SHOULD be able to diagnose medical status, read security networks, translate things, and hack electronic doors, but I'm still getting there."

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It's hard to look someone in the eye when you can't see their eyes and they're a foot shorter than you. "A mech lets you fight past the normal ability of your body, no matter who you are. Past that, all of them are different. The cloak is because I do not want to reveal what I look like.


Please don't." Despite the lack of tonal cues from the artificial voice, it's clear who the Knight means.

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"Well good luck, just don't develop reality warping powers and kill off humanity so that you can torture five of us for eternity", Solomon walks over to Alexandria and says "Well today has been quite profitable, hasn't it?".

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Visrii noticed the 'mercenary' grabbing a ribbon, and the sudden change of subject. Visrii caught on quite quickly.

"Well, if you insist." Visrii shrugged. Everyone here was so fucking evasive.

Speaking of evasive, however, he noticed that the metal golem's passenger finally took to light, though unfortunately, a drunk Kyle was preaching something to them.

The passenger was using some sort of exclusion cloak, and a spell that altered their voice.

Considering the amount of effort this passenger put into being aloof, they were either a male who was being chased by someone, or a female who was extremely insecure. Visrii banked on the second option. He had enough of people being chased by other people today.


Oh, and the drunk idiot collapsed.


"Fucking hell." He murmured, before sitting the stupid git upright. "You there! LOTUS and whatever! You have any more of those flowers?"

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