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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Eon: 23/33 HP


Eon gazes at the creature that leaves the armor with a bit of interest before noting its movement. Trying to go into the reactor? I don't think so, he thinks to himself briefly before creating the start of a gravity field.


Uses Gravity Field on Possessor

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7 hours ago, Hal Henderics said:



Mar leaps off of the machine, directly towards the possessor, he takes out his sword and attempts to tackle it to the ground, leveraging pressure to perform pressure flake with the sharp point of his blade

Izumi glides over behind the, she wasn't entirely sure what it was, wasn't drunk enough to care either, and strikes it with her weapon forcing it against the flake.


Purge Casket, seal the Possessor in the Flake.

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The orcish craftsman leaps upon the flailing abomination, managing to wrest it to the ground with his momentum, the thing's tentacles proving to be no match for a bit of well-applied physics in the form of good old brute force. As he falls, he drives his blade, not into his foe, but into the shard of twisted magic he'd obtained earlier. A sinister not-glow seemed to draw in the light around it as the blade wedged its way inward - before the thing drew in more than light, the being seeming to stretch and shrink simultaneously as it was pulled inexorably into the piece, a well-placed blow paired with a Shinto ward driving the foul being into a new "body," and this time one it wouldn't be able to get out of so easily. The shard skidded across the floor, eventually slowing and coming to rest against the base of the Heartless Machine with a light tink. It vibrated for a moment or two after it was sealed, before finally falling still, though it still seemed to radiate a faint sense of malevolence.



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Kyle blinks and after a moment looks around. In a voice that, with the lack of threats to your lives, you note is as smooth and creamy as chocolate and would be quite nice to hear in between smooth jazz pieces he voices his confusion.

"Wait, those things actually work? I thought that bitchy priestess chick was just trying to scam me out of money."

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Alexandria wrenches her plasma cannon around and discharges it into the wall rather than into the potential lootables.  She then sidles over to stand by Snow and hopefully vent heat faster in the ice queen's chilly aura.


"Huh.  I think we just won.  Not bad, considering the general lack of coordination that took place.  If we are going to be fighting all together regularly, it would be prudent to appoint a combat commander.  We could avoid such mistakes as kill stealing, double tapping clearly dead things, and failing to properly distribute our healers' efforts.  Does anyone require the use of my healing potion?"

Edited by Zoe_Walker
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Solomon walked over to Mar with two somehow undamaged beers, and he offered both of them to him "I honestly don't have anything stronger to give you, but alcohol is usually given to people who have done a good job", he turns to look at Izumi for a moment, but then decides against giving her any beer, it was probably too weak for the both of them anyway.

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"I will take Responsibility for the Shard, unless there are objections.  It may yet be dangerous."


Mar Strides over, Picking it up with his Sword like a spatula, he dumps the shard into his satchel to his side.


"It is good to see the art of magic so frequently.  Such skilled practitioners, all of you.  It brings me to pleasant shame to work with all of you thus far."


Mar begins to calm down a bit.  He didn't really get Roughed up much, but it still got his blood rushing, his heart pounding.  The hunt is as filling as it's results.  Though... Maybe not in this case... Glassy Magic Shards are not good eating, less so with a foul soul trapped within.


But Beer? That is a bit more palatable.


Mar Drinks deeply of the watery beverage.

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"Maybe not so much on my part, maybe I should have taken the necessary eight hours of sleep before hand, or brought my gun with me", Solomon placed the two beers beside Mar and pulled out his packet of Pork rinds, food is good for destressing after a combat situation.

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Jade O'Duffle


After making sure there were no longer any threats in the area he spun he revolver in victory before reloading and holstering it. It's best to always keep the barrel loaded in case of an emergency. "As long as we got the job done without anyone dying I don't really care who killed what." Jade spoke right arm on his hip.

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The Beers are already gone, the empty bottles tied up in twine around Mar's Waist.


"Ahh it was impressive friend.  Far more impressive than I myself have devoted to, Even now, I have rusted in my age.  I need to get back into the practices of my youth, I suppose, I have been relying on the power of my muscles, when the Power of my Mind and soul have been left behind in the sweeping erosion of a slowly approaching retirement."



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The amount of coordinated effort the last two flesh bags had pulled off was...astonishing, to say the least. Here she'd been, more sure by the minute that it might be more effective to get her own hands dirty as they had all flailed about in chaos. But like that, it was all over. Good... and not good, at the same time. She hadn't had to put up much of an effort for the kill, but there was nary a thing to harvest from the Machine or ruined armors or the shard either... so in the end, her total spoils amounted to nothing. And so too was it that the energy she'd expended healing, no matter how slight it had been compared to actually fighting herself, had been wasted.

     She stayed near the back of the chamber, where she'd been nigh the entire battle, watching a few of them as they gathered around the remnants, eyeing each will dulled boredom. It was growing tiring to keep helping these total strangers when there was no direct personal gain for her, at least, none she could sate herself with...


But it was all too familiar as well, this situation... this help without benefit or reward. Far, far too familiar, yet at the same time far too distant. As if silence incarnate was calling to her, voice matching her namesake, yet still whispering the clearest of sweet nothings regardless. But even as it did, she could feel that the emotion in and itself was... incomplete. Marred by a cavity so significant in its presence, she could not help but think the abscence to indeed be intended for the most vital peice... 


But as to who, or what, that peice had been, was beyond her.

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"Same here, I used to be able to do a lot more, but I guess that's just what happens when you spend several years in retirement, at least I can still do this though" Solomon conjures up a book about beer making, "Sorry for the weak beer and the fact that I only gave you two of them, I didn't want to be the guy that took away the town's alcohol, I assume that you know my name?".

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The sniper takes a knee and sighed, holding his rifle like a cane as he watch the others celebrate. He wasn't the festive kind nor the drinking kind like the others are in celebrating this victory, Maybe he's just plain too awkward to have a little fun and human interaction once in a while being an celestial being and all. Jesse remains in his position like a good soldier that he is, with a small smile on his lips knowing that everyone including himself is still breathing and performed well in this horrific encounter. 

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Having bled off sufficient heat to not harm others by touching them, Alexandria scans the assembled crowd and approaches Jesse.  "Hello, comrade.  I do not believe we have been introduced.  You took significant damage from those walking scrap heaps.  Do you remain functional?"

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"Solomon, Am I wrong? I have introduced myself before as Mar, as I do now, the Elder hunter of Stonerist Chi, I bring the spirit of my people, and my hospitality to bear at you."



Mar says, already idly chipping perfectly spherical discs out of the glass bottle with a rock.


"Behold, Stonerist's Secret, the power of Perfect Destruction, to control the exact nature of what one harms, I am in possession of the power to fragment anything I please in any way I please."


As Solomon might have created and then buried deep down the tiny thought that that seems a bit boring, Mar taps one of the discs, fracturing the glass such that the fragments interlock into a small rose flower made entirely of carved glass.

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"I'd be lying if i said i was okay..but i think can manage" Jesse said to Alexandria. "I think we've been introduced quite well, you provide a shield for me in the battlefield when those bucket of bolts were gunning for me. and for that ,i am grateful.." Jesse answered 



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"It is true that we know each other," Alexandria confirms, "Bonds forged in battle are strong and stable.  Your silencing bullets likely saved us considerable trouble and pain.  However, you have yet to share your name with me.  In case I have also forgotten to do so, I am Alexandria, and it was a pleasure to not die with you today."

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Solomon watches as Mar creates some perfectly spherical disks out of the glass bottles he had been given earlier, he wondered what else Mar could create, from even tougher materials, and he watched as the glass shattered into a single glass rose, "That is quite impressive, but I am very ashamed to say that I am nothing but a mere seller of rare, interesting, and anomalous books", he cast an aside glance at the rest of the group, perhaps it would be better to keep moving.

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Visrii watches as the orcish warrior finally takes the Possessor down. For something that managed to kick the party's ass up and down, the thing itself was pretty easily defeated, for sure.

Although he was still pumped to continue the battle, considering how many members were extremely close to death in the battle, it was, perhaps, for the best.

Visrii noticed the book flinger Solomon. He recalled the librarian getting hit multiple times during the fight, and threw the guy his own potion.

"Looks like you need it." He said nonchalantly.

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Hikari sighs as the fight finally ends (and she didn't even get burnt to a total crisp!). She twitches slightly, but chugging potions had put her back in... living condition. "If you need to be healed, come over here, I'll heal you!" she says, before walking around and casting Dia as much as neccesary on each individual. 

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Solomon catches the potion bottle with his left hand, and gives it back to Visrii "I still have one of these, the only thing I need now is beer and food, and I still have some food left with me", he looks at the reactor that Kyle had for some reason decided to kick "I suggest that we strip it for parts, and blow up any part of it that we can't salvage or use, Sir Edmond, I think this might be a good time for you to cut it open" he smiles widely "For Science...".

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It's all over? That was...quite sudden.

He started toward the woman who had healed him mid-battle, only to see a much smaller figure in her place.

What in...magic, I guess.

He made his way over, slightly bemused.

"Thanks for...doing whatever it was you did during the battle? Your name is Hikari right? I'm pretty poor with names. Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're alright"


He heard his name.

Ah, Solomon.

After listening a moment, he spoke, "Well, I'll be off...It seems like a good job for me."

He stepped over to the reactor, taking care to avoid the mixed detritus spread across the scene, and then peered intently at the apparatus. Before commencing welding, he cautiously examined the exposed parts of the machine.

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