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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"Great.. just great.. more shadow monkeys..but there's something is different about them, these three have some crazy movements I cannot begin to comprehend." The sniper said, analyzing the trio, loading his rifle as he prepares to shoot these incoming new threats. Jesse was on high alert as one of the heartless vanished after attacking like some sort of teleporting shadow ninja. for someone that big that surely is terrifying.


"Pfft.. you think that's gonna impressed me.." Jesse snorted. Using his keen instinct and a bit of his angel mojo to detect the unknown. Jesse quickly turns around and blast the big heartless with his rifle the moment it reappear out of nowhere to strike the angel down, Jesse only surfers a minor scratch from the heartless's claws as he shot the creature first. It wasn't a direct hit but it definitely maims the huge shadow creature by its shoulder.


"Next time, i won't miss.." Jesse glares at huge shadow creature and looks it in the eyes as he reloads his gun, ignoring the flesh wound from that nasty swipe. The huge creature vanish once again into the shadows just before Jesse can level his gun at its head and shoot it again. Dammit 

Edited by Ragnar
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A Few of the beasts jumping up onto his back, Mar Roars indiscriminately as they claw at him, He spins around, Smashing his Blade Core itself into the ground, Cracks of energy lance out as the ground itself fractures, magic erupting from it.


He Stumbles to the barrier, Drinking a deep draught of Orcish Medicine, and Prepares the Adamantine Blade Core to smash into the barrier, heedless of any thoughts but "Must Press forward."


Anything attacking him might discover intimidation where it previously had never felt fear before, not because of his actions, but his inaction, Their attacks do not faze him, while he smashes them away when they gather too closely to him, swinging his sword carelessly between chipping at the barrier that dares to block his path, his eyes are unfocused, but, despite this, razor sharp.


Despite what one may think, it never crosses his mind that killing the enemy might solve his problem, only that he would eradicate anything in his way.




Crack, Crack, Swish, He spins around to bat away something he only vaguely recognizes as a foe, before continuing to spin, smashing the core into the barrier again and again with magic.

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Kyle decides that he should probably help the man they just fell. He decides to do so as he kicks aside one of them imps. Which means he follows up the kick by blasting the bird thing attacking Solomon with extreme prejudice. And bird shot, amusingly enough.

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Solomon pushes the terror bird off of himself, and he immediately set to work making his way towards the barrier "Thank you for that by the way" He shouted at the vid actor's general direction as he arrives next to Alexandria.

"Now as I was just saying, we need to keep moving forward"; Solomon noticed the orc's attempt at demolishing the barrier "Hey, you have the right idea, but the wrong execution; why don't you try smashing the pillars instead" he said while doing his best to beat back the seemingly endless wave of heartless.

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Alexandria considers the pillars briefly, and drops her barrier.  Ignoring the heartless that claw and beat at her frame, she raises her hammer and turns it on.  With a deep, bone-rattling thrum, the hammer's head expands and glows.  A heat shimmer extends from the striking head, followed by lazy purple fumes.  The fumes increase in speed and increasingly orient away from the head as the thrum revs up into an earsplitting roar.  With her strength as diminished as it is, Alexandria would never use the hammer in battle on this setting.  She couldn't hit anything with it, or even swing it.


But she can brace it against herself, and hold the business end up to one of the pillars.  She can expose the magical object to the ravening, disintegrating power of a dark energy booster rated for solar escape velocity.


[OOC: Alexandria holds a surface-to-orbit booster rocket up to the pillar, and sets it to 'exit stage left'.  She's too heavy for it to move her on its own.  What happens?]


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"Hey, people that weren't there when the bigger group woke up, we need to bring down all the ones that came out of the portal at once or they get back up! The barrier won't drop until they're gone!" Hikari shouted from the air.

"Watch yourself." Ivory informed her Master as one of the aforementioned large portal creatures had apparently fallen right onto Hikari's jetbike (either that or jumped there), and raked it's hand across the young woman's back. Hikari bit back a string of swears as she tried to force it off with her spear, the jetbike seemingly piloting itself while her attention was divided. She manages to do so and it falls down to the ground.

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Edmond was frantically defending himself against the onslaught of fell creatures, when he caught sight of Alexandria preparing to attack one of the pillars.

He wasn't certain that her efforts would fail, but he had no intention of being nearby if they did. He slowly began to cut his way to the opposite side of the enclosure, avoiding the larger beasts as muh as possible. He received numerous small cuts on his hands, but other than that he remained unharmed.

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The grey cloaked man sees what Alexandria is trying to do to a pillar, and he immediately decides that the Orc is a lost cause, but not before shouting "Hey! Why don't you try and smash the pillars instead"; The grey cloaked man sees the shadowy beasts approaching the group, and he charges towards the long haired Musician from earlier.

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Noticing the shadow beasts from before, Theo decides to take the same action he took against them before, attacking all of them at once with raw resonance. He starts pumping the air near them with harsh bass tunes, and they, of course respond violently. They slash at him, and he tries to dodge. He is mildly successful, but he receives a painful cut on the shoulder. He retreats a small distance towards the rest of the group for reinforcements. 

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Solomon was too late, the shadow beasts have arrived, and they had started attacking the musician, Solomon shouted the words "Come with me if you want to live" as he opened fire on the shadow beasts, hoping to delay them until the musician had reached and area of relative safety.

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Solomon starts charging towards the ever present sea of heartless preventing them from reaching their allies, his hands were numb, his lungs were aching, his heart felt like it would explode, and his feet was wet, but despite everything he started to laugh as he swung a makeshift maul at the many enemies surrounding him.

The grey cloaked man made time to point towards the portal that had spat out the shadowy beasts and said "That is the source of all of our current problems my friend".

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Visrii fruitlessly shot more lightning to get the girl's attention, then gave up.

Right, fault one of this plan was to trust people into doing things.

He looked around, noticing the pillars setting up barriers, keeping both the Heartless and the company inside. Huh, and there he was thinking the Heartless would be retreating right now.

Visrii then entertained himself by killing the Heartless in different ways. Decapitation, strangling, backstabbing, electrocuting... pity they puffed into smoke afterwards.

Of course, he paid for his arrogance. One of the larger creatures ('Stalkers', he decided to call them) took an opening in his bored takedowns to claw at his back, ripping parts of the brown cloak.

Visrii retaliated with a fist to the face, followed with an attempt to grab - in an instant, the creature melted away into shadow.

"Oh, you rip my favourite cloak and run away is that it-" he finished the sentence with a stab behind him, landing it right into the Stalker's stomach. It had tried to catch him off-guard, to its miserable failure.

He whirled around and grabbed the Stalker's face, before sizzling it with fire and lightning.

"That trick only works once, my friend." He growled as he threw away the Stalker's limp body.

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The pillar is disappointingly untouched by Alexandria's thruster, so she decides to change tactics.  She turns to regard the shadow beast she taunted earlier, which has been working through the fray in her direction.  As the heartless thin out under the group's attentions, the creature was able to pick up speed and actually reach her.  Its claws put a shallow set of gouges in her chest, before she puts it in a full nelson.  "I have one ready for termination!"

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Solomon continues hacking away at the heartless preventing him from reaching the portal, and he sees Alexandria fighting against a shadow beast, he realized that there must have been at least three of them, if you also count the ones that are currently making their way towards Solomon and Co.

The grey cloaked man swung at the shadow beast while shouting "Oh for the love of go-"; the grey cloaked man never finished that sentence, as he was hit by yet another Terror bird.

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Kagari growled as the turrets on both of her Ten-chans gave out. The guns she was copying were powerful, but had issues with overheating. Thankfully, she kept a holster of spares. Swiping a pair of spare barrels from her leg holster, she swapped out the spent barrels, quietly assimilating them back into her main body through her palms. While she did so, she felt a sharp pain lance through her back as one of the larger creatures swiped out at her, leaving large gashes in her skin. She quickly used a small bit of her body to create fake blood that spurted from it, then spun full around, shoving the freshly-changed turret barrel into the mouth of the thing. Snarling, she pulled the trigger, blowing a gaping hole in its head, before sharply jerking her hips to the side, her butt viciously striking another Heartless that attempted to blindside her, sending it flying into the barrier.


Leaving covering fire to the remaining Ten-chan who was on auto mode, Kagari quickly repaired the damage to her back, closing up the wound. The bits of herself she had scattered as blood would find their way back to her eventually, so she didn't need to worry about that for now. More importantly, she had been forced to use her butt. That meant she was now committed to this battle. Previously, she had stayed at a distance, picking off heartless that tried to approach her with Ten-chan, but now that she was committed, she had to go all out. That was the code she lived by, one that had kept her alive all this while.


Keeping one of her turrets in manual mode, she bent down, preparing, then launched herself butt-first into the largest mass of shadow beasts she could find at barely subsonic speeds, counting on the remaining Ten-chan to cover her back.

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Sachi, of course, isn't paying attention to Visrii, being as she is incredibly busy covering Katsuo's back. Her shield is up as she follows Katsuo, swatting at their attackers fruitlessly with her lance, but their attacks being just as effective against her large tower shield.

"We need to get to everyone else!"

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Seeing Sachi and Katsuo are in a tight spot Kyle sighs. He starts slowly making his way to the two, getting their attention with a loud whistle. Without waiting for them to notice him he throws a grenade into their path back to the group, but not close enough for it to hit them.

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Visrii rushed towards the thick of the horde, which had been following the stupid book-flinger and that orc-monster-warrior-thing.

Stalkers broke off the pack and attempted to claw at him. It was quite tricky predicting their movement patterns, but in the end they weren't intelligent - they were predictable.

They always attacked once, teleported and attempted to jump on him again either from the side or the back. Once he knew the patterns, Visrii only needed to react quick enough.

He fired off a bolt to catch a bird's attention. When it swooped, he landed a dagger in its cone-like face, causing it to tumble down into the thick of the Heartless. 

Screw you, and everyone in your general vicinity. 

Visrii then charged a lightning strike and focused it on the fallen bird, exploding its corpse whilst incinerating everything in the area.

That caught the horde's attention.

Suddenly, Visrii saw the mass of black surging toward him like a wave of tar waiting to swallow him whole.

Visrii quickly backpedalled out of the claws of the leading Heartless and started to run toward the other side of the battle-field.

That should keep enough Heartless off those idiots' back, and maybe they'll survive for a little longer.

Visrii felt a claw slashing again at him from behind. But now he had to watch himself.

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Solomon wanted to get up and thank Visrii, but rather unfortunately he only succeeded in doing the first task before the violent young man had ran away from the gathering horde, He wondered why they had been following him all this time, but he knew that with some minor...behavioral adjustments; the violent young man could make a good asset, and he had never been one to waste such an opportunity.

And so the grey cloaked man dusted himself off, and he charged at the horde, there was no time to waste.

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Upon noticing that Alexandria had one of the three larger beasts pinned, Edmond glanced around quickly. The remaining beasts all appeared somewhat injured. One appeared to have been maimed at the base of it's arm-like appendages. The other mobile creature, marred by high voltage burns, stumbled about haphazardly, dazed by the blaring music.

Though the waves of smaller creatures persisted in their offensive, the necromantical creatures seemed on the verge of death.

Whether that death is permanent is the true question...

"Target the ones that can be resurrected! We can get rid of them!"

Sparing as little time as possible, Edmond shouted his suggestion, and slashed his bead of plasma across the back of the nearest creature. Not a mortal wound in any way, but certainly painful.


((OOC: Let's get rid of these things, OK? Target them, and one person can have them all die in unison in their post, right?))

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"Target the ones that can be resurrected! We can get rid of them!"


"With pleasure" Jesse level his rifle at the incoming horde and slowly advances. His teammates are doing a marvelous job of recklessly charging in and beating the crap out of them but only to an extent. The angel knew its time to reap these poor corrupted souls. Without hesitation, A quiet yet fatal gunshot was fired as Jesse dispatch a supersonic bullet from his sniping rifle. It was swift and precise, nailing his target right down to its very soul as it wails in torment, in agony, But strangely enough, no sound was heard from their shrieks no matter how hard the creature try pour their lungs out, as if their voice was taken away in their last moment. The shadowy beast immediately disintegrates without a word and turns it into dark hazy dust.


The sniper smirks and continues to repeat the process of aiming and shooting as if he was in a shooting gallery, firing spell-enchanted bullets after another, bodying most of these shadowy things, The sniper was in a trance of killing these things, unflinchingly firing his gun at deadly precision as only a few remains. Jesse provides cover fire for the team, clearing most of them really. He did not care if most of these creatures resurrect after he shot them, just as long as he able to hurt them over and over again, as far as he can tell these creatures are masochist, His uncle Lucy would be so proud of his nephew right about now. The angel keeps on dishing out bullets, enjoying purging these foul creatures as target practice. 


((OOC: Jesse doesn't have the luxury of nuking things in one go, cuz not all of us have superior firepower but he is doing his job of reducing these things.))



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(OOC: Feel free to target them yourselves, don't forget about the whole resurrection deal)

Solomon had cleared a path towards the potential asset from earlier, and he noticed Edmond firing a beam of plasma towards one of the Shadow beasts chasing Visrii, he wondered if the beasts even feel pain; well...he hoped they could.

The grey cloaked man muttered some half remembered incantation about Steel, a man named Newton and Riddles while he opened fire on the Shadow Beasts; he knew that in a few moments he would hear a loud thundering sound as his spell took hold.

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Alexandria prepares an action to snap the neck of her captive the moment she sees the other shadow beasts go down.  She also preemptively clamps down on its throat in case the resurrection ability requires it to screech.  It'll take a few minutes for it to die of asphyxiation, so the others won't get triggered.  

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