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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"Then there's no use holding back", the grey cloaked man fires the wall at the stranger in a classic formation; first the lower half would go for the legs...

Visrii swiftly jumped over the rapidly incoming wall of books, his halberd readied to strike up against the man's arms. Pesky mage - the cloaked man was more or less harmless but he could see taking out this one first would make the rest of the battle much easier.

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"something tells me he's not convince" Jesse said as the man refuse to listen to reason and just before he could react, Solomon suddenly threw a book at him for god knows reason and the man retaliated back with a lightning bolt coming from his staff and rest well, the two cloaked man are fighting right in front of him.

Welp, so much for peace. Jesse rolls his eyes and decide to let these mortals fight. Perhaps i should intervene, that's what angels do right? Jesse casually loads his rifle whilst the chaos ensues in front of him. on second thought, nah it's waste of my bullets. Jesse cross his arms and watch this two knucklehead mages fight.

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As Venus reconciled with the rest of group with Katsuo, he noticed the commotion that had ensued earlier. The opprobrium of the man in the cloak a mere lighter shade than the one Venus wore seemed almost inscrutable. He amused himself at the evanescent thought of the contents of the various books he contained; what did those books serve to enlighten, "A beginner's guide to stupidity?" Such uncouth fatuousness for a person with many a book in his repertoire.

How inelegant your words are. Surely a fool wrote your script. The words echoed contemptuously in his mind.

His attentions then mostly centred themselves on Eon. For what made up the dragon’s being Venus managed little to comprehend, but the massive wyvern of a being maintained civilized, rather amiable interactions with the rest of the group, and from the looks of it, he had supplied what was some sort of prehistoric corse to the hybrid of human and arachnid, a look of mild disgust hidden from beneath cloak as the ravenous predator sank its fangs into the piece of flesh, butchering it until her appetite was seemingly satiated temporarily. It didn’t leave the sweetest taste in his mouth, but at least it triggered his interest towards the largest, and arguably the most unorthodox, of the beings gathered there. He was either full, didn’t need food, or had far too much to keep on his own; it was logical that he had much more, and he would, one way or another, swindle or acquaint himself to acquire more from this being.

“My enormous entity,” He began as he approached Eon, bowing for the umpteenth time, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Venus Tireur. It would seem a collective hoarder you are, for a dragon. Forgive my cogitations, but, interest me in the.....more beautiful items within your assemblage, wouldn't you?"

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And of course, the rest of the books would aim high at the now jumping man, it was a very simple strategy, but it has always shown its usefulness.

Visrii realised his mistake a split second before his head collided with the books with a thick thud. He staggered back at the unexpected blow, barely recovering his balance with his staff. He cursed his arrogance under his breath has he regained his stance. He hadn't closed ground against this mage and he was wasting time. He checked with the haloed man - right, he was loafing around. This mage, was on his own then. He charged his staff and sent bolts against the mage again. More careful this time.

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The grey cloaked man smile widened, "Ouch, that looked like it hurt" the man prepares another wall of books; hoping for yet another successful assault.

Again, the bolts dissipated against the wall of books, as he had correctly guessed. This mage's spells were annoying but with enough force, he could blast right through the wall. His arms tinged with pain as he prepared a powerful lighting storm against this new adversary. No holding back this time.

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The grey cloaked man notices the stranger stopping his movements, and he launches the wall of books at the stranger at full force.

Time to test, then, He thought grimly.

He brought down his own lightning strike at full force against the incoming wall of books, aiming to attack right through this wall and directly at the mage.

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The lightning chars the majority off the still advancing books, but despite the wall's best efforts; the jolt of lightning still makes it through to the grey cloaked man's... Additional layer of hardcover books; the edges of the man's grey cloak are charred, and the pain wracking his body was quite intense.

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The lightning chars the majority off the still advancing books, but despite the wall's best efforts; the jolt of lightning still makes it through to the grey cloaked man's... Additional layer of hardcover books; the edges of the man's grey cloak are charred, and the pain wracking his body was quite intense.

Visrii saw through the charred piles of books that he had scored a hit on the mage. However his triumph was short lived as he felt piercing pain on his staff arm, the red patches getting more vibrant. Damn it! He looked banefully against his adversary, holding his staff arm with his other. Just one more strike...

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In that moment the grey cloaked man remembered something as he lay on the floor of the castle; that the back of the human head is more fragile than the front, and so he laughed as he imagined it, he saw it falling from the heavens, he saw it covered in an odd blue light, but not just in his mind, and he knew where he wanted it to hit.

(A book falls from the sky and arcs towards the stranger)

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In that moment the grey cloaked man remembered something as he lay on the floor of the castle; that the back of the human head is more fragile than the front, and so he laughed as he imagined it, he saw it falling from the heavens, he saw it covered in an odd blue light, but not just in his mind, and he knew where he wanted it to hit.

(A book falls from the sky and arcs towards the stranger)

Visrii growled and let go of his injured arm. One more hit. One more hit. He sprinted toward the grey cloaked man, halberd brandished. Let's end this.

In all his zeal, however, he need not noticed a singular book flying across the pale sky streaking towards him.

One more hit.

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The grey cloaked man notices the stranger charging towards him, he tries to move out of the way, but his body wouldn't respond; he could barely move; not that it would do much help anyway; the man seemed very intent on killing him, but thankfully as the stranger prepared to swing his halberd; the book finally arrived with a loud thundering sound.

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...apparently while the Primordial was speaking, her 'friend' has awakened and promptly gotten into a fight. Mother damn it.


And he's already gotten himself knocked out again.


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"Well. That could have gone better. Solomon. Next time he awakens, please let someone else speak to him alright? I don't think you're quite capable of handling him civilly."

Edmond had always prided himself on being a somewhat competent judge of character, but this was a complete and utter surprise to him. I would have thought that if anyone had knocked someone out this soon, it would have been Snow...well actually, she did try.

I don't even understand how this happened. All the guy wanted was some space. Don't step any closer and all that.

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The grey cloaked man summons some more books, at first they seemed like mere pamphlets, and they slid underneath the now unconscious man, and the makeshift platform rises; with larger, tougher looking books replacing the smaller books.

The grey cloaked man slowly rises, and he tries to walk; he stumbles and falls, but he gets back up again; he slowly walks over to the young man and takes his weapon away from him.

The grey cloaked man glares at the entity; despite his innate distrust of it; he had expected it to at least try and restrain the man, and he knew that it was a bad idea to not take the stranger's weapon from him.

"Leon, does this place have a chemist? Or a competent doctor? Or perhaps a prison would be more appropriate?".

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Suddenly, the flat of a blade strikes the back of Solomon's head, sending his unconscious form crumpling to the ground. "Is there any way you idiots could avoid trying to kill each other? If you keep this up we'll just have to find a way to fend off the Heartless on our own, because there's no way in hell we're handing valuable supplies over to people that behave like this." He irritably brandishes his gunblade at the group before returning it to his belt with rather more force than necessary.

"No, I don't know why your gun doesn't work on Heartless. As for fixing the defenses of this place, we haven't knocked anything down because the overall goal is to restore this place to what it used to look like, once upon a time. Before the Heartless. Just follow me, and someone carry these two morons so we can deal with them." He proceeds down the stairs in a huff.

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Thank god someone can deal with these inexplicably violent people. It That Embraces may be all-loving, but sometimes love requires a firm hand, and she can admit she can be slow to present it.

[Agreement, exasperation. They are foolish, but they are still people. I do not wish to abandon them, but...]

A long, mental sigh, as she picks up both Visrii and Solomon. She turns to topics more interesting and less frustrating as they proceed.

[Curiosity. A time before the Heartless?]

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"I hope none of you mind if I take this, for safekeeping?"

Edmond stepped over and pried the halberd out of the now unconscious Solomon's hands.

Well, I'm glad our guide is competent...The fact that none of intervened would have made this newcomer distrust us even more. Knowing that his attacker has been dealt with may increase his trust marginally.

"I don't think we really want Solomon gaining another weapon...right?"

Edmond hesitated for a moment, then pried the ring, which seemed to be the source of Solomon's power, from his finger.

It destroy any increased trust that this man may have gained from us when we incapacitated Solomon, if he saw that we still retained his weapon, but not Solomon's.

"If none of you object, I think that it's probably best if I hold onto this for a while as well. ...It that Embraces. You can prevent them from attacking me the moment they awaken, right? I would greatly appreciate that."

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Kagari breathed a sigh of relief as the stupid bookflinger was put to sleep. Her anger began to cool down. First the misuse of books, then the stupid, insensitive and honestly rude joke about farming, then now this. Literally an unprovoked attack. So aggressive, so thoughtless. He was just like those dumb little low-level adventurers that went around slaughtering her siblings. The thought of their actions - and by association, Solomon's actions - made her metaphorical blood boil. If their guide hadn't stepped in, she might have broken her own rule and eaten him just to sever the annoyance.

Continuing to follow behind their guide, she muttered under her breath, saying something in a voice far softer than what the human ear could hear.

"Stupid, exasperating newborn."

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Edmond considered the weapon in his hand. The blade was slightly dull, but that was typical for a weapon like an axe or a halberd. I suppose he wouldn't want the blade to chip when it hit armor. The shaft was slightly stained with remnants of blood, and inscribed upon it were the words "Fatum Iustrum Stultorum"

That's Latin, even if he comes from another world...It's been a long time since I read any Latin...Fate, that's for certain. Stultorum...genitive plural. So "of the stupid".

Actually, better would be 'of fools'. But what is Iustrum? I've never seen that adjective before......unless......It's mispelled? Then it should be Iustum.

Edmond let out a hearty chuckle. So that's what it means...

"The just fate of fools..." he murmured to himself.

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Eon was glad to see that Leon was capable of dealing with the issue involving the fight from earlier. Really, Eon couldn't fathom how someone could be this silly. His idea on the case study, which started more as a joke, may actually have enough meat to be something substantial. He would have to wait and see. His train of thought was interrupted by a person named Venus asking him about something.

“My enormous entity,” He began as he approached Eon, bowing for the umpteenth time, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Venus Tireur. It would seem a collective hoarder you are, for a dragon. Forgive my cogitations, but, interest me in the.....more beautiful items within your assemblage, wouldn't you?"

"I wouldn't necessarily call myself a hoarder, since I won't take anything that comes my way anymore. Mostly gold though. For whatever reason when I decide to go planet side, half of the time people think I want gold. Ages ago I was willing to take it, but now I have too much of it. What's worse, I can barely use it anywhere thanks to gold flooding certain markets. But that's another matter. As for beautiful objects, I don't have anything like artworks or the like, though I do have raw dyes if that interests you," Eon told the individual, curious about what he wanted.

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The spider was beginning to seriously doubt just how competent these fleshbags were. Compared to her old group, they certainly seemed far more lenient on people suddenly showing up and attacking them after they wasted their time and their energy carrying their injured lot a good distance. Hell, there was one time they were followed for a couple dozen miles by some long eared fleshie who wore leather and furs and called himself a "ranger", came out of the bushes one night and looked right at her before trying to fire an arrow...

turned out whatever the hell a "Ranger" was, it didn't stand her venom very well. The others though, they wouldn't let her eat him, no, no, spouted nonsense about using him for information and ransom, squidman had even suggested he could turn him to their side if given enough time. dummies made her inject the antibodies and cure him soon after. It wasn't even two days later when he finally woke up after squidman claimed he'd finish and the fucker would be eager to help them, and tried to knife the cephalopod in the back as he was working on the map... yeah, they saw what she had from the very beginning after that. The ranger's head was nothing but a steaming mess of blood and brain and bone fragments when squidy was done with him, and they all gladly let her have at the corpse.

A shame these fleshies didn't follow the same mindset. They were far too soft, too forgiving. That penchant for mercy was going to cause more problems than it would solve, and these two were absolute proof of it... but she was stuck with them regardless. Whatever, so long as the space dragon and White One kept giving her food, there wasn't much reason to leave...

And come to think of it, who would she happen to hear break into conversation as she made to follow the White One... but him

"But that's another matter. As for beautiful objects, I don't have anything like artworks or the like, though I do have raw dyes if that interests you"

Nigh immediately, she did a 180 turn to face him, eyes gleaming with a strange excitement as another myriad of stiched voices crossed the distance between their minds.

"Dyes? Pretty Colors? Glorious Colors? Can have color?"

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Almost immediately after mentioning dyes, he heard Aurora inquire about them through the telepathic link. Looking over, he saw that she was quite excited about the idea of him having dyes. He decided to respond to her request by opening another rift, and pulling out a small amount of a few dyes he had, in orange, blue, and green coloration.

"These are some of the ones that I currently possess. I do have a few other colors in storage though if you're interested," Eon thought to Aurora, floating the three dyes over to Aurora's hands.

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