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Problem text is bolded in red, it is but a small line, but it is an important thing to bring up.

Don't expressively take an action with an NPC ((or another's character.)) unless they expressly took this action, or you are given permission to do so. The Lord In Violet/Whatever bloody colour he is wearing at the time is under my control and could be considered... one of my characters. Unless I give you the go ahead to do so, don't ever have him make an express action that I didn't state happening myself as the owner of the character. This is what is called bunnying, or the controlling of another's character. It is typically frowned upon to do so... though this is a very mild example. because one shouldn't be taking the control away from the owner of said character. What is the point if another player can just manipulate another's character on a whim? THis is a mild example as I ahve stated before, but a lot of times it leads to god-modding by the ways of forcing attacks of your character's to land on an oppenent without allowing them to react themselves...etc...

It is best to know curb this as it is the opening rather than far down the line in this RP. Remember, do not control NPCs unless expressly told you can by me in any fashion in your own posts. This applies to the other PCs as well.

My apologies. Sorry about that. I kinda know we're not supposed to modify other characters out of our own will yet, but thought such a gesture was a mild one. I thought it was fine given the presumed permission to put our own quotes on the the Lord of Violet himself (for instance Neville's post), although I understand the difference. I wanted to relate it, I guess.

I guess I'll change it, although telling me how would probably be better.

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Yagami, maybe you could have your character come to the realisation on his own that a sword is sheathed behind him? It could be triggered by him thinking about the necessity of a weapon.

I've already modified it your way before I noticed this, but thanks. I kind of want the emphasis that the Lord is giving my character most if not all of the clarity he needs, I suppose, but I suppose touching on the Lord himself is going a bit too far.

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Kuna, my brain is struggling to delay to whenever the hell we reach the Halls, lf update. Well, I understand if you want more of it first but, you know.

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Eh, I am trying to leave it at a point where I can update everybody straight up to the halls. ((Cause I know kinda what order all of you arrived in in my head whereas you guys don't.)) so, I am just leaving people on their last response if I feel it doesn't need to go further. ((like if I haven't responded to yours in particular, that is the reason why.))

So, big question... who hasn't intro'd their character to some capacity yet?

Also @Nero, we do not really enforce writing levels etc... on this particular sub-forum. We are a pretty small community so I would rather RPs be as open as possible. This RP I would consider mid-levelish though, cause I am always a bit lax on specifics, but I personally want the best that people can reasonably do. So, keep that in mind. Basically, I am not going to be accepting one liners... etc that sort of stuff, but I am not exactly going to crack down on grammar etc... unless it is a case where it needs to be done. Personally... I don't really have time for that shit I am not going to do it. Also... keep in mind this RP does ahve basically permadeath... so Super Fleshed out characters who might just end up dying battle 1 just doesn't mesh well, so suuuuper overarching stuff in characters isn't going to go amazingly. This is why I made it so that the characters died BEFORE the story at least once. They were pretty much at the end of their developmental cycle in their own story so they are more complete than say a fresh off the blocks character. Why I wanted pretty long backstories for the characters that way... they didn't exactly require a bunch of in game play to acquire their narrative, they already had part of one at the very least.

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Huk I'm really sorry mate, I have to back down from this.. I really wanted to get involved but I guess it wasn't meant to be.. You can use my char for an NPC if you want..

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Annocument time. #SorryNotSorry for the Double Post. Once I get Nero up to the point where I can get his character to the Halls of Sorrow, we are finished with this little opening scene. If you have not intro'd your character I AM NOT WAITING for you any longer. Anywho, all those that have done so, you are good and I feel that our interactions are done for the time being. Once I wrap that up with Nero we will get into the meat and potatoes of this bad boy. It will hopefully get a bit more action packed then and move itself along a bit more lol.

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A small side note, though I don't think it has been or will be an issue.

To those who've not yet noticed, my writing style tends to be a mixture of narration with character thought peppered in. The idea is to blur the line between what I'm describing and what the character is thinking, to try to give you their perception of the surroundings. While actions are described realistically, everything he sees, hears, thinks or otherwise is filtered through him first before reaching the page.

That said, don't take most of what Matthew thinks seriously from an OOC perspective. If I write that he could kill a god with naught but his phallus and a piece of twine, I'd most certainly be lying. Since he is an arrogant fellow, he tends to overestimate his own abilities.

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Honestly I just really wanted to use the "defeating a god with your dick and some thread" bit

Side note:

Each turned on their hell as they spoke to the others. "Very well, I shall lead you to the Master. Please follow me, we shall arrive shortly."

Unless you mean that when each of they spun, they did so so fiercely that they dug a hole straight into Tartarus itself, you probably mean "heel" there.

Only correcting you because that one actually made me giggle. Oh, the imagery.

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Man... my typos are the worst XD.

Also my favourite part of this whole exchange going on. I explained that the missive is literally basically a permission slip for the Messenger to to take you to the Audience Hall. That is literally all it is XD. It says basically ((albeit much more fancily and drawn out cause... yea XD.)) "Can I take you to the Audience Hall? Yes or No."

The servants can't do anything against your will therefore they have to know that you want to be taken there XD. I just love how pretty much every character has been like this is some kind of binding contract etc... and has painstakingly read through it lol. Oh how paperwork gets to people.

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