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I've edited my backstory.

Name: Neville Frostburn
Archetype: Wizard
Arcane Focus: Evocation
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 27
Appearance: Neville is 5'7 tall, has a slender body, has pale skin complexion and has a youthful appearance due to his elven blood. his spiky hair is white as snow, and his ear are pointy like an elf. His eye color differ from each other and seems to be heterochromatic as Neville's left eye is fiery orange while his right eye is sky blue in color.
Neville wears an elegant hooded black robe fit for a king, a white sash wrap around his waist. and a mithril light armor serving as his undershirt. Also, what's a wizard without his staff?Neville carries a huge wooden staff with a crooked hook-like tip.
Personality: Neville is a straight forward, mischievous, brash, upbeat young Elementalist who takes no responsiblity for his actions,he just simply do what he thinks is "fun." never thinking of the consequences as long as he get a good laugh out of it.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
Evocation ((Passive))
Neville can summon the forces of Ice, Fire and Lightning at the tip of his finger. casting basic jolts of elements at his opponent.
Active: Tetra Vortex - Neville summons forth a destructive spell, combining all 3 elements into one gigantic attack. this spell can only be achieved if Neville has three levitating orbs at by his side(see passive), these orbs represents the very essence of fire, ice and lightning all linked together by Neville. At his own will, Neville can fire these spheres towards his opponent and explodes upon impact, creating a huge elemental vortex that traps his foes for a short period of time. this attack may cause alignments like burning, freezing or paralyzation.this attack deals fire, ice and lightning damage.
Passive: Invoker's soul - Each time Neville cast a spell, he gains an elemental orb of that spell (fire magic -> fire orb, ice magic -> ice orb, lightning -> lightning orb. he needs to cast 3 different elements in order to cast his signiture move) these orbs has no effect what so ever and is only for show and a prerequisite for his Tetra vortex.
Toggle: Winter's curse - being the son of an ice witch, Neville can easily evoke the chilling presence of the tundra. Neville cloaks himself in a mist of blistering cold winds, that flows through his body like an icy aura of somesort.
-While in this state, All Ice attribute attacks are amplified(him and his opponent) ..Any enemies standing near to Neville can feel numbness and sheer cold temperature surging through their body to the point that their attacks are slowed. most of the projectiles that launch at Neville will freeze upon mid-air and deals lesser damage to him upon impact.
-As long as this spell is active, Neville cannot cast any elemental spells other than ice magic, his movement speed is tempered as well. also, he cannot overextend this spell duration due to he is not immune to the harsh cold and can suffer the same effect as his opponent.
Background: Neville is the forbidden Love child of a human cinder paladin(Chrisoff) and an Elven Ice witch. After which, Neville's mother and father are separated,His mother (Elena) return to ther village and took the liberty in bearing this child in her womb and decided to keep it, enduring all the discrimination that the others might say in her life choices. It was this moment that the icy village of the Frozen waste was alarmed and strongly disapprove of this news.Clearly her village is a bit racist towards humans and was not pleased on this idea as Elena remains sturdy and continues deliver this fatherless infant into the world.
Elena gave birth to her firstborn that has the potential to wield fire and lightning, along with her primary magic: the gift of Ice. Some say it's a bad omen for an Ice elf to give birth to an offspring that can control fire and lightning, not to mention being half-human doesn't help the situation either.But all of that doesn't matter to Elena, Neville means everything to her and was blessing that he came into the world of Graterras.
The Elders of this village didn't take this sacrilegious act very lightly and decided to kill the Elena and her baby. Elena heard the news and decided to sneak away with her first born out of the village and hid Neville somewhere safe in the middle of the frozen wasteland. Unfortunately, Elena wasn't so lucky as the others catch to her as she was stabbed to death by her own people and was imprisoned inside an ice pillar.
for days, Neville was trapped in a magical icy dome until a group of traveling bandits found him in a pile of thick snow. They were surprised on how a baby is able to survive in this harsh environment. not to mention they've found a half-elf. which is rare in this parts.
The leader of the group decided to keep this magic-infused baby and raise him as one of their own. They may not have been the best role model for Neville, but they sure teach him how to survive and adapt under any circumstances; And together, they pillage random villages as the young wizard grew up.
unlike his fellow bandits, Neville differs in taste. he isn't found by any means of money or treasure, but he craves something different, Neville seeks out of knowledge in witchcraft and spellbooks he could find in every village whenever they decide to go plundering. From that, Neville magic grew stronger and learns a wide variety of elemental spells from time to time earning the title "Rogue Elementalist".

Neville doesn't speak much of his past, altho he is getting visions of his cyromancer mother when he was still an infant and his father is still unknown to him.. well that is until, one faithful day..

Neville decided to abandon his fellow bandits and return to his village to seek out the truth about his past. on his way there, something caught his attention, 2 cinder paladins are fighting each other to the death. The clashing of two fiery swords collides as the two went at it with their all, Neville just stood there and watch the whole fight unfold. The younger paladin seems to have the upper hand and was about to deliver the final blow. But for some strange reason he turned his attention to Neville and let his guard down and got impaled by the older paladin.

"Sorry you have to see that son.." the battered old paladin said as he shoves the lifeless body. The elementalist was baffled on why the older paladin said that, maybe they're somehow related to each other. Neville learns the whole story about his family and hat this man is his father.

Neville got manipulated by his devious father to the point he swore an oath to kill every cinderknight there is, extinguishing their flames one way or the other. The rogue wizard went hunting for cinderknights as he targets them one by one with his destructive spells. unfortunately, his killing spree was put to an end when he got shot a by an anti magic arrow by a mysterious bounty hunter who works for the cinder knights. He has failed his mission and was killed in action, never knowing the truth about that his father trick him in doing this hideous act.

Edited by Ragnar
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This seems quite interesting, mind if I put up a sheet?

I'm not familiar with how combat goes down on this site, but I can assume its like the general T(insert number here) systems yes? Since I see no mention of dice mechanics( Which I am not fond of).

Not, entirely sure what that means lol. But no it doesn't use dice etc.... it is mostly and honor system with story building in mind. ((basically... it is pretty much an honor system of don't god mod etc.... and be reasonable with the events that occur.[taking attacks, not assuming attacks land, etc...))

eeeeeee Marcus is coming back \o/ Jupiter would be so-- oh, wait... How far from the previous Graterras RP is this one with regards to time? ._.

also Kuna, mine too .w.

Uh... can't really say. The Clash of Fate takes Place on another Plane of Existence so it doesn't really match the time line of the Real World.

also hopefully I will be getting to the Bios I have missed until now today. ((no promises though I am busy XD. But I want to get this thing going so Trust me I will try to get it done in a reasonbile time for Hukuna.))

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Yep, sorry must have missed it. From a quick glance, I can suggest one change right away. Change Sword and Board to Specialist for your Signature Fighting Style.

Reason being, Sword and Board is exclusively One Handed Weapons + A Shield. Specialist Style covers anything that doesn't fit under other categories and is the most flexible Sig style. ((Case in point, using a Single One Handed Sword doesn't have the same benefits as using one with a Shield, it is a much faster style that throws defense out the window Where as Sword and Board focuses more on Keeping yourself safe from projectiles while closing in. It then provides another weapon and something to deflect blows with. [cause remember folks... SHields hurt when you hit people with them.]))

You may want to actually change to a Rogue, as it is about fighting with just a sword or single handed weaponry without the use of a shield etc... but that is up to you. I will look over the rest in due time.

Yeah, I did ask about it before I made my character. Someone else said it was fine so I stuck with it, although I'll go edit my Fighting style now.

I'll stick with Warrior because Rogues still use minor magic and tricks, to my knowledge after reading the OP, which is not how I want my character to be. He's a fast/frail warrior type, so to speak, but if you think it'd be better in that I'd swap to Rogue, sure.

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Yeah, I did ask about it before I made my character. Someone else said it was fine so I stuck with it, although I'll go edit my Fighting style now.

I'll stick with Warrior because Rogues still use minor magic and tricks, to my knowledge after reading the OP, which is not how I want my character to be. He's a fast/frail warrior type, so to speak, but if you think it'd be better in that I'd swap to Rogue, sure.

I only put that there for consideration. It is entirely up to you after all. You seem to have thought your character through so I don't mind him sticking as a Warrior if you believe it fits better. He is your character afterall.

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Uh no, you can't have Unique items that do anything. They do not exist in Graterras just as is ((in the case of Weapons.)) ANd they are very rare otherwise. ((Some of the Divine Knights have a few, but they got them from the Gods etc... or their Quests in life. No PC is that much of a Hero that they would have an item that has any kind of power.))

I should note though as long it doesn't have magical powers etc... it is fine. ((Like no Swords that shoot Fireballs.)), but if it has a mechanism... explain how it works. ((this would be considered a Signature though yes. As it is a Trick weapon that does a certain thing, and the Trick to suing it... is the Signature.))

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but unique items in terms of backstory are fine? Like PSSes Sinbads Bianca for example, no extra power just a signature weapon? May as well ask now :P

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Yea, I just don't want things that have intrinsic magic etc...

Things like Excalibur don't exist in Graterras for a very very specific reason... all Magical Weapons were destroyed. The People of Graterras realized... "Hey... maybe it is a terrible idea to let crazy death ray shooting Swords lying around etc... let's just destroy this shit before it becomes an issue."

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It is an Umbrella. However, a Signature level spell counts as a whole signature level slot. Basically, Rudimentary Magic is just a set of weak minor spells that make up the basic spell arsenal any Spellcaster of that type would have. Signature Level Spells don't really conform to the Magic they are of in full ((Like Wild Magic at a Signature level can summon FIre etc... that Rudimentary never could. Where as Arcane could Summon much more power Fire than rudimentary Arcane can. Arcane could also be used to replicate WIld Magic at a Signature Level, but there has to be a reason for it etc...))

But, a Signature Level SPell takes a whole slot. It is the Magical equilvant of Martial Skill. ((Like Dust's Mighty Terranix Crushes the Mountain is an attack. But, if I made it a spell where he threw a giant boulder of Earth at someone instead, it would take that slot still. Hopefully... that makes it clear enough? XD I am not the best at explainin' sometimes.))

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So then, to clarify, there are only signature level spells? Not signature level magic itself? For example, could I have a character that has signature level of the magic so as to be able to do all of the things in the rudimentary magic at a highly advanced level?

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No Signature Level magic exists, the issue is that it is so vast and complicated you cannot learn all of it. ((Since some of it is learning how to converse with Elementals and different spirits etc...)) Basically... the Signature Spells you create are the Pieces of Signature Level Magic your character has learned. It can either be More power versions of Basic Magic ((which means using it is more draining etc...)) or do things that Basic Level Magic can't do.

Easiest Example I can think of is relating it to D and D and hope this sticks and makes sense otherwise this is going to suck.

Basic Magic would over Cantrips up to Level 2 Spells. Levels 3-9 would all fall under Signature Magic. However, Mages in Graterras have to pick and choose to hone certain spells because it takes a very long time to learn how to use said Magic without it killing you etc... Basically, Signature level spells have to be honed and practiced like a Martial Skill, because they are that complicated etc... and there just isn't enough time in one's life time to learn all of it.

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Okay then, I feel like I misunderstood this system when creating a character. I'll scrap the one I'm working on and get to work on simpler concepts like traditional smash and tank warrior stuff.

Rather, may I just send you what I have worked on and see whether it is acceptable?

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It is pretty much that way yes. Though the Middle Level are also Signatures, but they don't have drawbacks in anyway other than more strain than basic magic.

While the Third tier has long cast times and really does a number on the person casting. So, there are Sigs that are low impact, and sigs that are high impact.

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Double Posting for the sake of I need this seen etc... so yea and stuffs so doesn't count as one. Anyways...

Update on how things are going here.

  1. I am still working over Flux's and Noir's Character profiles. I will hope to have some feedback for you folks by tomorrow.
  2. 3 new characters have been accepted in Acquie's character, Zephy's character and Exlink's Character. They all check out, no problems I see. ((might have missed some chars that should be... see lower down.))
  3. I am still waiting on Yash and Ragnar's Profiles to be completely done etc... so I can look them over. And I believe that is all... unless I am forgetting someone then oops sorry XD. ((If I did forget you or somebody else PLEASE let me know XD. I am all over the place so I forget things sometimes lol. It be really helpful for somebody to wrangle up what I am missing etc. I would greatly appreciate it lol.))
  4. I have updated how I will add accepted characters to the O.P. by linking directly to the post that their Profile is housed at. I would ask of you guys to test the links for me to make sure they go to the right place etc...
  5. I am currently working on finishing Snow and Ignacio's backstories and the OP for the RP I hope to get this up in the next couple of days if I can manage but you folks will have to bare with me lol. Also, at a certain point I am shipping it out without characters who are not finished. So get your characters done so we can get this show on the road!!! Otherwise the show is leaving you behind.
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I would prefer not lol. I am not a big fan of the Multiple character thing unless in veeeeeeeeery specific situations. For this I would rather people stick to one. ((mostly cause I don't feel like policing the possible shenanigans that could crop up within this RP with having it. I know YOU wouldn't do it to me, but to allow you to do it, means I have to open that option to all players [because I don't do special treatments, something one player can do all players should be allowed to do.] , and I am sorry, but I really don't want that to be open to all players. I just don't see it ending well for the RP. Like not very well at all XD.))

Now... Imma get back to slacking off, working on this RP etc... getting things approved and what not yadda yadda XD.

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Name: Neville Frostburn

Archetype: Wizard
Arcane Focus: Evocation
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 27
Appearance: Neville is 5'7 tall, has a slender body, has pale skin complexion and has a youthful appearance due to his elven blood. his spiky hair is white as snow, and his ear are pointy like an elf. His eye color differ from each other and seems to be heterochromatic as Neville's left eye is fiery orange while his right eye is sky blue in color. Neville wears an elegant hooded black robe fit for a king, a white sash wrap around his waist. and a mithril ((Mythril doesn't exist in Graterras, just a small note. Nor can wizards wear armour remove this please.)) light armor serving as his undershirt. Also, what's a wizard without his staff?Neville carries a huge wooden staff with a crooked hook-like tip.
Personality: Neville is a straight forward, mischievous, brash, upbeat young Elementalist who takes no responsibility for his actions,he just simply do what he thinks is "fun." never thinking of the consequences as long as he get a good laugh out of it.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
Evocation ((Passive))
Neville can summon the forces of Ice, Fire and Lightning at the tip of his finger. casting basic jolts of elements at his opponent.
Active: Tetra Vortex - Neville summons forth a destructive spell, combining all 3 elements into one gigantic attack. this spell can only be achieved if Neville has three levitating orbs at by his side(see passive), these orbs represents the very essence of fire, ice and lightning all linked together by Neville. At his own will, Neville can fire these spheres towards his opponent and explodes upon impact, creating a huge elemental vortex that traps his foes for a short period of time. this attack may cause alignments like burning, freezing or paralyzation.((< What does this even mean? Alignments really make me understand what you are saying here... because what does that mean? If you mean Ailments, as in Status Ailments, remove this part. This isn't an Pokemon or a video game such thing as a Status ailment doesn't exist. Otherwise, this ability is fine.)) this attack deals fire, ice and lightning damage.
Passive: Invoker's soul - Each time Neville cast a spell, he gains an elemental orb of that spell (fire magic -> fire orb, ice magic -> ice orb, lightning -> lightning orb. he needs to cast 3 different elements in order to cast his signature move) these orbs has no effect what so ever and is only for show and a prerequisite for his Tetra vortex.
((This one is fine.))
Toggle: Winter's curse - being the son of an ice witch, Neville can easily evoke the chilling presence of the tundra. Neville cloaks himself in a mist of blistering cold winds, that flows through his body like an icy aura of some sort.
-While in this state, All Ice attribute attacks are amplified(him and his opponent) ..Any enemies standing near to Neville can feel numbness and sheer cold temperature surging through their body to the point that their attacks are slowed. most of the projectiles that launch at Neville will freeze upon mid-air and deals lesser damage to him upon impact.
-As long as this spell is active, Neville cannot cast any elemental spells other than ice magic, his movement speed is tempered as well. also, he cannot overextend this spell duration due to he is not immune to the harsh cold and can suffer the same effect as his opponent.
((Abilities even Toggles, can only achieve 1 thing or concept. THis ability Increases the Power of his Ice Magic and that of his opponets. His speed should not become increased without good reason. Ice slows things it doesn't speed them up. Basically this ability has a buttload of little things that add up to way more powerful then it should be. Such as freezing most projectiles or slowing them down. My suggestion, Just make it effect his spellcasting by increasing his Ice Magic's power but increasing his own weakness to it as well. ))
Background: Neville is the forbidden ((I still don't understand this part... Cinder Knights have zero restrictions on their love life. There is no such thing as a "Forbidden Love Child" and I really wish you would remove this part.))Love child of a human cinder paladin(Chrisoff) and an Elven Ice witch. After which, Neville's mother and father got separated,His mother (Elena) return to ther village and took the liberty in bearing this child in her womb and decided to keep it, enduring all the discrimination that the others might say in her life choices. It was this moment that the icy village of the Frozen waste was alarmed and strongly disapprove of this news.Clearly her village is a bit racist towards humans and was not pleased on this idea as Elena remains sturdy and continues deliver this fatherless infant into the world. ((Where is this Village located? Cause I still have zero idea.))
Elena gave birth to her firstborn that has the potential to wield fire and lightning, along with her primary magic: the gift of Ice. Some say it's a bad omen for an Ice elf to give birth to an offspring that can control fire and lightning, not to mention being half-human doesn't help the situation either.But all of that doesn't matter to Elena, Neville means everything to her and was blessing that he came into the world of Graterras.
((^ I have a big issue with this text here. It implies there is such a thing as an Ice Elf... which... there is not. I'd ask people not create Races in a world I created, especially if I am never approached about it.))
The Elders of this village didn't take this sacrilegious act very lightly and decided to kill the Elena and her baby. ((< I still need this explained as it makes no sense to me.)) Elena heard the news and decided to sneak away with her first born out of the village and hid Neville somewhere safe in the middle of the frozen wasteland. Unfortunately, Elena wasn't so lucky as the others catch to her as she was stabbed to death by her own people and was imprisoned inside an ice pillar.
for days, Neville was trapped in a magical icy dome until a group of traveling bandits found him in a pile of thick snow. They were surprised on how a baby is able to survive in this harsh environment. not to mention they've found a half-elf. which is rare in this parts.
The leader of the group decided to keep this magic-infused baby and raise him as one of their own. ((Why? Bandits aren't exactly the type who pick up random children. ))They may not have been the best role model for Neville, but they sure teach him how to survive and adapt under any circumstances; And together, they pillage random villages as the young wizard grew up.
unlike his fellow bandits, Neville differs in taste. he isn't found by any means of money or treasure, but he craves something different, Neville seeks out of knowledge in witchcraft and spellbooks he could find in every village whenever they decide to go plundering. From that, Neville magic grew stronger and learns a wide variety of elemental spells from time to time earning the title "Rogue Elementalist".

Neville doesn't speak much of his past, although he is getting visions of his cyromancer mother when he was still an infant and his father is still unknown to him. well, that is until one fateful day.. ((Yea, no... This screams Sue. Visions are the domain of the Gods, or very powerful Diviners like Signature Spell level of power. THat is unless I am misinterpreting it.))

Neville decided to abandon his fellow bandits and return to his village to seek out the truth about his past. On his way there, something caught his attention, 2 cinder paladins are fighting each other to the death. Neville just stood there and watch the whole fight unfold as the younger paladin seems to have the upper hand and was about to deliver the final blow. But for some strange reason he turned his attention to Neville and tries to kill him. the younger paladin let his guard down and got impaled by the older paladin.

"Sorry you have to see that son.." the battered old paladin said as he shoves the lifeless body. The elementalist was baffled on why the older paladin said that, maybe they're somehow related to each other. He later found out that this man is his father.

Cristoff then forged a lie and told Neville that the cinderknights are coming to get him, that he was trying to protect him; twisting his story about his own betrayal and conceal the truth that he just killed his legitimate son(Rafael).

Neville got manipulated by his father's words and trick him into kill every cinderknight there is, extinguishing their flames one way or the other to protect himself and his father. The rogue wizard blindly follows Crisoff's order and went hunting for cinderknights as he targets them one by one with his destructive spells. Unfortunately, his killing spree was put to an end when he got shot by an anti-magic arrow that hinders him to use any of his sorcery as he got slain by a mysterious bounty hunter who works for the cinder knights. ((The Cinder Knights would never hire a Bounty Hunter. They would Kill you themselves... with Holy Fire. Also, how is this character a hero... or even considered an Anti-hero for that matter? All he did was kill innocents time after time. He has no reason to ever have shown up at the Hall of Sorrows right now because he is genuinely... a pretty shitty person by this description. I am sorry, but this is going to need a pretty major rewrite for me to accept it. Because well... I don't see at all why this character would eve be put into the Hall of Sorrows. All he did was plunder innocent villages, and kill the Members of a Holy Order of Knights... what says hero ((or even anti-hero?)) about that?))

The elven wizard failed his mission and was killed in action as he ascends to the halls of sorrow and hopes to get a second chance to correct his past.

Alright... things I have said are in red.

@Flux. I don't have much issue with yours other than 1 thing... your one Signature being just Full Control of Plant Matter. ((this was my mistake so I am going to explain it a bit better.)) THat was jsut an example of something that could be used as the basis for a spell. Like with Basic WIld Magic, the most you could do is talk to plants ((yes really.)), and get them to do small things much like WIzards etc, invoke Spirits to use elemental spells, you just invoke the plant instead. So, the weaker versions of these spells you can entangle a foe, or otherwise impede them at most. ((and cause somewhat minor damage.))

Full Control might mean you can control plant matter to become something else or do something you otherwise couldn't by making it into a spell. You get what I mean?

@Noir, it pretty much checks out, though... I want to know how your character specifically died as it is not in the backstory. It is important I know that, and at least have an inkling of the thing they wish to undo by winning the Clash of Fates.

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Ok, i've change a couple of things, and i believe an explanation is in order:

-remove the mithril armor part making him a fragile wizard

-remove the paralyzation part about Neville's signature move.

- fixed Neville's toggle spell.

-remove the forbidden part

- Neville's village can be found at the cold region of graterras (i'm not sure where that is or if that even exist in your world.. but lets just say somewhere near a mountain range to keep things vague)

-change the ice elf into a regular elf (maybe i should be more careful about phrasing, Elena is just a regular elf who controls the magic of ice)

-redo his backstory to make it more heroic and less convoluted.

can be found at page 3.

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