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Aye, it falls under Abjuration Magic rather than Evocation only difference. ((Basically... there could reasonably be Light Related Spells of any type of Magic other than Necromancy and Conjuration.... because Necromancy uses Negative Energy exclusively while Conjuration can't summon a Light Elemental since there is no such thing a Light Spirit. [Elementals are just a type of Spirit basically.]))

However, the exact school of magic only really matters if you are a Wizard so no need to worry about that.

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so I can't decide between either but would a Priest-Druid mix be too OP and too Sue-y?

Probably, though the solution is pretty easy.

Just pick Druid as the Archetype and have the character follow some religion. ((Since Tectaniteus, Aelia, and Bartimis can double as Nature gods to some extent. I mean Bartimis is highly associated with Trees, Apples, and Hummingbirds, and as a God of Life... he did give life to all of Nature as well such as plants etc...)) Cause I will point out that Signature Level Magic can be on any character that knows some form of magic but it can BE ANY form of magic because Signature level magic doesn't follow the same rules as basic magic. So, you could take spells that reflect the character's patron deity, by taking say a Earth signature spell if going with Techy, or Weather/WInd related SPells if going with Aelia etc. [bartimis's magic funnily enough is very similar to what Wild Magic Offers already.] But as taking base as a Druid you can still get Wild Form and not have to go with a much weaker polymorph type magic sig. ((Polymorphing has a lot of downsides to make sure Wild Form has a pretty distinct advantage.)).

Keep in mind folks, not everyone in a religious order is given powers by the gods, some are just simple people that preach the word lol.

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Probably, though the solution is pretty easy.

Just pick Druid as the Archetype and have the character follow some religion. ((Since Tectaniteus, Aelia, and Bartimis can double as Nature gods to some extent. I mean Bartimis is highly associated with Trees, Apples, and Hummingbirds, and as a God of Life... he did give life to all of Nature as well such as plants etc...)) Cause I will point out that Signature Level Magic can be on any character that knows some form of magic but it can BE ANY form of magic because Signature level magic doesn't follow the same rules as basic magic. So, you could take spells that reflect the character's patron deity, by taking say a Earth signature spell if going with Techy, or Weather/WInd related SPells if going with Aelia etc. [bartimis's magic funnily enough is very similar to what Wild Magic Offers already.]

Are Mortimo, Lumabella, and Draven included in the possible deities I could have my character follow and take a spell from?

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You could probably reason any of them as each has something to do with nature.

Lumabella represents the Sun along with Pyron something that is important in nature.

Draven and Seeker represent the Moon, which is also important in nature. ((Seeker also owns the stars as a byproduct of... well... maybe I should explain the story huh? Basically... Lumabella and Pyron Created the Sun as a gift to the mortals and to light the eternal void. Of course Draven, being the egotistical maniac he is, wasn't happy about that. He wasn't happy that his "gift" of darkness to the mortal was erased so... he corrupted the Sun's shadow and made it so that the sun would one day engulf itself in darkness. Needless to say for a time no one knew this had happened other than Draven. Until Seeker happened to notice completely by accident. Being a curious entity that wished to know everything aobut everything, he was examining the sun in close detail to see how Lumabella and Pyron created it. He happened to notice the Dark magic within... and realized it was out of place. Wanting to observe the Sun under normal conditions he froze the Dark energy to remove, inadvertently creating the Moon. [and saving humanity... he did that by accident XD.] anyway... of course the first time the magic Seeker used didn't hold quite right and it began to unfreeze as he was trying to remove it... cause Ice in a big ball of fire he hadn't observed before.[therefore he couldn't freeze it well enough for it to not happen.] This caused him to drop the disc inside the sun and shatter a large portion of it. Being angry at himself he blow a great gout of water that sent the diamond dust flying out into the void before it melted. And thus he created the stars totally by accident... in typical Seeker fashion XD))

Mortimo runs one half of the Life and Death Cycle.

So, while a 100% true Nature Deity might not exist, most of them draw from Nature itself and represent some cycle within. So... you could reasonably pick any of them if you justified it well XD. Basically, I mentioned the Elemental Gods cause they are easy to tie to nature directly. However... pretty much all the deities that make up the 9 Divine represent something in nature.

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Also, @Kuro... Backgrounds etc in this are supposed to be pretty long. Like I am probably not accepting things that are not at least 2 paragraphs in length cause I need a good idea of who and what the character is. ((because it will effect where they get placed later on to some degree lol.))


Background updated.

I might revisit other sections or add more to it later.

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Name: Varick Harudim

Archetype: Paladin

Race: Half-Orc

Age: 34

Appearance: Beneath the shell of steel plate armour adorned with the symbol of Solaruim is a face scarcely shown to anyone.. Varick bears the harsh, ugly features of his Orcish father, leaning heavily towards his Orcish heritage with the fangs jutting out of the bottom of his mouth and brutish facial features. The only features he got from his human mother was a genuine nose rather than a snout and her bright blue eyes. The eyes are the only part of his face any can see when Varick wears his helmet. Due to almost always wearing his helmet whatever the weather, he cut off all of his hair simply to make it more bearable, especially in the summer. He is very large and has been for as long as he can remember, towering over the childrenr in the city and eventually most of the adults. He stopped growing near to being 7 foot tall and his large, muscular frame made him an intimidating sight, a blessing and a curse.

Personality: Anyone who meets Varick can describe him as a gruff or stoic person. Never will he start a fight, never will he cheer in victory. He is simply there, watching and waiting until he is forced to intervene. Very rarely will he take a stance on anything but when anyone touches on two issues he is as stalwart and defensive in his beliefs as any man can be. The first of these is that one must not judge someone on anything other than their character. Appearance and history come after that. This came from the unfair treatment he faced growing up. The second is that forcing ones beliefs on another is a crime tantamount to rape and must be treated as such. This came from some issues he faced with his own family.

Aside from those two beliefs Varicks character all comes down to defending his home, however unjustly they treated him in the past. He moved past all the hatred and devoted himself to defending from the Orcish invaders. He was not hoping to redeem himself in the citizens eyes, he was not that naive. He chose to defend his home simply because his adoptive Father taught him that the city was his family and he could not allow the Orcs to perform their barbaric deeds to his family. Varick took those teachings to heart and they are at the very core of his being.

-Order: Eternal Watchers

Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:

-Signature Fighting Style: Juggernaut-Warrior [[Passive]]

commonly found using a steel longsword due to it's possible use as either a one handed weapon or two so Varick can adapt accordingly to the situation in combat.

-The Mountains Strength [[Toggled]]

Varick is adept at using his heavy armour already to defend himself and those around him. By focusing his resolve and aligning his thoughts with the teachings of Tectaniteus his defense becomes far stronger as he is prepared to block any attack without flinching or fear for himself. He becomes as stalwart and unbreakable as a mountain. However this is not a state of mind he can readily embody with the flick of a mental switch and he must spend time before a battle preparing himself, the chaos of battle being unsuitable for quiet meditation.

-Avalanche [[Active]]

Varick drops his defensive action to charge forward, bringing the strength of the earth with him, literally. The earth will surge right along with him like an avalanche and crush his enemies. Varicks own blows become stronger with this charge as well as he pits all of his strength into this offensive feat and whilst he may not be able to control the target of the avalanche he brought with him he can focus his own blows for devastating effect. This is not suited to combat within a military unit however as Varick, as mentioned before, cannot control who is hit by the avalanche. This was rarely an issue in life though as he was often at the front of the vanguard and most soldiers knew enough to stay behind Varicks first charge.

-Gemstone Aegis [[Toggled]]

Varick learned early into his career that armour is not particularly effective against magical means of attack. When praying to Tectaniteus an image of a kite shield made of steel with each of the gems of his Oath embedded in a cross formation, The Garnet, Ruby, Topaz and Bloodstone, appeared in his mind. From that point on by praying to his God he could ask to summon the shield, brought from the depths of the earth. The Gemstone Aegis provides superior magical defense, even being able to deflect minor missile spells. However it does not offer complete protection like Varicks armour and so Varick can be flanked.

[[i think this might be kinda OP in the right setting, Superior defense and a way to take out a horde of enemies AND deal a few blows to the commander? The crux to this is that Varick can't support anyone at all and is also very limited when there isn't any earth. So sea warfare is no bueno.]]


Varick, as a Half-orc, was born as a result of the rape of a human woman by one of the Orcs plaguing Solaruim. Varick was to be abandoned, his mother not finding it in her heart to accept him as the terrible reminder he was, left to the mercy of the world, left at the side of a road just outside of the capital. Fortune found him that day though as Varick was found by a Priest of Tectaniteus. The man, known to most as Father Harudim, took pity on the child and took him along. This was not simply the work of a good man though. The Father intended to raise the child as a follower of Tectaniteus. And that is what happened. Father Harudim brought Varick to his home in the city of Solaruim. As the boy grew the citizens of Solaruim spurned the Half-Orc and the boy had nothing to do. Nothing but learn of his Fathers order.

Over time Varick grew unruly, rebellious. Most thought it was his blood, wanting to get away from civilised life. Others thought he simply longed for attention. The truth was that Varick was tiring of the trappings of his life. He was coming to resent his father and the religion he had been forced towards, his only alternative seeming to be the beast the people thought him to be. These feelings erupted one day at the age of 15 when he savagely beat the man who had always treated him the worst. He refrained from killing the man but the punishment dealt for the assault was to serve the forces fighting off the Orcs, to see their horror with his own eyes.

Before leaving, Varicks soul was a storm of fear, anger and excitement. He would be free of his fathers teachings! Surely on the battlefield, where he would learn to fight and defend others, he would be an equal? No, he would always be the Half-Orc to the people... These hopeful and horrible whispers echoed back and forth in his young mind. Before leaving to begin his military life Varicks father told him one thing. "Whatever they have done to you, however they have scorned you, you are a citizen of Solaruim. You have lived here your whole life and so, whether you like it or not, these people are your family. it is your duty to protect that family." And off Varick went to war in the world


Just as he expected, at first Varick was overjoyed with not having to follow the teachings of Tectaniteus, he was excited to learn the ways of war and heroism on the battlefield. He found that his strength was valued and he could hide his race behind a suit of armour. He felt like he may have had a chance at earning some respect. But then he was sent off to his first battle. He saw what he was defending against and the bright sheen of the new experience was smeared by the blood of his first battle. For the first time in his life, he understood why the Paladins and priests of Tectaniteus were needed, why protectors against the barbaric Orcs were needed. For the first time, he wanted to protect Solaruim. He resumed his worship of the earth God and found a calling. He was to be an Eternal Watcher, guarding against the Orcs. He saw why people had loathed him, came to despise his foes himself. What he learned allowed him to forget the hatred he was shown and he did as his Father bade him. He protected his family for 19 years.

Until one day, he failed. An Orc siege had gone unfortunately for the defenders of the city and in the chaos Varick gave his life to allow some of the forces to retreat. But it was in vain. The forces he had tried to save with his life were hunted down and slaughtered. Varick had failed to defend his family.

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By the way... part of the balance would come form a few key points, while he has ultimate defense... his Offensive power ((outside of Avalanche which I will get too later.)) is pretty poor. Since he doesn't excel with any particular weapon etc... ((like for example... in a battle with the Crimson Knight with no outside Factors... CK would win... for the simple reason that he knows how to use the whip with such a level of expertise that someone who isn't a master of their weapon couldn't keep up with him very well. I did account the armour by the way.))

Anyway, I would imagine Avalanche is a veeeery hard to stop ability and it probably doesn't turn on a dime... ((and requires a lot of solid Earth to work. Which, by.. won't really work indoors or in areas made of stone work like forts castles etc... I would reckon anyway, just due to the vast differences in their density and consistencies etc... well... and collapsing the place on top of yourself... which will kill you. [i ain't having no shenanigans hero or no. A building falls on a character I don't care how well he controls Earth... he dead alright? XD.] But Stonework doesn't have as intact a Spirit.. so it is harder to sue as a focus for something like that jsut so you are aware ahead of time lol.)) It is an interesting thing... but it requires perfect conditions to work etc... and as a Host... I can guarantee sometimes you are certainly going to get stuck where it can't be used.

My only big question... does Avalanche drop the focus required for the other two abilities? The amount of energy probably would ruin the reflective meditative based stances that the other two abilities imply they need to function. Asking now so I know for certain how that works etc...

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yeah, I was a bit confused about if I should allocate a common weapon for him to use. The Juggernaut class just says they're good with heavy armour. Like, does that count as a weapon? Like, do juggernauts just bullrush people? (That question kinda gave me the idea for avalanche) xD But I suppose I can try and allocate a certain weapon. I really was meaning to turn him into a tank which is why offense is of course on the down low.

Avalanche was my attempt at trying to literally live up to a Signature move in line with where Varick did most of his fighting in his backstory. In an RP it may not be too useful with the variety of environments but imagine seeing that on a standard battlefield, ya know? A rolling field transformed as the earth itself follows the vanguard of an army. It'd be something to remember, even in a world where magical feats are certainly possible. If you really think I should change it due to the supreme lack of opportunity with the earth then I will just limit it to a charge minus the massive amounts of earth but I think it fits his character, especially with the slight berserker feeling I imagine from it. Like, it's the one time Varick will ever truly go on the offense and something as rare as that is as momentous as an earthquake.

And it would not stop The Mountains strength, that's something that would last the battle. It's a state of mind that encapsulates him and prepares him for battle. If a charge shook that then it wouldn't be very effective in preparing him for combat. It does stop Gemstone Aegis though as he would cast the shield aside to focus on wielding his weapon.

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Hukuna, can you help me check Helen's abilities and let me know if they're too game-breaking? They're in my first post.

As for her backstory, I'm thinking of just copying and pasting her origin story, but that wouldn't quite explain her unfulfilled desire... hmm...

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@Dobbs, Na, There will be plenty of opportunities to use Avalanche. Enough that it is certainly at least worth having. I will also note... there will be a way to acquire new Signatures from RPing etc... but those rules won't be relevant for some time so I have time to balance them out which is nice. ((like... why the Avatars have a whooping 9 Sigs... they are LEGENDS and powerful legends so they have a lot of things at their disposal. Heck... some of their abilities break some rules cause they are that powerful [basically... they are the Raid Boss for each team and the other team's main goals is to eliminate the entirety of the other enemy teams... therefore... they must eliminate the Divine Knight as well. This will be explained in better detail later though.)) also that is the reason I asked if Avalanche broke Mountain's... Mountaining? Sorry forgot the bloody name XD. Because, if it did it would make Avalanche a bit weak of a sig for you lol. It breaking aegis is totally fair lol. ((and uh yea the point of Juggernaut is that Armour is one with their fighting style and they use their Heavy armour to gain the upper hand rather than their weapon. They can use any weapon alongside this, because their weapon isn't relevant. They use a defensive style made to bring the most out of their armour rather than the most out of their weapon. Basically... what weapon your character uses isn't vastly important... because his style focuses on his expertise with Armour and donning it for defense than what particular weapon he uses.))

@ Acquie... uh gimme a sec lol. I will look it over XD. Probably edit it here if there isn't a post in-between me looking it over and when I get to providing feedback.

EDIT: I believe that everything but Silkworm's Scourge is good I believe. Silkworm's just lacks a bit of clear definition since i am not exactly sure what you want to do with it. Is it for Utility... is it a powerful attack? It is hard to tell in it's current form. Give me an idea of what it is aiming for an might be able to guide you in a direction if need be etc lol.

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Edited the profile to show that he'll commonly use a simple longsword. Should he need to he can wield it one handed or two, depending on if he has Gemstone Aegis with him.

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Ah, good good and nice to know lol. So, the Aegis is an actual Aegis then huh? Also good to know.

EDIT: also... going to just change this to the Sign-Ups/OOC now. I already have been telling Hukuna Stories... that means it is time to make this thing official XD.

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@ Acquie... uh gimme a sec lol. I will look it over XD. Probably edit it here if there isn't a post in-between me looking it over and when I get to providing feedback.

EDIT: I believe that everything but Silkworm's Scourge is good I believe. Silkworm's just lacks a bit of clear definition since i am not exactly sure what you want to do with it. Is it for Utility... is it a powerful attack? It is hard to tell in it's current form. Give me an idea of what it is aiming for an might be able to guide you in a direction if need be etc lol.

Silkworm's Scourge is meant to be her ace-in-the-hole. It can be used both as utility and as a coup de grace, that's the basis of her entire kit. It's simply an attack where she toys with the opponent, causing significant psychological damage, and, if the situation presents itself, significant physical damage.

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I moved the profile over to this post:

Name: Matthew Corwil
Archetype: Swashbuckler
Race: Human
Age: 24
Appearance: Matthew's body is average sized (5'7'') with above-average weight due to his musculature (175 lbs). His muscles are toned, defined and small enough so he can move quickly, but large enough so that he can wield his weapons efficiently with devastating result. The man has jet-black hair, cut a short tangled mess with a single braid going as low as his chin on the right side of his face. His eyes are dark brown, and his skin is tanned caramel due to his time at sea.
Personality: Arrogant and all of it's synonyms fit Matthew perfectly. He is a braggart, and will quickly bite more than he can chew just for the thrill of it - Bringing us to the second most important part of his personality. He is a thrillseeker, and only took to piracy to have the chance to adventure to his heart's desire. He is quick to anger, but can be wise when the situation calls for it and the subject at hand is one he is particularly knowledgeable about.
Competitive, he will always try to prove himself the superior in anything he perceives to be a contest. Which just so happens to be everything.
Signature Moves/Spells/Skills:
- Rogue's Path: Swashbuckler.
- Serpent's kiss(active) - Matthew's rapier contains a hidden vial at it's tip, which will be shattered when a button in the hilt is pressed. At such a time, a puncture wound turns the rapier into a needle, injecting the foe with a paralytic poison that will leave smaller animals and humans unconscious, and stagger larger ones (1 turn stun on heavy enemies, 2 turn stun on medium/light enemies). Since the vial must be replaced - and so the sword needs to be dismantled, this can only be used once per encounter.
- Footwork(passive) - Fighting aboard a rocking small ship has it's advantages. Matthew has learned how to stay on his feet, making him not only harder to knock down, but ligther on them. The boy has improved acrobatics, and will is an expert to dodging attacks with ease. Due to the nature of his battles, however, Matthew is far too used to fighting only one or two enemies at a time, and tends to focus solely on the adversary at hand, making him easier to hit with flanking strikes from a different opponent than the one he is focused on. (Note that EASIER doesn't mean he'll get hit BY EVERY SINGLE ONE.)
- One with the sea(sustained/toggle-able) - Matthew often spent nights watching the sea. The motion of the waves and their serenity, their rage during the storm, the fluidity of it's motions... And through this, he has found enlightenment. One with the sea is an ability that will greatly enhance Matthew's natural abilities, with two major drawbacks:
1 -> Focusing on this requires effectively the same concentration as casting as spell, and so, if Matthew is hit, this effect will be immediately removed.
2 -> If Matthew toggles the effect out on it's own, it can be toggled back again immediately. If he is knocked out of it, however, he gains a negative bonus to focus as his concentration is broken, he takes extra damage from the attack that knocked him out of his state, and he cannot use it again for three turns.
Background: They say the day Matthew was born, there was a fierce storm.
The fiercest his father had seen in decades, in fact. The boat rocketed to and fro, lifted up and brought down by the mighty, furious waves that continuously attacked it. All this commotion made his father worry that both his wife and child would perish that day, and unfortunately, one did.
However, his child was strong and persevered. "A true man of the sea!" his comrades praised. A true man of the sea? So shall we see.
Soon enough, the boy could walk. Soon thereafter, he was chatting up the crew as if it was no-one's business. Normally, you'd not have a child nary a decade old atop a pirate ship, but where else would he leave him? He wasn't going to abandon his son, his only memory of his loving wife, the living memento of his dream of building a family.
His name was Thomas Corwil. He had been a pirate for years now, and when he met a young bubbly wench in a small village he'd ported in, he became infatuated. After porting in her, she decided to go with him in his journey. To Thomas, this was the love of his life following him into the future, a future was robbed when she perished during Matthew's birth. The reality of it is that this was nothing more than a starstruck woman and an always-horny pirate doing exactly what you'd expect them to do.
Alas, this was not for naught, for Matthew was born, and Thomas' life was the better for it. Thomas didn't blame Matthew for the wench's death, even if he considered the woman his wife. He saw it as the fate of all of those who step into the sea - Death. And to him, good riddance. Death before capture, he'd say. "You don't become a pirate to end in prison. You become one to die at sea. Free."
Those were the words Matthew would grow by. For when he was ten, he was already proeficient in moving around the ship, climbing up and down the tangled mess of ropes with amazing speed. "The captain's monkey is at it again!" the crew would shout and chortle, watching the boy play as he could within the confines of the ship.
It wasn't long before it was decided it was time for him to train, and so all members of the crew began giving him lessons. From fighting to steering the ship to cooking the slop to preparing the grog to reading the books within the Captain's quarters - Thomas strongly believed in "an education" - so Matthew was always reading something or another.
Throught it all, it was his attunement to the sea that showed the most. His father lost count of the times he saw the boy standing at the ship's mast, sitting there and simply taking in the light of the moon. He'd usually fall asleep there, but unless there was a particularly strong storm or wind, his father would just let him stay.
When Matthew became fifteen years old, he became a man three times. The first was when the city went to port, his father pointed him to a wench and she made him one the first time. The second came when he participated in his first pirate raid and took his first life, becoming a man of the sea. The last time was when his father taught him about the mechanics of his weapon, the serpent's kiss - It was a sword with a trick that he had created, as he was a fairly decent tinker - and thought it was time to teach his son the ins and outs of the blade, just in case. That was when Matthew became a man in his father's eyes.
This turned out to have been a good idea, as Matthew only spent a year pirating under his father when he died. The raid went normally, but one of the enemy sailors decided to, in a desperate move, blow up the train's entire supply of gunpowder along the ship, below deck. It didn't work, but the explosion caught Thomas, and he was severely burned. He asked his son to finish him with his own sword. He complied.
When the men turned for guidance, the First Mate was the natural choice, but Matthew disagreed. He insisted he would be the captain, and challenged any who refused his claim to fight him to death. It was decided that the ship would port so they all could rest, and afterwards, the battle would occur.
They fought at the town's shipyard, jumping from narrow plataform to narrow plataform, attempting to maneuver and out-maneuver one another constantly, but it was clear the First Mate had the upper hand. As Matthew became cornered, when it seemed a clear victor had been decided, Matthew felt the sea call to him.
As if telling him how to move, how to hit, how to flow, the sea called. And Matthew responded. Suddenly, he moved faster. His attacks were stronger. His reflexes were sharper. His opponent barely had the chance to defend himself against the onslaught of strikes Matthew delivered, one by one, and in a second the tides were turned. But as the First Mate that had helped grow him stood bloodied in front of him, Matthew spared the man, asking him to be his most trustworthy companion as he had been his father. The man accepted, and they took to the sea. The ship - The royal edge - was now Matthew's. And his life as a pirate captain had begun.
Matthew had a successful, if uneventful carreer. He sought to learn about his ability, and eventually his search led him to a druid, who explained he had been born with a natural affinity for the sea, and that this link made him stronger. The druid taught Matthew how to listen more efficiently, and he continued his journey, this time hearing the whispering of the sea telling him who to plunder, how to attack, how to defend, defending him as much as it defended itself - as if they were one.
Death comes to all, however, and Matthew was no different. His First Mate had claimed to have found the best booty they'd seen, but it turned out to be a trap by the marine. Matthew and his crew fought valiantly, and the man almost single-handedly assured their upper hand, but it was for naught, as the blade who sealed his fate came from behind. As the first mate revealed himself a traitor, Matthew and his fellows were captured, and offered absolution by serving under the First Mate - who would now be a marine-sanctioned pirate, robbing only from their country's enemies. Matthew refused, making a mad dash for the man. Matthew kept running even as he was stabbed and shot, and first he reclaimed his father's sword, which the First Mate had took from him; Then, he threw his weight over the man's body, causing both to fall to the sea. He held the man there, his father's sword firmly planted on his neck, until he was dead.
As he drowned, Matthew almost felt embraced. Hearing the whispers of the sea, telling him it was okay, that he was safe. Whispers of reassurance, whispers of praise, whispers of hope. This motherly affection, whether it was a dellusion or not, made the man smile earnestly as he took his last breath.
And then the sea was silent.
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Hmmm... I see. Interesting...

I am not entirely sure how well it will play out since some of it is up to the other player's character. ((many could react in many different ways... like knowing what I know of the Divine Knights at the very least... I have a good idea of how each would react and all 4 would be pretty damn different lol. Speaking of those guys... and gal, I should really finish their bios right quick huh?)). I suppose now that I know it is a fine ability... certainly roguish... I wouldn't say it is broken... more that It miiiight not always work. I think now that I understand it I get what it's purpsoe etc is though and I personally... don't have an issue with it.

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Uh... yea... not really no lol. That would be something of an artifact level of Power. Artifacts are preeeeetty rare and the level of heros that the PCs are meant to be wouldn't have such things. ((For example... some of the Divine Knights have abilities that mimic some artifacts but they CANNOT even dream to match the power of an artifact. And they are bloody strong so, that should give an idea of jsut how powerful artifacts are lol.)) Artifacts are also usually... lore important. Something of that power couldn't exist and not effect the world around it in some way lol.

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Hukuna, mind checking my skills to see if they're too OP/game-breaking? It's on the first page, the last post. I haven't done his back story/Personality yet because I'd rather get his moves out of the way first.

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My only issue is... Combo attacks don't really work ((in reference to Dancing Blades)). Because how on earth is it enforced? I would rather it not be every attack require a new post to land... cause that is no good for the person using it, but I can't have 1 hit = the whole thing landing cause that really isn't any fair to the victim ((cause the don't get to do annnnnnything about it.)). There is no middle ground solution I can think of either which is the bigger issue. So, explicit combos can't really exist as one signature by themselves. It would have to exist in separate parts as different signatures and then you use them to chain them to combo ((cause then it works as above, the victim has a chance to be hit by one part and not be forced into being hit by all the rest of the pieces of the attack. They can have a chance to dodge/fight back in-between individual pieces of it.)) Sadly, that is the only way that can work so... Signature moves must be just that singular hits, or a flurry ((which would be many small hits that equal 1 basically. SO in essence the same thing.)). As an example with your current attack it would need to be broken in twain... and by that I mean it would need to be 2 different Signature moves. First being the flurry of one handed quick strikes. They would end up being like one action all firing off quickly in a short aobut of time. ((it goal to chip a the opponent or trip them up into lowering their guard etc..)) Then... the Massive swing would be another Signature move that one would try to take advantage of the confusion and hasty decisions the flurry caused. But they cannot both exist in the same attack.

TL;DR: Keep you Signatures simple. It should have 1 clear function if it is an activated attack. "This attack does blank". It should -not- ever be "This attack does blank -then- does blank." There shouldn't be an progress of events within the Signature move itself. It should be an action that resolves itself and ends, not one that has a clear action that immediately leads into another action. ((Unless it is something like a counter-attack etc... if it is "Do this if blank condition is met", that is fine. It is still an action that resolves itself and it doesn't call another action into play.))

^ that only applies to activated skills and some Toggle skills depending on situation... Just going to make that clear.

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