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Everything posted by GenEric

  1. If your ninetales have blizzard then she could have terminated the field
  2. Huh whatever I write ends up with a one? Anyway Saphira just loves her sisters a bit too much
  3. I'm getting vibes too Ame wont let such a violent character live
  4. Apparently old male koreans like 14 year old boy nipples in a locker room


    Don't ask me why I know that

    1. Wolfox


      I'm assuming you're on a watch list due to your internet history for a bit?

    2. GenEric


      I know it from experience

      Not a pleasant one too

    3. Wolfox
  5. She'd probably kill herself Like the usual Except she has a valid reason now
  6. Whatever dorcas said Your relationship with your so called friends arent the best Whenever I feel like my closer friends are straying away I always find my lesser friends and spend more time with them Big tip for making friends is that NEVER form a relationship over the internet And hang in there, even when you fee l lonely you still have us Pm me.if you like
  7. @walpurgis eyy girl congrats!
  8. Cain uses only 2 poison types while aya has ni screentime at all Whos the third one tho? Cain: 26 Adrienn: 12+1=3 Amaria: 17 Aya: 24 Charlotte: 11 Ciel: 19 Corey: 3-2=1 Florinia: 30 Hardy: 30 Julia: 23 Kiki: 21 Luna: 20 Noel: 17 Samson: 23 Saphira:19 Serra: 5 Shade: 30 Shelly: 29 Anna: 19 DJ Arclight: 16 Cal: 27 Laura: 24 Taka: 6 ZEL: 19 I havent done this in a long time huh? Adrienn is my favorite non binary person <3
  9. So much violence <3 Also why are cain's pronouns without h's? Edit: thank god for editors Theres no internet in korea
  10. Seeing that picture managed to warm my heart that is in winter vacation Keep up the good work @Candy! Im rooting for you!
  11. when you cant beat the shit out of your dad



  12. duskull with night shade is stupidly strong in the early game

    emphasis on early game


    1. Alistair


      Night Shade Duskull is pretty much discount Dragon Rage Charmander

  13. @Dorcas ur pic is terrifying ur scaring the children
  14. reminder: in the original video its the woman who was being disrespectful, not the driver



    1. DemICE


      i can't stop looking at the man's face animation

    2. Caimie
  15. its a zorua go to the peridot shelter
  16. i still dont know how to put gifs as my pic zarc 8/10
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