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Everything posted by Q-Jei

  1. Warning for my readers: the upcoming episode of Flannery's story contains one particularly hard scene. I myself felt very moved by my writings when I re-read it and I hope none of you will be mad at me because of it. Be reassured, none of this goes against the rules of the forum. Normally. Well. Simply put, this episode risks to assess your level of sensitivity. But I might mistaken. After all, maybe that's just me who became too emotional overtime. Anyway. You'll see it by yourself soon! Very soon!


    Stay tuned!~

  2. Hello there! My apologies for the late reply! Sincerely, I'm glad to see that Bonnie is back on the Reborn scene. Also, the fact Amaria noticed that Bonnie and Noel were secretly attracted by each other was quite funny to me. I just hope Noel will be safe when Team Meteor will escape the factory. Otherwise, I've nothing special to add. This episode was pretty simple and straightforward in my opinion ^^ Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see how things will operate before the fight against PULSE-Muk
  3. Blue: 23 Silver: 28 Brendan: 25 May: 22 Wally: 25 Barry: 20 Cheren: 18 Hugh: 24 Calem: 13 Serena: 25 Shauna: 21 Hau: 14 Gladion: 20
  4. You should definitely go for Vulpix. In terme of cuteness, it’s one of the highest ranked imo. Plus, you can get one pretty early in the game in exchange of a Growlithe’s egg if you did the quest for the Police Station in Beryl Ward.
  5. Here we are! After three months of wait, we're finally done! The 17th episode of the Tale Of a Firehead is about to see the light of the day this week! I'm glad and relieved at the same time, because sincerely, I've never focused so long on one single episode since I started this story, especially since the last one was ending on a negative note.


    Flannery fled from the Grand Hall after Ame told her about the recent events of Pokemon mistreatment in Reborn that could have possibly affected her Vulpix.

    But now that everything is done, we'll see what exactly happened to Flannery and her mons in this episode. Plus, a special surprise is lurking around until the day of the release. Will you know what it is before Friday? I can't wait to show it to you! 😉


    Stay tuned~ 🙂


    PS: After noticing that the GIF of episode 13 had vanished from the existence and wasn't available anymore, I took my time to re-make it myself and added it to my imgur gallery this afternoon, so it won't disappear anymore (Well, unless my imgur account get sucked up by a black hole in turn, but that's about it 😉)

  6. You free me from the mist of my hot springs, thank you! Allow me to summon a certain gloom lurker, Siragon!
  7. Don’t forget the Flail + Focus Sash strategy combined with Bounce. You’ll see, Magikarp is less bad than people say
  8. So, where to start... This episode was actually more surprising than expected, both by TTAR's strategy with death fodders (Since he already had several decent mons able to take Kiki's Pokemon hits, if not able to deal with them. And I'm not talking about this lucky Ludicolo he sent out against Victoria's Incineroar) and most importantly, by how he fought against Victoria and how he won this battle in particular. Because without any lemonade on him, for once, he was forced to draw a line on this repetitive Stockpile spamming he got us used to. And this is a major twist in this nuzlocke, because as opposed to Feather Dance and Sand Attack that decrease the stats of the enemy, Stockpile boosts the defensive stats of the user, which means he can't totally rely on these two moves. By doing so, he would waste too much time before his foes possibly return to the opposite trainer, which would make TTAR's setups too tricky and uncertain. Now that Belly is gone, a new plan for future battle should be elaborate. For my part, I could even understand why people on the forum don't like his playstyle: simply because (almost) none of TTAR's strategies are valid competitively. Having noticed that he tended to be too dependent on healings (Which somehow is understandable, since we're watching a Nuzlocke), the originality of his strategies is pretty limited, and even more since he lost quite a bunch of death fodders. But honestly, beside it, I really enjoyed the video, because he managed to be surprising in many ways, and I'm probably not the only one to think so. As long as the stress for battles doesn't take priority too much over the enjoyment of the storyline, he will have my support. That being said, if I had to mention one specific thing that really pissed me of during this episode would rather be the part when he sent Ludicolo to the PC after noticing how bad his moveset was. And despite it, he still kept Kiki in his team. Mightyena being a Dark Type Pokemon, this caught my curiosity... but sadly, it did in a wrong way. After that, I came to the following conclusion: TTAR is too restrictive in his way to build a team. But all in all, this might probably be explained by the fact that he still has a lot of time to spend on other projects, and since I noticed he never trained Pokemon between each episode, this must certainly be pretty tiresome for him during recordings. So, beyond my hope of seeing TTAR be successful, I hope he won't be disgusted by the game more than that just because of the nuzlocke mode.
  9. Haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Maybe shiny Mew comes next!
  10. Nope, sorry! How about a rebellious fire princess instead? I'm summoning SilverAngelus!
  11. Happy birthday Candy-sama! I hope you're in well company! May this weekend be good for you 🙂 🎂 🎉

  12. This is quite impressive! For my part, I don't always understand why people keep expecting the worst to happen with TTAR's playthrough. Yes, he may be in bad posture for Victoria's battle. But sincerely, from the moment you realize a player managed to make it that far in Reborn with Pidgeot and Mightyena in his team, I think he still deserves some encouragements. PS: OMG! I almost lost my **** when I saw this Graveler using Self-Destruct as TTAR's Mightyena had half of his HP left
  13. In love with this track ❤️🔥




  14. Sorry, I'm late I can't wait to see our sweet peppermint Candy saying hello to us again :3
  15. Love Cain and love the blush expressions of he and Vero (Plus, he has a shiny Charmander) Take my 11/10
  16. Happy birthday andracass! 🙂 Have an awesome day with awesome people 😄🎂🎉

    1. andracass



      and yeah ame and i are gonna hang out and stuff

  17. Hi! Thank you for summoning me Silver, please hear my calling!
  18. Another one based on the same topic
  19. Well, so... I'm glad to say that the translation of TTOAF episode 17 is in progress! But as soon as I began to work on it, I realized something. During the development of the storytelling, I changed the way to display text and paragraphs on Word to feel more comfortable. Then, something struck me. Actually, this episode in particular appears to have far more content than I thought. Just to give you an idea, it's more than 7 times the length of the first episode, so the one in preparation is clearly a big ass monster beside. Also, my new tempo of life has forced me to get more sleep than usual, so the time I used to spend at hobbies has been a little reduced too. Consequently, if I really want to give a boost to the advancement of the story, I have better chance to do it during weekends. Otherwise, everything is fine. I can't resist to show you how Flannery's adventures in Reborn have turned 🔥


    Stay tuned!~

  20. "Nothing is stronger than death, except Lin."
  21. If I remember well, this is actually how one member of the Penta-OP defeated Terra in a 6-0 battle. This strategy could make Pokemon like Sigilyph extremely fun to use in single fights, and even more in Reborn since various stats can be automatically boosted by seeds if held in some specific Field Effects
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