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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Dylanrockin

  1. For those of you curious as to how much the budget for my game is, in the past 5 years I've spent upwards to 42,030 dollars. Which... I could've used to pay off some of my school loans, or buy a new car or... anything that isn't this. But, about 10,000 of that was also for the manga, if you want to include that in the final tally.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Commander


      @Dylanrockin I won't say anything more on the matter other than I pray to the heavens you actually finish what you've been working on so far ('cause at this point, you kind of at the point of no going back). I can't really judge you too much on it because I spend god knows how many hours on a mod which in the long run, will be forgotten about and unrecognized. In other words, it's almost like I'm wasting my time doing nothing (but I do it because it's fun).


      @DemICE From experience, the hardest part of one of these projects is not getting enough it done, but putting forth the effort continuously. Money really isn't the biggest factor in making a super ambitious project.

    3. DemICE


      college students..heh .. yeah .......... technically i can still count as one... since i still have the right to go and give exams on subjects,  but i have mostly given up on that now that i opened a shop.  you see i entered that univercity in 2007 and i owe over 30 subjects.

    4. Combat


      Damn, that's pretty amazing...

  2. Because I hate YouTube comments and the idiots who post random shit there that have nothing to do with the video, here's an exclusive, Reborn only update video: This is an unlisted video, so only you guys can actually view it. Also, I find the comments here to be more on-topic than anything those people could ever make.
  3. I've been so stressed for the past 58 hours that I did not sleep until 8 hours ago. I was so tired that when I tried counting to 10 I had to start over 4 times.


    ... It took me 4 times to count to 10.

    1. Commander


      My advice is to meditate or some form of it so you can relax and try not to worry yourself too much.

    2. Wolfox


      first of, I know that feeling all to well. second: music always helps me to keep stress down

  4. Seems legit. I don't see anything wrong with this, I don't know about you.




    1. IntSys


      Absolutely Wild.

    2. IntSys




      Thank you sir I'll be working on becoming the hero of Zelda.

  5. I found that throughout my life working your way into a woman's heart is like playing the lottery - you'll never win - but when you do, you feel like the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.

  6. Well, I haven't been on a hiatus from my game, I've just been taking it easy since I'm on Spring Break. I've been working pretty hard as of today, actually One thing in particular is the script that I wrote for Idle Animations with the characters if you stand still for awhile. I will be showing it off at a later date, but basically it's as the name would imply, after a set amount of time standing still your character will begin doing an idle animation until you press a button. It's little touches like this that give the characters even more personality, which is exactly what I'm going for
  7. More ending animation progress for those of you who care: still a work in progress. There will be several frames of animation for all of the scenes that I have featured here, including the sea and sun animating which is going to be fun to work, I can tell
  8. Question: "Hi" vs. "Hello" - which one and why?


    Personally I'm a "Hello" person.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I use Good morning/afternoon for formal conversations while I use the two for informal conversation. I use Hi if I am the one who greets a person first while I use Hello for replying to someone's Hi or greeting.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I use neither, I use Heyo or hiyas. Cause I'm a rebel who can't be stopped.

  9. Work in progress, again, with the ending animation that I am working on: It's really funny how different they look without irises XD
  10. Did anyone else play this game as a kid?



    1. Combat


      Wow, that's certainly a new one.

    2. Dylanrockin


      "He's dead Jim"

      "It's tail time!"

  11. Rest in peace, Good Top Gear: This video always does give me the chills with the silent credits and "Goodbye" at the end. BBC, you done fucked up.



  12. Here's a little update on the current ending animation that I've been hard at work at. This showcases all 5 main characters looking over the horizon, but with no Krista(?) If you're wondering why Marissa looks so different, it's because she's wearing her "Next Dimension" clothes that she receives after a battle that changes her appearance and her eyes. During the battle the opponent Drake Kelbourne uses his Roserade to spew Toxic into Marissa's eyes directly, permanently blinding her and making it impossible to direct orders to her Umbreon, because she cannot see. She ends up fainting during the fight with her clothes becoming ragged and battered up with her eyesight completely gone, which then leads Vice to go out and search for the Lunar Harp in the Next Dimension before the next day of the tournament to summon Cresselia to restore Marissa's eyesight. I know @Masquerain likes the idea of Marissa being battered around XD In doing so her eyes are no longer heterochromatic and are instead purple, which is explained by Cresselia that "the old eyes you once had didn't quite suit you, but blending red and blue together should result in something more fitting to your person. Purple I think fits you quite well; your new eyes should work the same if not better than before." Also she is given new clothes to reflect her recovered eyesight. Anyways, here are the animation sketches These are individual cells and are in the process of animating. (Also shipping <3) Sorry to all of you who like Marissa with heterochromia, but for the sake of her character development in the Next Dimension they had to go.
  13. If you're into Mass Effect and wanted to play Andromeda... don't. It has a good plot, but that plot is tied to an overall laughable and boring game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      I found the plot to be alright, not great, but just alright. That's its only saving grace for me, personally. Everything else for me just felt really flat, especially the character's hilarious facial and body animations. Personally, I didn't find the game all that engaging.


      But, all the power to you, and I hope you enjoy playing the game for what it's worth ^^

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well I've not yet, and I get the animation quality is defs like... weird. ((but I also give about 0 priority to graphical stuff. Narrative and mechanical things are more important to me. But I can't really judge narrative until I play a good chuck etc. Honestly more of this game will probably be me fucking with the mulitplayer since it seems to be jsut more of ME3's which I rather enjoyed.))

    4. Dylanrockin


      Well I too don't care about graphics so much, so long as it's not glaringly horrendous and poorly made. I just found the animations to be hilarious. If anything, out of the entire, boring game, it's probably the most entertaining thing to look at in those cutscenes. imo.

  14. I took Oxycontin for the first time ever to help alleviate some pain that I've been experiencing, and I'm not joking when I said that I've been puking 3 times so far from only having HALF of a single pill. I didn't think it would be this strong and could mess me up so much.

    1. HongaarseBeer


      That sounds bad man. What's going on?

    2. Dylanrockin


      I fucked up my back in an accident when I was working on the set for the musical at my university a few days ago and I just got this medication today to help alleviate the pain. The medication is just incredibly strong and I was told to only take half of one, every day.

    3. HongaarseBeer


      That's awful. I hope you get well soon!

  15. I can relate to this feel:



  16. I'm glad someone appreciates the soundtrack choices I have made XD you have a good ear to notice some of those themes.
  17. UPDATE! Dark Fang Volcano Base graphical increase achieved! Check it, YO. (excuse me while I wash my mouth out with soap for saying that)
  18. tfw you see a picture of yourself from several years ago:



  19. They do, actually. Following the tradition in the Vance family where the children are almost always female, has Vivian and Allan having *gasp* a daughter. She's very much like if you were to combine Vivian's snarky, and sassy-cool personality with Allan's very aloof personality.
  20. I finished 100% A Hat in Time Beta, and I have to say... I don't like 3D Platformers very much, except Mario Sunshine, but this game is probably my favorite 3D Platformer I've ever played. The Wind Waker RPG mechanics that is has, alongside the Super Mario Sunshine platforming physics is blended perfectly together and I really love it.


    Also The Subcon Forest Castle was legitimately terrifying the first time I played that.


    Hat Kid is adorable. Nuff said.

  21. Well, you'd be right actually! That is in-fact Vice and Hiro's future daughter, after this game, which takes place 12 years later.
  22. So far, my current Programming Resume is looking pretty good. I've got an internship I'm planning on doing next semester and after this semester has ended I would've already learned my 8th programming language.


    Current languages that I know from most skilled to least skilled in a top 5: Note, the amount of years accumulated was from a lot of free time during Summers and early college and high school years. Also I practiced these languages interchangeably within the same years.

    • Ruby and Ruby on Rails - I love it, it's flexible, it's easy to use and I love the looping methods that you can use with it, among other things. 5 years experience with both. This language was what started my interest in programming.
    • Java - which is basically Ruby but with junk collection and different syntax as well as different API's. I've used this regularly for casual programs that I've written for fun. 2 years practice.
    • C# - About 1 year of practice with it, but I've learned this when I was working with Unity for the 1 year of obsession that I had over it, when making some simple projects and modding certain Unity scripts that came packaged as well as Unity store assets.
    • C++ - For the semester that I spent learning this, and for as powerful as this language is, I really love this language, but I haven't put much time into it, past the 1 semester that I spent learning it.
    • C - Same as C++, I haven't had much time to practice this much, since I only learned it for the semester that it was required for. Didn't find much appeal with it, but it's useful for what it was.
  23. *cough* *cough* ahem. otps. This actually takes place in the same image, which is why the moon in Allan/Vivian's picture and background looks weird. Also, guess this character, once again? Anyone? Takers?
  24. The past few weeks I haven't been feeling like myself. I feel like, in real life and on the internet, people have been feeling a lot more negative towards me, and I don't know why. At school, I'm the kind of person who minds their own business, and keeps out of anything drama related, but as of late people have been giving me strange looks, and acting more negatively towards me. I haven't said/done anything to deserve it, because I actively choose to NOT do anything that could warrant that, so what's the deal?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Oh, so that's what you meant by that. But it's more like this person says that they can say a lot of bad things about my personality, without really having a feel for my personality in the first place. So I guess in this case it's more towards them just making things up about me as a person without knowing much about me from the beginning.

    3. Commander


      I mean yeah every person has their good and ugly sides, but you are saying this one guy is going to go out of the way to try and make your life miserable by telling people bad things about you to other people. All it does is make them look pathetic in the long run. They are hurting themselves more than they are hurting you. Maybe they are just mad over something really stupid and will get over it (hell I've been pissed off before and said stupid things...which lead into drama as people took them too literally). I don't know the full situation, but that's my experience. Maybe there is a valid reason for the person and maybe it's something silly. It's hard to tell with people.

    4. Dylanrockin


      It's just that, I'm confused why people are mad at me and I haven't even said/done anything to deserve it. Some of my friends from the previous years don't seem to respond to me the same way, and they all act passive-aggressively towards me. But, the whole thing with that one person is that they act like they know a lot of dirt about me, when I hardly ever talk to that person in the first place. We have similar classes such as a Musical Theatre class, other than that they don't know that much about me.

  25. More progress on the Volcano Base interior, since I'm now getting started on this. I finished the entirety of the outer volcano, such as the cliffside, etc. This is an example of what the interior will look like, and I think it'll be badass af!
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