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Everything posted by Dylanrockin

  1. Good news for followers of my game! The Symphonic Horizon manga will be continued in May!! Also, the manga will be likely having its first volume completed either this fall or winter!



    1. Dreamy


      Will the manga follow the exact same story as the game? If so I probably wouldn't read it until after playing, but that's still really awesome!

    2. Dylanrockin


      It will follow the story exactly, while taking more liberties on it, because it is a manga and it can do more things than a video game can. There are things that aren't in the game, but again that's mostly because it's a manga and a lot of things will be different as a result.

  2. I just started watching this series, and I find it very informative for people who are thinking about making games, even Pokemon fan-games:




    It's all about scope, which I think is something that fan-games struggle with immensely. Well... that and other things, really.

  3. So, I finished my new shelf: I think I might need to make another shelf, because I ran out of room for all my stuff XD I didn't even get the rest of my Tales games on the shelf, as they're in the closet shelf in my room.






    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Anime


      i read them online xD i'm too lazy to order them, also may i ask if you read the B2/w2 manga? the site where i used to read them was cut off, after lack two's friend found whi two's necklace

    3. Dylanrockin


      I own the 1st issue of B2/W2 and there is only 1 volume of it at the moment, since the series was put on temporary hiatus. The author started working on it, recently in February.

    4. Anime


      oh so there is only one volume and they're working on it :D thats reassuring, i thought they stopped forever thanks, have a good day/night

  4. YouTube's evolution? Don't make me laugh! And you wonder why I hate YouTubers, and YouTube celebrities all the same! Scum, all of them. I am surrounded by scum who think they can just get away with this.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'll join you on that. I wish for them to find a justiviable reason for behavious such as this

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Unfortunately, behavior like that often seems to go unpunished on Youtube and other big social media sites. Someone could do or say something completely disgusting, even threatening, and not face any consequences and the one who reported it will get an automated message saying it doesn't violate the site's policies. On the other side some people get randomly suspended for saying something innocent like "My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch" or "I listen to music while I do my homework". 


      I'm not completely sure, but I think some really big sites use bots for discipline since it'd take the human staff forever to go through reports on a site with hundreds of millions of users. It's the only rational explanation I can think of for why a lot of these people don't get punished. Which means they either need better bots or more staff. 

    4. Wolfox


      or perhaps both

  5. So, thanks to the recent livestreams I've managed to catch myself up in terms of progress (even though the stream I did today was a total bust and no one showed up ;w; ). Thankfully though I managed to pull-through and finish the entire Volcano Base today with all the eventing done, minus the story events that take place there. I also managed to finish doing some story events in Infinity Mine, thank god, because that place was a slough to get through because of how meh the Minetracks were to make. Also, I've been debating about making a programming tutorial video, but honestly... I think I'd start with teaching the basics of Java and then do Ruby later on. Mostly because it's advised, generally, to learn Java first, then Ruby. At least that's what I did in college o.o
  6. This is why we never let memes become actual drinks:




    this thing tastes like sour cake and butt. Fact.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Yeah, it's pretty bad... XD

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      That's weird 'cause I usually love Starbucks XD

    4. Dylanrockin


      Well, this drink was just made for the #unicorn #fabulous instagram lol-memes, rather than it actually tasting good. At best it's a fad-drink and then people will forget about it in about a week or two.


      I guess if you like really sour drinks then this is up your alley, but otherwise it's kinda meh XD

  7. My mood today:




    especially evil.

  8. I find this to be incredibly funny:


    if you type that phrase in, on Twitter you instantly get this response.



  9. Finished art of Mariah: Also, for those of you who haven't seen this animation, you should totes watch
  10. I love this type of art-style, and I am a huge sucker for this:




    Credits to Kenisu3000 and his Mother 1 comic he wrote, because damn... he is a talented individual.

  11. Well, in the comments on the video before I deleted it yes. But, admittedly I was a bit more upset that day than necessary, and I had other things factored in as well. But, it's not a big deal anymore, I'm over it and I shouldn't have taken it down like that in the first place nor have gotten angry about it. If someone does complain I'm just gonna shrug, delete their complaint because I can and move on with my life. It's not a big deal anymore, as I have clarified in the description that it contains spoilers.
  12. Spoiler tag above if you want to read this, because who this character is, is actually very spoilerific. I'll just say her first name here: Mariah and leave her last name to be up for debate, unless someone read the spoiler tag, in which case, nevermind.
  13. Dylan does Java recursive programming.png





    1. FairFamily


      Seems easy enough.

  14. Fucking... why is this meme? Why? Why are people using the term "Autistic" as an internet meme? I'm sure that 2% of people who use this term ACTUALLY know what autism even is. And for those people... you should stop using this as a derogatory word for "retarded" or "stupid"




    Are some people just simply assholes that use it as an insult associated with impaired social skills? And I also just don’t understand the hate against fandoms deemed as “Autistic.” I have many friends who are Autistic and one of my past girlfriends was Autistic and I'll let you know this: they were all fully-functioning adults that if they were to tell you they were autistic you wouldn't know otherwise.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. seki108


      When everyone has free reign on the internet, all kind of unnecessary word connections are made.


      @Combat  KYM is a website dedicated to documenting any and all internet phenomenon (anything that touches the internet, really), not just memes.   It documents most memes old and new, many fandoms, whatever fresh political controversy that Don (is forced to?) write about, and internet terms.

    3. Dylanrockin


      KYM, huh? Sounds intriguing. I may have to look that up and see where certain things became obnoxiously trendy. At least then I can date my complaints about modern day stupidity.

    4. Combat


      I've used Know Your Meme many, many times before, but it still surprised me that it was a "confirmed" meme.

  15. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-blocker/jknkjnpcbbgcbdbaampbjlhkcghmgfhk/related?hl=en


    Single-handedly the 2nd best Chrome app, next to ad-blocker. Good. God. Now I can block all the videos with idiotic, click-baity thumbnails and channels that I absolutely want no part of. Which means every, less-than-stellar Poke-tuber channel, every "prank" channel, and every wannabe let's player channel that uses a facecam and has the most unflattering, click-baity thumbnails this side of idiotic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      and now I have scars on my eyes

    3. Dylanrockin


      "Comedy Week"? more like... Try-hard week, am I right?

    4. Wolfox


      more like click bait week

  16. So, Androids and Krista, this time around. I already mentioned Krista's dealio, but the upcoming one is Asche Beckett, also known as Rae's brother, who was also converted into an Android Trainer. Much like with Rae, he also wears a jean-jacket, but the difference between both of them is that he has a version with sleeves. Also, I don't really have to go into much detail about Asche, since I explained his dealio as well with Rae's up above. They were both regular Trainers who aimed to become the strongest, double-battle duo in the entire region. And they could've if they weren't captured. Both of them were Trainers that were in line for a battle with Helena, a year before the main events of this game occur, as they gathered all 16 badges of the region. They were captured and yada-yada-yada, you probably already read what I posted above. Gonna just copy/paste Krista's here:
  17. There is only 1 game, it does not follow any standard formula for any Pokemon game, thus 1 game only. It's not chapter based, and to clarify, this follows an J-RPG formula from the Tales series, so characters are gained as you progress through the story. You should probably refer to the videos that I have posted, in the forum post or even go through my YouTube playlists about my game. It'll answer your question and then some. Or even refer to my older posts. Also, the end of the road arc applies to the previous game, and doesn't apply to this game. The previous game is structured in such a way, for me when I wrote the story for that game, that it helped me organize the story better. Mostly for my own convenience.
  18. tfw you click on an anime website, try watching the video and pressing the play button and then you open up a new tab because there was an ad placed there :L



    1. Wolfox


      the second I can I just close that tab before it even loads. and I can then just watch my anime

  19. Since I've made some edits to the animation, and whatnot I'm gonna reupload this, but just remember that this is not the final, final version of the animation. And the only reason why I'm reuploading this is because I'm mad, I am irate angry at my YouTube followers, but I'm doing this so people don't get mad back at me. So, here it is, again... whoopie. Again, I can't ever win.
  20. So, to anyone who gives a shit, I took the animation down. 'Kay? Cool. Because apparently me posting the video has pissed many people off, so at this point... fuck it. People complain about spoilers, people complain about everything, and I just can't fucking win at all, can I? So now, no one wins and no one gets to enjoy anything, happy? You know, when I set out to make my game, I did it with passion and fun, and not to take it so damn seriously.
  21. I've been working on this game for 6 years now. Quitting isn't exactly something that have in mind. I do take 2 week breaks every now and then, while working on the game in bits and pieces.
  22. Nope, not in the slightest. I've mentioned before the story is done, but the game itself is only about 70% of the way finished. The other 30% I'm taking my time with.
  23. HEY GUYS LOOK, REMEMBER THAT ANIMATION I WAS TALKING ABOUT?! IT'S DONE! This is the ending credits sequence for the game, and well... it's amazing, and I animated all of these frames that you see here. I am very proud of this, indeed. This is the version without the credits in it, except for the clock and FunimationNow, because... this shit is on Funimation, yo
  24. tfw your parents say they want to give up on you and tell you to fuck off...


    I turned out fine growing up, as you can tell...

    1. 5hift


      Ah jeez dude...

    2. Lord Chespin
    3. DemICE


      Apparently working your ass off and studying at the same time is not satisfactory enough

  25. Place your bets, ladies and gentleman:



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