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Everything posted by Dylanrockin

  1. Welp, I just found out, today in the mail, that the Tales of Eternia manga was published by Square/Square Enix(?) Wut.




    For those of you who don't know, the Tales series is purely done by Namco/Namco Bandai, and seeing this is a little bit of a social no-no.


    The other Tales manga's that I have are serialized and published by different companies, but what I don't get is why Square got involved with this.




  2. This video completed me:



    1. Commander


      ...that's enough internet for today.

  3. On the first page at the top I already stated that the game will be out when it's out. I don't owe myself to any kind of schedule and I work on my game when my motivation allows for me to. Also, I'm only one guy working on this, so you can imagine this will take a long time. You can read if you want, but you should only do it knowing that those are spoilers. Going through 39 pages worth of content is quite a task, and only people who are really looking forward to the game and don't care about spoilers can take a read through it.
  4. Here is a character transformation update for ya'll! This time I remembered to use the Spoiler tag! Just for you guys, and just so I don't get several people on my butt about me posting too much XD [None spoiler features of the form] <-- Clarification, spoilers are below the picture. This character transformation is for Krista's Planet Herald Awakened Form. This is a transformation that does not inherently affect the Pokemon she uses, but it does affect her normal powers, like Pokemon Regeneration as well as her overworld regeneration. Verdant wind and several Trainer abilities have heightened chances of occurring and all of her Pokemon gain an increase (20%) to all stats. The downside to this form is that in the overworld as you walk around with this transformation on, it will drain your Focus meter, and once it hits below 10% you revert back. One other perk to this form is that her signature Pokemon: Gardevoir can be forcefully changed into Gallade, whenever a physical attack is used, and vice versa for Gardevoir. Also, when they're Mega Evolved, their stats are increased more than the other Pokemon in your party, by an extra 10%. Also, this form allows for Krista to manipulate Verdant Energy, including Arc Stone Fragments, and even control Legendary Pokemon. She is also able to completely forcefully change and revert a Pokemon, regardless if it belongs to her, back to their previous form.
  5. Well, at the point in the story that I'm at now, I'm currently up to ~40, original characters or so. I'm too lazy to check, but the last time I did I was pretty close to that number, and it's only gonna get closer to there soon. And yeah, that's fine too, but as this is technically a blog I do post things in a text dump, not just for my readers, but for myself as well. Sometimes when there is something that isn't in my stupidly long script file and I get a writers strike, I can always refer back to what I wrote on the forum post as a good reference to whatever it was that I mentioned. Also I'm just too lazy to actually use the spoiler tag, because chances are people still won't read a 400+ word post on here anyways, unless their immensely curious and don't care about spoilers. ( I know one person who commented on the Vice vs. Allan video was a total smart-ass about me putting "spoilers" in the title of the video with him saying he'd forget what he saw and read anyways )
  6. I see, well chances are most people tend to avoid reading my text-heavy posts anyways, in fear of spoilers, because I am too lazy to use a spoiler tag and people say to me "why or how is this character, such and such" is mostly the reason why I don't use the spoiler tag. Also, to all the other readers, here is Rae's official design: The lack of any pupils is intentional, to show that she is an Android. Her and her brother both have pupil-less eyes, as it is a key distinguishing feature to them. Also, as an added update, I will be showing off a new video, in relation to a rather cool project that I've been working on, along with the Anime Ending sequence that I've been talking about for awhile. The only thing stopping me from animating those scenes is a few visual quirks and awaiting some extra frames of animation. But, just as a heads up, there be cool stuff to look forward to in the near future!
  7. Well, they're not straight-up robots XD And what do you mean by the total story of the game?
  8. So... why did they decide to retcon everything from the original Pokemon series in the 20th anniversary movie? Like, they included all the key moments from the show, but the characters are gone and are replaced by some new ones. I will say though... I do like that they played the original, Japanese, Pokemon theme song. Such an awesome song. Also I think my eyes exploded from that amazing animation.


    Seeing the trailer for it really does make me remember what makes Pokemon good, and where the soul of the series is. What I'm saying is... I feel nostalgic in a good way. The magic of Pokemon is expressed very well in that one trailer.

    1. hope4896


      When a long-running anime goes back to it's origins, it was usually meant to appeal to the older audiences, like bringing back their memories  and nostalgic feelings. But even the older audiences have higher demands, if M20 is just a HD remake of the Indigo League, not only it would be less interesting (since they already knew what the story is), forcing the plot of like 100+ episodes into a 1.5 - 2 hour movie would make the plot wayyyy to rushed if the writers are not skilled at controlling pacing, and trying to give more screen time to the other main characters (Misty, Brock and even Gary) would worsen the situation. Which is probably why they introduced new characters, as the viewers won't be asking for more screentime for characters they hardly care about, and the movie can focus more on Ash and Pikachu (and Ho-oh, it really deserves more respect as the first legendary to appear in the anime series lol)


      I guess such decisions just have to be made when you're selling a large franchise like Pokemon. But hey, at least they're bringing back (most of) Ash and Pikachu's origin story.



    2. Dylanrockin


      I figured as much with the way they'd compress ~100 or so into one movie. It'd be similar to the likes of Origins, which side note: I want an Origins 2: Gold and Silver.


      I guess at this point I'll just have to see what the movie has entail, and I hope that it does deliver. I'm still 'gasming over that animation, because... my god was that awesome. The only thing I hope is that the movie isn't so long that it drags on and feels like a chore to watch.


      Side note 2, electric boogaloo, I just found this, and it's not even relevant at all:


  9. Update: Androids, in my Pokemon Game? Of course! So, this is one of the 2 Android Trainers in the game. Her name is Rae Beckett, a human that was captured by the Dark Fangs, alongside her brother Asche Beckett. They were both extraordinarily powerful Trainers, who were skilled enough to take on high-ranking members of the Dark Fangs, and even somewhat challenge Vincent Burklight many years back. When faced off against Nero, he gave them the chance to join and be Generals, like Craig, Alex, Aria, Reynard and Richter. Of course they turned it down, and were instead forcefully captured and brought to the Northern Base where they were experimented on by Richter Dezel, who slowly converted their Pokemon and human bodies to have modifications done to their body to make them mostly human, but also mostly robot. They are more human than robot, as they still bleed, and can feel emotions, as well as even being able to maintain their personalities from when they were completely human. This whole conversion has it's ups and downs. First of which is that not only are they Androids but so are their Pokemon, which means they can issue orders without even having to say anything, which in a battle is a huge advantage. Krista is unable to detect them, which posed a huge problem for them in Infinity Mine. Also, they are able to detect the slightest fluctuation in the atmosphere, which means that if say Greninja was to use Shadow Sneak, which is an instantaneous move, they would detect Greninja reappearing and compensate for it quickly. Rae Beckett herself hates Richter Dezel for the experiments she was forcefully subjected to, and the only reason why her and Asche follow his orders at all, is because if they don't he can kill them at a moment's notice. However, they do find find sport out of hunting Krista and beating down the main cast of characters, as they were in need of a challenge. The downsides to being an Android is the fact that they can be instantly killed, by their creator, and that they are overly-reliant on data that was gathered on the main cast, which leads Asche and Rae to have no prior knowledge of Allan or Hiro as well as their skillsets.
  10. Update: For those of you who have yet to see the skit video above, feel free to do so if you wish at the moment I have now finished receiving every frame of animation for the ending animation, which means I've got myself some work to do this coming weekend It very much looks like it's from an anime, and I am very pleased with the results If you're wondering "wait, these 6 frames are all the animation there is?" no, all of these specific scenes animate. It's just I wanted to show off specific parts of the ending animation, without showing the actual animation yet. Next week I should have it finished ^^ For those of you new and don't know who the purple-haired woman is, that is Ninetales' human form, which... is exactly just that - it's her human form. If you want to see some of the artwork for these characters you can always feel free to check out my deviantART Groups Page, here: http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/ We got ourselves a Super Group and just set up our custom page layout, which so far is super awesome and I love it
  11. Yooka-Laylee is apparently not doing so well at the moment... I think I might just actually skip the game, if it was just going for nostalgia whoring over actual good-design.


    Welp, at least there's A Hat in Time, which plays brilliantly, has a unique style and an overly adorable protagonist.

  12. Me trying to watch a YouTube video about subject/topic/media that I'm interested in:


    *video has 3 minutes of out-of-place skits/fight scenes before subject*

    *closes video*

  13. Current mood: 


  14. So, Persona 5 is out, and as for my thoughts on it... I'm gonna be Mr. Downer, in that... I don't like Persona. I've mentioned this before, but I seriously don't find it appealing. Persona 4 didn't really sell me on the series, especially after that heinously long, 3-hour intro of talking and no battles, except with that dream monster. I guess this type of RPG is just not my cup of tea, but I still consider Persona's choice system to be better than Sun/Moon's. That's a burn right there, since the choices in Sun/Moon did nothing, and changed nothing.

    1. Thebossgummy221 games

      Thebossgummy221 games

      wouldn't Persona 4 have elements of like a visual novel for all the dialogue in the first couple hours. It would be liked by some people interested in the characters and probably the story but in Persona 1 and Persona 2 games it would act like a normal Shin Megami Tensei game such as Shin Megami Tensei 4, Probably just my Opinion. What made the Persona games mainstream was most likely Persona 4.

    2. Dylanrockin


      Persona 4, and it's one-thousand remakes across several hand-helds and home consoles. It was what you stated, plus the constant, unnecessary remakes, alongside it's annoying pacing that doesn't do it for me. But, I guess I'm just not into that style of RPG, because it is too slow for me, and that says something, given my reputation with RPG's.

  15. So, this isn't much of an update, but it's fun to watch a Skit every now and then, right? I haven't done one of these in awhile, but this Skit basically explains why the Trainers do things themselves, rather than having the Pokemon do things for them. Basically, these Trainers aren't incompetent and useless like ALL of the Pokemon protagonists that have to constantly rely on Pokemon to do the work for them. PSA From Dylan When certain-other fan-game developers with a bad rap don't know when to take a hint when you absolutely don't want them around you. I'm the type of person that is pleasant to be around, but when you annoy or piss me off I'm not afraid of telling you outright. There's being a hardcore fan that's endearing to be around and then there's being obnoxious, rude and creepy. Take the hint and respect that person's wishes... I don't want you around me and stop following me everywhere I go. This is why I don't want to have a forum anywhere else, or make facebook/twitter/website, because you get people like this who aren't exactly endearing... Also one reason why I'm not too fond of other fan-games and their developers. That's me being honest and truthful. Learn personal space people; it's not hard. It's even creepier when they find you on Reborn or on deviantART, when you never told anyone about the fact you were there in the first place :L If I blocked you on Twitter or on another site, it was probably because you were annoying and creepy.
  16. George Newburn for sexiest sounding male voice in video gaming. Just sayin'.

  17. Why is it that the 1st and 2nd generation of Mystery Dungeon, i.e. Red Rescue Team/Explorers of Sky generations, are so critically panned? The first 2 generations were masterpieces of Pokemon story-telling and even story-telling in general. The first generation, admittedly, had a ridiculously high learning curve and stupidly high difficulty. But, for me, even though Gates to Infinity is the black sheep and is terrible no matter how you look at it, these are the kinds of games that I feel deserve more than what critics gave them.


    I guess that's why they're considered cult-classics and have a strong following, as opposed to the critical audience.


    I'm not ruling out Super Mystery Dungeon, because this game was amazing in every right, I was mostly speaking in general for the entire Mystery Dungeon series as to why it doesn't receive nearly as much praise as it should.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      It is by far my, personal, favorite Pokemon game. I remember watching a Gametrailers review of the Explorers series and them just ragging on it because of it's repetitive dungeon crawling and cinematic "cutscenes". Like... what? It made it out to be like those were criminally terrible and that ultimately brought the game down. Something like that, it was a stupidly short and mundane review from a, literal, decade ago.

    3. Commander


      MD series I can understand low scores in the 70s, but not what sites were giving it. In fact, everyone I know who played it loved it. Game review scores have gotten to the point imo that they are worthless (like sites would give high scores for the sake of revenue) and the only one I find semi reliable is Metacritic. Though critics gave FE Rev, which the Fandom recognizes as the worst FE game of all time, basically an 88. 


      I want to point that out to say this. It is not that the MD are bashed on, but that the whole review system is broke as a whole and that is one of the consequences.

    4. Jan


      I could go on for hours about why I think they deserve the scores they got, but I won't.


      I think the gameplay was okay at best, but there were a lot of things that were unbalanced and poorly designed.


      Don't get me wrong, I love the PMD series, I just think it doesn't play very well. 

  18. Programming fun:


    Class CustomMenu < TrainerAbilitiesClass

    do fun stuff

    def morefunstuff

        return morefunstuff




    That's the sound of Dylan having fun. Aliasing never felt better when you meld those superclasses together and all those custom methods and classes execute like a dream. It's beautiful. Programming fun at it's finest, when spamming "ifs and elsifs" isn't present, making the code much easier to read and interpret. Biggest programming pet-peeve right there, when you look at someone's code to help them and it's just an ocean of "if" statements.

  19. Minor aggravation: When you search for an English Dub of an anime, and you get a link on Google that says "Episode 12: English Dubbed" and it turns out to be the Subbed version... Is the website owner just stupid and doesn't know the difference between Dubbed and Subbed, or was this intentional click-bait? If it's the latter, kindly fuck you website owner.

    1. Animefan666


      I get those on Youtube from time to time.

  20. This only reinforces why Ruby is my programming language of choice, over other languages that I've learned in college:



  21. So, I've got a bit of an update for ya. First of all, I've got a lot of new programs written for a lot of... neat touches that most people probably won't appreciate, but I probably will, because I'm crazy. But, again, more idle animations have been created, because I love neat touches like that, which give personality to the characters in more ways than just doing a dialogue spew to "show" personality. I've cleaned up a lot of my code, used some new Methods, Classes and aliased some older methods to make them better suited for the new changes I've made. Especially since I haven't cleaned up that code in like... a month, so there was a lot of Method changes. Also, progress on the anime ending: I believe I will have it all edited and inserted into the game, in a week or so... Hopefully. It depends, but I've got an exam coming up, and several other crappy projects that I have to do for school, but, at least Summer is right around the corner and I can start building up some income, right? I'm also thinking about making an update video, but, at the same time... I really hate YouTube and at this point, showing them anything is just gonna have them crawl up shirt asking me for everything that I've ever worked hard for. Personally... I don't want to do that. But at the same time, I'd rather not have these updates be the equivalent to "vapor-ware" without showing for it.
  22. You're thinking about what it will be like when you come to America, and this is what it's like: you got your Comfort Inn, you got your Best Western and you got your Red Lobster, where you eat. Everyone is very fat, everyone is very stupid and everyone is very rude.


    That, unfortunately, is a fact.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      A lot of people eat at Red Lobster?  I'm not even asking about the south, just anywhere.

    3. Maelstrom


      Yeah, that shit's delicious, if pricey.

    4. seki108


      My family and I rarely eat out, so I can't really rate many places.  Sure I see the commercials sometimes, but that's it.

  23. People ask me "Dylan, what Tales games have you played/own and what is the weirdest you've obtained?"


    Answer: Almost all of them, including these ones:


    Yes this is a thing and it was made. This is official material, and it is hilarious. I'm glad I own this and a Japanese PS2, because wow.




    1. Commander


      Thank you Tales of Graces f for letting me recognize all those characters

  24. Well, there are loads of videos that you can watch that will answer all of your questions:
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