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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Busti

  1. Happy New Year :D!

  2. Van Harte Gefeliciteerd - Happy Birthday!

  3. Haven't checked in in a while. Got my PhD in aerospace eng. I'm a Rocket Scientist 😄


    1. Busti


      Wanted to unwind with some Pokemon fangame. Anything new in the last 6 months?

    2. Candy


      wowww congrats! I think E18 was released within the last 6 months, if you haven't played that content.

      Also if you're looking for new fangames to play, Pokemon Gaia is on V3.2 after not updating for about 2 years. It's a lovely game 🙂

    3. Busti


      Never heard of that! I'll check it out.


  4. Wondering if banner arts (including older versions) will be somewhere to download.

    1. Commander


      They only go back to episode 10 but I believe we have them stored somewhere. If not, just use wayback ma...oh wait old site may not be accessible anymore.

  5. Van harte gefeliciteerd!
    I hope you have a wonderful, satisfying, succesfull and healthy year ahead of you.

  6. I’m excited about the big rocket launch tomorrow. It missed a big red R though

  7. My uncle works at nintendo. He says Pokémon is a conspiracy

    1. Dreamy


      lol people still believe nintendo is real

    2. Josef


      Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...

  8. How do you reach that pool inside white peridot ward? It's taunting me!

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      After the city restore, I don't think you can reach it anymore. 

  9. Gelukkig nieuwjaar! (=happy new year)

  10. I've been waiting for public release. Is it going to be a Xmas present?


    1. Wolfox


      around 2018.

    2. Dreamy


      My guess is that public release might be when the spoiler lock drops

    3. Amethyst


      now that you mention it...

  11. I dislike Patreons new fees policy. Please let me know your opinion on my new topic

  12. There is a nintendo Switch exhibit at the mall where I work. Why only Mario games and Pokken? Missed chance, they could show something new and exciting instead. Mario stuff sells, but is hardly "new"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistair


      Well, I personally wouldn't have expected something other than Mario or Pokémon, but I would probably have appreciated something new, if I had had the opportunity to witness the event firsthand like Busti did. Although a mall exhibit is hardly the place to introduce brand new ideas, I'll grant you that.

    3. Busti


      Alistair has got the right idea. It wasn't bad, but I just couldn't be bothered to go out of my way to play Pokken or Mario. I would gladly play those games anytime in a home-setting, because I know they are fun. And I know that these games will sell well. But if I am going to wait in line while watching people play on a "brand new console", it needs to be something fresh.


      Now to be fair, it was a smaller exhibit with only 15 Switch's on display. What is the plural of the Switch anyway? Earlier this year there was a much bigger one that took up the entire hall with perhaps 50 stations showing much more variety. That is way more exciting!



    4. Wolfox


      that might be why this one was smaller. those exhibits cost money to run, the bigger the more expensive. so if you already had a pretty big one then why risk more money by throwing another big one. I get what you're coming from, but look at it from Nintendo's eyes: Everyone knows Pikachu, Everyone knows Mario, Pikachu, and Mario sell games and merchandise better than fricking Spongebob sells merchandise, so WHY risk showing something new like Skyrim or burn Out for example?

  13. We should make the move attract so that it allows same sex infatuation!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Jess


      They are, but whatever, let's argue just for the sake of arguing. 

    3. Alistair


      Lol, your level of butthurtness is intriguing. Did I hurt your feelings by daring to contradict you?

    4. Busti


      Trollolol. Guys come on.
      It was a silly thought. It is non-canon, so merely a cheeky quirk of my imagination. I do think "attract" is a powerful status, and I like the current system.

      Besides, attract and confusion are similar in having a chance factor, but they are very different in effect and longevity. The severity of each status depends on the situation and therefore " equivalent" doesn't seem to be the right word to capture this nuance. You can even choose the female gender of your pokemon just to reduce the chance of being attracted to male-dominated species.


      Alistair wins.


  14. Will we be allowed to use multiple Z moves per battle? Just spam all the Zmoves!
  15. Insurgence was great fun! I strategized for the E4 (on hard). My livewire+Hex combo was VERY effective!

    1. Zargerth


      Livewire is probably the best move in the game.

  16. I'm watching a little bit of YuGiOh! Zexal. Astral helping Yuma... Is cheating, right? LOL

    1. FairFamily


      It is but don't worry. The real cheating hasn't even started yet.

    2. Zarc


      Zexal : the serie is kinda good but the main protagonist ruin everything.

    3. Wolfox


      Just wait for Kaito, he'll set Yuma straight. And don't forget that Yugi is to blame for the exact same thing but worse, as the Pharaoh literally took over his body for duels.

  17. I hope this doesn't invite a C&D. We all remember that other pokemon fangame that got a C&D just before the announced release date.

    1. seki108


      RIP  Pokemon Prism,  at least you got leaked.


      Ame has really tried to avoid getting mainstream attention (especially be advertising Reborn), unlike the most recent cases of C&D.

  18. Even though I turn one year older, I still feel like a teenager. Today, I'm getting lots of free food from restaurants, for joining their newsletters. Love the USA, lol

    1. Wolfox


      well, happy birthday

  19. I noticed here in Texas and last year in California, that Poke Bowls are becoming quite popular! And they are delicious

    1. Alphagar


      Like...hawaiian poke?

  20. And the spam bot strikes again. Some people just want to watch the world ... Read random Chinese letters?

    1. Felicity


      ive already submitted my application to University of Bath

    2. Busti


      Its 90F outside, so I'll take my application to University of Pool


  21. Buying my first house tomorrow! This is crazy stuff and crazy exciting!


    1. mde2001



    2. Adventurer


      Congratultions with the house! A year and a half ago I did the same so I know how exciting it is. Good luck with it.

  22. Considering the current trends and political climate, the only logical step for 2017 is to privatize the US congress #OneStepTooFar

    1. Sarun


      We already have that, it's called lobbying.

  23. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  24. I see that puzzle in Chrysolia Springs and I think: Do I have to go all the way around? AAAMMEEEEE!!!!

    1. FairFamily


      meh don't complain, the bookcase puzzle or the trainer school puzzle was worse.

    2. Busti


      Meh, they are all very entertaining but not difficult. Let's just say I really appreciated that 3x speedup.

  25. Would anybody please share E15 meteor admin music with me? It doesn't work on my old download, and I want to check it out.

    1. Commander


      It's in hardcore's E16 download if you really want it. It's just labeled as Meteor admin original

    2. BIGJRA
    3. Busti


      Thank you! It sounds just like I remember it. I re-downloaded E15 a while ago, but that original song was broken ><

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