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Status Replies posted by Hiss13

  1. People be stealing my identity ;-;

  2. \\o Raise your fists.

  3. so just watched The Last Naruto the Movie...hafhasdfs;dfsio. that was a decade long payoff i have been waiting for.

  4. So my friend told me that there's a theory that in Sun and Moon you can fuse with your Pokemon because Ash is able to into the manga or anime (with his Greninja, I really don't know, I don't read or watch either)... That really freaks me out, my Pokemon are like my children, I don't want to merge my body with my child.

  5. really feeling the light and darkness of aimer's music

  6. Comment on this status and I'll tell you what food you remind me of.

  7. I don't own rpgmaker and I can't sprite worth shit and yet here I am, planning out a fangame...

  8. I will pet all of the faces.

  9. I will pet all of the faces.

  10. I will pet all of the faces.

  11. I will pet all of the faces.

  12. Maya's back in the new ace attorney and there is a chance she may be accused of murder... again judging from the new trailer:

  13. I went through a route in a visual novel with an athletic girl, she got her legs smashed trying to save the MC and she cant be an athlete anymore, WHY do you do this to me game? :(

  14. Wow, the new Ghost Busters looks like complete ass.

  15. Are you riding a pig? Yea his name's DeCarte. DeCrate? Yea, french philosopher and mathematician Renee DeCarte, who famously postalized Cajeeto Ergo Sume, which translates from latin into, i think, therefore i am. It describes the uncertainty of truth, and knowledge outside of our own consciousness.

  16. The area under e^-(x^2) might just be one of the nicest proofs I've seen in forever.

  17. Just read about the Klansman in Anaheim getting attacked last week at a rally in Anaheim...look, you can be up for free speech and against violence or whatever, but I shed zero tears for these filth and frankly they deserved every second of whatever beating they got.

  18. Let's hope that there won't be another bug/flying in Sun and Moon this time

  19. Just read about the Klansman in Anaheim getting attacked last week at a rally in Anaheim...look, you can be up for free speech and against violence or whatever, but I shed zero tears for these filth and frankly they deserved every second of whatever beating they got.

  20. #SaveAika2k16

  21. tfw you jsut go full fun mode when writing a scene jsut to see how a player will react to it... mostly for kicks and becuase I love doing jsut weird unexpected things.

  22. I'm already seeing people deciding on whether they're going to get Pokemon Sun or Moon. Seriously? The only difference we know about them is the logos.

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