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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jan

  1. As things get busier and busier, it's come to my attention that I can't do everything anymore. I need help. That's where you all come in! Rejuvenation needs its own batch of custom Shiny Pokemon. --- But what's in it for you? Besides featuring your own custom shiny in the game, there isn't much else I can do- But I do have an idea. Anyone who is willing to help will get their name in the credits (Which will appear in game at the very end.) In addition, everyone who participated AND got their design accepted will get an exclusive Shiny Bagon imported into their save file. --- That being said, I WILL be picky. I WILL make criticisms, and I WILL turn down shinies that don't fit. We'll be transferring from 4th Gen back sprites to 5th Gen back sprites. Of course since Rejuvenation lacks those back sprites, I have kindly provided them for you here. I would urge you to look at the FRONT sprites FIRST. Any sprite that is already shiny in the front sprites are the ones that only need their back sprites to match. That's pretty much it. There isn't much of a guideline when it comes to what each shiny could/should look like. So run wild- Oh, and to avoid multiple people creating the same shiny, I would like people to claim which shiny they want to do first. If you want to contribute, but you don't have a way to edit sprites... GraphicsGale is what I use. It's easy to use. If you need help using this program- Ame made a tutorial on it. --------------------
  2. -Short Update- All right, got a lot done today. Things have been slower than usual lately. Trying not to overdo anything, but... I can say that we're nearly half way there. There's only 1 Field Effect that's going to be introduced in this version, so the progress bar can shoot up by approximately 10% at any time. Really working hard so that GDC lives up to the hype. Trust me, if there's anyone who is impatient about this release, it's me. May or may not have something to talk about next week. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
  3. It's Zumi's birthday so everyone should wish her a happy birthday!! Gosh, you're SOOOO old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZUMI!
  4. Third Pentakill. It happened so suddenly.
  5. Hi yes hello I am one day late but it's all right because I'm here!! Nothing big today. Just wanted to show off the updated sprites for ALL the protagonists. Yes, all. I said before I wasn't sure if I'd do all of them this version, but lo and behold I have done it. This includes running sprites. So no longer will you just start walking faster. (I've already shown a few of these, but I'm posting them all for consistency's sake.) Aevis: Aevia: Axel: Aria: Alain: Aero:
  6. My cover photo is great. ft. Zumi. 

  7. I'm going to win EVERY category at the Winter Party. Just you wait. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      I'm cheering for you man. Do eet

    3. Alex


      when ur memes turn real

    4. Hycrox


      Do it Jan. Your shitposts are invisible posts in the server, a new gimmick that took Reborn by storm!

  8. Got Magearna and promptly destroyed a level 6 Meowth with Fleur Cannon. :')

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Azeria


      Why are u picking on those poor meowths

      what did they do to you :[

    3. Jan


      They didn't love me. 

    4. Vinny


      that's why you're a weenie

  9. Amethyst Cave, Goldenwood Forest, and Route 3 are the only ones getting remodeled. These are also probably the final three too. (I said that before, so who knows, but I'm pretty positive.)
  10. Well, it's like you said, it's up to the player to make that decision. Even if the player does obtain a super strong mon from WT, it's their choice whether or not to use it. If the player cannot control themselves and gambles all their pokemon away for potentially broken pokemon, it's still their fault for using the feature. I'm sure the choice was there to provide more connectivity between different players. Overall just to add more fun. If it gets out of hand, I'm positive things will be implemented in the future to provide some sort of balance.
  11. Finally updated the status bar after 200 years. I decided to take a small break so that I could enjoy Sun and Moon. I hope you all won't get too mad at me :(. Anyway, I removed the shiny sprites bar for now, but It'll be back in the future. In addition to that, I'll have some news for you all next Wednesday, So look out for that :]. Edit: Unfortunately I'm going to have to postpone it to Thursday. Something came up and I wasn't able to finish what I wanted.
  12. :]

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shing


      Yes it is. You don't smell more than zumi tho

    3. Jan


      Then I'm fine with this.

    4. Shing


      You still smell like a stunky  [ :

  13. Shiny chaining is taking over my life rn.

    1. Arkhi


      gotta get a fix of that shine

  14. 1.) Are you magnet rising inside of a cave? 2.) Kristiline being unsurfable isn't a bug. You can't surf anywhere in Kristiline Town or Teila Resort.
  15. *MASSIVE Spoiler in status bar because Zumi said not to and the game isn't out in Europe yet*

    1. Zumi



  16. cake me the FUCK up happy birthday hAppy birtHday thats some happy birthday right there right there if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Happy birthday
  17. Keep in mind that I haven't updated the actual status bar for three weeks. The story is all I've really been working on lately. I'm not going to say how long or short it is because I don't want to make a promise. But it's definitely longer than V8.
  18. Hello ^^;! You can translate it for your friends, but be aware that dialogue changes from version to version. If anything I'd wait for the game to be completely finished before anything is translated.
  19. Their age is intentionally left vague (As I'd rather their age be decided by the player).
  20. Update 5 (Final) - 11/2/2016 - Grand Dream City - Pretty sure this is -the- most anticipated area, and with good reason. It's the final hub area in the game. (It's so weird to say that.) I won't go into a lot of specifics, but Grand Dream City will have everything you want and more. It's a city where dreams come true. A dream where hope is born. What does Grand Dream City offer? -A new experience depending on the time of day.- That's right, npcs will differ depending if it's during the day or at night. No area is the same, and many have secrets at each time.* Please note that some areas are still under construction and what you see won't necessarily be in the final version * -------------------------------------------------- Weather Boards- Because Grand Dream City is located under a huge dome, weather is easily manipulated. By paying a small fee, you can change the weather at any time. Besides in-battle effects, it also has overworld effects. Some NPCs won't be present during some weather effects. However, some NPCs will ONLY appear during certain weather. Some examples: -------------------------------------- Department of Dreams. This is what a lot of people have been waiting for. THE DEPARTMENT STORE...But if you think I'm just going to let you walk in and buy any item you want without some sort of catch, well, dear, you just don't know me enough. The Department of Dreams will work similarly to Reborn's department store. Instead of stickers to gain access to each floor, you'll need to gain popularity. Popularity is gained through stamps. Stamps act exactly like Reborn's stickers. You collect more, you gain more floors. (Max 11 as of now). Be careful, though... There are only 100 stamps in Grand Dream City. Many people dream to get to the top of the Department Store. Only very few have. Will you be able to collect enough stamps without getting yourself in a world of trouble? -------------------------------------------------- Lastly, (And this is the reason why this post was late, but it was #worth) we have new official artwork for each of the protagonists! (Drawn by Zumi!) Aevis: Aevia: Axel: Aria: Alain: Aero Thank you guys for sticking around with me! Of course there will be other updates in the future, but they won't be weekly anymore. I'll update what I think is best to update you all on. Until then, see you guys next time!
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