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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. "Ugh, can't a girl get her beauty sleep without being disturbed?" In a river deep in the woods of Reborn, a Dewgong awoke to a sudden crash that was followed by a piercing scream. Needless to say, she was not happy at all. "I had everything that I had wanted thanks to Celestia: Fame, glory, luxury... Anything that I wanted! Everyone loved me at Lilycove! And now," the Dewgong looked around her small little water cave, "This is what I get. What did I, Nivia, do to have humans trying to kill me and hurt me? I never injured them as far as I remember. Hell, I don't even know where I am!" Nivia sighed in frustration. It only seemed like a day ago that she was training with her Pokemon coordinator, Celestia, for the upcoming Master Rank Beauty Contest. Everything was fine and dandy until a sudden tremor came around and sent her spiraling out into the middle of nowhere. Okay, being lost would have be fine and all with Nivia; she thought she could just ask for help, right? Wrong. Those humans that she thought admired her turned out to be angry, foul beasts who wanted to destroy her and drive her away. Not only once, but twice, and thrice! So, without any help offered to her, Nivia reluctantly decided to find herself a somewhat decent cave in a nearby river for her to rest until the sun comes out again. She had, luckily, eaten lunch before this whole fiasco came along, so she wasn't too bothered by hunger at this point in time. Nivia just wanted and peace to ease her troubled mind. "But, nooo~ Even a peace of mind is too much for Arceus to offer me. I am okay with something, or someone, making a little camp by my temporary home. I am okay with it starting a campfire that can potentially burn me, but now screaming and conversing in the middle of the night?" Nivia whacked her white, flowy tail against the water currents. "No!" Nivia finally barked. "I am not going to stand for it! I will go and give them a piece of my mind!" With that, Nivia the Dewgong pulled herself up from her sleeping position and quickly made her way to the surface.
  2. ((Nivia: Why, thank you! It's always nice to know that some people still appreciate my humble existence before this sudden twist of fate. *goes back to grooming herself*)) No, seriously, thank you for the complement! That made my day at school so much easier to bear. Murdoc, I don't find your's that sue-ish at all. A Togepi is supposed to be cute and all, so it seems fine to me.
  3. Since a lot of the Pokemon so far has arms and legs, I'm going try to go for Dewgong from the list Pwb provided for me. Let me know if this sounds sue-ish or not please! Name: Nivia Species: Dewgong Age: Acts like she is 21 (level 31) Appearance: A normal Dewgong but has startling blue eyes. Personality: Very vain and proud of her appearance. Nivia will do whatever it takes to keep her white coat clean from any dirt and blemishes. Should her coat be spoiled, she will stop whatever she was doing and clean herself up, no matter what. If you try to stop her, she will blast you with an Ice Beam. This vain Dewgong believes that she is a princess and, thus, she expects to be treated like one. If someone manages to gain her respect and attention, however, then Nivia will give you her best in return. Backstory: Nivia was caught by an up-and-coming Pokemon Coordinator when she was just a baby Seel on the outskirts of Lilycove City. She was not too keen on the idea at first, believing it to be a waste of time and energy, but the cameras, lights, and the attention that was given to her when she and her partner won the Normal Rank Beauty Contest totally changed her mind. It also helps that her trainer pampers her after she wins a contest. Nivia loved the attention and preferential treatment that she was given throughout the years and, eventually, evolved into a spoiled Dewgong. Unfortunately for Nivia, her life turned upside down with the advent of Cyrus' quest for control. With the distortion of space and time, the Dewgong was torn apart from her coordinator and was thrust into a world where she became hated and hunted. There were no cameras nor grooming services nor high-class food offered to the sea lion Pokemon. Instead, she found herself flopping to the nearest water source to escape from pelt hunters. What happened to her fame and glory? Where was her respectable coordinator who treated her like a princess? Although she was flattered that they had admired her beautiful coat, this was not the kind of attention she wanted! Nivia did try searching for Contest partner alongside the river, only to come across even more vengeful humans that tried to kill her. Some of the more innocent-looking ones even threw rocks at her to keep her away! Disgusted by her circumstances, Nivia had given up on her search and made herself home in the river she had escaped to in the woods of Reborn.
  4. "A-Ah, t-that was just an example..." Miki started, but Raito interrupted with a short bark. He shook his head towards his trainer, looked to Sarcus' direction and gave her a twitch with his left ear. "Oh, I see. S-So, you were serious about not having any threats! Sorry about that, boy," Miki scratched his ear. "Okay then. Raito, stay with me until our codes are n-needed. We have to have some f-first line defense in the back just in case something comes up behind us." Raito gave a grin and began circling around Miki and Flux as everyone assumed their positions.
  5. "Alina Mayonaka... Glad I'm not the only girl around, although her Serperior..." Miki glanced at grass type, "While her behavior is understandable, it's a little too imposing. Maybe with time... As for Jon... He seems nice despite his nervousness. And the Swampert..." Miki saw Kyte giving a cordial wave and smile towards a nervous Raito, effectively reassuring Raito that he is safe around him, "He is good in my book, for now." "This is Agent Volcano calling to confirm landing of Team Slyveon Covert Ops team. Does anybody read me?" "Confirmed," Sarcus had replied. "Good I am sure you know the mission already. Do try not to get caught. It would be rather unfortunate to lose another stealth unit. They tend to drop like Flies they do. Anyway on your way, I got things to plan and important work to do, This is Agent Volcano out." Miki raised an eyebrow at the comment. Why would they drop like flies? Aren't their Pokemon strong enough to defend them from the Church members? Or, are they missing something that Agent Volcano is not willing to share just yet? "No, Miki. Calm down. You are not alone anymore. You are in a team. You will be safe again. They probably don't have something we do not have." "Miki. How well can you communicate with Raito? Jolteon are blazing fast, and don't make a lot of noise. He might be able to let us know what's waiting in there. After we find that out, we send in Alina to take out anyone who notices us on our way in, followed by myself. John - John? - Flux and Miki head in last. Should we try and take out the guards, or focus on avoiding them? An alarm will surely go up if we knock a guard out at some point, but if that alarm goes off with us in the middle of the building, bad things will happen." The Japanese trainer took a few deep breathes and tried to recall what she did on her nightly raids with her partner. Their wordless communication had become so routine that she never once thought about the whole process. Miki turned to her Jolteon for help, who twitched his ear and released some harmless sparks. "Right, it's those two signals." Miki thought aloud. "Raito, go for an Agility or two while I explain. And while you at it, see if there is anything suspicious around the building." At that, Raito suddenly disappeared from the team. "Sorry, it has been a while since I had to e-explain our codes. B-but I'll try to make it understandable... As everyone just saw, and as Sarcus pointed out, Jolteons are swift; combine that with an Agility or two and he will be undetectable for a while. W-when we used to find food, my Jolteon will go in and scout for any Church members or cameras. Raito will come back a-and give a few signals." At that instant, Raito appeared by her side again. "Here is where our codes come in. I-It's pretty simple, I think, so you can learn it quickly..." Miki look to Raito for a response. In return, Raito twitched his left ear. "My first question, by giving him that look, asks if the coast is clear. The left ear twitch my Jolteon just did means yes. O-Of course, that is not always the case..." Raito released a short spark from his fur. "That spark means there is one threat nearby. A threat can be a Church member, a drone, or a camera." Miki explained. "If there are multiple threats in the same area we are in, Raito will, instead, release the number of those sparks to let me know the total number of threats. Here is where I s-start giving hand signals t-to ask how close it is... One finger means very close, or the door or hallway, ecetera, closest to us; two fingers means two doors down; three fingers is three doors down... Y-You get the idea. Raito will twitch his ear once I get to the correct finger count. Of course, multiple threats means that I will continue to count as Raito twitches his ear until all of them are accounted for." Miki paused, recalling to see if she missed out on something. "Oh, and direction! Okay, suppose that there are two doors in front of us, one on each side of a hallway, but only one contains a threat. As I get to that threat, Raito will twitch his ear to let me know it's there. Then, he will point left or right with is paw to let me know which door it is in. If it is a camera, Raito will point up with his nose." "I believe that is it, right?" The trainer asked her Electric partner. Raito confirmed with a "Jolt!" "Great!" Miki turned to her Covert Ops group, which looked a bit confused. "I-I think a quick example of the worse scenario will help this out... A-And don't worry, this doesn't take long at all despite my explanation... Raito, run around again, please?" At that, Raito disappeared and reappeared after his round of the surroundings. Miki looked at him; Raito gave out two sparks. Then, Miki quickly raised 1 finger which gave no response. 2 fingers - a twitch and point to left. 3 fingers - Silence. 4 - Nothing. 5 - Another twitch and a paw pointing right. All of this took a matter of, at most, 2 minutes. "As you can see, Raito is saying there is one threat 2 doors down on the left and another down at the 5th door to the right. And... that's all." Miki concluded. "I-It's a bit to get used to, but you'll get used to it." Miki then considered Sarcus' other point. "I think the main focus should be avoiding but, if worse comes to worst, Raito can paralyze them so they can't do anything for the moment. But then, the problem becomes with us hiding them in a room or something so that they can't raise the alarm..."
  6. Would anybody be willing to make a list for me? The only time I took the quiz was the time I got ice and put it in my signature so... ^^
  7. There was me, you, Flux, Notus... Wasn't Grasssnake and Exoflashfire also interested? EDIT: Also Myval from 2 pages back. I can't remember if there are any more.
  8. Miki Shizayuma landed adeptly on her feet thanks to her skinny body mass. The Japanese girl then sent out her electric partner, Raito, expecting an immediate confrontation with members of the Church. However, Miki realized that the people and Pokemon she is surrounded by are all just as confused and on guard as she was. "Well, I guess this is my team now... But where are...?" "We'll probably need a plan to do this. We should start with stating our strengths." Miki sighed with relief as she heard Sarcus' familiar voice and started making her way towards it, gesturing Raito to follow. As soon as duo found their way to Sarcus and Absolution's side, she heard a guy introducing himself and his partner. The Swampert seemed comfortable around strangers whereas his trainer... Not so much. Raito was eyeing the Mud Fish Pokemon wearily, seeing as he can obliterate the yellow Eeveelution in one fell swoop. As Jon stepped back in line, Miki couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness. Then, she listened to Flux's introduction. "This is good. At least I found my friends here." She then glanced around before deciding on introducing herself. "Well, better to get it over with," she thought. "Come on, Raito." She called, which gathered all eyes on her and her partner in crime. Raito beamed at her before facing the crowd. "Umm... I'll t-try to make this brief... Hi everyone! M-My name is Miki Shizayuma, a-and t-this is my loyal friend, Raito." At the mention of his name, the said Jolteon gave a happy "Jolt Jolt!" as a greeting to everyone. "A-As for strengths, umm... I-I a-am able to run really quickly and I-I have a lot of knowledge on Pokemon s-since I'm a bookworm." She laughed sheepishly, scratching her head. "Raito, here, is specialized w-with long distance attacks. S-So, he might be able to provide a d-distraction or s-something of the sorts... Like for those drones i-if things go bad or... And, of course, he c-can battle really well too." Realizing that she has nothing else to say, Miki took her step back to fall alongside Sarcus. The young girl looked around and gave a smile. "So... Who's next?"
  9. Doors objectively open my story. LOVER
  10. Of course not! Who could see anything after Quilava barbecued Baleef with a fiery Lava Plume?
  11. Kiss (since it's Valentine's Day tomorrow...)
  12. Celebi used Leaf Storm! Sorry, Eusine, I destroyed your precious Suicune~
  13. Giratina used Dragon Claw! Origin form for the win! Sorry, it's my favorite of the trio!
  14. Regigigas finally got it going and used Fire Punch! What next?
  15. Finneon uses Water Gun! Golem rolls away in pain~
  16. DarkLight

    Bulbasaur? :(

    There are always Common Candies that can lower your Pokemon's level by 1 each time. I think they are 200 Poke each?
  17. Big, overgrown Octillery scalded Tyranitar. LOFTY
  18. Torterra uses Earthquake! Honestly, I was never really a big Charmander fan.
  19. It still is, but we just need to wait until Aqui has the time to post up the next part.
  20. Dragons rage at fairies too. MORAL
  21. Milotic used Ice Beam! What a beautiful ice sculpture.
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