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Everything posted by Garnet.

  1. what the fuck was that tv show where the mc would scream "its fightin time" and then attack things he couldnt beat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garnet.


      TO ANSWER MY OWN QUESTION it was digimon data squad it was the MC he punched things to get his dna charge

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      When you said mc at first I thought you meant a rapper.

    4. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      ...am I going to have to go look this up because it sounds funnier than him just punching things in the face without a catchphrase in the japanese version...

  2. travel off, you will find room to spread your wings so you can fly... but without I.

  3. Believe in your heart.

    1. Shamitako


      beleev in yo lungz

    2. Garnet.


      are you ok

  4. shoutout zumi for being the greatest

  5. is there any reason why i cant make my avatar a gif because ive tried in many different ways and its not working

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Garnet.


      whats the certain filesize because its less than 500 already and its only 8 frames

    3. starkidcosmo


      lookin good so far tho

    4. Garnet.


      thanks :]

      i guess ill just wait for zumi


    1. Jiggle


      That's nice, dear.

  7. you know bibs, i was expecting a shitpost im disappointed in you but now that im here im gonna share my top 10 because i spent a while picking it i call out simon
  8. never have i ever shipped anything more gay in my life

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon
    3. Ironbound


      Looks to me like you've had one over the eight this evening.

    4. Shing


      Well then

  9. hi youre gonna like it here, i guarantee it
  10. im going to fling myself into the fucking sun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Simon


      not until we see the ending for tokyo ghoul re:

    4. Cobalt996


      ...here, I thought we had a regular sun .-.

  11. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-oubattlefactory-60875 easily the greatest match i have ever played shoutout to sapphire
  12. happy birthday big fella :]]] or smol fella, big fella is just an endearing term dont think too much of it hope it was good/continues to be good
  13. hbd big fella!!! i already said so on skype but im saying so again i dont really know you but its been fun so far and god i hope youre happy bc you deserve it
  14. If my one wish just let us go back in time, I'd destroy the ones who comfortably live a lie.

  15. 1-800-didiask is the best meme nice one

  16. i wouldnt say i have a signature poke but shoutout sableye :]] bc its the greatest of all time [bonus]
  17. sony @ e3 today has been all kinds of annoying

  18. One answer's all I need. Say you're still here with me.

    1. Alex
    2. Shamitako


      You're still here with me

    3. Felicity


      I'm down at Ikea looking for beds, sorry bruv

  19. This world will keep on turning, so he may become someone's star once again.

  20. when im out in public i always have on my over the head earphones (it actually got to the point where, during school, teachers would walk near me and tell my friends to take off their headphones but never said anything to me lmao) so id have mega headphones, mega keychain also sounds nice, or maybe like a mega headband
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