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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Garnet.

  1. I'll have to do a better version at some point in time but im enjoying these new colors personally ive been sitting in this goddamn chair for like 2 and a half hours though i've had enough that said, have my boy cain. this thread gets me super hype to draw so ill be here more frequently than before to just put out some sketches and warm up stuff. i know wooper isn't his type but it's so happy and it's lowkey one of my fave pokemon so :]
  2. the reborn fanart thread inspires me its GO TIME

    1. Garnet.



      thats the sound that a tiger/dinosaur/lion makes when it roars and its also the sound shizzy makes sometimes

      onomatopoeia is hard ok

  3. I wish tonight would go on for eternity...

  4. at some point you just have to say you've had enough

  5. My boy Joseph is a monster oml, comin thru with the fresh remixes. I've been listening to a combination of these two while writing up some stuff for Chase's create a unit topic.
  6. My internet is actually in the fucking trash right now please send help I keep cutting out every five fuckiNG MINUTES

  7. I'm doing a Hoshidan character this time. I may come back and do a child unit, but seeing as I don't want any kids I may not. As for supports I may be interested in, for right now, I can say a support between Dmetri and Hunter would be amusing. And of course, my boys Ikaru and Inuki and Krim. :] To explain myself Also if you only looked at my last post once, I recommend rereading it, I've been adding more and more to it (granted, due to forgetfulness, but still--), and it's worth the reread if you care anything about my character development.
  8. I came here to say that I also will be dropping out of nations, for personal reasons, not for the bad rep that this gets. Those reasons being college is getting real out of hand and I just wont have the devote to nations, as the times are all whacky and I don't know how often I'll be able to attend the server from here on out. I don't have the kind of time to be sitting around on the server all day and waiting for a battle, or even at my computer all day. If Flynn ever does come on, I'll do my battle vs him and call it a wrap. If not, well... I guess I'll just call it a wrap. Either way. Good luck in the future everyone, and I still want Amazon to win. It's been fun. :]
  9. i drew a kuro this wasnt actually going to be kuro but i need the posts but he's my favorite and i wanted to practice some it actually was originally supposed to be a watercolor experiment but 3 hours late i find out watercolor isnt my thing also i headcanon kuro has dreadlocks and his hair is actually just bleached other than that hope it came out well, but this is really just a sketch. :]
  10. I've come to the conclusion that Watercolor is not for me and I'm mad that I wasted like 3 hours of my life uhgskjadfhkasjh

  11. I'll do what no one else can.

  12. I miss Warrior class :[ EDIT: It was hard to decide on a personal skill, I ended up actually changing mine. Overall, Fierce Rival didn't really reflect on the character what I was trying to push. Also added some more info about him. I'm thinking about doing a second character as well! :]
  13. me too. i havent written anything in a minute, i gotta get my boy keltena to help me with the creative process welcome. :]
  14. nice to meet you man you seem like a well fleshed out character so good luck i text talk a lot, so if we're ever talking and you dont like that feel free to speak up, its not what you think lol welcome. :]
  15. i like tv tropes bc its easy to come back to and revisit things but other than that its not too much my only problem is when im reading the tropes in a certain series and it keeps listing tropes i dont know and i have to keep opening fcking tabs holy shit that being said, most of the people i know who follow tvtropes are actually snooty and stuck up so please dont go down that path because i like you
  16. why would i join any other team than mystic???? mystic is the coolest word in existence hello

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Team red waifu. And why is team mystic the wisdom team? those two are pretty antithetical.

    3. Garnet.


      idk kids are childish, id rather go with red/blue/yellow teams honestly lmao

    4. Neo



  17. i cannot believe how so many of the people i live near can be so casually racist lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Garnet.


      no one was saying "black lives are more important than other lives" or "only black lives matter" all we said was "hey please consider me" but we're the bad guys for wanting justice or equality or saying that we should be considered. but you know. all lives matter.

    3. Neo


      sounds like you need to do a little more research into this sorta thing, YinYang.

    4. Tacos


      Unfortunately, privilege is entirely taken for granted by many, so when in the company of those who lack it, they only assume equality.

  18. OH its an ama im very smart and quick on the uptake i thought this was a joke about the server being fucked up now that im here uh....................... i dont really have any questions id need an ama to ask you so ill ask something silly whos best girl (in general) also do you like digimon and if you do tell me your favorite digimon and if you dont also tell me your favorite digimon and why
  19. brave heart still top 10 songs ive ever heard in my life

    1. starkidcosmo


      break up is my personal fave but brave heart is at least #2

  20. faith's version fits my fancy more. i like the gospel choir sound. :] anyway, have another shizzy song :]
  21. tfw go servers go down halfway through your session and youre in the middle of fcking nowhere

  22. that sucks to hear :[[ my best friend's dad died about 5 months ago too. and another friend just lost him mom. :[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ things have been going sour for people recently god bless that being said though, welcome back. we missed you.
  23. aye go ahead and set an avatar so i can judge you privately buddy :] welcome tho, hope you enjoy it here. you clearly have a well fleshed out character unlike some of us here coughs in reference to myself so youll fit right in also stay away from simon, he's gonna run up on you and say "catch this L" so whatever you do dont talk to him he's weird enjoy your stay man :]]]]
  24. your favorite anime as a kid was corey in the house
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