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"You aren't dragging me around anywhere. If I didn't want to go with you, I wouldn't be here right now. I easily could have said no. But I didn't." Dulcie seems pretty serious about it, and then she smiles at him.


"I'm enjoying myself. This is fun, Argos."



"...I could teach you about bows if you want me to, you know."

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"Yea.. for now anyways. I'll probably just mess up again or as soon as she finds out about me she'll just avoid me like everyone back in Gyoa." Argos just kinda stares off blankly for a moment before speaking



"W-well I'm glad you're having fun, and I guess I could learn more about bows too. I doubt I'll actually use one but it still seems interesting how they work."

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"They really are. Everyone once in a while I look at mine and I'm reminded of how amazing it is. A piece of polished wood and a string, firing what are basically pointed sticks, but it's such an effective weapon..."

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"I mean, I'm not gonna say bows aren't good weapons. I just think it's rather hard to stop an axe with a polished stick and string. Plus only attack from far away seems kinda boring. If anything, I'd rather be able to fight at range and up close with one weapon. Though, I doubt I'll ever throw my blade at an enemy."

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"Well, that's the thing: if you're getting hit, you're doing something wrong. Archers are meant to support the main force on a battlefield, not be in the thick of things themselves. Although..."



"I have been meaning to learn how to use a sword, for the opposite reason. It would be nice not to have to worry so much about keeping my distance."

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"Well, I AM a swordsman, if you need it I can always show you a thing or two about how to wield one. Plus we are in a city of warriors, I doubt there's a better place to start than here."



"But you're usually on your horse in combat right? I don't really know much about mounted combat myself so I guess I can only go so far with it."

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The shopkeeper looks at him a bit strangely. "...Most of them from the area around here, I guess," she replies. "One rune lasts a very long time with our methods, so we don't need to find a lot of them. And sometimes..." she thinks a bit more, "the men who go out bring them back from their travels." After a pause, she continues hesitantly, seeming a bit at a loss now that she isn't sure if he's actually here to purchase anything or just to talk. "Are you a scholar of magic, sir?"





The woman regards Kris a little bemusedly for her remarks, but doesn't seem particularly put off by it. "I see. Well, then let's get you something to help your friend, then." It's unclear if she's just very accepting of strange behavior or if she actually takes Kris' words at face value. Either way, she waves off the girl's offer to help before bringing down some items from the shelf behind the small, cramped area that passes as the store counter. "Here you are. Did you need just the one vulnerary, or did you want more?"

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”I figured you could, although that might be a problem... Before I was in the Allied Guard I asked my brother about it too, and he said horseback swordplay is much different than when you’re on the ground. I would appreciate any help you gave, if you still want to.”



”We could just ask someone from here, though, you’re right. Gosh, our to-do list keeps getting longer.”

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"Yea, at this rate we'll never be able to finish everything before we have to go. Also, just let me know whenever you want a pointer or two. I'm always free to help!" Argos slammed his fist onto his chest plate making a thud sound as well as sending a small wave of pain up his arms but he wouldn't show it.

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Flynn shrugs his shoulders, scrunching his nose in a grimace as said bruises twinge still. "I'll be okay. I've had worse." Which he hadn't, but he wasn't about to let this man know that in light of everything else. "Thanks for the talk, I guess. And... could you tell that lady-- er, Rhian-- that I'm sorry, for insulting her training. And insulting her in general. I uh, should probably get home now..." Or at least away from any prying eyes as he tried to figure out a conceivable cover story for all his injuries. "And I don't think she'd want to hear it from me anyways." He'd have much to contemplate for the next several hours, and standing around trying to fill his head up with more ideas when so many were already buzzing around sounded like more headache than help.

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Kris dug through he folds and pockets again pulling out the money he procured during the battle. "I need as many as this can get me if that's okay." She said as she set the money down on the counter.

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Ceridwen found herself taken aback slightly at the man's attitude, but it didn't last, remembering the treatment earlier, during... the battle. Maybe people here just didn't think of women in the same way as they did in the Stronghold. She kind of missed the Stronghold... but, well, she'd already done enough dwelling today, and though the red-headed dragon rider suspected that she wasn't done with that, she really didn't need to add to it right then and there.


"Right. Um... I suppose I had been looking to purchase some javelins. I have a lance and, well, I've been using it, but... I'm more trained with the javelin and I haven't had an opportunity to use one for a while."

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Apparently too exasperated to bother griping anymore about it, the weaponsmith returns from the back of his forge with the two requested weapons, setting them down on top of the wooden table that served as his, well, everything, judging by both the tools on it as well as the empty plate and utensils pushed off to the side. 



"This'll do, won't it. That'll be 1000 potch. 500 for each."



Whether Johanna had registered the slight for her gender or not, it doesn't show. She simply nods and puts forward the amount asked for. "Yes. Thank you."


Johanna receives Iron Axe and Iron Javelin.



Stepping back as the weaponsmith counts the coins, she tests the weight of the javelin in her hands, giving it a twirl. "It's not exactly like the Stronghold's. A little lighter, and shorter. But I guess most people aren't used to fighting dragonback." With a smile, she hands it over to Ceridwen before picking up her new axe.





Taking a look at the pile of coins, the woman replies, "that'll be enough for two vulneraries altogether."


Kris receives Vulnerary (x2).



She places two of the satchels on the countertop with a smile at the girl as she reaches into one of the many boxes she'd been hefting around a minute ago. "Do you want to think about some Antitoxins, too? We've got something of a surplus, so they're half price. Just 100 for a bottle."

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Waving goodbye to the teen, Kerr wandered back towards the town, hands in pocket, whistling quietly. As he made his way through the town, he spotted Rhian and company, giving them a wave.



"I've got an apology via messenger for you. He figured it was better he didn't do it face to face, something about you not wanting to see him. But he did apologize for insulting you and your training. What are you two up to?"

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"All about his pride as a man, but he can't even apologize in person? Pff." The process of Rhian attempting to let it go (and largely failing) was visible on her expression, at least until she attempted to distract herself. "Verden volunteered himself as a punching bag for whatever reason but I'm not in the mood to train up someone basically fresh without breaking them, and Johanna would break me if she found out I did that to her healer. So mostly waiting for you to get back so I can swing something at your head instead." 

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Making a mental note of the benefits to their method, Fallon thought over her question for a moment before responding."A scholar? I guess you could say that."  It wasn't quite the way he'd describe himself, but it was true enough he supposed. That's probably how most people saw him. "Though right now being a member of the guard takes priority over my studies. It's more...something to work on in my downtime." 

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She gives him a somewhat whimsical look, but decides that, despite her misgivings, if there are people like the elder's daughter in the world, there might as well be a man interested in the study of magic. "Magic isn't used much in our village, at least for battle. At best, we can provide the men with some rear support, or put up a stand if anyone hostile manages to get in while they're out. Is... there anything else you needed, sir?"

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"Hmm..." Kris closed her eyes and thought.



"Na I don't think we need any of those right now." Kris paused for a moment "Why do you have a surplus of them anyway? Did you all think a rain of poison or something was going to happen here?"

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Naomi wandered further through the marketplace, until she recognised a certain purple head. Over hearing the conversation, Naomi walked into the shop. "Hey another shopkeeper gave me a free antidote staff. Does it actually rain poison here, I'd like to see that!"

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"Sure." She turned to walk back to the grounds, then stopped to call back to Michi and Verden. "If you're gonna hunt down the rest of the group, make sure Dulcibella gets me something from the bowyer. Something heavy, preferably." Rhian continued forward, turning her attention to Kerr once more. "So, did you hit on him, too, or did you share some of your infinite wisdom?"

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Kris tilted her head to look at the new voice and smiled once she saw the young blond girl. "I know that would be a sight to see. Though I probably would want to stay inside. I wouldn't do to well in a rain of poison my hair would get all messed up." Kris paused for a moment and looked like she was listening to something "Lucky you got a new cutie...though it's probably best not to do what it wants its a bit rude." Kris said puffing her cheeks a bit,

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"Naw, too young for me. Why, jealous? No, I just talked with him. Sometimes you have to just give someone advice from your own life to get them to see things clearly. I wouldn't say infinite but I have some wisdom to share thankfully. Otherwise I'd just be completely useless."

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"Huh?" Naomi tilted her head, looking confused at Kris. She looked for what Kris was talking about until she remembered the tome in her arms. "My tome is rude? I don't really get it, but it's got pretty pictures. I haven't tried it yet but it feels powerful too." 

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"I'll be jealous of you when you get annoying enough to get the dead to stand up just to get away from you. Or when you're a better shot than me. Until then, I don't see that happening." She strolled further into the training grounds and hunted out where they'd left the practice equipment earlier. "Be shocked to hear that he changed his mind at all. Ancient traditions usually aren't all that flexible." She frowned slightly harder than usual at that, before hefting the blunted practice axe and tossing a spear similarly made to Kerr. 

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