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Verden, meanwhile, seems happy enough to be sitting off a little distance from... everyone, actually. Both those who does not know, and those he does. Despite that, he does glance back over at the group occasionally, as though not sure of himself enough to bother getting up and shifting to sit with someone else. Currently, he's holding some random potato in one bare hand, having apparently either not noticed or realized that plates are indeed a thing. The staff he usually carries rests by his side, as does what is clearly a sheet of rusty metal with some fabric wrapped around and through it, perhaps even the same metal sheet it might have been possible to see him wearing earlier, under those robes. And, as a fun wee side note, he seems to have attracted the attention of a bit of local wildlife - there's some birds hopping around near his feet, completely free of worry or trouble for the time being.

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"Sure, I'm a person. A person who's just a warrior. There's not much else to know about me." She set down the piece she was working on, and grabbed another - a portion of what protected her right arm. She rubbed at a spot beneath her long-sleeved shirt before setting after this new part. "And I question your continued pursuit of this. Is it a habit of yours, talking to people who hit you?"

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Kerr chuckled and gave a shrug.



"Eh, if you want me to leave, I'll leave. But I've had a lot worse than a punch. And like I said, you're interesting and going to be my companion. Better to get to know you a bit now than when we're fighting for our lives, no? Plus it's fun to talk to you. I never know what's going to happen next!"

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"If I had to guess, you're going to keep asking questions, and I'm going to keep trying to brush you off, with a slight chance that you decide to say something especially stupid and I deck you for real." She glared at the piece of armor before her, puffed her cheeks out in frustration briefly, and then started gathering the various pieces of metal together with an irritated huff. 

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Ceridwen nodded eagerly at Futch's advice -- the fact the red-headed Dragon Knight was so enthusiastically looking up to him would probably exacerbate the strangeness he felt.


"Oh, I see! Haha, I think I can do that -- I'm not really under the illusion that I know a whole lot about much of anything here!"



"As for my teammates... yeah, I think I can rely on them!"


"Well, I admit there are a couple of them I'm worried about..."


"But still! And I guess that if I do need something a bit more familiar, there is another Dragon Knight in the unit."

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"Admittedly, I have nothing better to do. I need to rest after the mock battle today, and this damn armor is only going to fit right once they're burying me in it. And you seem decent enough out of the rest of the. . . people, in the group. Even if you have a death wish." She was trying to be polite. Not really succeeding, but the attempt was made.

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"Yea, for as long as I've know him he's been a Mid-Wing Commander. Though, he'll probably become a Large-Wing Commander one of these days I'm sure!" His admiration for his father was clear as it was drenched in the way he spoke about the man. He paused for a moment to cut a piece off of the on his meat and begin chewing it. He then washed it down with another swig of his drink.  "I don't know if you have heard of him but his name is Amir, Amir von Bodin. Though I've heard he's pretty renowned around the border."

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"My tome was... laughing?" he asked incredulously. Can't say I've ever heard that one before. he thought. Yes, his magic relied on the ancient past, but...that kind of thing was a little too stereotypical. It was almost in the same way a child would describe the monsters under their bed. He wondered just what he had gotten himself into, and almost looked for a way out, but the tail end of what she had said caught his interest.  "It's Fallon...but if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean about the 'friendly' runes? It's true that there are superstitions about bad luck involving the use of at least a few of them, but I've never heard of them being outright sentient before." 

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"That always seems to be the case," Futch replies wryly. "There were no shortage of oddballs in the armies I fought with, too. As long as they're reliable and can do what they're told, that's all that matters."



"You should get Futch to tell you all of his stories about the lands up north. Ooh, what about that delusional mage lady you met in Alma Kinan, huh, huh??"



"She wasn't delusional, Sharon. ...Probably. Anyway, that's stuff for another time." He turns back to Ceridwen. "Oh, and speaking of other Dragon Knights and things... make sure you take care of him," he says, indicating Yn Ddidderol nearby. "I know we're always saying 'a line of Knights is a bastion' and all that, but all it takes is one hit, sometimes, even for a dragon. Be careful, especially around magic."





"I think that rings a bell," she replies with a small nod. She does recognize the name; she's never met him, but that's not uncommon, especially if he spends much of his time around the borders of the mountain. The swell of admiration in Argos' voice deepens the guilt in her gut.


Although... part of her can't help but be curious. "Does... your father -- I mean, he's okay with what you're doing? Not being a Knight?" She asks the last part carefully, mindful of not upsetting him further.

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"I wasn't talking about the Runes them self but about things that use Runes like tomes and magic weapons..." Kris paused for a moment thinking about something. "Though those tend to have a stronger voice than normal weapons. Wonder if that has something to do with it? But anyway what I meant about 'friendly' ones is just that. Ones that are nice or some just take a little work to get them to help...those ones can be rather cute at times." Kris finished with a nod and a smile

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"I mean, he's not happy about it. Though he mainly focuses it towards the people who determine who can enter the nesting area because they denied me entry. So I've never actually been in there." Argos seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole subject, like it didn't bother him one bit. Though it would be a lie to say if he didn't feel envious at times. Watching kids bonding and having fun with their own wyvern always left him with an empty feeling in his chest.  "But he did say he's impressed how far I've come despite the lack of a wyvern. I just know one day I'll do something big, something loud, something to prove to everyone that they were wrong about me!"

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"Oh! You hesitated!" Naomi grinned mischievously. "So what are you, a wolf person under there? Maybe a tiger? You have to be a carnivore or you wouldn't have gotten so offended at my meat comment. I've never met a non-human before this is so cool!" 

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Ceridwen nodded eagerly at Futch's advice to keep her dragon safe, gestured Ynddi over, and promptly hugged the dragon's head -- while Ynddi himself gave Futch a look that suggested he thought he was humoring his rider.


"Ynddi is my partner, and I'd never let him take a hit that could take him out! I'll protect him myself, you can count on that, it's one reason I have all this armor!"


"It's something that D- dd, uh, Gareth always impressed upon me, that I have to always have his safety in mind!"

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"And I just find it a little odd that you can even breathe in that big hulk of armor." Naomi giggles. She then raises her hands, covering her mouth in exclamation. "Actually, if you are a tiger person in there aren't you super hot with all the fur + the armor? Are you gonna be okay? You should watch out for heatstroke it could be dangerous!" 

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Kerr chuckled.



"You know, you're not the first person that's thought I had one of those. I suppose I can see why. After all a less foolish man might have stopped talking to you far sooner than now. However, giving up too easily is a way to lose out on a lot. So why give up even if it risks something? You never know how things will turn out until you try. I can't say I ever expected to end up here growing up. And yet here we are."


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Johanna's smile is a little more genuine this time, but also somewhat wistful, and it's fleeting. "That's definitely one way to think about it. I, um, wish you luck." Is that why he had joined the Allied Guard? Other officials had done the vetting and interview process for those who'd expressed interest; had he been one of those who'd stood in front of the panel and told them these goals? Or was he one of those who'd been hand-picked? Though she knows she shouldn't judge one of her own men, it's hard to imagine how a rustic Goyan swordsman would have made it over the many Knights she knows had applied. Then again, his father was a Knight. Catching herself in the midst of too much speculation, she takes another bite of her loaf of bread.





Futch's eyes soften to see her and her dragon's close relationship. "That's good. I didn't understand the importance of that early enough, and paid for it." Seeing that Sharon's gone off to get more food from the cart, he pulls a string necklace from within his tunic and dangles it up, showing Ceridwen the single coal-black scale gleaming like conchoidal obsidian in the sunlight. "All I was able to keep."


He tucks it back, then gives a what-can-you-do kind of smile. "Some good of it came in the end, though, I guess, but... I'm not your mentor, but learn from my mistakes, yeah?"

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Rhian nodded at the bit about not giving up. 


"That we did. Though this isn't the first assignment I woulda picked, I guess it works out in some ways." She shook her head slightly. "Expected a lot of stuff growing up, though guess this wasn't one of them. . ." Rhian seemed to be talking to herself for a moment, before she apparently realized where she was. "Not that I spend a lot of time trying to predict the future. Do wonder what they've got for us next, though. More tests, or something real?"

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"A stronger voice, huh? Maybe..." he still wasn't entirely sure what she meant by "voice", but perhaps runic weapons gave off some kind of strong identifiable aura in a similar manner. Either way, that gave him somewhere to start. If he could figure out what the identifier was, he might be able to alter it to make it stronger.  "And these voices...where do they come from? You said not the runes themselves, as even regular weapons have them, but I don't think regular blacksmiths would have access to that kind of knowledge..." he trailed off.

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"W-well thanks, that means a lot. Heh heh heh..."  Argos takes a quick swig from his drink before taking his own turn of questions,  "Ah, but enough about me. What I'm curious about is how you became our leader. N-not that I'm saying you're not worthy or anything but did you specifically apply for leader or were you just assigned as it?"

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