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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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While toshrio was fishing, leo finished what he had stated the day they acquired the weatherlight, and got the kitchen properly setup


Int check: 22 vs 20, Luck: 99, Leo sets up:

Quality Kitchen: Grants +5 to cooking rolls and +3 to cooking-like rolls such as alchemy.

And he returned just as toshrio finished.
"Great, I got the kitchen up and running. Im going to start with a test dish to make sure these cloudy things taste good"


He takes the fish to the kitchen and lays them out. And after a bit of thought decides to test the taste of the shiver thorn flowers.
Washing one off and taste testing it with a few nibbles.


(92) Aside from beeing cold still(somehow) the flower tased "cold", sort of like menthol mixed with green cardamom.


That wasn't half bad. Huh. May as well use that. He could go get more later.
He checked the ingredients in stock...


(24)The kitchen's supplies food-wise are fairly sparse, Leo finds small amounts of salt, pepper, flour, sugar, rice, a little garlic, four large bottles each of katchup and generic hot-sauce, and a half bottle of cooking oil.


"Snow, remind me to pick up ingredients when we get the chance. This is pitiful for a proper kitchen. Especially one expected to feed a group of our size."



Despite the short supply, It would be enough for the meal of the smaller group out to explore today. Leo got the grill ready, set up a small core using a gold coin. Diced up the flowers, and got to work...

Only for the cloud fish to vaporize in the heat. Well then.
He hadn't expected that. But apparently once it heated up to much, it could no longer maintain its solid form.


Leo manages to break up flowers with little issue. Upon "cleaning" the Cloud-fish Leo notices they're almost entirely made up of the same type of cloud from before, bound into the rough shape and functions of a fish's body.


(18 vs 8 ) Setting up the grills goes fine,

(67) So does the small golem coin. At first the Cloud-fish cook fine, they sizzle a little more than normal, but that isn't bad. Next thing Leo knows he turns to get another piece of meat and turns back to watch the previous piece he put on literally vaporize and turn into steam. So much for that.

He stores the remaining 3 cloud fish in a container of water. Then He heads back to the deck and breaks the news.


"Cloud fish wont work. They vaporize when cooked. Hey toshrio, can you go back in and grab more of the blue ones? Those should work, Im about to go back down and try one."

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While Toshiro was busy gathering more fish for the rest of the group to consume; Jun had already decided that conversing further with the harpies to inquire about their culture would be a task that is best undertaken by someone who understood their language (or in other words.... not her), and she had set off towards that quaint little office space she found earlier to procure a book for her to pass the time until dinner was served.


She briefly considered returning to the kitchen to help Leo prepare the meal as she glanced at the not particularly appealing contents of the bookshelf once more, but she eventually decided there was no real chance of any of them being actually dangerous despite their ominous appearance, as any sane man would have locked them up if they were so. This was why Jun decided to take the most dangerous and ominous looking one off of the bookshelf to try and prove her own hypothesis.


The fact that said book was wrapped in quickly unlocking chains and locks soon proved her wrong as she realized that this book was in fact wrapped in human skin, which frankly surprised her a little bit; as despite everything she still thought that the practice of Anthropodermic bibliopegy was nothing but a myth meant to scare young children into not conversing with any of the odd smelling men and women residing inside of a book store by themselves.


She started to hear an odd thrumming noise in her ears as the book flipped itself open and gave her a crash course in everything from raising the dead into groovy unlife, basic instrument maintenance, and several large swathes of information that she couldn't fully understand, and it took a while before she recognized it for what it was, the sound of her own heart beating like a drum inside of her ears, as if it was setting a tune for....something.


After she finally managed to pry herself from the book she realized that while she didn't know how much time had passed or what this book had done to her ears/if it had actually done anything at all, she knew that she was starving, and that it just so happened that the one person who could help her find out more about this book was also the one cooking her a hot meal. Armed with this tiny piece of information she gingerly picked up the surprisingly heavy book, and slowly but surely walked towards the kitchen, where hopefully she would find more than just answers.

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Toshiro nodded at Leo and jumped back into the water to search for fish. Hopefully, he'll be able to catch that water snake this time.


Int check: 27 vs 14/39,
Luck: 83,

Toshiro catches another four Damsal-fish, but he's going to need some serious help to catch whatever that snake thing is.


Toshiro jumped back onto the ship with another haul of fish, though he had a disappointed look on his face.  "So I got a couple more fish but there is one water snake slash eel down in those waters that I just can't seem to get a grasp of. I really want to catch that sucker but it's a slippery one. Does anyone have any ideas or want to help me catch that potential meal?"

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"Not at the moment, I need to go get cooking"

Leo goes back through the same process he took with the cloudfish, useing the damsel fish. It goes....well. But not quite as great as he had hoped.



Int check: 26 vs 12, Luck: 50, Leo prepares the Damsal-fish without issue, it doesn't taste the best, but given the seasonings Leo had it isn't horrible.

Cooked Damsal-fish: When eaten it reduces the chance of finding wandering monsters very slightly and grants the "Well Fed" buff for the duration of the next combat.

Well Fed: +1 to all stats.

As he goes about cooking the rest, for a total of seven, Jun comes into the room


"Wait, if you are down here cooking who is piloting the ship?" "And what can you tell me about this book? I've started to feel a little weird after I read it, I can just... hear my heartbeat pounding inside of my ears all of the time for some reason and I know that it will get annoying soon"


"We are still at-"
The SCP golems snatch the book from Jun's hands as soon as they see it, stuffing it into the containment forcefield.

"We haven't left the island yet, we are going to neat here before moveing on remember? Do you feel like your in danger of imminent death? If not, and you can wait just a few minutes, please just take a seat while I finish up here. Ill take a look at you afterwords."


True to his word, once the food was done and he called out "FOOD IS READY" Seeming loud enough to reach across the entire ship, He took a look at jun. He studies and tries to feel out the magic, among other things, before trying to get more data out of analyze. 



Int check: 8 vs 30, Luck: 97, Leo can see that there is magic wrapped all around Jun's body, but it's of a type he's completely unfamiliar with. It's like it's written in three different languages using two different scripts. His SCP golems do however jump into action, grabbing the book and holding it under the quarantine zone.


Luck: 79, Leo's Analyze spell produces...interesting results. The spell or enchantment doesn't seem to be directly malicious, it's centralized around her heart, it acts as a brand and beacon that a being more familiar with this magic might be able to read, it also has some capacity to puppet her body around, though in what way you're unsure.


"Ok, im not sure what im looking at. The structure is oddly put together, Im not familiar with this sort of magic. Going off the appearance of the book, my first thought is necromancy, or something related to death magic. But, despite the fact the spell seems to be centered around your heart, it dosent seem malicious at all. It has some capacity to puppet your body, but Im not sure in what ways, or how much. If you want, we can talk about spell breaking options while we eat"


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For the most part, Azgrurk had grumbled off after seeing that there wasn't actually going to be a fight, a displeasure that would've been easy to hear from the Harpies. However, upon the sound of food, Azgrurk instantly made his way over, grinning widely as he saw the cooked fish, "DAT LOOKZ GOOD 'UMIE" he shouted as he took some of the fish, somehow managing not to taint the rest of it with his hands, and tossing it into his mouth, practically devouring it whole, "BETTA DEN A SQUIG, AT LEAST" he added with a shrug before turning to Toshiro, "I CAN GIVE IT A GO. ORKZ CAN CATCH ANY MEAL IF WE PUT OUR MINDZ TO IT"

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Not much happened over the evening, the adventuring crew sat and ate their spoils.

[88] Afterward they go looking for one more island and manage to find one similar in description to the first just as it's getting dark.  Notable differences are that the inside of the building is softly illuminated and there are more trees around this island, it's also very slightly larger in diameter.


Satomi starts construction on the south wall while Arminius spreads the sad news of Calvera's departure.

Lucille plants a tree in the town center(it's already over six feet tall) and starts work on spreading her strange ivy around the outside of town.

The Dryad turns Leo's fuck up into a thin slurry of unidentifiable matter.

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Arminius, having delivered his grim news heads out into the forest, setting various pit traps and hidden spikes as he went. When he finally can't go on he sets a ward and hides himself in some brush to sleep until dawn.

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After spending an unfortunate amount of time waiting for the others to finish up with their supper and finally head out to explore the island; Jun decides that the rest of the group could just catch up to her if they wanted to as she headed out to explore a strange and apparently dangerous structure and not almost ruin the cloak a (hopefully) good friend of her's made for her by being set on fire or anything.

Loot gained from ransacking the island

Three Standard healing potions
Life-Force Potion:
At the beginning of combat the user may take a swig of the potion(consuming one charge) to gain 20 MHP for the duration of the combat, three of three charges remain.
Lucky Horseshoe:
Negates any fall damage on the holder, doesn't help their buddies or protect against falling debris though.

Disappointingly non magical Glass sphere that doesn't glow or float by itself apparently


She then spent the rest of the evening by having a nice chat with the guide and the dryad about the Goblin's culture (They don't actually know much but apparently the biggest, meanest, and most deadly are in charge), their language (A strange combination of gribbling sounds, grunting, and uhh...cawing?), and whether or not one of the two of them could tell her how far away the majority of their troops were, or estimate where their approximate location would be (Which they rather unhelpfully replied by telling her that wherever they are, they'll be here by the day after tomorrow). She bid the two of them farewell as she left to head back to her room back at the inn and review her notes on goblin and harpie culture before she eventually decided to review an all too familiar bit of 'found footage' for further entertainment, eventually finding herself inspired enough to improve the following trick before she turned in for the night with a mind full of fresh properly improperly worded sentences meant to incite delicious delicious anger and violence from the opposition.



12 vs 2, 10 quality

(Trick) Literally the worst thing to say: While Equipped, The user automatically fails any diplomacy check, making the target highly opposed to the user politically, inciting conflict if possible.
Trick Level 2: The user can instead choose to automatically crit fail any diplomacy check along with always inciting conflict.


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Leo eventualy brings everyone back to the surface, and returns to town, heading over to the smiths shop to look at the spoils the golems he left had brought back.



Four of the golems come back with mostly stone, some iron ore, and smaller amounts of lead or silver ore. Two golems come back covered in scorch marks from some sort of energy blasts and dump out a large pile of curious blue/purple stone, occasionally energy arcs from one stone in the pile to another. Two golems just don't come back.

"Well....Looks like you lot ran into some trouble"

"Assessing data now"



The golems follow the caves down before reaching a two way split, half follow each path. Four golems follow a path that leads fairly steep slope downwards, there is a light skirmish with what appear to be animated human skeletons. After defeating them they follow the cave a little further before the rock turns dark, similar to what you've got here. A little ways in a pile of loose rocks starts glowing and rapidly animates, it crushes one of the golems totally before it can react, the others dispatch the creature and collect its "corpse". Continuing forward about a minute later several glowing cores phase through the cave wall and surround themselves with orbiting chunks of rock before firing blasts of lightning-like energy at the golems. One of the golems is fried by the floating creatures before the other two decide to evacuate, they're chased until they past back into "normal" caves.

"Data assessment complete"

Leo watches the important parts unfold on his computer, and looks back at the stones thinking.

A quick mana test yields intresting results.



Thaum > Granite(5 vs 15): When applied to Granite this mana type creates "Granite Core Shards". These pale blue stones slowly grow in size as more mana is applied, they float though the air and do not seem to be impeded in any way be Granite. Pieces of Granite equal or lesser in size to the core are quickly lifted into an orbit around the stone until it is completely surrounded.
Blue lightning arcs from the core to the stones and the first thing this newly created creature attempts to do is tazze Leo in the side. It would be easy enough to dispatch, but it's still a little disconcerting.


Thaum > Hematite: You know what this does.


Thaum > Glena(6 vs 6): This mana type produces large amounts of strange energy(similar to heat and flame in form and function) by consuming the "value" of things. This energy increases the weight of things around it instead of burning them. This "Flame" grows brighter and more powerful in the moonlight.


Thuam > Argentite(20 vs 11): When applied to an object this mana type draws out the "value" of the object and crystalizes it into Argentite, direct moonlight greatly improves the efficiency and speed of this process

"So a mana that forms aggressive stone golems, Normal hematite, And two simple and very specific forms of alchemy that DONT seem like the require much in the way of safety measures."


Still, If the ore was normal, then what was causing the mana type difference in refined metals? He really needed to talk to toshrio and the smith.

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Before the Evening Makes its Way to Night

Satomi swept her eyes over the stonework of the under-construction southern wall -- it appeared to her that it was coming together very nicely. The stone structure was coming together pretty much according to plan, especially since she and the skilled sections of the workforce had done something very similar earlier that day. Without having to rely on concrete bricks, Satomi also had another advantage: the wall would not have those weak points, and even if the northern wall had its concrete bricks distributed in such a way as to be non-vital, the relatively even strength of every brick in the wall meant that Satomi anticipated that the wall would be somewhat tougher than the previous one.


Then her mind bounced to another topic... and Satomi certainly had a lot of topics to think about. Apparently, Calvera was gone. Satomi didn't know if she'd just left in some failure of Duty, if the universe had chosen her to leave, or if some other factor had caused her to disappear, but this wasn't the first time it had happened and Satomi had began to have some concern. The composition of the forces arrayed to improve world against the Trespassers was a dynamic one, and Satomi's plans in the future would have to revolve around that fact. Whatever had happened, though, they had lost a member, and it was a blow. Satomi would have to work that much harder, wouldn't she?


And just like that Satomi's mind bounced elsewhere again -- but she did have the capacity to think about a lot of things in a short amount of time, and it was something she was proud of. And speaking of things she could take pride in... Satomi's work had truly blossomed over the course of this mission. She was learning, she was taking in new information, and she was getting a chance to put old information to use. The patterns that the Kaiu had drilled into her were now things that she was getting to play with in ways she had never been able to before. The structural tolerances of the stone-masonry for example: Satomi had just between these two walls discovered how the placement of stone vs concrete bricks mattered.


Sure, she had been assigned to do work on the Wall before, and sure, she had had to build a siege weapon for her gempukku... but everything in the Crab Clan was driven by a constant fight. Efficiency, not wasting time, and continuous work were priorities, and aside from her gempukku Satomi had mostly been following the projects of higher-ranked Kaiu. But this... this was entirely different. She was working for an urgent purpose, yes, but it was a project with a culmination in sight, a project she was leading, and one she was given the resources and manpower to see through herself! It was wonderful, and it was letting her realize just where she truly lay in her skills with engineering, skills rapidly developing as she got her hands on so much technology from so many realms.


Yes... the more she thought about it, the more she suspected that she was doing very well indeed. This was pride, perhaps, but after some thought Satomi was starting to come to the conclusion that she had potentially completed the Path of Stone... not in terms of being unable to progress, of course, because she still could learn so much, but in terms of rank and achievement within the Kaiu Dojo. As Satomi improved the worlds around her, the worlds improved her as well.


Spending all 30 of her Merit, Satomi gains the Path of Stone perk!


Crafting: 37 vs 31, Quality: 99, The south wall come out a great as the north walls with the added bonus of a blanket 10% damage reduction.

Sturdy Reinforced Stone-brick Walls(x2): 625(500+25%) HP, takes 10% reduced damage or 80% reduced fire damage.

Path of Stone: Satomi has plied her craft among the multiverse, and now that she has, many of the lessons she received at the Kaiu Engineering Academy have truly come into their own... and, of course, her own unique complex method of engineering has too. As a result, the quality of the engineering, both construction and siege, she does is top notch.  Fortifications Satomi makes have an additional [INT*5] HP. Siege weapons Satomi makes do additional damage equal to her INT.


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Toshiro ate the cooked and didn't really say much. He was disappointed about not being able to get that one eel like creature. Oh well what can you do about it now. Once they made their way onto land he remembered something that Leo asked him to do. He wanted to meet up at the smithy or something like that. Whatever he wanted to do, the fishman would at least hear him out and head over there to check up on him.  "Hey Leo, I'm here. You needed me for something?"

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"From what I can tell nothing about this forage seems off." The fishman speaks leaning closer to inspect the thing.  "Well, I guess if anything IS out of the ordinary it'd be the excessive amount of gel they use as a fuel source. I swear you can see traces of it everywhere if you look hard enough."

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Having made sure that the wall was on schedule, Satomi had a few more items of business to attend to before she retired for the night. First off, she was going to coordinate between the members of the team, something noone seemed to want to do on their own, but something that was going to be vital for actually mounting a coherent defense. After she took care of that, she was going to take the time to put together two siege weapons, if she could. But the first task was the more important, and it would be the one that she would devote her energies to. 


Satomi did this by walking around the town rather energetically (no time to be lackadaisical), and by looking for any members of the party present in the town, for the Guide, and for the Dryad. Every one of these people that she came across got variations of the same message: Satomi wanted to see what the fruits of their labors were, learn what they had learned, and to see if they could help each other out on any projects. Accordingly, she wanted them to come to the center square of the town at the earliest possibility, because she was going to hold a meeting and, in her words, "I want to get it held early enough that I can continue my other work tonight, too."


Once she had finished this, headed back to the meeting location, and waited for a few minutes, Satomi clapped her hands and began to speak. "Right. So, we cannot hope to mount an effective defense unless we share the information we've gathered with each other and share what projects we have been working on. As for me, I have been working on the walls all day -- the northern wall is complete, with a stone base and wood reinforcement as originally planned, with six siege weapon mountings -- I expect to be able to fill at least two of these, but perhaps not all, so I would appreciate if you created siege weaponry or potential siege weaponry components to mount on the walls. I have also completed the stone core of the southern wall."

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Jun was actually in the middle of ordering a light meal before she turned in for the night when Satomi called her meeting, and after the younger woman had finished speaking she cleared her throat and said, "Most of my day have passed without much of interest other than the surprising amount of conflict a piece of equipment I requisitioned caused. Although I honestly cannot say the same about the afternoon or evening as I spent almost the entirety of it exploring the islands floating somewhere above this village as part of a succesful search for interesting technology and mineral deposits with the help of my good friends and colleagues Leo, Toshiro, and our new associate Capten-General Commanda Commisa Centurion Warlock Nob Warboss Azgrurk Da Third of Da 423rd Brigade," Jun then motioned at the massive berserking man and a half Ork that she and the rest of the sky islanding group had dragged all the way to this meeting, "But I'm afraid that the rest of his brigade won't be joining us on this endeavor as the only one we had encountered had already expired."

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Kusuke just shrugged. "You already know everything I've been up to. Other than helping with the walls, I've been trying to work out the kinks for Magic Element engines; so far I've got them working, but you'll need some way of disconnecting the engine itself if you need to turn it off. Let me know if you need one, I guess." He blinked a bit it the Ork's appearance. Wasn't that what the bad guys were supposed to look like?

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Initially, Azgrurk had sort of wandered around after returning to the main village, curious about the entire place. He'd seen quite a lot of human settlements, mostly because he kept invading them, but this was a lot.... Simpler than the ones he had seen before. And a lot more peaceful.


And Az hated it because of that simple fact.


Thankfully, the meeting that he had been "invited to" (namely, walked in on since one of the humans didn't know he existed) was enough to keep him from causing any mayhem. At Jun's offhand statement about his brigade though, Azgrurk merely snorted, "DOSE BOYZ WEREN'T DA BRIGHTEST OF DA BUNCH ANYWAY. MY ZOGGIN' NUMBAH TOO CRASH LANDED OUR SHIP DESPITE MY ORDAHZ NOT TO" he stated, before shrugging, "BUT, I CAN ALWAYZ GET MORE. MOST IMPORTANT DING 'ERE IS WHAT I CAN WORK ON. I WAS ONCE A MEKBOY MYSELF, KNOW HOW TO GET A BIT OF JUNK WORKIN' FINE FOR YA 'UMIES, ESPECIALLY SOMETHIN' THAT'LL KILL DESE GOBLINZ FOR YA!"

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Lucille recounts her placement of the ivy in the forests around the village while the Guide mentions receiving a message from Arminius saying the Goblin army is closer than expected, they'll likely be here Day after tomorrow.

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Satomi looked waaay up at the new arrival, a gigantic green-skinned man who was nearly her twice her height and rippling with muscles to a degree to put some Hida, even, to shame. Her jaw dropped for a moment, before she reined herself in: this "Captain-General Commander Commissa Centurion Warlock Nob Warboss Azgrurk Da Third of Da 423rd Brigade" was very, very, VERY big. She had to crane her head up to look at him. Actually, he was ogre size, and even the color of some ogres, and it was really beginning to make her twitchy -- she had to stop herself from going for her sword a couple of times, because it wasn't as if he was tainted like her homeland's ogres were. "Rrrright... well... ahem... I do suppose that he could be useful. Both for being a "Mekboy" and for his size and strength, which could for example be useful with the siege crossbow mounted on the northern wall..."


That's when the Guide recounted the message sent from Arminius that the siege was going to be the day after tomorrow, and Satomi's face turned grim very quickly, and she nodded with a somber air to her. "...I'd not expected a long time until the siege, but that is an urgent limit indeed. I will be able to finish the walls by then, but even with Kusuke's help, which I will need and will call upon, both for time and springs, and maybe one of those engines, I am not sure that I will be able to fill all of the mountings for siege engines. If you have the capacity, I would appreciate it if those of you who could created siege engines for me to place upon the walls. Jun, I want to know what you and your cohort found, and if it is useful. For the rest of you, tomorrow would be the time to start adopting more directed projects, because we do not have the time to play around. If any of the rest of you require something, now would be the time to say so."

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Leo, having arrived at the meeting after he and toshrio talked to the smith and figured out what was going on with the metal. Looked...a little freaked out by the time estimates. Snow just kinda...let her projection hover there as she listened.


"Wait what? Thats so little time! uhgggg...Ok, If I get the mineing golems to work through the night, And we can get some of the platnuim smelted before bed, I should be able to gather enough resources to construct some good plasma and lightning weapons. Railguns as well. The former should work for the mountings, and we can use the latter to arm everyone, and fire down from the wall. I might have to postpone my lessons with the dryad, as curious as I am to learn more about purifying and nature magics."


"As for what we found, We fought a cloud, and got a magic staff, and ended up with a lightning gun. After that, we got some odd metal from a structure in the sky, along with a fancy new sword for leo to study. there were a few other things, but those stood out the most. The magic of the metal makes things float, if thats of any use to you."


"Right, speaking of"
Leo holds up the staff
"Anyone want this?"


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Satomi still didn't trust Leo's creations entirely, but at the least he wasn't talking about using the Taints of this realm to make weaponry, and she wasn't in so good a position as to be able to reject his work out of hand, especially since he was just about the only other prolific worker of machinery that this group had, besides Kusuke who worked in a smaller context. "Plas-muh... Lightning weapons... "Railguns"... uh, hmm. I can only guess at one of those, but considering that your mining golems have been useful I shall choose to be optimistic about what you can create. I just have two rules for you though: if you're putting something on my walls, don't use the Taint, and make sure it won't burn my wood down.


I am definitely going to want to try to use some of that floating metal tomorrow, as I can immediately think of uses for it and I'm sure I can come up with more. As for your mining golems, have them get some stone. It doesn't have to be very much, as I've only got to work on the side walls and I have some stone left over, but if possible I'd prefer not to have to resort to concrete like the northern wall."

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At Satomi's (hesitant) response to Azgurk's arrival, the giant Ork let out a loud laugh, "You're zoggin' right us Orkz can be useful. I've been through more warz than you can count. Dese 'Goblinz' of yourz are gonna be nothin' but a pile of broken bones by the time Warboss Azgrurk is done wiff dem!" he stated, banging his chest with his metal claw hand. He didn't seem to quite get that working on a siege crossbow would keep him away from fighting... Yet.

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Another dawn, another day, everything is starting to get almost home-y? around here.  Either way the Barkeep seems at least somewhat less disgruntled this morning.

He leaves out a small pile of potions for anyone to grab. (+4 "Lesser Healing Potions")

The night and morning go by with little of interest happening, that chattering is still somewhere in the rafters.



....That is until you go to step foot outside.  A grey, cold, and incessant drizzle of rain permeates everything.  Obviously it started some time last night, judging by the large puddles and standing pools of mud.  Most of the villagers seem unphased by the rain, simply going about their daily business in heavy coats and boots.



Characters get +1 to their first roll today due to better sleeping conditions.

Actions taken in the rain may incur some penalty.

The Golems return from the evening mining stone bringing back [functionally unlimited] units of stone.

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Toshiro stayed silent during the meeting, Jun basically said everything so there was no need to speak up.  "Defenses huh..." The fishman thought to himself as he left. He'll have to think of some way to help on that front, he hasn't really done anything substantial to really make him stand out here. Though Leo did want him to smelt the ore they got earlier, shouldn't take too long or be too hard he could finish both before going to bed.


Crafting: 10 vs 24,
Luck: 12,
Toshiro quickly finds that charcoal(even of this admittedly high quality) is going to be insufficient to melt this ore, he'll have to find something else to add.


Crafting: 20 vs 12,
Quality: 61,
Toshiro smelts the ore with no further issues, a few minutes of waiting and you've got three ingots each about the size of a forearm. Toshiro smelts an additional two ingots of Silver, Lead, and Iron.


Leo want him to do it without using Gel, but there were just no usable fuel sources to get the job done. So he had to just smelt the ore he could with his time before leaving them to cool off and he'd come back to check on them tomorrow morning. Now, time for some shut eye.

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