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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"If this Coil guy is as dangerous as he sounds, we should probably take you with us to find Leet, for safety? Might be a good opp--" Harry glanced down as his phone buzzed, and grimaced at the mutilation of text that he saw. It was discernible at least, and understandable.


"Off subject, but is it a bad idea to eat here? If it is, got any better recommendations? I'm thinking if this place is crap, then a supermarket in the area would be best."

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Satomi considered Dragon's words for a moment. "Ummm... I do doubt that I will have the amount of time I would need to learn from any of the dojos here, but I suppose that it's possible I could buy some books... if I could convince the others to spend that much, heh heh..." Books are really expensive, after all! She had no idea how much money two thousand dollars was, but if it was a lot she could probably get a book or two.

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That was one path to nigh assured agitation avoided. Good. As the other girl and the dragon began to hammer away at their visitor with their battery of questions, Lucille collected the case containing the group's compensation and excused herself from the whole scene. She'd made sure the "drugs" were gone and had collected what they were apparently owed- her job was done here. 

     Catching the cat's attention as she walked further into the warehouse proper, she called the largest of them, the black male Do, to her side as she walked. Coming to around the same area where they had eaten the night before and she first found the rest of them, she set the case down behind one of the nearby crates- in fact, it was the very one she had sat upon, for her helm was still there, undisturbed. 


"Just make sure no one pokes around here," she said to the cat, to which he immediately leapt up on the crate and made himself comfortable in position as sentry, though his eyes still held all the predatory alertness that bespoke so much of his feral nature. Giving the feline a far more comprehensive set of conditions as to how to guard the money (Lilly was most definitely not allowed anywhere near it, nor was anyone the cat had not seen since she came across him this morning) over their link, she went about making sure that if any of said conditions were violated, She'd immediately know what was happening via the bond. With that done, she left Do to carry out its watch.


And as she walked away, she began searching for an empty crate, clicking her tongue at several of those nearby before settling on one....

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Thinking words at someone was harder than it might seem. The tall avatar seemed to make it simply enough, but Eva wasn't used to it at all, so it took her several moments of jumbled thoughts before a clear message rang out. Ironically, this message wasn't exactly anything new. "Hi?"

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Ren responded rather positively to the hi that he received the oddly dressed feminine Drakeite smiling at the rather strange new compatriot. He, of course, noticed at least partially.....that his other companion was doing something...But he wasn't quite sure what or whether or not he could be included in such a thing and as such he quietly sat down on a bit of dilapidated dock.


Quietly perhaps a little excitedly watching the scene unfold soaking in this new person with childlike wonder that often resurfaced sometimes with Ren. He had grown a lot...but sometime's he really did feel like a kid and his lost childhood only made that feeling come out stronger. Either way, Ren was looking at proditor slightly impatiently waiting for a bit of an explanation for what was going on and if he was invited to this whole shebang.

Edited by AbstractTraitorHero
Fixing spelling
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Eva would quickly get a reply from Proditor, his voice as calm as normal, "Hello again. Try again, this time with the attempt to answer this: Do you know of the Trespassers?"


After a few seconds, Ren would suddenly get Proditor's voice in his own head, "I am attempting to directly speak with this young girl, whom you may call 'Eva'. Guiding her through the process of responding to me is something that takes awhile, so please be patient" Proditor stated, his helmet not budging an inch, even though he was practically speaking to two different people at once.

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Calvera appears to think for a second, as she stares at her hands. She snaps her fingers once, then furrows her eyebrows. Clearly frustrated, she fists her hand, bending her arm then quickly extending. The bright light of fire quickly erupts on her arm, which is completely covered now. She smiles, "Hey, that wasn't too hard-" but is quickly interrupted by the flame flying off towards Arminius, shortly stopping before him, striking the ground, leaving a large black mark of soot.


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"It's a Greasetrap, but the food is pretty good.  There's also a deal going on where anyone who can eat The Challenger gets it free.  It's a pile of meat, grease, and bread unlike any other."


"But yeah.  I can call them whenever you're ready.  Those nerds aren't exactly the busiest of people, and I get the sense that your group can impress them."    Tattletale responds.




"Well, they are much cheaper used, yes.  thankfully, there are cheap books available that teach some of the more basic principles."


"It isn't like you are going to collage, after all."  Dragon jokes.


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3 hours ago, GodofGamingRWBY said:

Eva would quickly get a reply from Proditor, his voice as calm as normal, "Hello again. Try again, this time with the attempt to answer this: Do you know of the Trespassers?"


After a few seconds, Ren would suddenly get Proditor's voice in his own head, "I am attempting to directly speak with this young girl, whom you may call 'Eva'. Guiding her through the process of responding to me is something that takes awhile, so please be patient" Proditor stated, his helmet not budging an inch, even though he was practically speaking to two different people at once.

When Proditor reached for Ren's mind it would feel perhaps..slightly strange at first like there was something..perhaps surrounding it faintly or perhaps their whole body an energy perhaps"s? Either way, it didn't try to stop you and Ren's mind felt very...human. With something perhaps feeling ever so slightly off. Ren's thoughts jumbling a bit ranging from some kinda fish to images of an overcrowded city.


Before Ren managed to respond their mind sending two words in a low tone.


 Ren Understand's.

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