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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"They Scream, Yes!?"


Mar Suddenly turns, tired of this indomitable barrier.  He Grabs a Shadow Beast and Wedges his Adamandine Sword in it's Throat, Breaking it off and Smashing it into it's lungs with his Adamantine Blade Core.  Even if it were to revive, it would revive to a blade suffocating it, choking it. He Holds it in a Chokehold, forcing the sharp edge of the supermetal deeper laterally into it's throat. 


"Stay dead beast, your suffering will NEVER end in the land of the living so long as I draw Breath, you hear me? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"


He screams at it, Over and over, those who hear might be shaken by the brutality, the cruelty, He seems to get that they can come back from the dead, and it is not apparent if he is trying to counter their revival, or exploit it to make one suffer...

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Alexandria crushes the creature's throat, and then twists its neck 360 degrees.  Holding it in that position with her free hand, she begins charging her plasma cannon in preparation for the barrier to go down, making the area inside uncomfortably warm as the ominous whine fills the air.

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The grey cloaked man smiled widely as he saw his teammates dispatch the shadow beasts, and upon noticing a very loud, almost thundering sound, he shouted "That's the spirit! Let's go and get some tea when this is all over!" as the metallic books thrown here from afar crashed into the only shadow beast not currently being choked out.

Edited by Cronos5010
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Visrii swiftly dodged the steel rain.


The shadow beast was getting crushed by books.

"The damn book flinger..." Visrii growled under his breath, watching the shadow beast getting pummeled by the metal storm, "stealing my kill, huh?"

His arms were tired and throbbing from the stretched out battle, but he had guts enough to charge an explosion. "Guess I'll make a show of its corpse, then."

He breathed in (and ripped off a bird's head), out, and gripped his staff, his arm screaming in pain. 1...2...3...!

With a stab to the ground, the sky roared with fury and lit up like a sea of gray fire.

The metal books did the trick. All the lighting charge, boosted by the rain and focused by metal, the entire storm sent down a massive lightning unto the field.

Visrii staggered at the force of the ensuing explosion (considering he was right next to it, he was pretty rattled), shielding his eyes.

When the shock subsided, all that was left of the shadow beast was a smoking hot crater, quickly doused by the rain.

Visrii sighed and laid out on the muddy ground immediately. He felt weak, his head spinning. 

Damn it...used too much...not as strong as I used to be here...

I guess...I'll just lie here a bit.

And he felt the rain pour on as he was thrown, again, into the darkness.

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Kagari's butt moved without stopping as she struck down tiny shadow creature after tiny shadow creature. But there were so many of them, it was honestly a little too tedious to keep fighting them in her normal style. As an outfighter, she prioritised quick hits over strong attacks, but while that was effective in a one-on-one situation, cases like this where she was surrounded by enemies were better dealt with by infighters.


Without significantly changing her external appearance, she adjusted her muscle mass, concentrating them in her hips and thighs. Anyone who was paying extremely close attention would notice her butt get slightly bigger, but there was no other sign that showed her transformation to an infighter body type. She aimed at a large mass of the shadowy things, near to Snow's location. She hesitated a bit about going so close to the armored woman, but bit her lip to stop her fear. She was a human right now. There was nothing to worry about. Running toward the mass of shadowy creatures, she incorporated a few cartwheels and pirouettes into her wind-up, adding force to her forward motion. Just before she reached the shadowy mass, she leapt upwards, somersaulting midair, twisting her hips sharply downwards.




The sheer force of Kagari's butt blew away the air in its path, creating a vacuum in its wake. In a single strike, all the clustered shadowy monsters were blown away, smashing against the walls of the perimeter and dissipating into shadowy mist. Kagari made sure that her swimsuit was in order, then folded her arms and started searching for her next target.

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The beasts burst into fragments of twilight as this last assault strikes them, a yelp of pain instead of a shriek sounding from. . . well, they don't appear to have mouths, but it has to be sounding from somewhere. The barrier drops, with a few fragments of a black-and-red something left on the ground from the orc's assault. The group presses forward as the shady creatures in their path seem to lost momentum, with the flow of enemies trickling down to nothing for a few moments. They come to what is apparently a dead end - the path simply terminates in a clump of boulders against a sheer cliff face - though something seems off. . . Either way, perhaps there was a wrong turn was taken? But the path didn't seem to have any turns. 

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Obviously this boulder serves as a door to a cavern or something on the other side. Jesse lazily dangles his gun and observes the surface of what they're dealing with here. Unless this huge rock is made of iron or spell enchanted to  keep angels out, He could easily go infiltrate on the other side with his ghost form without moving boulder out of the way, but that would be careless and god knows what is on the other side, for all he know it could be a trap. 


"Perhaps a magic word could move this boulder aside? we do have mages here in the group right?" Jesse asked.

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Solomon sees Alexandria smashing up rocks and he decided against putting the young man there, we wouldn't want to risk him getting hit by some shards now would we? Instead he gently laid the man down near Izumi while saying "Just another milk run".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Izumi Kurosawa, "Dead End"

She nods curtly as she flicks the safety back on.

"Let's have a breather and get in order. Reload, get into formation and all that." She gestures to the cuts and grazes across her limbs and body, torn sleeves betraying the mechanisms beneath, the only novelty being how little it seemed to bother her, seems like it's not just her foes who were more resilient here.

"Sif, fly up and see if there's anything we should know about. The wall's probably a fake, let's see if we can't tear a few seams shall we?"



((Kurosawa uses Summon Dove and has Sif fly up and over, looking for anything of interest.))

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"Of course, why am i not surprise? humanity's absolute answer to solve everything, brute force." Jesse rolls his eyes as the other start their demolition. i mean what could possibly go wrong? the fact that the group were on a cliff face and all that smashing could cause a cave in or an avalanche that could spell death from above from where they are stand. But hey, any option is valid and this method of destroying everything in their way seems to be the easiest one, it work before right? The angel hugs his rifle and watch over the group's unconscious members.

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The brief encounter with the creatures was now over. As Alexandria and two of the most recent arrivals began to attack the clump of boulders, Edmond hung back, unsure how to contribute.

Having little else to do, Edmond wandered over to Visrii, slumped unconscious where Solomon had deposited him.

He's a bit burned...Not very cautious with that lightning, I suppose?

To Edmond, the irritable man seemed in no way injured save his present unconsciousness.

He glanced up, and resumed watching the many actions taking place about him: quiet muttering by the one called Jesse, the woman--whom Solomon had spoken with--summoning a strange dove, Alexandria preparing to utterly annihilate some boulders, and the myriad of other things which were occurring.

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Solomon noticed the pretty dove flying away as the woman had summoned it, she must have been a shaman to be able to summon such a spirit, he thought as he turned to face the engineer from before.

"Oh hey, how was the book by the way?".

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6 minutes ago, Cronos5010 said:

Solomon noticed the pretty dove flying away as the woman had summoned it, she must have been a shaman to be able to summon such a spirit, he thought as he turned to face the engineer from before.

"Oh hey, how was the book by the way?".

"Oh..It was somewhat entertaining. Will you be wanting it back then?"

At this point, there was far more about to pique Edmond's curiosity than a book that, while presumably priceless, and interesting in its own right, had little to set it apart from the other great works of its era.

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2 hours ago, Ragnar said:

"Of course, why am i not surprise? humanity's absolute answer to solve everything, brute force." Jesse rolls his eyes as the other start their demolition. i mean what could possibly go wrong? the fact that the group were on a cliff face and all that smashing could cause a cave in or an avalanche that could spell death from above from where they are stand. But hey, any option is valid and this method of destroying everything in their way seems to be the easiest one, it work before right? The angel hugs his rifle and watch over the group's unconscious members.


"My Technique is precise to micrometers.  That is impossible unless I am interfered with."



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Solomon makes his way towards Alexandria, who has inexplicably pulled out a rocket hammer and started smashing the rocks blocking the way, he knew that Alexandria had it before during the fight against the heartless, but he didn't exactly have enough time to ask her then didn't he? Maybe he should do that right now...

Solomon ignored Visrii's still inert body, he ignored the shrinkwrapped woman and her beautiful dove, and he left the engineer with the book that had been given to him, it was always rude to take a gift back from the one you had given it to.


He walked up to the metallic woman, the unbound lesser AI, and he opened his mouth and said "Where did you get that!?".

(OOC: I am assuming that your Rocket Hammer is..Loud, to say the least)

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"This?  It's built in," Alexandria states, pausing her hammering to facilitate dialogue.  "It is the only one of my flight thrusters to be currently functional, attached to a pole.  Oh, did you want to know where I was keeping it?  My entire body is composed of Galvanium, a metal that I believe is unique to my home universe.  Galvanium becomes smaller and more dense, but not lighter, when exposed to electricity.  I was constructed very large, and shrunk to human size when my power supply was installed.  By shifting the degree of miniaturization of different components, I can store my integrated equipment inside compartments that would ordinarily never fit them.  Including my hammer."

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