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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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Darius notices the Sleep spell being cast in his direction, but despite his natural resistance to spells, the affliction manages to slip through and he instantly becomes very drowsy.


"Guh...damnit...why now...of all times...ngh...save them..." he manages to groan out before the spell overwhelms him completely and he crumbles on the floor, sleeping like a rock.

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(Myrdwyn will attack twice)
(Myrdwyn has the advantage)
(Myrdwyn is protected by dragon scales)

Attack: 16
Hit: 80%
Crit: 0%


Troubadour 2:
Attack: 0
Hit: 49%
Crit: 1%


Myrdwyn's Attack 1: 6, hit!
Troubadour 2 takes 16 damage!


Troubadour 2's Attack: 100, miss.


Myrdwyn's Attack 2: 36, hit!
Myrdwyn defeats troubadour 2 with 16 damage!


Myrdwyn flies towards the troubadour and strikes them with her lance, greatly injuring them. They try to retaliate, but the axe goes so wide that Myrdwyn was slightly confused as to where they were aiming. Ignoring that detail, Myrdwyn finishes off the troubadour, who incidentally seemed to accept their impending demise, and then moves to reposition.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (0/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (D16) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (G13) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (G14) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H11) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (H14) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (D12) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (H3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L13) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (0/26) (E14) Storm (28/30)

Mage 5: (22/26) (C14) Elwind (27/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F3) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (D18) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (13/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (J3) Yotsmungand (19/20)E, Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (H2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (C16) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40)E, Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (F2) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (B12) Sleep (15/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (0/21) (E9) Befuddled (13/15), Poison Hand (18/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (O2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (0/29) (L13) Steel Lance (28/30) Poisoned 2/2
Armored Knight 13: (29/29) (D13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 14: (29/29) (E12) Steel Rapier (28/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (E5) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (0/22) (D14) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Downed 3/3
Cadence: (22/22) (C5) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (1/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (9/24) (C4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20) 
Darius: (24/25) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Sleep 3/3
Idei: (23/24) (D8) Iron Bow (20/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Befuddled 3/3
Cass: (30/30) (C14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (25/30) (D4) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (E10) Heavy Lance (18/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (12/29) (E5) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (16/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (0/27) (D17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (18/20)E Downed 2/3
Helena: (0/30) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5)E, Elwind (29/30), Elthunder (30/30) Downed 3/3

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 12/100



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Rationally, the moment he had turned to Cass and asked him to go with him, he had known that he was choosing survivors. A decision placed in his hands, determined by the whim of a second. With the enemy forces rallying and surrounding them, closing them in on all sides, there was simply no way that those who remained behind would survive, not against those odds, and definitely not in the state they had already been by the time he'd left. He'd wanted to save one — even just one. 


Or was it even anything so noble? What's to say he hadn't desperately needed someone to come with him, to shoulder the impossible burden of survival with him so that he wouldn't have to come out alone again, with the knowledge that he had turned his back? Maybe he had instead sought, selfishly, to protect himself, as though being able to say he had saved even one could mitigate the guilt of having abandoned three.


Whichever the case, he had known in his gut that he couldn't be fast enough. Yet a small part of him had still hoped against hope, and so when he rounds the corner once more, breath harsh and raw against the back of his throat, eyes wide and searching, the reality of the trio of slumped figures against the floor hits him like a physical blow. He freezes, locked in place. He should be there with them.


But this time, he isn't running away. ( Isn't he? ) He's come back, like he said. ( Would they ever know? )


Yes, he did. He'll prove it.


Move to C12 and attack Mage 5; Canto to C10.

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(Idei will attack twice)
(Idei is befuddled)


Attack: 16
Hit: 68%
Crit: 1%


Mage 5:
Attack: 7
Hit: 73%
Crit: 0%


Idei's Attack 1: 29, hit!
Mage 5 takes 16 damage!


Mage 5's Attack: 58, hit!
Idei takes 7 damage!


Idei's Attack 2: 8, hit!
Idei defeats Mage 5 with 16 damage!


Desperate to clear the path, Idei rides forward and fires two shots with surprising accuracy given his condition. The mage does manage to counterattack before the arrows strike him down, dealing some damage to Idei.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (0/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (D16) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (G13) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (G14) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H11) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (H14) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (D12) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (H3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L13) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (0/26) (E14) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (0/26) (C14) Elwind (26/30)

Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F3) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (D18) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (13/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (J3) Yotsmungand (19/20)E, Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (H2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (C16) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40)E, Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2
Thief 3: (22/22) (F2) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (B12) Sleep (15/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (0/21) (E9) Befuddled (13/15), Poison Hand (18/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (O2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (0/29) (L13) Steel Lance (28/30) Poisoned 2/2
Armored Knight 13: (29/29) (D13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 14: (29/29) (E12) Steel Rapier (28/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (E5) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (0/22) (D14) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Downed 3/3
Cadence: (22/22) (C5) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (1/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (9/24) (C4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20) 
Darius: (24/25) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Sleep 3/3
Idei: (16/24) (C10) Iron Bow (18/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Befuddled 3/3
Cass: (30/30) (C14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (25/30) (D4) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D5) Heavy Lance (18/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (12/29) (E5) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (16/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (0/27) (D17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (18/20)E Downed 2/3
Helena: (0/30) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5)E, Elwind (29/30), Elthunder (30/30) Poisoned 1/2 Downed 2/3

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 15/100




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There is a solid thud as the shaman collapses like a sack of potatoes, snores loudly echoing. God damn sleep staves...



"Are you fucking kidding me?" The fencer muttered under her breath, gripping the bridge of her nose. Of bloody course, he's asleep. By the Goddess, these Troubs were more like rats: vile little pests that were practically infesting the place, hiding behind every wall, sneaking out whenever the opportunity presented itself before scurrying right back to their decrepit little hidey holes...


"Look, someone wake him. I don't care if you guys have to kick him awake, so long as he's back up again... I'm gonna try to deter some of these Wandroughts trying to come up from behind."


With Gale Sword in hand, she did just that, firing off two roaring blasts of wind at the nearest knight...


D3, Rock NullArmor 1 Like a Hurricane

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(Cadence has the advantage)
(Cadence will attack twice)
(Rayne is supporting Cadence)


Attack: 17
Hit: 97%
Crit: 24%


Null Knight 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Cadence's Attack: 10, hit! (17: CRIT!)
Cadence defeats Null Knight 1 with a devastating 51 damage!




Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (0/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (D16) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (G13) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (G14) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H11) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (H14) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (D12) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (H3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L13) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (0/26) (E14) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (0/26) (C14) Elwind (26/30)

Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (0/32) (F3) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (D18) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (13/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (J3) Yotsmungand (19/20)E, Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (H2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (C16) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40)E, Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (F2) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (B12) Sleep (15/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (0/21) (E9) Befuddled (13/15), Poison Hand (18/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (O2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (0/29) (L13) Steel Lance (28/30) Poisoned 2/2
Armored Knight 13: (29/29) (D13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 14: (29/29) (E12) Steel Rapier (28/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (E5) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (0/22) (D14) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Downed 3/3
Cadence: (22/22) (D3) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (1/3), Gale Sword (20/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Moved
Emilee: (9/24) (C4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20) 
Darius: (24/25) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Sleep 3/3
Idei: (16/24) (C10) Iron Bow (18/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Befuddled 3/3 Moved
Cass: (30/30) (C14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (25/30) (D4) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D5) Heavy Lance (18/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20)E, Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20) Moved
Clarisse: (12/29) (E5) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (16/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (0/27) (D17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (18/20)E Downed 2/3
Helena: (0/30) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5)E, Elwind (29/30), Elthunder (30/30)  Downed 2/3

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 18/100




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Just as before, two spells merged into one, the howling blasts becoming nigh unstoppable as they barreled down upon the knight. The crunch of steel caving in, the snapping of ribs and sternum, the spray of crimson as his chest was crushed like an eggshell caught beneath the heel of a giant. All in the same moment as his body was lifted off it's feet like a mere toy, hurled over his fellow's heads and down to the very end of the hall, right next to the last Knight within Cade's view. 


Eyes tactiturn, mouth fixed with disgust, she gave a flourish of her wrist, twirling the enchanted blade before bringing it to bear against the scavengers, thieves, and dancers still left alive.


"Did you think I was playing earlier?" the glacial tone of her question was punctuated by more wind gathering to her blade, obviously preparing to counter whatever attack they might launch... "Did you think there was nothing to fear from some little girl with a sword? I bet your friends did, look at them now. I'll give you one last chance, and one only. Either you put your weapons down and run away, or I will tear through each and every one of you where you stand and leave nothing behind for your pathetic families to bury afterwards."


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"''Fraid not lady. We don't care who you are or what you're capable of. So long as we can take a few of you down, that's more than enough for what we were hired for," the thief besides the now fallen knight responded. "Heck, stalling you here for as long as we have will probably be enough to get us all our pay. Our benefactor is probably already handling business elsewhere, while you all are stuck here having to get out of this place," the thief laughs.

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She was going to say something, but before the very words could make it of her mouth, there came a voice from just behind her, ever so subtle. Cade doubted anyone else would've even heard it...


"Enough, Cadence. You gave them their chance, they refused to listen to reason. End them rightly, or your journey, and that of your friends as well, will end here, before you have done anything or saved anyone."


...Cadence couldn't deny, She had a point.


"Fine." She said, voice wholly deadpan "I'll start with you then, worthless sod. Let's see how well you laugh with that tongue ripped out of your throat. And once I'm done with you all, I'll find your little benefactor too, gut him like a pig, and take whatever pay was going to be yours off his corpse."


All the while, she lay her blade across her shoulder, subtly working her good hand against it's pummel in counter clockwise motions... not that any of their enemies would've been close enough to really notice something amiss.


End them rightly indeed...

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"Clarisse! You're hurt!" Rayne exclaimed. She had felt something warm but wet through her friend's armour. She wasn't really sure what it was at first, mostly due to the amount of things going on, but she realized now. lt was Clarisse's blood on her hands. She hugged her tighter to her chest, probably squeezing a bit of the air out of her in the process.


"You... You need to be careful. l... l dunno what l'd do without you." She held onto her for a time as Beau flew closer to the frontlines. She had to let Clarisse go, she had to help get their friends out safely. She put her face into her shoulder. She new she had to enough though she was scared for her. Clarisse could feel something wet on her shoulder, along with the weight of Rayne's head.

She left Clarisse off wiping away her tears, before she shouted to get their healer's attention. "Emilee! Clarisse is wounded! She's going to need patching up so we can get the others out of there safely!"

Beau snorted, it was as if he was judging the far group. "Look what y'all did. You made her cry. l cannae forgive that. Ye best be livin', that way you can pay your penance."


Move to D8, drop (Nuclear Fighter Package; bae) Clarisse into D9, Canto to D5

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Cass grinned at Darius as he picked him up and placed him back down. Heck, it was weird, deal with it.


But the moment his feet hit the ground, the man gestured towards the shaman before scooting back over towards where the rest of their forces lingers, guitar in hand, no time to speak, only to play, and to rescue everyone.





Move to E9, 'Play' for Clarisse and Myrdwyn

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(Clarisse is feeling good)
(Clarisse is with her army)
(Clarisse will deal effective damage)
(Knight 14 has the advantage)


Attack: 37
Hit: 74%
Crit: 2%


Knight 14:
Attack: 9
Hit: 83%
Crit: 4%


Clarisse's Attack: 78, miss.


Knight 14's attack: 20, hit!
Clarisse takes 9 damage!


Reinvigorated, Clarisse tries to crush another knight, only for him to dodge and retaliate with a strike of his own.



(Myrdwyn will deal effective damage)
(Myrdwyn will attack twice)
(Myrdwyn is protected by dragon scales)
(Knight 13 has the advantage)


Attack: 20
Hit: 68%
Crit: 2%


Knight 13:
Attack: 6
Hit: 84%
Crit: 1%


Myrdwyn's Attack 1: 60, hit!
Knight 13 takes 20 damage!


Knight 13's Attack: 66, hit!
Myrdwyn takes 6 damage!


Myrdwyn's Attack 2: 44, hit!
Myrdwyn defeats Knight 13 with 20 damage!


Myrdwyn flies towards the other knight and strikes him with her lance. Though it was a significant blow, the knight managed to respond with his own weaker counterattack. A second strike from Myrdwyn's lance landed true and finished off the knight.

Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (0/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (D16) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (G13) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (G14) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H11) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (H14) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (D12) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (H3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L13) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (0/26) (E14) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (0/26) (C14) Elwind (26/30)

Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (0/32) (F3) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (D18) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (13/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (J3) Yotsmungand (19/20)E, Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (H2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (C16) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40)E, Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (F2) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (B12) Sleep (15/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (0/21) (E9) Befuddled (13/15), Poison Hand (18/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (O2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (0/29) (L13) Steel Lance (28/30) Poisoned 2/2
Armored Knight 13: (0/29) (D13) Steel Axe (29/30)

Armored Knight 14: (29/29) (E12) Steel Rapier (27/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D5) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (0/22) (D14) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Downed 3/3
Cadence: (22/22) (D3) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (1/3), Gale Sword (20/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (9/24) (D8) Heal (18/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20) 
Darius: (24/25) (D7) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Sleep 3/3
Idei: (16/24) (C10) Iron Bow (18/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Befuddled 3/3
Cass: (30/30) (D6) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (25/30) (D4) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (C13) Heavy Lance (18/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20)E, Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (20/29) (E11) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (16/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (0/27) (D17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (18/20)E Downed 2/3
Helena: (0/30) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5)E, Elwind (29/30), Elthunder (30/30)  Downed 2/3

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 22/100




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[Enemy Phase]


Scavenger 3 Moves to F12 and attacks Cadence



(Scavenger 3 has the advantage)
(Cadence will attack twice)
(Cadence has Ember Glint)
(Rayne is supporting Cadence)


Scavenger 3:
Attack: 12
Hit: 68%
Crit: 1%


Attack: 20
Hit: 57%
Crit: 18%


Scavenger 3's Attack: 52, hit!
Cadence takes 12 damage!
Phantasmal Aegis activates!
Cadence is berserked


Cadence's Attack 1: 93, miss.


Cadence's Attack 2: 59, miss.


Moving up to Cadence, the scavenger strikes her with dark magic, which does noticeable damage and causes Cadence to go berserk. In her fury, she swings her sword in an attempt to retaliate, but both strikes miss their mark.

Scavenger 4 Moves to E2 and attacks Cadence with Worm



(Scavenger 4 has the advantage)
(Cadence has a Phantasmal Aegis)
(Rayne is supporting Cadence)

Scavenger 4:
Attack: 6
Hit: 93%
Crit: 7%


Attack: 20
Hit: 47%
Crit: 18%


Scavenger 4's Attack: 49, hit!
Cadence takes 6 damage!


Cadence's Attack: 76, miss.


Seeing an opening, the second scavenger also strikes Cadence with dark magic, though the effect seemed to be diminished somewhat. Cadence, still in her blind fury, was unable to land a clean hit onto the scavenger.

Thief 3 Moves to E3 and attacks Cadence



(Rayne is supporting Cadence)


Thief 3:
Attack: 8
Hit: 90%
Crit: 2%


Attack: 21
Hit: 58%
Crit: 18%


Thief 3's Attack: 28, hit!
Thief 3 downs Cadence with 8 damage!


Taking up Cadence's earlier taunt, the thief moves forward and takes Cadence down with a simple strike with his knife. "Well, looks like that's all she wrote. I have to say, you made a pretty big showing earlier, and while you may have the strength to back it up, sometimes things don't work out for you," the thief remarks before looking about.


"Now then, I should bail before she gets really pissed"

Dancer 5 Moves to G2 and dances Thief 3


Thief 3 Moves to K3


Knight 11 Moves to K2


Knight 14 Moves to C11 and attacks Idei



(Idei is being evasive)
(Cass is supporting Idei)


Knight 14:
Attack: 9
Hit: 36%
Crit: 0%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Knight 14's Attack: 49, miss


The knight tries to strike the confused horseman, but his daze seemed to make him very unpredictable movement wise, causing the knight to miss his strike.

Knight 7 Moves to E12


Knight 8 Moves to E14


Knight 6 Moves to D13 


Null Knight 6 Moves to D16


Scavenger 6 Moves to E13 and attacks Clarisse with Iron Knives



(Clarisse is with her army)
(Scavenger 6 has the advantage)
(Scavenger 6 will attack twice)


Scavenger 6:
Attack: 3
Hit: 100%
Crit: 1%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Scavenger 6's Attack 1: 37, hit!
Clarisse takes 3 damage!


Scavenger 6's Attack 2: 18, hit!
Clarisse takes 3 damage!


The scavenger moves besides his allies and strikes Clarisse with a few knives, which do a modest amount of damage.

[Ally Phase]




Turn 9


Karik Heals for 3HP

Emilee Heals for 4 HP


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (0/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (D13) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (E12) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (E14) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H11) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (H14) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (D12) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (G3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L13) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (0/26) (E14) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (0/26) (C14) Elwind (26/30)

Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (0/32) (F3) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (D16) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (13/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (F3) Yotsmungand (18/20)E, Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (E2) Worm (39/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (E13) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40)E, Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (K3) Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (B12) Sleep (15/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (0/21) (E9) Befuddled (13/15), Poison Hand (18/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (K2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (0/29) (L13) Steel Lance (28/30) Poisoned 2/2
Armored Knight 13: (0/29) (D13) Steel Axe (29/30)

Armored Knight 14: (29/29) (C11) Steel Rapier (27/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D5) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (0/22) (D14) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Downed 2/3
Cadence: (0/22) (D3) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (1/3), Gale Sword (20/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Downed 3/3
Emilee: (13/24) (D8) Heal (18/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20) 
Darius: (24/25) (D7) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Sleep 2/3
Idei: (16/24) (C10) Iron Bow (18/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Befuddled 2/3
Cass: (30/30) (E9) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/30) (D9) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (23/29) (C13) Heavy Lance (18/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20)E, Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (14/29) (E11) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (16/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (0/27) (D17) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (18/20)E Downed 1/3
Helena: (0/30) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5)E, Elwind (29/30), Elthunder (30/30)  Downed 1/3

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 27/100



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Glancing about the room, the sole Null Knight remaining looked towards his highly injured foes. "Our orders were to dispose of them, but he wouldn't mind if we tried to gain further ransom would he?" the Null Knight asks. The other knights look at each other for a moment and shake their heads.


"Very well. Men! We capture the opposing party. Might as well get a bit more pay for our work," he says as he grabs two of the injured party members and carries them further into the mansion. Those who were still able tried to resist, but soon enough the party was overwhelmed and sent into the basement dungeon.


Chapter 5: A Light in the Darkness

Year 1638, 27th of Vembra


After some time, the party comes to. Their weapons and mounts are nowhere to be seen. While those who were still about before their capture were awake in their cells, those who weren't were just starting to get up. Upon waking, they would find themselves in a rather dark and cramped cell, though able to see the others through the bars.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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"You'd better pray to all the gods you believe in that I never get out of here, you rotten bastards!" She slammed herself into the door of the cell holding her - this wouldn't be the first time she'd done so. "The wyvern's not the one you gotta worry about! I'll tear you apart with my own two hands!" The woman continued to alternate shouting increasingly graphic obscenities and insults through the bars and slamming herself against them in a futile attempt to break them down - if the repeated impacts were hurting her, it wasn't showing in her voice or behavior.

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Darius finally awakes from his spell-induced sleep, leaping onto his feet before looking around himself.


"Huh...huh? Wha? Where did-uh-where am I? Where are we?" He says after noticing the others in separate cells.

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"You really ought not waste your breath. After the fiftieth time you tried that, it seems unlikely the bars will move if you try it for a fifty-first time," a voice that none of them recognized commented. A shape stirred in the shadows of the furthest back cell and moved towards the bars. The light revealed a tattered looking girl with messy hair and a large cloak that seemed almost too big for her. Continuing to speak, she sat down with her legs folded and gestured towards the entrance to the cell.




"You have to realize, they don't care. You can scream all you want but unless they're coming to hit you for annoying them, they're not going to pay attention. You're better off just waiting for whatever they plan to do with you. Less painful that way."

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Rayne was in the corner of her cell. She had her eyes closed as she paced back and forth. She was familiar with the surroundings already, so she wasn't at any risk of bumping into anything. She was worried about Beau. She hated being away from him. He was bad with others, he was alone again. She didn't want to leave him alone she promised she wouldn't. She couldn't help it... it wasn't like she was intentionally breaking her promise, but she couldn't help but feel like the world was ending. Her stomach was in knots with the worry, writhing in it. She tried to push it from her mind but she couldn't really. lt just lingered there, clawing and gnawing at her.


She decided there was no point doing this and at least... something would hopefully distract her for the time being. She looked to see if she could spot Clarisse, but seemingly, no dice. Though instead she heard a new voice. Not a guard or one of thevr captors. No, lt was another prisoner? Strange they'd speak up, though perhaps she was jsut sticking up for the rowdy wyvern rider. Who really knew besides her?

"Who are you? What's your name?" a couple simple and straight-forward questions all she said, the only words to come to her at the moment. lt'd be obvious to the newcomer she was distraught about something. lt was the clearest thing in her voice.

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Bel slowly began to come too, expecting to be to on top of the red carpet in-front of the throne. However to his surprise he'd would wake up within a dark cell with all his weapons gone. What had happened after he had been put to sleep? Taking a look around he sees all his other comrades within their own cell and a mysterious women.



So, they were captured huh? About to be sold, executed or whatever these men want to do with them. In the end it seems Belros was unable to change anything or save anyone. The only thing he was able to accomplish was bring more people down with him. What did he expect though? Once a failure always a failure. If he could save the people he cared for then how can he do that now?


Belros sits in the corner of his cell sulking, and waits for the end to come. He should've just done this from the beginning instead of struggling all this time.

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"Does it really matter?" The woman pulled out a deck of embossed cards and began to idly shuffle them as she spoke. "We're all stuck in here no matter who I am. But I suppose given how upset you are, it would only be polite to answer. My name is Selia Calchas, seer of fortunes and futures, current prisoner of our lovely host host. I assume you met him and were not simply tossed in here for no reason?"

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