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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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"Who says dying was ever part of my plan?" Belros says getting a bit more serious now.  "I should know better than anyone that sacrificing yourself only brings sadness. I pretty sure most people in this group probably wouldn't care if I kicked the bucket, but others out there do care. If I were just to throw my life away like that it would fix nothing, besides, I still have stuff I need to take care of in this life. Mostly pertaining to the fate and possible death of a certain red-haired man." He stared directly into Cass's eyes as he spoke those last few words. He stayed silent for a moment.



"But don't worry, it's not you. Heh, heh, heh. Just know that I'm not planning on dying here nor am I letting anyone else die here, okay?"  

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Cass nearly had a heart attack when he heard what Belros said, but then the usual deal happened and he grunted.


"Hrng." He chose to ignore that part. He didn't feel like pissing at Belros now anyways. "Sure, I'll keep your word for it, then." He said and nodded. He felt he could trust the guy on this. He had something he was hiding, but that same something also drove him forward. "For a moment I was worried. You looked as off as I'm pissed right now." He grinned slightly again.

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[Enemy Phase]


Troubadour 1 Moves to G8 and casts Sleep on Cadence



Troubadour 1:
Attack: -
Hit: 41%
Crit: -


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Troub's status: 33, hit!
Cadence Falls Asleep!


Seeing an opening, the troubadour moves forward and hits Cadence with a green orb of magic. While the effects weren't quite immediate, Cadence eventually fell asleep on the spot.


Dancer 2 Moves to H7 and dances for Troubadour 1


Troubadour 1 Moves to I6


Thief 2 Moves to D17 and attacks Belros



(Belros has memories of home)


Thief 2:
Attack: 8
Hit: 85%
Crit: 0%


Attack: 13
Hit: 55%
Crit: 0%


Thief 2's Attack: 33, hit!
Belros takes 8 damage!


Belros' Attack: 17, hit!
Thief 2 takes 13 damage!
Thief 2 is poisoned!


Moving forward, the thief strikes Belros, but not before taking a strike in return. The thief ends up worse for wear however, and begins to suffer symptoms of poisoning.


Scavenger 2 Moves to D18 and attacks Belros with Iron Knife



Scavenger 2:

Attack: 6
Hit: 78%
Crit: 0%


Attack: 12
Hit: 69%
Crit: 0%


Scavenger 2's Attack: 30, hit!
Belros takes 6 damage!


Belros' Attack: 62, hit!
Scavenger 2 takes 12 damage!
Scavenger 2 is poisoned!


Aware of the threat, the scavenger attacks Belros from range, landing a clean hit. Belros does retaliate however, and the scavenger too starts to suffer symptoms of poisoning.


Dancer 1 Moves to D19 and dances for Thief 2


Thief 2 Attacks Belros



(Belros has memories of home)


Thief 2:
Attack: 8
Hit: 85%
Crit: 0%


Attack: 13
Hit: 55%
Crit: 0%


Thief 2's Attack: 8, hit!
Thief 2 Downs Belros with 8 damage!


Reinvigorated, the thief makes one final strike, bringing Belros to the ground.


Thief 1 Moves to E6 and attacks Clarisse



(Thief 1 will attack twice)
(Clarisse is feeling natural)
(Clarisse is with her army)
(Rayne is supporting Clarisse)


Thief 1:
Attack: 8
Hit: 93%
Crit: 2%


Attack: 25
Hit: 48%
Crit: 1%


Thief 1's Attack 1: 35, hit!
Clarisse takes 8 damage!


Clarisse's Attack: 41, hit!
Clarisse defeats Thief 1 with 25 damage!


Believing in his agility, the thief tries to strike Clarisse. Though the first strike was a clean hit, he was unable to avoid the crushing blow of Clarisse's hammer. The impact caused his weapon to go towards Clarisse, who sends it over to the convoy man.


Scavenger 1 Moves to E5 and attacks Clarisse with Hustle



(Scavenger 1 will attack twice)
(Clarisse is feeling natural)
(Clarisse is with her army)
(Rayne is supporting Clarisse)


Scavenger 1:
Attack: 12
Hit: 71%
Crit: 0%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Scavenger 1's Attack 1: 70, hit!
Clarisse takes 12 damage!


Scavenger 1's Attack 2: 16, hit!
Scavenger 1 defeats Clarisse with 12 damage!


The scavenger, seeing his ally fall, moves in to try and finish the job. Though his first orb of magic seems to be overshot, it manages to land along with the second, better aimed orb, causing Clarisse to collapse.


Priest 1 Moves to M12


Troubadour 2 Moves to L16


[Ally Phase]



"I'm not letting you drop dead on me yet," Madante mutters as he rushes to Belros' aid.


Madante Moves to D15 and uses a vulnerary on Belros


Helena Moves to E16 and attacks Thief 2 with Elwind



(Helena is inspired)


Attack: 16
Hit: 83%
Crit: 0%


Thief 2:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Helena's Attack: 83, hit!
Helena defeats Thief 2 with 16 damage!


Moving in to clear out some of the enemies, Helena hits the thief with a strong gust of wind magic. As he falls, a scroll blows through the wind towards Helena, who decides to put it in the convoy for the time being.


Turn 3


Belros' Barrier fades


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (22/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (21/21) (E5) Hustle (38/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (9/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (22/22) (D9) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (25/25)
Belros: (5/22) (D16) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (28/30), Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40)E Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (D8) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Sleep 3/3
Emilee: (22/22) (E9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (15/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (C7) Iron Bow (26/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25)E
Cass: (28/28) (E15) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20) Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 91/100




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".... damn...sleep staves..." Try as she might, the fight against the spellwork was a losing one. Her anger burned hot, only growing greater at not only being made a complete fool not just once, but now twice, only this time by some little staff-wielding harlot on a horse. Her mind worked savagely, picking and tearing at the magic, frenzied calculations and attempts at creating mental barriers to block it out only met by the thing finding another vulnerability, another way through. Her wall was crumbling, her limbs heavy. She lifted her blade, eyes burning a bright ruby as she spotted the god-forsaken opening she'd been fired on, preparing to fire off a spell of her own; if she was going to sleep, the little harlot would as well, for a very, very long time... 


The wind coiled around her blade, barked, bayed, practically begged to be released- she did not care if it was beyond the optimal range, she would hit that apostate no matter the amount of extra energy it took or the consequences of expending it... 


But before the command could be made, her eyes grew too heavy to sustain.


"You...got... lucky... bitch..." She snarled under her breath, through teeth clenched so hard her jaw felt as though it would give out under it's own force. Slowly, but surely, the wind dissipated, the blade fell limp to her side, and the girl slumped against the doorframe, hovering between wake and dreams, and soon enough, totally out. 


But she dreamed all the while of doing nothing more... than gutting that Troubador.

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With the enemies closing in on them, it's difficult to get a good read on how to proceed. Kite skitters nervously beneath him and he mutters a muffled curse under his breath. Closed quarters have never sat well with them; even with hallways much wider than his wingspan, there's something to be said about the sense of claustrophobia that lingers, keeps him from performing his best. One can't race into a full gallop in these spaces; a simple trot brings you to the wall within seconds. The heavy stench of iron and blood lingers in the air rather than dissolving, carried through wind and grass.


Cut off from the blessings of both Mother Earth and Father Sky, it's — unnatural. 


Behind him, a few others of his allies grapple with a scavenger and a dancer, and he hears the young thief fall to their combined onslaught. Not moments later, the young woman mere steps from him goes down too, struck by heavy magic. 



"Kite, now." Spoken softly, he urges the stallion forward with a kick, bracing himself for a retaliation from the scavenger's spell as he notches a fresh arrow.


Move to D6, shoot Scavenger1 with Iron Bow, Canto to D13.

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Attack: 14
Hit: 76%
Crit: 0%


Scavenger 1:
Attack: 6
Hit: 61%
Crit: 0%


Idei's Attack: 45, hit!
Scavenger 1 takes 14 damage!


Scavenger 1's Attack: 100, miss.


Idei focuses his aim, landing a shot onto the scavenger. Though the scavenger tries to retaliate, his injuries throw off his aim, causing his magic to miss the horseman as he rides away.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (22/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (7/21) (E5) Hustle (38/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (9/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (22/22) (D9) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (25/25)
Belros: (5/22) (D16) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (28/30), Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40)E Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (D8) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Sleep 3/3
Emilee: (22/22) (E9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (15/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (D13) Iron Bow (25/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Taken A Turn
Cass: (28/28) (E15) Vulnerary (3/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 94/100



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"D-dammit..." Belros spoke weakly before collapsing on the ground. He hoped for once in his life he could stand on his own and not run away. Alas it seems he can't handle a few thieves. Maybe it was his hesitation from his life in the guild or maybe he was just a worthless street rat who only survives by running away and hiding. But then Madante arrived to pick him up off the ground and patched his wounds as to not be fatal.



"Thank you Madante, it seems I was more than a little careless back there." He brings himself up, before stumbling over towards Cass slamming into the wall behind him dropping his knife in front of Cass. Belros now leans on the wall to keep himself up. He pulled his face mask down and looks towards Cass with a slight smile on his face.



"Heh heh heh. I guess you were right about me heading to my death. I guess I underestimated them or overestimated myself. I know it's not my place to ask but, mind if I could borrow your Vulnerary? I don't seem to have any on me at the moment and I'd rather not come face to face with death again."


Move to E14 and Trade Poison Knife for the Vulnerary 

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"Gah-" Cass had no time to think when Belros actually went down in front of him. He let out a gurgled runt from surprise and frustration, he'd excepted after that little convo that the spy would surely make it. Alas he should've seen this coming and talked to him earlier so as to lend his support better.


"H-hey you're kinda bleeding here and there...and on the wall..." He addresses Belros, immediately pushing his hand into his pouch until he finally grabs the vulnerary after some rummaging. Without another word he pushes it into Belros's hands and takes the knife. "Guess I'll hold onto that for a moment..." Cass adds with a tinge of worry in his voice and the way he looked at the other.

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"Thanks." He spoke before patching up his wounds as best he could while trying not to use up most of it.  "Alright, that should be good enough for now. Sorry to have let you down." He held out the medicine for the man to retake.


Use the Vulnerary

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"Well yeah you better be sorry." Cass tried to sound angry. When it didn't work, he facepalmed, leaving his face as red as his hair before running off to the side by Idei. He swapped the knife for Bel's Vulnerary quickly before grabbing his guitar.


"Idei, ya think ya can shoot that bastard out of this life?"


Move to D14; Trade Poison Knife for Vulnerary with Belros; Play for Idei and Belros

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"You mean the man aiming for us, or the one you're scolding?" he parries back playfully.


Though considering nothing about his expression changes, and his inflection is rather lacking, Idei is likely the only one who knows that he's joking.


Nevertheless, he spurs Kite into movement again. War isn't time for wisecracks, his father's stern voice rings in his head, and he sets his sights on the thief in the distance. He's already wounded. One sure arrow should put him down.


Move to D16 and shoot Scavenger2.

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(Cass is supporting Idei)
(Idei is inspired)


Attack: 15
Hit: 84%
Crit: 1%


Scavenger 2:
Attack: 4
Hit: 71%
Crit: 0%


Idei's Attack: 41, hit!
Idei defeats Scavenger 1 with 15 damage!


Riding forward, a single shot is all Idei needs to finish off the weakened scavenger.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (22/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (7/21) (E5) Hustle (38/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (22/22) (D9) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (25/25)
Belros: (15/22) (E14) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (28/30), Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40)E Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (D8) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Sleep 3/3
Emilee: (22/22) (E9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (15/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (D16) Iron Bow (24/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25) Taken A Turn
Cass: (28/28) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)  Taken A Turn
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 1/100 Level up!



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"Heh, considering your last few shots, I say I have a pretty decent chance of dodging." Belros added jokingly. He assumed the man had been joking, hopefully. Anyways, now that he's been patched up an reenvigorated he heads forward and goes to attack the dancer. Though he probably won't be able to kill him before he runs away. Though, It's not about it being fatal, it's about sending a message.


Move to D18 and attack the dancer with the Parrying Knife

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(Madante is supporting Belros)
(Belros is inspired)


Attack: 11
Hit: 88%
Crit: 9%

Dancer 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Belros' Attack: 49, hit!
Dancer 1 takes 11 damage!


Belros manages to move in and strike the dancer, wounding them a fair bit.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (7/21) (E5) Hustle (38/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (22/22) (D9) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (25/25)
Belros: (5/22) (D18) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40) Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (D8) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Sleep 3/3
Emilee: (22/22) (E9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (15/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (D16) Iron Bow (24/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (28/28) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 4/100




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Rayne saw Cade fall under the effects of the sleep spell. She immediately knew that she had to make space for Emilee to work her magic to end the effects of that magic. The only enemy really all that close at the moment was horribly wounded. She'd not really need to use a lot of force to shuffle off his mortal coil. "Go! Go! Tiny Needle!" she shouted as she swooped in to take him down.

Move to D5, Attack Scav 1 with Slim Lance. Canto to C7.

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"Cadence! Cadence wake up!" Emilee ran towards Cade after seeing her sleep. "Oh Goddess... This is no time to be sleeping!" Pulling a brand new staff from her pouch, she looked at it nervously. This would be the grand debut of this staff. She never actually used it before. Trusting her training and her faith she focused all of it onto the staff, making orange light circle Cadence. "Please tell me that worked!"




Move to D9, use Soothe staff on Cadence

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"Ye shot the good one, Idei! Grats!" Cass gave the rider a thumbs up, for a moment honestly worried after he'd seen Idei's general expression persist throughout what he'd initially presumed to only be a joking remark about targeting Belros.



He really shouldn't have been as worried about this all, but the whole situation had him on edge. They were all probably on edge, as he could see signs of discomfort both on Idei and Belros as well as what it eventually led the latter to do. He didn't want to have to delve through his own past memories and do something stupid. Every time he saw Idei though, he couldn't stop it. And yes he'd lied to the archer last time they talked. He knew damn well why too. Sorta regretting the fact he brought up all those talks about the nomads first time they talked. Back then he still thought he was gonna get out of all this stuff with the royal guards and that it wouldn't matter in the end. All of it did matter now though. There was no leaving this group, apparently. Something pulled him in, probably the fact they were all good people. Kinda. Sort of. Cadence was on the iffy side.


Cass sighed and placed his hands behind his back, looking up at the ceiling. A particularly boring ceiling at that. "Yo Idei, Belros." He decided to call to the two once again. "What'cha favourite stuff to eat, eh?"

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(Cadence is supporting Rayne)
(Rayne is protected by a feathery down)


Attack: 16
Hit: 82%
Crit: 27%

Scavenger 1:
Attack: 4
Hit: 60%
Crit: 0%


Rayne's Attack: 87, miss.
Rayne's eyes glimmer (56)


Scavenger 1's Attack: 41, hit!
Rayne takes 4 damage!
Rayne's evasion is lowered!


Rayne tries to move in to strike the injured scavenger, but he managed to evade the strike just barely before retaliating with his own magic. Though the damage was minimal, the rider would feel just a little bit weighed down.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (7/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D9) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35)E, Short Spear (25/25) Debuffed(-10 EVA, 1/1)
Belros: (15/22) (D18) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40) Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (D8) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (22/22) (E9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (D16) Iron Bow (24/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (28/28) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 7/100




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4 hours ago, Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ said:


"Cadence! Cadence wake up! Oh Goddess... This is no time to be sleeping! Please tell me that worked!"



The lone voice broke through the veil as she thrashed and screamed within her dreams, lashing out not unlike a wild animal stuck in a trap it had no intention of becoming it's downfall. Ironically, it seemed the priestess was able to do with mere words what all her fury could not, as the mist slowly lifted, bit by bit, and her senses faded out of the realm of the ethereal... 

5CEKNqZ.pngand back into reality.

"Thanks..." the girl muttered, still scanning the area for the troubador- only to find... the coward had run off. Hand going bone-white on the hilt of her sword, she grit her teeth once more, before noticing the one enemy who actually was within range to be made into a rage sink. The rider could run for now, but she could not hide. Not from her. 


Sheathing the galesword at her side and retreiving the parrying blade from the beast of her coat, she had closed the distance between herself and the scavenger with frightening ferocity, voice coming in a warcry, brilliant silver streaking through the air with a dull whistle, the two mingling into an indistinguishable melody that bespoke of the man's impending demise...


E6, Shank the Scavenger with Parry Knife

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(Cadence has Ember Glint)
(Rayne is supporting Cadence)


Attack: 15
Hit: 85%
Crit: 27%

Scavenger 1:
Attack: 8
Hit: 53%
Crit: 1%


Cadence's Attack: 94, miss.


Scavenger 1's Attack: 83, miss.


In a rage, Cadence rushes towards the scavenger. However, the scavenger manages to dodge her assault, though he was unable to land his counterstrike.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (M1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (M2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (M3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (29/29) (I22) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (J23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (I24) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D19) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (J3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)

Mage 3: (26/26) (L7) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (N23) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (32/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (32/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (32/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (32/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (32/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)
Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (7/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2
Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (R2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (R21) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U8) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (U24) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I6) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (L16) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (C7) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45)E, Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (25/25) Debuffed(-10 EVA, 1/1)
Belros: (15/22) (D18) Cutlass (25/25), Parrying Knife (27/30)E, Lockpick (12/15), Iron Longbow (30/30), Poison Knife (38/40) Barrier 3/5 
Cadence: (22/22) (E6) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (24/25), Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (22/22) (D9) Heal (20/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (C6) Flux (40/40), Carrion (20/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/23) (D16) Iron Bow (24/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (28/28) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (15/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (28/28) (D7) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (27/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (H11) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (0/27) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (19/20)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  Downed 3/3

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20)
Helena: (28/28) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (5/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 8/100



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