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When the eventual tenth generation of pokemon happens, do you think it will be generally called Gen 10 or Gen X? If the latter, how long will it take for someone to do the yugioh gx theme song with all references to yugioh replaced by pokemon?

If they ever make the Original Dragon a thing, should it be a Kyurem forme or a new pokemon?

Do you have any games you're looking forward to lping after Okami, or are you gonna go full on Mudkip videos after you're done there?

Your home and workplace have become infested with Blocking Spiders. What do you do?

If Okami gave you a one time option to kill Issun, but it would prevent you from continuing the plot if you did, would you take it?

Wed, bed, behead. Pokemon Dash, Pokemon Conquest, Pokken.

Favourite pairing from Fates or Awakening?

Would you say there are/recommend any 'best' or 'definitive' versions of the Zero Escape games to play? I'm thinking of going iOS -> Vita -> Vita but I have no idea what is or isn't a good/better version for each.

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Top Posters In This Topic

1. Do you have a tumblr?
2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?
3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?
4. Are you libertarian or conservative?
5. What game genre interests you the most?
6. Same but with movie genre.
7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?
8. Are you religious in any way?
9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?
10. What is your favourite Pokemon?
11. Do you have/have you had any pets?
12. Do you smoke?
13. Coffee or Tea?
14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?
15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?
16. What is your favourite colour?
17. Boxers or briefs?
18. What do you think of memes?
19. Do you follow any celebrities?
20. Do you read any webcomics?
21. What about anime?
22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?
23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?
24. Where would you like to go on holiday?
25. What is your favourite meal?
26. What do you look for in a friend?
27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?
28. Are you a superstitious person?
29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?
30. Do you play anything competitively?
31. What does "love" mean to you?
32. Where would you like to live?
33. What kind of job would you like to do?
34. Which tier do you play the most?
35. Is there any Mega Evolution you'd like to see most?
36. If you had to describe yourself with a League champion, which one would it be and why?
37. Is there anything you'd like to see added or re-added to the Reborn shop?
38. What question would you like to ask me?
39. What do you think is your most redeeming quality?
40. What is your favourite type?
41. Who on Reborn do you look up to most?
42. Do you feel any game has been overhyped this year?
43. Which Pokémon do you think is overrated?
44. What is your favourite emoticon?
45. What are your thoughts on religion?

46. What do you think are examples of non-toxic masculinity and toxic femininity?

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1) Your favorite plot twist ever

2) If you met someone you look up to what would you say to them?

3) If you could change one rule/law in your country what would it be?

4) If you had the power to stop time would you abuse it? If yes how?

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Which do you like more: Marvel or DC?

What is your second-least-favourite Pokemon?

Would you answer a question without being given the context of it?

Dogs, cats, foxes, or birds?

Most importantly, though: What did you expect people to ask when you caved created this?

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  • Administrators

Who're your OTP in Pokemon Reborn, and on that note, who else do you ship in Reborn?

Do you have any siblings? And if so, how have they (and your family) reacted to your involvement in this community?

To which extent has TvTropes engulfed your life?

And a side-question what is your "worst" experience on TvTropes (as in clicking onto one page and suddenly its 4 AM in the morning and you've been browsing the site for the past many hours?)

  • The only ones I really ship in Reborn are Charlotte and Cain. Don't worry, Cain fans, it won't be canon.
  • I have a sister. She and her friend played a little of the game but aren't super invested in it. My mom used to get on my case about it but one time she called up our bank for something and the teller happened to be a fan of the game and knew who I was, so she got the picture that I'm not actually wasting my time and now supports me. My father travels overseas a lot so we only speak a couple times a year.
  • I haven't really spent that much time on TV Tropes. I get referred there occasionally but I've heard the stories so I never let myself stay long. The longest I've been there has probably to read Reborn's page.

Of all the field effects you've done, which was your favorite?

I'd ask your least favorite, but I think we already know...

  • Glitch Field. I think it's the most impactful and cohesive thematically.
  • you bet your buttons you do.


How could you do this???? Why did you give in???


What's your favourite video you've made on youtube?

I know the next 2 are game related but it is kinda weird if I post them in the dev AMA in which I'm supposed to answer questions.

Favourite animation I've made?

Favourite animation Smeargle made?

How would you kill Isunn if you could?

If you had to spend a year with a budew or a year with isunn which would you chose?

What is your plot to get revenge on Dan for banning you from discord?

  • I'm so sorry. I never meant to be betray you... but on the real, several people were asking me too, and my tumblr's been getting a lot of questions anyway. Plus it seemed fun. Nevertheless, I figured it was probably a bad idea, and not something I should do. But I 'should' myself out of a lot of things. So I said fuck the should and did it anyway.
  • oh god im starting to forget who made what with the older ones.
    • who made pay day? I really like pay day. it's just so visually pleasing.
    • but for other answers since that one's a wild card, mde's nightmare was pretty great, and it was the first one we used that inverse shadow thing in so that became rather definitive
    • smearge's petal dance ended up really nice i think, it was super tedious but looks especially great with the background from that other thing i won't say yet.
    • those aren't my final answers, it's just what comes to mind immediately skimming down the list.
  • cleansing fire.
  • budew. easily. maybe by then budew-senpai would love me.
  • plot? there's no plot. why would there be a plot?
    • he has to come stay here after all. that's when the fun begins.... ^~^

I can make an official statement on that front- she ships myself and Titania.


  • heh.

When the eventual tenth generation of pokemon happens, do you think it will be generally called Gen 10 or Gen X? If the latter, how long will it take for someone to do the yugioh gx theme song with all references to yugioh replaced by pokemon?

If they ever make the Original Dragon a thing, should it be a Kyurem forme or a new pokemon?

Do you have any games you're looking forward to lping after Okami, or are you gonna go full on Mudkip videos after you're done there?

Your home and workplace have become infested with Blocking Spiders. What do you do?

If Okami gave you a one time option to kill Issun, but it would prevent you from continuing the plot if you did, would you take it?

Wed, bed, behead. Pokemon Dash, Pokemon Conquest, Pokken.

Favourite pairing from Fates or Awakening?

Would you say there are/recommend any 'best' or 'definitive' versions of the Zero Escape games to play? I'm thinking of going iOS -> Vita -> Vita but I have no idea what is or isn't a good/better version for each.

  • I vote for Gen 10. It has a nice ring to it. Gen X sounds like a group of people.
  • I'm frankly tired of formes.
    • original dragon do not steal
  • Currently I think I want to LP Hyper Light Drifter after Okami. But that might change by that time. I flip flop a lot.
  • spiders... everywhere?


  • I'd save separately, but absolutely. Then through out the rest of the story I'd just have to cling to the memory of his brutal demise to pull me through the dark times.
  • Behead Dash. How do I have sex with a video game??? Oh well. We can do a one and done with Pokken and then marry Conquest. That game is so slow it'd probably take a life time to get through anyway.
  • In Awakening, Tharja deserves to have her precious Robin. On a leash. Forever.
    • In Fates, Camilla x F!Corrine is eternally the best and i mean if anyone has any art or fics of them my inbox is always open..
    • hahaha what do you mean i like yanderes too much
  • I actually don't know much about 999's iOS version but I do know they're planning on re-releasing it with voice acting soon, so it might be worth holding out for that.
    • VLR is better on Vita. The 3DS one has a save corruption bug that I actually lost my save file to. If you play 3DS, do NOT save in rooms.
    • I hear ZTD's textures and such are better on the PC.

What got you into pokemon in the 1st place?

and how much has this place changed in the ...decade you've been using it? I mean, aside from the shift in focus.

  • Pokemon was super popular when I was in first grade. However, I was a hipster before it was cool, and so because Pokemon was so popular, I hated it. Then a friend I made back from preschool moved near me, and he came over to play one day and brought his new GBC and Blue Version. He was in Viridian Forest and let me catch a Pikachu. I decided the game was the best and made my father go out and by it for me the next day. Also that boy and I became best friends for years after that.
  • I mean it went from like 12 people for 3 years to everything you see here and more! It was also originally just a forum. No server, no game, no main site. It also used to have more colorful themes. The first iteration of the site was a rustic theme. Second was a spring-color palette? Third was winter. I think. Iirc. Then I accepted my inner emo kid and made everything black. No regrets.

1. Do you have a tumblr?

2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?

3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?

4. Are you libertarian or conservative?

5. What game genre interests you the most?

6. Same but with movie genre.

7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?

8. Are you religious in any way?

  • don't you follow me........
  • You're gonna cause a riot, you know? Is that your goal? Oh well. I don't think we really need to promote anyone right now but Rose might be my next pick personally.
  • Icon For Hire's Cynics & Critics. They've taken second place favorite artist for me.

  • Uh... neither. did you mean liberal??? Officially I'm an indpendent, but I'm pretty far left-leaning.
  • sRPGs, or just RPGs with real time battle systems (Okami, Tales, Summon Night, so on)
  • Psychological Thriller. Or just drama.
  • Hunter. Durr.
  • I'm wiccan. Though I've also been really interested in Shinto and Buddhism lately, I'm still learning more about them and I hope to find ways to incoprorate elements from those into an eclectic practice.

9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?

10. What is your favourite Pokemon?

11. Do you have/have you had any pets?

12. Do you smoke?

13. Coffee or Tea?

14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?

15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?

16. What is your favourite colour?

  • INFJ
  • Gardevoir
  • Many.
    • Two dogs, Nakita and Katarina
    • Two and a half cats, Kyra, Leo and Zingara. Zingara is the half. She's actually a full cat but we only half own her. Because we don't own her at all, she's just a stray but she is very friendly and has been actively living on our porch for 2-3 weeks now.
    • A parrot named Gemini
    • Five chickens currently, named Gigi, Queenie, Teracotta, Sienna, and Roxie.
    • My mother also takes care of some stupid number of nearby squirrels that she has named all of and feeds through the kitchen window regularly. I can't keep up with all of their names or even recognize them, so I just call them the Squirrelfleet.
  • I do not smoke. I never have. I never will. Not cigarettes, pot, or anything else. I don't like relying on substances.
  • Tea. Black, but decaf if possible, please.
  • As the administrator who has defined and enforces these rules, I think that we're in a pretty good place with them right now. However, taking off the necessary administrator hat, I'm personally really not one for rules or enforcement in the first place. In fact, I'm quite inclined to anarchy and the whole chaotic-good subset of just destroy whoever deserves it. I recognize that is no way to run a site though, so I sort of just shut up and do things by the book.
  • Riots everywhere. Again, we're not really looking right now, and the staff have already picked someone to be 'next in line' so to speak. So I'll support that person, but I don't wish to say who it is.
  • Still purple. Second favorite is black though.

17. Boxers or briefs?

18. What do you think of memes?

19. Do you follow any celebrities?

20. Do you read any webcomics?

21. What about anime?

22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?

23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

24. Where would you like to go on holiday?

  • what, like on boys? idk people's underwear ain't my business.
  • A meme a day keeps the dankness at play.
  • checking twitter list..
    • ariel bloomer, remilia, felicia day, lilypichu, amalee, shofu, glitchcity, emilie autumn, veronica varlow, captain maggot, all levels at once
    • i dont care if most of those are only just well-known youtubers, i care a lot more about them than mainstream celebrities
  • Yakushima, Japan

25. What is your favourite meal?

26. What do you look for in a friend?

27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?

28. Are you a superstitious person?

29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?

30. Do you play anything competitively?

31. What does "love" mean to you?

32. Where would you like to live?

  • French Onion Soup
  • Honestly, I'm not really good at the whole choosing friends thing. I more or less just talk to whoever talks to me. And even then, only sometimes. Whatever happens, happens.
  • Clarity, decisiveness, thorough consideration of consequences, consideration for those with less of a voice.
    • Though honestly the anarchist in me is like "why do we even need leaders."
  • I don't consider it superstition, though others might. I think of it more like tracing cause and effect of energies. Suppose you break a mirror. This is regarded as bad luck. However, I believe it is bad luck only because it's regarded that way. Energy from people's belief gives it power. That doesn't seem like superstition to me.
  • Holy goodness you are trying to get me killed. If I felt that way I would have done it already maybe.
  • I play ranked on league. Sometimes. But not really other than that.
  • It's an ideal. It's not one I'm sure I can live up to, but I think there's few better things worth fighting for.
  • Japan. I don't have strong feelings about wherein though.

33. What kind of job would you like to do?

34. Which tier do you play the most?

35. Is there any Mega Evolution you'd like to see most?

36. If you had to describe yourself with a League champion, which one would it be and why?

37. Is there anything you'd like to see added or re-added to the Reborn shop?

38. What question would you like to ask me?

39. What do you think is your most redeeming quality?

40. What is your favourite type?

  • Game design. Durr.
  • OU
  • Mismagius if anything. But I'm not super keen on Megas.
  • Funny you ask. This pretty directly relates to something I realized and posted the other day, about Ahri. Ahri's whole character is based on her always trying to be something else, that she isn't totally. And, in the process she ended up hurting some people, so now she continually runs away from those who I might accept her, for the sake of protecting them. That's pretty much exactly where I've been lately.
  • There's actually support for glow-effects and other special stuff on names, I was really excited for those but it doesn't worth with our skin :c
  • That's for in private. ^~^
  • I can be really patient, when I need to be.
  • Fairy all day every day

41. Who on Reborn do you look up to most?

42. Do you feel any game has been overhyped this year?

43. Which Pokémon do you think is overrated?

44. What is your favourite emoticon?

45. What are your thoughts on religion?

46. What do you think are examples of non-toxic masculinity and toxic femininity?

  • Kuro.
  • Pokemon Go tbh.
  • Garchomp.
  • ^~^
  • There's no way to prove anything is right or wrong, so everyone might as well just believe whatever makes them the happiest.
  • This isn't a bad question, but the answer is pretty simple. I use the term toxic masculinity to refer to those cases where bravado has negative social or emotional effects. Non-toxic masculinity would then be the similar traits, but just not taken to a level where they're prioritized over one's emotional health, or being open with others and oneself, respecting others' boundaries, so on and so forth.
    • So toxic masculinity might be like, a guy approaches a girl (which is stereotypically the guy's role), is rejected, and rapes her. The non-toxic form would just be him still taking the initiative to approach her but then respects her and backs off when he is rejected.
    • Or say a boy takes an interest in sewing. Sewing is traditionally feminine. The toxic result would be if father chided or abused the son for that interest, or forbade it. The non-toxic alternative would just be encouraging the son to have pride (typically a masculine trait) in his interests.
    • In terms of toxic femininity, I think the nature of femininity makes it harder for it to cause so much damage because unlike masculinity, femininity does not constrain itself to power emotions (lust/anger) or depend on an exertion of power or violence. However, I could imagine femininity becoming toxic in a case where someone becomes so dependent (feminine trait) on others that they can no longer function on their own. I'm sure there are other extremes not coming to mind right now.

Who is your favorite PMMM girl?

Have you ever watched a gory anime?

Can I marry Cain pls?

Do you like dragons?

Do you have any Pokemon merch?

  • Homura is queen and deserves all the happiness.
  • I think Higurashi and Mirai Nikki are usually tagged as gore? But neither are all that bad for it, so idk. I'm not opposed to it. Animated blood is very very pretty.
  • That's between you and him
  • I don't dislike dragons. But I don't have any particular interest in them either.
  • I have a Vaporeon plush, and an Umbreon plush! They sit on keyboard. Or occasionally jump off my keyboard...

1) Your favorite plot twist ever

2) If you met someone you look up to what would you say to them?

3) If you could change one rule/law in your country what would it be?

4) If you had the power to stop time would you abuse it? If yes how?

  • Hard to say. First thing that comes to mind is the end of DR1, the truth about the outside world. It was a solid rising action, but it also in itself set up the entire rest of the series in a way that was incredulous through the end of the game, but undeniable moving into the other additions.
  • I don't know. Maybe nothing. Maybe I'd just thank them. The people who come to mind immediately are like, celebrity types, right? A couple of the ones I mentioned in the list up there (not so much the youtubers lol). But honestly, after meeting a certain celebrity that a close friend of mine had really looked up to, and finding out what he was really like, I'm almost afraid to meet anyone else. I don't want my impression of someone I admire so much to be sullied by finding out they're actually terrible. Although I really don't think that would happen, I'd still be afraid of it.
    • Plus there's probably nothing much I could say that they wouldn't have already heard a thousand times.
  • I don't know which specific law needs to be changed, but something needs to be done to keep corporate hands out of policy making. It's corrupted everything.
  • Absolutely. I'd be able to get SO much more done.

Which do you like more: Marvel or DC?

What is your second-least-favourite Pokemon?

Would you answer a question without being given the context of it?

Dogs, cats, foxes, or birds?

Most importantly, though: What did you expect people to ask when you caved created this?

  • I don't feel that strongly about either, but probably DC. I like Harley Quinn. And Raven.
  • toughie. maybe ferrothorn. or maybe that's just lingering salt from it countering my entire 5th gen team. I reserve the right to change this later because I feel like I'm forgetting something.
  • I... guess if I had to?
  • Foxxxies are so cuuuute I want one I want twelve
  • I didn't really expect anything tbh. Particularly since I said no questions about the game, I thought that would probably rule out most things people would want to ask.
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"Hunter. Durr."


Whoever asked that question about disagreeing with which user - just assume it's me until told otherwise...on ANY of these AMAs you ask that question in.

Ame likes disagreement. She just doesn't admit it.

You still think I'm one of your best friends then?

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  • Administrators

What are your tattoos and what do they mean to you?

  • I don't have any. No plans to get any either. I mentioned it in Showdown but I might if I weren't hoping to move to Japan someday, and they are highly taboo there.

1) If you won a trip to space would you go?

2) What behavior makes you uncomfortable?

3) If Pokemon were real would you become a trainer?

  • I'm not super thrilled about it, so it depends on the set-up. I'd maybe give it to someone who cared more. Or maybe not because I'm down for new experiences.
  • A lot of macho stuff on guys' parts. Speaking loudly, being aggressive, trying too hard to get with a girl (whether it's me or not). Alternatively, similar people doing things nice on the surface, but that just reek of ulterior motives.
  • I mean... duh. I would wanna catch all the cute Pokemon and love them forever...

You still think I'm one of your best friends then?

  • Duh.

What is happiest thing to happen in your life?

  • Being able to transition and still be supported both by all of my family, friends, and employers.
  • This place is pretty up there too though.
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- Do you believe in twue wuw?

- How much of a tsundere are you?

- If you could go back in time to kill Hitler, would you do it?

- If you had more resources in developing Pokemon Reborn, which changes and additions would you make? (ie. Bill Gates offered you 10 million to do with as you pleased for the development of the game or something)

- Have you ever considered leaving the community or stop development of the game?

- You've expressed that you view overly presumptuous "macho" and "clingy" behavior behavior on the part of males repulses you. Is Bennett you way of trying to incorporate this into Reborn?

And finally: What is the meaning of life?

Ps. Who is best girl?

Edited by Tartar
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  • Administrators

How much do you wuv-wuv me?

  • More than the night sky loves all the stars and the moon, for it would be empty without them.

- Do you believe in twue wuw?

- How much of a tsundere are you?

- If you could go back in time to kill Hitler, would you do it?

- If you had more resources in developing Pokemon Reborn, which changes and additions would you make? (ie. Bill Gates offered you 10 million to do with as you pleased for the development of the game or something)

- Have you ever considered leaving the community or stop development of the game?

- You've expressed that you view overly presumptuous "macho" and "clingy" behavior behavior on the part of males repulses you. Is Bennett you way of trying to incorporate this into Reborn?

And finally: What is the meaning of life?

Ps. Who is best girl?

  • Not really, no.
  • W-what, are you t-trying to say, that I'm some kind of tsundere so you c-can just take all my responses backwards and fulfill your own fantasies?!... Cuz that's not the case, m-moron!..
    • ...if you wanted any fantasies fulfilled it's b-better to just ask anyway.....
    • More seriously, I've been called that a fair bit by certain people close to me, and in some cases it's been what they say they like about me. ...Which I don't really get, but whatever. I can be tsundere. I can also very much not be. Maybe depends on the person, or something. Idk.
  • No. The world would change too much. It risks erasing my existence, thereby creating a paradox. Also, it's a lesson we need to learn from.
  • There's not much I'd want to do differently really. Just a mobile version and scalable code language (to kill lag). Maybe take it to 3D but that would entail redesigning the whole thing (and I'm not looking to work on Reborn forever). It'd also be nice to make a battle system that doesn't suck, but I think Gamefreak needs to be the ones to do that first.
  • Permanently? Neither. There have been times I've gotten to a point being it mentally or physically that I've really needed to back away from either though.
    • Actually that's not entirely true. When I was younger, I had pretty severe mood swings where I would isolate myself from everyone and sabotage things to cut off my connections. In one such depressive state, I decided the community was better off without me, so I locked myself out from admin of the community and promoted one of our mods to admin instead. That was the first iteration of this community, and was the nail in the coffin that initially caused it to die (and so be reborn later).
    • There have also been times since I've felt like I've wanted to disappear entirely, but that's more just depression speaking than actual intent.
  • No, that's not really my goal. The game just reflects events from the online league and he definitely hit on Luna for a while without her being interested. That said, I have dramatized it in the game to make him more of an antagonistic character, in the same way that Blake's derision and sarcasm are accentuated compared to how he was online.
    • Before anyone asks I'd like to say the same about Fern but no he was pretty thoroughly a dick even in action.
  • i dont really think there is one. it just is, without meaning or purpose. so we might as well have as much fun as humanly possible before we die :D
  • there are many best girls. my answer would probably shift with my mood (moods here lasting a few weeks at a time), but currently i'm disposed to say League's Ahri.

Favorite book?

  • The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, by Emilie Autumn.
    • The book is a personal account of Miss Emilie's experience in a modern day asylum, as well as a parallel fiction story of a girl admitted to an asylum in the Victorian era. It deals mainly with themes of depression, mental health, sexism, cutting and suicide.
    • There are really few books that I would describe as life-changing, but for me this one unquestionably was. I highly recommend it. She has recently released an audiobook version as well. Hardback, audio, and an e-book are all available for purchase on her website. I will highly recommend them for anyone interested in either its themes or her music.
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Game Questions:

1. Has it ever happen to you that your ideas (plot, features, music choice, etc.) were accidentally or unintentionally stolen by other people BEFORE you implement & upload them to public?

2. Is becoming a jack of all trades (aka programmer, artist, musician, map maker, story writer etc.) fun and easy for you?

3. What advice would you say to a beginner of game development?

4. Do you ever backup your PBS files?

5. Is it practically hard to create new features in RPG maker?

6. Do you borrow ideas from dreams during sleep?

7. Would you rather live in Pokemon Reborn or Starlight Divide?

Life Questions:

8. Do you have a dream job? If so, is it met at your expectations?

9. Would you invest money for your very own business or simply work as an employee for any company?

10. Do you secretly have any friends that are experts in computers, privacy and general hacking?

11. What would you do if an anonymous person donates you a million dollars that was never his/her money but it's ready for pickup in the bank anyways?

12. What place would you like to go for vacation?

13. What is your favorite flower?

14. What subject in school do you dislike the most?

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  • Administrators

Ika pointed out I accidentally missed a few of Alice's.

20. Do you read any webcomics?
21. What about anime?
22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?
23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

  • Not anymore. I used to read all of XKCD, Megatokyo, Sinfest, Questionable Content, and Better Days regularly. I'd like to catch up on some of them at some point though.
  • My MAL is here, and that's usually up to date with whatever I'm watching at a given time. I don't tend to follow things as they're releasing though.
  • Maybe more like a Social Justice Mage? I agree with many SJW ideals, but I'm no longer the type to openly argue for them. Instead, I prefer to quietly make things that might illustrate such points.
  • hah. Historically I've had a strong preference for girls, but as of right now I can't really imagine myself being close like that to anyone. So maybe neither.

Game Questions:
1. Has it ever happen to you that your ideas (plot, features, music choice, etc.) were accidentally or unintentionally stolen by other people BEFORE you implement & upload them to public?
2. Is becoming a jack of all trades (aka programmer, artist, musician, map maker, story writer etc.) fun and easy for you?
3. What advice would you say to a beginner of game development?
4. Do you ever backup your PBS files?
5. Is it practically hard to create new features in RPG maker?
6. Do you borrow ideas from dreams during sleep?
7. Would you rather live in Pokemon Reborn or Starlight Divide?

  • Not that I can recall.
  • I wouldn't say it's easy. I've been doing most of these things since I was 11. A lot of it was very difficult back then, and I got used to it through practice. The things I feel comfortable with, namely spriting, mapping, and storying, are very fun to me. Programming is... getting there. Art and music take a lot of effort for me still. I enjoy doing them still; they're just more of a challenge.
  • Let's see...
    • If you can learn while having fun, and if you put in the time to it, you'll be fine in the end.
    • Don't shy away from things like spriting or code because you don't know how to do it. Learn through practice.
    • Have clear goals in mind and stick to them
    • Work on it more than you talk about it.
    • Feedback is invaluable, but make sure it's consistent with your project's goals.
    • please dont use the default graphics and systems
  • Occasionally. But my project automatically syncs between two computers. So if anything ever happens to it on one, I can just restore it from the other.
  • To me, not really, especially not in the newer versions.
    • Most of my RPG Maker experience is actually in 2003, which did not have a script editor. So anything you wanted to do, like new battle systems, menus, or features, had to be done through use of eventing commands. This often meant that you had to get really creative about how to handle these things.
    • But that said, if you knew what you were doing, you could pretty much do almost anything. In fact, I was working on what would be a very early version of Starlight in 2k3. I got the basics of the system down, but I stopped and decided to switch to a newer RPG Maker because of a hard-coded animation limit in 2k3.
    • Anyway, compared to working only with event commands, adding new stuff with a script editor is really easy. My weakness with code is syntax, not logic. I can never remember the dad-blamed syntax.
  • If I can remember them, and they're relevant, definitely. I can't recall any examples you all would know off-hand though.
    • In the past, one personal project I was working on was a sort of compilation of some of my favorite dreams.
  • As much as I like Starlight's world, its Realms are a really shitty place to live. I'd rather become a Pokemon Master in Reborn than have to live in a world without either heat or water.

Life Questions:
8. Do you have a dream job? If so, is it met at your expectations?
9. Would you invest money for your very own business or simply work as an employee for any company?
10. Do you secretly have any friends that are experts in computers, privacy and general hacking?
11. What would you do if an anonymous person donates you a million dollars that was never his/her money but it's ready for pickup in the bank anyways?
12. What place would you like to go for vacation?
13. What is your favorite flower?
14. What subject in school do you dislike the most?

  • I'm not really sure what you mean by the second part of this, but I said before, I'd like to be able to support myself through game design.
  • I'd rather do my own thing. There's few companies I'd be comfortable working for.
  • Secretly? Not really. Those that are into that sort of thing that I know, are pretty open about it.
  • If I didn't know the money was illicit, I'd have no reason not to use it (after extreme confusion, paranoia, etc)
    • If I did know about its illegitimate source, I'd try my best to find out where it came from, and if any legal action could fall to me for using it. Based on that, I'd either return it if it was unsafe for me to use, or if it came from somewhere that might need it.
      If I had impunity and it was from some big dick company or something I'd probably just keep and use it.
  • Another one I answered before, Yakushima, Japan. Though really anywhere in Japan would be cool.
  • Roses tbh. Cliche, I know. Preferably blue or purple though.
  • fluffing chemistry. my average test score for chemistry was like, 14%. i just... i can't.

What is your favorite Pokémon game?

What is your least favorite season?

What music do you like?

If I made you some pudding salad with jellyfish, would you eat it?

  • The one I enjoyed the most at the time was probably Crystal.
  • Summer '-'
  • Most of what I listen to is Glitch Hop, Electro or Electro Swing. I also like a lot of other stuff, like Rap, Chiptunes, Symphonic Metal, Showtunes, Game and Anime OSTs, etc etc etc. My favorite artists are Emilie Autumn and Icon For Hire though, and neither of them are in any of those genres. Special exceptions, you know.
  • I.. think eating Jellyfish would A) be questionably healthy and B) count as meat, so I'll... pass... Thanks though!
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- How much do you hate the Endless Eight Arc or Haruhi Suzumiya?

- Have you ever considered reading the Visual Novel or Manga of Umineko no Nako Koro Ni?

- Favorite Pokémon Movie?

- How much time do you approximately spend on these forums every day?

- You say you've been working with RPG Maker since 2003, but what were you making with it in those days?

- Will Starlight Divide be something you do in you spare time like Reborn, or are you planning to make it your full time job after you're finished with Reborn?

- Is there an overarching message you want to convey through Reborn?

- Which character do you have the most fun writing? And on that matter, which character do you think is the hardest to write in Reborn?

- And finally, when will we see more of Anna in the games? I kinda miss her and her comments...

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