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Tomas Elliot

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So, here are some important updates:

1) I added all the DN nicknames, including my own, to the OP (they are in the list of playing characters). I need those who haven't posted theirs to do so ASAP.

2) I added to the OP a list of special rules we shall use in our roleplay. I'll add more as I come up with them, so you should check that last spoiler frequently.

3) AS OF NOW, APPLICATIONS FOR JUDGES SPOTS ARE CLOSED. There is a person who requested to be a Judge before I managed to make this post, so that person can still "negotiate" their position: but if you just found this RP and you are interested in joining, please do not request a Judge spot.

EDIT: now that I think about it, there is also a person that received an unconditioned ok from me to be a Judge (I already consider that person to be a Judge for all intents and purposes), but hasn't posted their app yet. Of course, that person shouldn't be concerned with this message and post their app without worries: they did get an unconditioned ok from me, after all.

4) ALSO AS OF NOW, THE PERSONALITY TEST FOR A PROTAGONIST SPOT IS NO LONGER NEEDED. Since only 3 spots are left (Gimmick Puppet, Cain/Abel and Shogi, and I honestly expect only Gimmick Puppet to attract any insterest), if you want one of them go ahead and claim it.


Thomas I have a question, if the person we duel agrees to it, can we use YGOPro/DEVPro instead?

"YGOPRO is a free online dueling system made for playing Yu-Gi-Oh! duels. YGOPRO is fully automated. All card effects, life points, counters etc. are handled by the system." -YGOPRO front page (Also applies to DEVPRO)

The downside is its a program you have to download, but oh well. Its a hell of a lot easier to use then Dueling Network. Hell, you can even record the duels. Also your FPS will drop if you have a bad computer.

But considering most people are newer to Dueling Network, it might be easier for people to pick up.

As Commander said, we are enforcing some special rules, and DevPro would mess with that. And there is also the fact that not everyone is ok with downloading stuff. Let's stick to DN.

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So, here are some important updates:

1) I added all the DN nicknames, including my own, to the OP (they are in the list of playing characters). I need those who haven't posted theirs to do so ASAP.

Understood, sorry just having problems with 'Malformed Server Response' and 'Invalid Response' that I'm working to fix however I can. If it helps at all (for now), I can give the username I will be using once I can fix this.

DN(Will be): TurboAura4572

Edited by TurboAura
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So, here are some important updates:

1) I added all the DN nicknames, including my own, to the OP (they are in the list of playing characters). I need those who haven't posted theirs to do so ASAP.

2) I added to the OP a list of special rules we shall use in our roleplay. I'll add more as I come up with them, so you should check that last spoiler frequently.

As Commander said, we are enforcing some special rules, and DevPro would mess with that. And there is also the fact that not everyone is ok with downloading stuff. Let's stick to DN.

That makes sense. the numbers can only be destroyed by other numbers rule doesn't work on ygopro.

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I think YGOPRO has an anime format.

Anime format would however involve having full anime effects, which are really really broken in some instances. I think DN is still the safest bet, also because it doesn't require any download. Besides, most users have registered on DN by now...

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Hey, this looks cool. I'm going to post an app, if it's still fine to sign up!

Name: Willem Van Dine (Will)

Gender: Male

Appearance: A youthful man in his mid twenties. He stands roughly six feet tall and is lean is build, though his back and arm muscles are more defined due to his work as a janitor at the high school. The bangs of his generally-unkempt light-maroon hair come down to his eyebrows, while his amber eyes are light and friendly. With a well-defined jaw line, his face is generally jovial in appearance to meet his upbeat and kind attitude, but it does fall into a natural expression of seriousness when he is not putting effort into it. Will wears a white V-neck T-shirt under his usual pale blue-gray janitor's uniform, complete with a janitor's cap of matching color, the top buttons of which he keeps unbuttoned, allowing for a visible outline of the V-neck. He wears a gold anchor-shaped pendant strung on a black cord at all times.

Personality: Will is a very jovial man, and often likes to make friendly jokes to the students passing by. His kindness is seen in his goodwill and charity towards others in times of need, as he will be the first to rush to someone's aid. Other than that, he tends to have a little fun on the job, singing songs and whistling tunes, and sometimes even dancing along as he works. Though he is but a side character in most of the students' lives, he tends to look out for them from afar, doing little things to help them out where he is able.

Backstory: Will was raised in a middle-class family that had a propensity for traveling. His father, Archibald, had an avid interest in archaeology and would often take the family on trips to Egypt. It was a regular occurrence for Will, but he came to be fond of the ancient history as well, especially the mythological creatures of the Egyptian lore. He was always cared for by his mother, Annie, who was a good sport in going along with her husband's adventures. Some of Will's fondest memories were lying on the patio with his mother, looking up at the night sky. These times were especially wonderful during their trips to Egypt, where Will was able to fully see the expanse of the visible galaxy from Earth. He came to associate the mythical creatures of his cherished mythology with places among the stars in the sky. Later on in life, however, his mother became ill and her father, as a result, stopped traveling as much in order to attend to her. Life after those times became a blur; he went to school since his family settled down, he came home, he went to sleep, rinse and repeat. It was not long before his mother passed. His father spent the rest of his days in a state of perpetual loneliness, which did not go without an effect upon Will; he came to loathe loneliness and boredom, and soon began to find every reason to make new friends and travel abroad. In his later years of school, he managed to garner as many study abroad scholarships as he could, and set off on his own adventures. During his last year of school, he was on a trip where he visited the city of Heartland. As an attempt to try something new, Will took up the hobby of Duel Monsters, which he soon found to be quite entertaining, and built his deck around his fond memories with his mother, combining ancient Egyptian themes with those of the mysterious galaxies of the universe. Also during this trip, he found the most remarkable woman he had ever seen in his life. Fortunately, she reciprocated his feelings, and because of this, Will moved to Heartland to be with her. He never actually completed his last year of high school, however, and as such could only find a job as a janitor at the local high school of Heartland. He and his love led a happy life together, for what little time it lasted; there was an unfortunate event that took her away from him. Will still yearns the loss of his soul mate, and continues searching for her in all that he does.

Number Holder Y/N: N

Deck of Choice: I'm going to go with that Hieratic/Galaxy hybrid deck

DN: Pixlization

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Welcome on board Pixl! :)

Ok people, as the moment when the first IC topic is posted draws near, I think it's time for me to explain some more detailed stuff about how the IC part will work.

You see, there is something out there. Something whose nature I cannot reveal right now, because it would be a massive spoiler. Because of humans, this something has shattered into 108 pieces, which represent the 108 obstacles on humanity's path towards enlightenment. These 108 shards have been engraved into the 108 Number cards (wait Tomas, aren't there only 107 Number cards? Well, not exactly...), which have scattered everywhere around Heartland. Generally, since the number 108 is a number that signifies sin and temptation, a human coming in contact with such a card will lose their sould to it, being overcome by their own inner darkness the card has the ability to bring out and manipolate. However, should a person display enough fortitude to come to terms with one's inner darkness, accepting it rather than trying to fight it, then it will be possible for that person to overcome the darkness and achieve mastery over the Number card(s), which is what will happen, throughout the story, to those who picked up the Arcana Numbers, when they actually obtain the cards in the story (because yes, when the story starts, you guys will have no Numbers, nobody will, but don't worry, it won't be long before you obtain them...).

But why does all this happen? What is the true nature of these 108 shards? Will they ever be whole again? And should this happen, will it be a good thing or a bad thing? Who is Anna?

It will start as a game, as a "ehi, how about we get together after school and investigate?" someone proposes casually during the first IC topic, but it will sun into a quest, a race against the clock in which you, all of you, will have to find the answers to these questions. Some of you will compromise, giving up their quest for the truth in favor of the power to achieve their immediate goals (these ones will become the Judges), some of you will be content just dueling, some of view won't be abl to grasp the truth, and a few will in the end manage to cut a path for everyone to follow, leading humanity to salvation.

In terms of game mechanics, the roleplay will be structured in terms of game theory. Basically, each Number card is a piece of information, a shard of the truth you want achive. There are only so many Numbers, and there are only so many info one can collect to locate the missing Numbers: what will you do? Will you share your info with other people at the risk of seeing them getting their hands on new Numbers before you do, will you fight people for their info, or will you try and do everything alone?

There will be two different kinds of IC topic, between which we will alternate: "At School" and "After School". During "At School" topics, people will be given the time to socialize, talking to others, establishing relationships, discussing the latest events, and so on so forth (the first IC topic will be a "At School" one). During "After School" topic, people will be out, in Heartlan, wandering around the city: your goal will be collecting info necessary to locate the missing Numbers (hints on what to do to achieve this will be dropped by Anna during "At School" topic, so listen carefully to what she says!), by doing things like talking to other NPCs, investigating places, picking up the latest rumors while stopping at a bar and stuff like that. Each piece of info will only be available to a single person, the first one to obtain it: this means that if Player A somehow gets to know that "a rogue Number Holder can be found at Heartland Station", then Player A will be THE ONLY player to know this. There are only two ways to obtain the info another person possesses: share info with them (this way, Player B will get to know everything that Player A knows, but Player A will get to know everything Player B knows, too), or beat them up (read: beat them in a duel) into revealing their info.

Once a player locates a Number: they can go and duel the rogue Number Holder: duels between Number Holders will be Shadow Games, meaning attacks and effects will cause actual pain, and the loser will die. Should you lose a duel against the rogue Number Holder (and depending on the rogue's deck that might happen, keep in mind I'll be the one doing the dueling for NPCs) you will die, but Anna will rewind your individual time to save your life. You will awaken back at the school, having lost all of the info acquired up to that moment (I mean the info to find a rogue Number Holder in the context of that topic: you will not lose your obtained Numbers, so don't worry too much). it will basically be a "go back to square 1" penalty like in monopoly. It might sound harsh but don't worry, I'll go easy on you ;)

When a player succesfully defeats a rogue Number Holder, the player will get their hands on the rogue's Number (keep in mind that this won't end the topic: topics will have temporal limits, meaning that in theory it will be possible for different players to challenge different rogue Number Holders simultaneously, as long as these duels don't go past the time limit). Obtaining Numbers will be crucial to advancing the plot, as each Number is engraved with an information: to use a metaphore, we could say that Numbers are pieces of the big puzzle of the truth. Each new Number you obtain is a step forward to the truth.

Much like with info needed to find the rogue Number Holders, the shard of knowledge engraved in a Number card is exclusive, meaning that only the person who physically holds that card will obtain that knowledge. However, unlike with info needed to find the rogues, sharing the shards of knowledge with others by talking during "At School" topics will be a beneficial thing to do, and will actually be encouraged in every possible way. So yeah, people can know what part of the truth your brand new Number unveiled, as soon as you tell them.

Clearly, it is evident how such a system is based on the sheer amount of knowledge available to each player at any given time. Because of this, while metagaming is always bad for any roleplay, in this roleplay metagaming will be particularly bad. So let me say this once again: READ THAT LINK I POSTED THAT EXPLAINS WHAT METAGAMING MEANS, AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T DO IT.

Don't friggin' do it. Like seriously people, no matter what you do, avoid metagaming at all costs.

With this being said, you can expect the first IC topic (as mentioned, it will be "At School") to come out this coming sunday night (and when I say "night", remember I mean in GMT+1 terms). Tomorrow I will contact the people who claimed the position of Judges, to define a couple of things about their character development in the context I just explained. Arcana Number Holders can expect to be contacted as well.

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Herp, Sleep and school held my tongue. My DN name is DobbyTheElf (How that wasn't already taken I don't know)

Lucky. My username was taken every where I go so I always had to stick a "2" or some symbols somewhere to make it work.

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Lucky. My username was taken every where I go so I always had to stick a "2" or some symbols somewhere to make it work.

Ngl, it is quite a standard name. At first I thought the name was an attempt at being all deep and shiz.

Also I can't guarantee being online for friendly matches, so don't expect me often : p

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Ngl, it is quite a standard name. At first I thought the name was an attempt at being all deep and shiz.

Also I can't guarantee being online for friendly matches, so don't expect me often : p

Nah, I chose it because I had an obsession with oxymorons and I just liked the way it sounded xD

Edit: Eating lunch so I could get a duel in if anyone is up for it!

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Question, what about the non-Number holders? Will they get into the fray as well?

Sure. Remember when I said that non-Number Holders can acquire Numbers by beating NPCs? Well, now you know how :P

Also something I forgot to mention people: "At School" topics are going to have a one week time limit, while "After School" topics are going to have a two weeks time limit. This is to allow me to have enough time to plan all the events of the next topic while you guys are busy with the current one. In the event that a player's hunt for a rogue Number Holder is cut short by the time limit, the player will be allowed to keep their info, in order to resume the hunt in the next "After School" topic.

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Home from school, so if anybody needs deck help (For those of you who know the basics) or wants to have a quick duel, feel free to pm me.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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Late app! All finished up.

Name: Sidus Reverie (just goes by Sid)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Nearly bleach blonde hair, average height and moderate figure. Bright hazel eyes and soft facial features. Often dresses in dark coloured clothing, mainly pants and button-up shirts.

Personality: Very soft-spoken, loving and compassionate with a harsh curiousity and innocence, very easily upset and hurt, taken advantage of.

Backstory: Sidus was homeschooled for the majourity of his life at the edge of a back country town, taken up by his adoptive family under a curtain of wealth and compassion. Sidus was always decribed as a frail boy, not in body but in spirit. A tender care for the lives and well being of those around him, always the first one to lend a hand when needed, at the same time very quick to upset, easily put down and a victim to his own vulnerable, loving innocence. Sidus absolutely adored the time he was allowed in the attic, where the brilliant country night sky lit up like an ocean of dazzling lights. Sidus was intent on gazing outward with his telescope every night, mapping star charts and imagining up theatrical stories on how the stars truly are up above. Despite being so far away from the world, there was a beauty in that night sky; a beauty that everyone in the world could see. However, even as a younger child, Sidus had always felt guilty for his love and desire for competition. From sports teams on the radio he would hunker down in his bedroom and listen to once a week, to the public courts trials his father's work engaged in. Even past all of this, there was one thing in the world that ignited a passion inside of Sidus whenever the subject arose, the same thing that his parents so vehemently forbid in the house due to its "corruptive capabilities", and that was Duel Monsters.

Whenever Sidus would ride to town with his father for business, he would spend his time sneaking to card shops and dueling rings, so mezmerized by the fierce competitiveness it held. The method of tactics in building a deck and using it, testing the might of you and your cards against that of another, everything so controlled by skill and luck. Sidus slowly built his own deck off of an aestetically pleasing archetype, ignoring the twinge of guilt that came with hiding it all from his parents. When the time of reckoning came and Sidus revealed his passion to his parents, as expected, an argument broke out. After many stubborn hours and the final "No matter what you say, I'm not changing my mind", Sidus' parents resolved to his extremely rare determination and defiance. The final decision was to enroll their son in the academy hosted by the second city over, Heartland, a decision in which Sidus could not be more thrilled. However, his parents were clear on their thoughts on the matter, and only agreed to this in hopes the harsher side of the world of duel monsters would break Sidus' enticement and send him back home, having learned his lesson.

Number Holder Y/N: N

Deck of choice: -Tellarknight

DN Name: Sidus Reverie

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Stellarknights cannot be used with Zefra monsters, I think (it is the limitation, you can also ask Tomas).

But... Well, our characters could be a cool couple, as Monika has Constellars (and Stellarknight Constellar Diamond), and Stellarknights and Constellars are very similar.

Anyway, welcome to the RP! (I am just the one who helped with the list, I am not that important...) You should also read some previous posts for crucial information on this RP.

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Stellarknights cannot be used with Zefra monsters, I think (it is the limitation, you can also ask Tomas).

Why do you think it took him this long to post his app? We have been talking about limitations in private for two days :P

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