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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Jacob chuckled. "I think we'll skip the battle points on this since it's our first match!" he said happily. Then, his expression became more serious and he reached for his Poke Balls. "Alright. I've been wanted to do this ever since I got my first Pokemon. Teo, Chalchi, come on out!" he shouted. With that, he clicked both buttons and threw his Poke Balls, causing Chalchi and Teo to be released at the same time. The two landed on the battlefield, wearing their most serious faces. "Ladies first, Danielle. You make the first move!" he said loudly, waiting on her.

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"My... my confidence?" Shiro whispered, but Redwood had already went on to see the next battle. "Confidence..."

"Ruru?" Shun was tugging at his pants again. Her voice brought Shiro back from the small shock. He looked down to face his partner.

"Shun... Am I really not good enough?" He asked, his voice but a faint whisper flowing through the wind. It was an unexpected question, one that not even Shun could've predicted.

"Ru..." She was unsure what to do now. Her master was clearly shaken, but she couldn't read his feelings. All she could pick up from his was something akin to the white noise on a television screen. "..ru."

"I really aren't..." Shun wanted to protest against that statement, but something stopped her. Some strong pressure which crushed her heart and made it difficult to breathe. Certainly, that was how Shiro felt as well. Shun just stood there, one of her hands still holding Shiro's pants. Tightly, like he was her precious possesion, no, her precious friend. Yes, Shiro was always there! They had known each other from the moment she was born in this world, she wasn't going to leave him now! Determined, she put up a happy looking smile. One of her arms moved up, reaching for her hair, revealing her blue eyes.

"Ruru!" She cried as loud as she could, drawing Shiro's attention.

Shiro's eyes widened as his eyes met hers. He had never before really gazed at them. They seemed really deep... and kind. Different from normal in some way. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his heart jumped as he felt something pulling him towards them. No, they were moving towards him, eveloping his vision and senses, along with the wolrd around them. A peculiar spark, never seen before, flared in wide open eyes as he drowned in that deep blue sea. It was beautiful. Almost as if they were the same entity in that moment. Two halves of the same being. He tried to speak, but couldn't. There was no air around him, but he could breathe. He kept falling into the deep unknown, towards Shun. Shun. Shun.

"Shun." His voice broke the silence, and Shun's hair dropped. The sensation was gone and they were back in the fields. Only this time, Shiro was smiling too... "You're right... I can- No. We can do it!" Shun nodded and chirped happily, at which Shiro chuckled. "Now, lets go watch Danielle battle! We can't miss that!"

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"Oops, you guys are right, sorry." Colin said with a "my bad" kind of smile. He sat down with Kyte on his lap and Cel climbing up to his head, and concentrated on watching the Lapras in action.

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"Thank you Monsieur~" Danielle gave a slight curtsy. "Without further interruption, let us give a show! Avis, send a Featherdance over there! Corona, follow up with an Ember!"

Avis unleashed a huge mass of black feathers that are propelled forward with the flaps of her wings. The feathers then caught flame as Corona released an Ember, sending fiery feathers straight to both of Jacob's Pokemon.

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"Ow! What was that for?" Henry saw the little Venonat use Bug Bite on his hand. "Honestly, I was kind of hoping you didn't understand that, but thanks." He then saw that Danielle and that boy had already taken the field and decided to stand up. He didn't want to fall asleep again for he knew he'd be made fun of for it. "At least I'll get to watch the battle." He watched as Danielle's Pokemon charged toward their foes. Honestly, I feel kind of sorry for the poor lass. I could have Zuko use Drought to even the field, but that'd be considered cheating.

"Now that I think about it, where is...Zuko?" Henry looked down and saw a Vulpix sleeping close by his foot. "Are you sure your not a Snorlax? All you like to do is eat and eat and eat and then sleep before eating again." The Vulpix ignored Henry and continued on with its nap. It hurts my pride a bit that Gypsy is better behaved than Zuko and I've only had her for like an hour.

Suddenly, the Venonat jumped on top of the Vulpix and bit down on its back. Zuko quickly shot up to his feet and hollered in pain. The area suddenly became warmer as the sun glowed much bright. I guess I spoke too soon. Maybe people won't notice the change in weather and the brighter sun. Henry quickly beamed his Vulpix back into his Pokeball. Okay Henry, just pretend like nothing happened.

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"Ok thank you." Slade said to the assistant, then he headed to where the battles were. He saw Danielle battle a boy so he decided to watch the battle. He then layed under the closest tree to the battle field and let out his two pokes as well to enjoy the battle.

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Jacob was caught off guard by the sudden combo attack. It appeared as though Danielle would be a great first match. However, he quickly recovered. Birds can't fly when they're wet! he thought to himself. And sand sticks to wet things. He began shouting orders. "Chalchi, use Water Gun to take those flaming feathers out of the air! Teo, use Sand Attack!"

Chalchi immediately obeyed her Trainer, firing her Water gun across the field toward the enemies and their attack, dousing the flaming feathers and bringing them to the ground. The jet of water continued toward Avis, threatening to hit the Pokemon if it was unable to get out of the way. Teo turned around and continuously kicked up a cloud of sand toward Corona and Avis, creating a cloud of dry sand around them.

Good, Jacob thought, prepared for the next volley of attacks. If they get hit by Sand Attack and Water Gun, the sand will be much harder to get out of their eyes!

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  • Veterans

Turning around,James looked at the battlefields and saw Danielle start her battle with Jacob.Deciding he wanted to watch he went over next to the field they were battling on,it seems like Danielle had picked a larvesta and was using it in junction with her Murkrow.Wanting to cheer her on"Good luck Danielle"James shouted out as he watched the battle

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"Hmm... I need Avis and Corona to take out the Lapras fast. That's the main threat right now to both of them, but that sand... I need to get them out of there first." Just then, the sun seemed to shine a little more brighter than usual. Danielle didn't notice it at first; she fiddled with the straps before she called her next commands.

"Corona, use Flame Charge to protect Avis from the Water Gun. Continue in that direction to hit Chalchi. Avis, fly now and Pursuit Teo from above!"

Avis quickly flew up, blowing out some the dust along the way, and headed into the air. She hoped Corona could take a hit before she dived straight for the Trapinch with her amazing natural speed. Her beak began to turn black with the dark aura surrounding it. On the ground, Corona had cloaked herself in fire; she could feel her body brimming with energy, allowing her to move faster than before. With that, she ran head on into the Water Gun, the damage softened by the heat and sun (unbeknownst to all three) and headed straight for Chachi.

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Before Robert or Kenny had gotten an answer to what was had occurred, the group disbanded. Seems that they headed to the next battle. "Well, guess we're not gonna be getting any answers that way. Might as well follow and get the information later on." With that, Robert headed off to the field that the majority of people seemed to be headed off to.

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Claude had been intensely watching the battle between Danielle and Jacob, trying to gauge how strong his fellow coordinator was. That said, he also couldn't help cheering for Danielle. "WOOO!, You go Girl!"

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Kenny Recalled Ryu to his Capsule, followed Robert to the Battlefield, and saw the Battle in progress. Kenny then smiled.

"Well, this seems like quite the interesting battle going on right now."

Kenny then heard a small yelp, and saw the sky clear up. He then turned in the direction of the sound, and saw Henry, who was trying to act natural. Kenny then headed over, and spoke to him.

"Henry, what happened?"

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"I want to say I was helping my friend over there out by activating drought, but I can't. Let's just say my Venonat thought it'd be funny to wake my Vulpix up from a nap. There's nothing we can't do anything about it now, but it certainly may change the tide of the battle. I'm sure you're aware Fire is weak to Water. With this intense heat, that Fire bug there now has the upper hand on the Lapras despite the type advantage because water attacks are now weakened. I know everything about the Sun, but there are quite a few other weather effects." Henry then looked over to the battle and back. "Most people where I came from like having battles in the dessert for the harsh sands. Some people claim it makes their pokemon hold up longer. Whether you're a fan or not, it's a good idea to learn about them because they can change the outcome from an unwinnable battle to a guaranteed victory."

Henry quickly realized he was beginning to ramble. "Forgive me, I was out of line to be talking about something like this. Anyways, that was a good battle we had back there. You put me in a couple situations where I thought it was over. Not bad for a first timer. Of course, it's been a while since I've used two pokemon either so I guess you could call us both rookies."

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Kenny smiled at Henry's remark.

"Hey, You had me on edge the whole time. but yeah, i'd say that we're both rookies in terms of Double Battles. It was certainly a learning experience for me, that's for sure."

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"Hey, You had me on edge the whole time. but yeah, i'd say that we're both rookies in terms of Double Battles. It was certainly a learning experience for me, that's for sure."

Now that I hear it. It sounds kind of arrogant. "Pardon me for asking, but I feel like you're part of the trainer program based on that battle. Can you tell me what you hope to accomplish out of it? I wouldn't normally ask, but I saw something interesting in our little battle." Henry's smile turned into a more serious look.

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Kenny's smile turned into a somewhat serious look.

"Yes, i'm in the Trainer Program. As for what I was trying to accomplish, I was trying to do my best in that battle."

Kenny sounded quite intrigued when he next spoke.

"Do tell me, what was it that you saw?"

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"Idiot," Henry mumbled just enough so that no one could hear him. "That Zorua of yours was able to do things that are quite strenuous at such a premature state. Then, you ordered your Riolu to keep attacking despite the burn when there was no way to win. If I hadn't done what I did, you could've ended up killing that Riolu. Instead of trying to be the best, maybe you should be more concerned about your pokemon's safety. Consider this a warning: if we ever fight again, I won't hold back, neither will any other opponent." Henry then picked up the Venonat on the ground. "I think it's best I leave before we have another incident like yesterday."

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Chalchi cried out in pain as the flaming Larvesta hit her, but was mostly unharmed by the attack. Jacob was able to react to Avis's attack faster. Teo's jaws are incredibly strong, even moreso than that Murkrow's wings. If she wants to battle with brute force, we're going to win. And the closer Chalchi is to her target, the louder her lullaby will be. "Teo, now! Catch Avis in your jaws and use Strength to force him into the ground! Chalchi, take care of that Larvesta! Put her to sleep with Sing!"

The Trapinch set his body solidly on the ground and opened his jaw, waiting for the Murkrow to strike. When it did, Teo clamped his powerful jaws down on the bird Pokemon and jumped into the air, using his opponent's momentum to swing him around and send him crashing into the earth below him. Chalchi craned her neck, surrounding Corona, and began to sing an enchanting lullaby. Teo landed on the ground immediately after the Murkrow, panting in exertion.

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After Henry finished speaking, Zorro popped out of his Pokeball, turned into a copy of Henry, and then spoke to Henry using Illusion.

"I heard that. Don't think that i'll let that remark go unpunished."

Zorro then spoke to Kenny, taking on his true shape.

"Let's go, Kenny. This guy is just a pile of bad vibes."

Kenny then nodded, and Zorro went back into his Capsule on his own. Kenny then walked away from Henry, muttering to himself under his own breath.

"I knew that guy is trouble..."

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Evan was still leaning against a tree when Danielle’s fight started. She’s certainly popular he thought after hearing all the cheers for her. That must be discouraging for her opponent. I wouldn’t want to be him right now, but he’s doing pretty well.

Suddenly his attention was drawn by a Rhyhorn walking over and falling asleep next to him. “sorry!” a girl said. “Rhy tends to fall asleep immediately if he likes a place,” the unknown girl explained. She had brown hair, blue eyes and looked a bit familiar. “I-i’m Lana by the way,” the shy girl introduced herself when she didn’t get a reply.

“Evan,” the boy replied before remembering he saw her on at the Contest Hall. She was one of the latecomers belonging to Danielle’s group.

An awkward silence fell as both students didn’t know what to say. Evan didn’t seem like the easiest to talk to but Lana was curious about what happened between him and Alvin. “U-uhm about Alvin, I mean, I don’t want to be rude…” she said staring at her feet.

Evan looked over and measured her up. “We settled it with a battle. It won’t happen again,” was all he said before turning his attention back to the match.

Lana, still full of questions, shifted her feet awkwardly. She didn’t want to be rude, but at the same time she wanted to try and make friends. The shy girl figured she started with the ones Danielle knew, but apparently she had chosen the one person that most likely wouldn’t open up so easily.

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((Used the wheel, landed on no sleep))

"That... was... amazing!" Danielle complemented as Teo threw Avis to the ground. This could definitely be something she could use in upcoming battles. She also realized that physical attacks may not be a good way to go about tackling the Trapinch, unless he couldn't find the assaulter. She quickly regained her composure when she Avis struggling to get up. "But can you outlast her? Avis! Roost up!"

Avis nodded with a grin and her body began to glow brighter than ever before. Avis gave a cry of happiness as she regained some of her health, raising only one wing towards the sky instead of her usual two. The Murkrow was hoping her master could understand that something was up. She had felt the sun beating down on her harshly because her black feathers absorb more heat than those of other bird species. "That's odd, why did she raise only one wing? And..." Danielle asked herself as she loosened her scarf and let it drape on her neck. "Why the hell is it burning now... Wait a minute," Danielle gave a glance upwards; the sun was brighter than usual. "That's what Avis was signaling! Sweet! But, who used Sunny Day?" She was shocked at this revelation as she looked at the playing field. Jacob's Lapras was singing a lullaby to Corona. "Sunny Day and fire... That's it! I need to get Corona out of here now!

"Corona! It's not bed time yet! Use Flame Charge to get out of there and hit Teo! Avis..." Danielle hesitated; she knew Avis is frail. One good hit from Chalchi and she would go down. However, Avis gave a reassuring nod; the Murkrow trusted her master's judgment despite the outcome. "Alright, Avis, fly high and target Chalchi with Pursuit while she's distracted!"

The drowsy little Larvesta immediately opened her eyes and Flame Charged straight towards the exhausted Teo by beneath Chalchi's neck with even more speed than before. She almost looked like a fire bullet from the crowd's point of view. Up above, Avis was zooming down towards Chalchi from behind with a black wave of energy now surrounding her wings.

"It this works, Teo might be down, but so might Avis..."

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"Awesome!" Shiro gazed in awe at the battle unfolding infront of him. His mouth wide open and his hands clenched into fists before his chest. "Shun, isn't this cool? I mean, the flaming feathers and then that Trapinch and now the Murkrow and wow, how fast is that Larvesta!?"

Shun, on the other hand, couldn't care less. Actually, she was feeling kind of jealous Shiro was talking so big about those Pokemon. Did he forget about her Shadow Sneak? It was brilliant, not like these crude examples of teamwork. She was able to pull off something just as awesome on her own.

Still, she decided to remain quiet. It was a good thing Shiro was showing genuine interest into something like this.

"Shun, do you wanna climb up on my shoulder to get a better view?" Shiro asked her enthusiastically. Of course, she accepted the invitation immediately, letting Shiro grab her with his hands and bring her up. "Just, what's up with this sun though?" Shun just shrugged as an response to the question, and they continued watching the battle.

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Jacob watched Danielle's Pokemon intently, not ready to let his Pokemon go down to some surprise attack tactic that he could see coming from his viewpoint. However, as he looked up toward the Murkrow, he realized the sun was extremely bright. Hmm... That's why that Larvesta's Flame Charges are so powerful. But even with that, there's no way Teo's about to go down. I think it's about time each of my Pokemon showed off their most powerful moves. It's time to end this. He looked up at Danielle apologetically, then began giving orders. "Chalchi, it's time for Avis to taste your signature move! Use Freeze Dry! Don't worry about that Larvesta! Teo, it's time for that Larvesta to slow down. Use Sand Tomb!"

Chalchi craned her neck and appeared as though she was straining with no visual result. However, despite the sun's heat, the moisture in the air around Chalchi began to coalesce into an icy mist. Jacob looked on in amazement as the cloud of frost reached up toward Avis, who was coming in fast. As the Flying-type entered the mist, ice suddenly began to coat her wings and body before Chalchi let out a cry, causing all the ice to shatter immediately and dealing heavy damage to the Murkrow.

Teo gurgled a challenge at the oncoming Larvesta, setting his feet as though he was going for another Strength attack. Teo then reared on his hind legs and stomped hard on the battlefield, opening up a ten foot deep, ten foot wide pit in front of him with sloped walls that continually crumbled inward in order to force the land-borne Pokemon either around him or into the air above the pit.

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Having forced himself to calm down and stop the water works, Mareek sat underneath the shade as Danielle's and Jacob's battle dragged on. For now it seemed that either one of them could win this thing... though what Mareek was really watching was the way they fought and handled their partners; how readily they were able to adapt to the other's fighting style and resourcefulness.

"Knock it off before you break this thing," he said to Java as his Dex began to glitch again suddenly. The Porygon seemed to be rather attracted to the device, so much so that it kept hacking it's way out of the restraint coding of it's pokeball and into the system software to download the data from the Database pages. "I only get one, ya know... so if it stops working, I'm SOL."

Java reluctantly appeared beside him, causing the Pokedex to return to normal. It looked at Mareek in silence... which was broken as a series of not-good sounding electronic noises issued forth from the device in his hand.

"I said stop, Java," he warned. The porygon's eyes filled with annoyance as it cut out it's shenanigans. Why did Mareek have to interrupt the research it was doing?Didn't he realize that knowing something about the potential species that might face in the future would give them an advantage? "Don't you glare at me like that," Mareek said sternly, noticing Java's expression. "You know I'm right." Fine... The coded creature simply turned it's attention to the fight at hand, as did Mareek after letting his gaze linger on the bunch of polygons for a moment longer. It wasn't long till the two's battle got to the point where he could indeed see that he was wise to deicide to stop underestimating people. Either one of them could've given him as much trouble as Slade had earlier.

"Things look like they're reaching a-" he couldn't even finish the sentence because the pages for Murkrow and Larvesta popped up on the screen of his Dex. "Java!" the creature kept it's attention on the fight, not acknowledging the fact that Mareek was even addressing it. The boy sighed at the Porygon ignoring him. Fine... it was obvious he wasn't going to be able to stop Java from doing this, so he might as well just go along with it. And besides, maybe it would be helpful...

"Look, this is getting ridiculous now!" he scolded as the page changed from Murkrow and Larvesta to Rhyhorn... which as far as Mareek could see had no relevance to the fight going on. Java was looking off in the distance at something...then the little troll of a Porygon hovered off before it's trainer could say anything more. Mareek stood up and followed behind the little bastard, trying to see where it was going. It wasn't long before he saw it stop beneath a tree nearby...right beside a sleeping rhyhorn. Well guess that explains the sudden page change... Mareek thought to himself as he slowed down and walked the rest of the way. "Java," he called. The Porygon didn't respond, seemingly transfixed on the other pokemon. "Why are you acting this way?" he got his answer in the form of a message on the Dex Screen: No Counters. he stared down at it for a minute, finally comprehending what the Porygon had been doing.

"So that's your thing then?" he asked, stowing the Dex back in his jacket pocket. Java nodded "Well...I guess that explains why you're so damn obsessed with my Pokedex..." It was only then he noticed the two other students sitting underneath the tree. Specifically, he noticed the girl... He had seen her somewhere before, he was sure of it... but for some reason he couldn't remember where... Strange, while he did tend to keep to himself when he could, he didn't really forget a person's face. Honestly, he didn't. Never.

"Hey," he said to Lana, still trying to remember. "Sorry if I'm wrong about this, but... have I seen you somewhere before?"

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"Avis!" Danielle cried as the Murkrow landed straight to the ground. The Murkrow tried to get back up, only to faint in exhaustion, uttering a small cry of disappointment. Danielle couldn't help but grin at her as took out a Dusk Ball from her belt. She didn't think she would have to use it again, but here it is. "Thank you, Avis. You did well, as always. Come on back and get some rest." With that, a red beam absorbed Avis into the ball.

With that, she quickly turns towards the Sand Tomb that threatened to engulf her Larvesta into the ground. If Danielle has to go down, she is not going down without a good fight. "Don't lose your speed, girl! Use your String Shot!"

Corona immediately shot a strong, silk-like thread to a patch of solid grass near Teo. Using it as a rope, the Larvesta continued her assault and sailed towards Teo, the fire still cloaking her tiny body.

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