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Everything posted by logintomylife

  1. You need to fling and then recycle the said item for it to belong to you
  2. Since we are neck-deep in it, I will just... Leave this... Here...
  3. If you talked to the girl, then there should be a crate near the waterfalls, second room from Sheridan. Try going from there
  4. If no one gets to you, I can trade you one later this day. Around 2pm Eu+1?
  5. If you ever need help with info about pokemon, definitely recommend this site: https://pokemondb.net/ It has everything, from pokemon, to their abilities and moves, items, Natures, EV/IV lists... Well, figure. Hope you will find it helpful
  6. You dont need to go there. You should try looking around in the town Mainly the gym and the main building.
  7. Well, if you look at it that way, then it certainly makes looks like punishing, but that's rather a strange way to look at it. For me Common candies are a save for your incapability to not over-level your pokemon o: And for that mistake, you have to pay so the pokemon can actually listen to you! Also, as of the last Episode, if your pokemon levels up -during- fight (You go into the fight with lvl 25 on brink of 26) he will still listen to you during the whole match, so that is one worry off your list. Having full team of capped pokemon is no problem.
  8. Yeah, the problem here is, that in the early stage of the game it's better to not have a full team yet. I myself start with 3, then add one pokemon after each gym. Like this, you won't have problem with half of your team falling behind with XP, and neither should you get over the cap if you don't spam one pokemon all the time. From what I saw, your core pokemon are really strong. (Do recommend getting a level up on Snivy without him dying in battle or you won't get him to evolve) Like that you add one more whenever you find something you like. Using mechanics of the game is neither cowardly or bad, it's there so you should use it, smartly or wastingly. Right now, I have a 6 pokemon rotation, and I am just waiting for E19 with them (They weren't perfect EV/IV trained till recently, too) so everything is possible if you know how and have the determination to get through the challenges this superb game offers.
  9. There is an item called Common Candy, that will decrease level of your pokemon by one. You can buy them for little cash in the Candy Shop near the park. Secondly: Leveling pokemon is also rather easy, there are special trainers in the Grand Hall (The place you started at) that you can battle repeatedly. Dont need to get them on the level cap, just to a level that will let them survive one or two hits.
  10. Depends on what part of the game are you currently on. You can always check on this forum thread if you need items
  11. What's the actual problem? You can get good firetypes on that level and level them up yourself?
  12. I think you are going about it the wrong way, think if you set up Rain, having webs will be meaningless either way. Just get there Ludicolo, get there Swanna, Rain-Dance, Surf (To get down Marowak before Rock-slide) then just Hurricane Ribombee, which should be slower than Those two (If Ludi has Swift-Swim) it is all about trying, if one answer is not satisfactory, try different tactics
  13. I think you shouldn't look how bad the fight is but what is wrong with your pokemon and how you could improve your team. If a fight is there, it's beatable it's always about the pokemon you use and how well they are trained. If you are a casual player, changing difficulty to easy should be your option, too.
  14. Fletchling can be caught in Reborn city, left of Corey's gym which is the third one.
  15. Ah, did you do the quest with Crawli? With removing the leftovers of the Rift? Maybe that might be the problem and its still here. Do go check the Goldenleaf village and go left till you find Goldenleaf forest
  16. Did you try resetting the quest in Help Plaza? Also, did you do the bit where you got introduced in the Lab?
  17. I checked on discord and Jan said that the thing with "Huh?" answer setting the rep on -1 is a mistake and should be fixed.
  18. Don't need to choose Magma gang, if you choose Aqua, don't fret, you can defeat Magma gang boss and walk behind him (Where he stood) there you will find Houndour waiting for you for capture
  19. No, it's impossible, you can get it only after defeating respective gang leaders (depending what gang you chose). Those fights, though, only trigger after defeating Shelly, so no, you can't get it after, and it's challenging to get it right after, too, as their pokemon are higher levels.
  20. Thank you! This actually helped my dilemma! I was confused why Melia didn't trust me after all the good main character does for her! Seems that luttle "huh?" I found funny wasnt so funny for her xD hope we can somehow regain her trust later on.
  21. Hello! Someone that would know how to get on the -left- side of Wetlands Laboratory? By all means I am lost and can't get there even though I know where the entrance is!

  22. Oh... My friend, you've unstuck me from the wall, but now the field was reset and I can't get through the boulders xD
  23. Hello! So, I was travelling around when I tried to use Rockclimb to get somewhere, then get down, but instead of going down it threw me into the wall! Now my character is stuck and cant get out! If someone would willing to help, I would be eternally gratefull! Game.rxdata
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