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Everything posted by 48masterplay

  1. I was able to access egg move tutor after beating _(spoilers)__ I was just that desperate for egg moves, so I check after major boss fight when I could have access them. That said, post adam isn't that far away from beating that battle.

    The free 6000 gems  made me want to reset along with Lyra's release.


    I rerolled and got the Kris and Lyra.

    Somehow I pulled three other five stars, but I'm fine with that. Btw best time to reroll cause free 6000 gems plus those nice dailys.

  3. You can or used to change your character at GDC at Axis High University. (Not too sure) I checked it out and it seem like the npc there was missing at that area. I checked the version 11.3 of the game and that npc was still there. It seems like that npc could've been removed or moved somewhere else for the current verison of the game.
  4. Did you try going pass the stone panel and go next to the water?
  5. Feraligatr doesn't have a good physical water stab till level 63.


    1. doombotmecha


      Jesus Christ. I remember back in Gold/Silver I could beat the rival's feraligatr with my Typhlosion because all it knew was water gun. Sad to see that hasn't changed. That's especially gotta sting in Reborn, where there's no HM waterfall at 45-50 ish to help it out.

    2. 48masterplay


      Same goes for Rejuvenation where WE HAVE NO ACCESS TO WATERFALL AT FALL. (NOT YET)


  6. I recall it was in the Lost Castle on the first floor. It's found in the room that's directly north from the entrance. It's found in the chest in that room but you need to open all the doors in Wispy Ruins to get access to it.
  7. NEVER STEAL AN ITEM FROM THE MERCHANT KECLEON. IT'S NOT WORTH IT unless you somehow you can escape them or just slaughter them all. But it's worth it cause free early ice stone.

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Yep, it's a well known fact, though in the high levels you can fight them off with area effect items/moves atleast in the ones I've played

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      you would have to have bullshit high stats, good items in your bag and spread moves to pull off that feat. i believe kecleons stats are outright maxed (barring hp) in the first two pmds, and they get to have double movement and super fast spawning. basically going through a corridor while kecleon are spawning is nearly always a death wish since the chances of them overwhelming you with sheer numbers are quite high.

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Warp seeds/pure seed I believe it was?

  8. If you can't do anything about this, your best bet is to go back to previous save file. To switch save files, go to your files and find the file named user in something like your "os" Click that and find whatever name you have label for your computer, then find saved games and click rejuvenation. Rename your current save file which is Game.rxdata to anything else, then rename one of your previous save file to Game.rxdata. Then you should all set. If you're stuck like that and don't want to go back to your save file, then you're pretty much stuck for that forever in your case unless someone else can do something about that...
  9. After losing both of my save files for reborn and rejuvenation, I finally finish reborn once more. Now it's time to replay rejuvenation as well.

    1. Candy


      save your saves onto the cloud 🙂 that's how I keep them from getting deleted if my macbook fails

    2. Q-Jei


      I did the same with an external hard drive. This helped me a lot to get my save files immune against failures due to Windows 10 updates 😉

  10. You're not stuck there while you haven't defeat Aya yet. To get out, keep going south east( right side), go down the one step stair. then go right, break a rock then go down a ledge, then go down another ledge north of that, go a bit north then go left and go down more ledges, then climb that building, then slide down a steel beam, then keeping going left and bit a south to see the exit. not sure if this will help but try following these directions
  11. Soft Reset like hunting for any shiny legendary/mythical
  12. No Silvally is NOT breedable,
  13. When do we get to explore the Artrica region? Or is it Neverwinter is what the area is called or it's a name for a town or city there?
  14. Go to the sewers south from his house and meet them at the end of the sewers.
  15. Thank you, this is gonna make my starter pokemon more powerful. >:D
  16. I heard that there were crests for the johto starters were at? Does anyone know where I can find the npc that gives them?
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