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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ArcBolt27

  1. the thing im most curious about is actually regarding the few interactions melia has with the MC up to her leaving with spacea and tiempa..................... moreso specifically how are they going to play out from her point of view in regards to the MC? are you going to give he/she a voice and let us choose what they look like? sorry if i sound rude or demanding in any way shape or form but something this really has me extremely curious
  2. where would i look up this person as just the sheer thought of such a thing has bypassed my interest and immediately has my full attention
  3. i have a metagross on standby as well as a good few other mons but i try to go for as much type diversity as possible meaning if i want to use metagross i have to box the mawile u see in my signature but that dont happen anymore unless im really annoyed by some trainers, tho u could argue against that entirely as the sylveon also in my signature is part of my main team as well, tho those 2 are forever on my teams no matter what for personal reasons and anyone who has finished v11 will know why edit: the only 2 out of that team i ever really rotate out anymore are swampert and golurk
  4. thats why i run it with either power up punch or even fire punch to offset it, or sometimes both tho this set is from my most recent run all the while it has 289 physical attack at that level as adamant so there's that as well
  5. alolan muk is also a decent suggestion as ive used the same one thru multiple playthrus and its been a steeple on my team since my second run and this next one will be my 7th, there's also the factor of me using it in a 1v12 in the puppermaster's gym battlecuz aelite and her fighting types >.> the poison touch/poison jab combo is nice too, as for possible electric coveragethe best i can think of off the top of my head without much thought at least is a vikavolt, tho frail that thing makes for a monstrous special sweeper boasting just over 600 special attack with modest and full special attack training and choice specs and tho infernape is not a poor choice by any stretch of the means, on the contrary its an excellent choice but for the sake of abilities i would recommend blaziken as speed boost comboed with bulk up and some leftovers make for a very terrifying flaming turkey
  6. its an inverse battle tho so that wont work as easily, remember, inverse battles swap weaknesses and resistances
  7. i had a thought about the box myself.................... if you look carefully at the box it kinda radiates a pink-ish aura and nancy had a lot of pink about her both in her type of preference and her clothing, and altho the lingering regret battle isnt actually against her ghost per se it still has some pink on its outline for a sprite what im getting at is what if inside the box is her soul and something is preventing her soul from leaving it and entering the soul stone, and speaking of that we dont even know what the limit is on how many souls the soul stone can hold so thats also a thing in the event is actually is her soul by some bizarre stretch of the means then perhaps there's something else related to the MC's past that will help it get opened
  8. well it was also obtained with roughly 6 or 7 badges on hand iirc and atm we got 13 in rejuv so combine that with all the crap us as the MC has been thru both physically and mentally i would say we've more than earned it............... let's not forget that in reborn the side quest that gave it to us was primarily returning lost/stolen pokemon iirc which pales in comparison to what the rejuv MC has been through and what they are very likely to still go thru in the future
  9. there were also a few other shadow pokemon we couldnt snag back around the goldenleaf invasion arc shortly after the 3rd badge that im not sure if we ever got a chance to snag them again (never went and tried) tho it mighta been changed in v11 i cant remember its been a while since i was at that point in the plot
  10. iirc in v11 u find out gardevoir wasnt vitus' mon originally but that he took them in after their previous owner abandoned them tho i could be remembering that wrong
  11. sadly all i can offer are digital cookies and i dont think they taste too good
  12. all this talk of nora and i cant remember for the life of me who they were............... someone mind refreshing my memory plis?
  13. both of those egg issues are known already and should be fixed in v12
  14. an extension to this is maybe have said mons with absurdly high stats and HP much like how the newer encounters for pokemon empyrean did *glares at the 5000 HP monstrosity known simply as W.T.*
  15. yes the game isnt finished, and no i dont believe its part of a series
  16. its not as bad as u may think, im done with the game.................. at least until caz desides to return and update it and my team is an average of lvl 57 (gengar, krookodile, gardevoir, feraligatr sharpedo and magneton)
  17. best i can personally say is just load a backup save from before encountering this issue as a fair chunk of people myself included have not encountered this issue tho im sure others may be able to provide better insight
  18. there was also at one point a debug script file much like how v10 of rejuv had one tho not sure whatever happened to it..............
  19. yea that was because i dont think silent remembered to update the title, but the 3.0.2 download is here just gotta scroll down enough on page 1
  20. nah 3.0.1 and its predecessor 3.0.2 was released around a month ago give or take a week roughly it added 2 new badges, a bunch new areas, some more mega evolutions became available as well as some more backstory on stuff that is tied to the MC and their 2 companions they have at the start
  21. um kinda hard for it to be released in july when its not even june yet silly
  22. i dont believe so, i keep tabs on it both here and on pokecommunity just to be safe but generally one if 1 gets updated the other does as well near immediately and with 3.0 being a recent update i'd wager a few more months (probably august or september give or take) before the next release tho that is just a rough guesstimate
  23. 12 badges, and as i said it is a rather odd number as most fan games either follow the typical 8 badge trope or go for a full 18
  24. the badge case should say it all............. tho it is a rather odd number tbh
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