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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. @AntonyJr Route 3 caves. need to beat Amaria to enable rock climb get rock climb shortly after It's currently physically impossible to get back to city till you beat Ciel
  2. They mean at beginning when you choose your starter Get your egg from saving the day care couple and the one on the slums both can have some good Pokemon egg for daycare is in onyx ward to the left of the arcade a girl has it inside
  3. You would have needed to breed the 7th St one if you missed the one in where the hiker now lives I will be on in a bit if your still on DM/PM me as this section of the forum is for information only about locations
  4. Just before Hardy's gym after you've done the city you people come back to the city the house next to the PC asks for a password. No problem is part of the puzzle reward PS I only did the Pokemon location guide
  5. You on later in like an hour or so?
  6. Wrong place this belongs in online play, normally bi would trade u one but I don't wanna get back up to go downstairs yet
  7. Check in the item guilde It has items listed by location
  8. After clearing Argate City go back to the building above spyce and on the first room will be 3 shoots go down any of them
  9. I didn't know that, thought it was like every other starter starts as pure typing other then Bulbasaur I believe
  10. It can be worth it, I would still recommend long reach as an ability though Don't evolve it before Julia though. Using grass starters can be tough in the beginning
  11. check my signiture out second link in spoiler questions about locations belongs in on the hunt this area is for battles/trades
  12. Okay I am ready as well My user is Snorlax @Airis have a good day/night
  13. I'm here. My user is Snorlax do you want me to wait?
  14. a candy would work @theSenex I will wait my user is Snorlax
  15. Ah, have no idea, I was hoping for a reference of where you were getting elite 8
  16. @theSenex Do you have a spare heart scale? or a valuable I can sell? I have one I can give you but they are expensive to farm and get
  17. Alright for future please tag or quote whoever your talking to I will request @TomNF Was tyranitar the one you meant to give me?
  18. I assumed it was 4 members then Champ, I haven't seen anything about 8 members
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