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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dypatome

  1. Wow, I've been away and have missed a lot of progress. It's great to see that you're still going strong; best of luck as you continue!
  2. I haven't sprinted since the bit I did for Desolation.. I should get back into it. 

  3. Well, apparently Pixelmon's been shut down by The Pokémon Company. 


    Just makes me want to buy new Pokémon games less and less really. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dypatome


      Huh. I had heard about the force crash, but I never heard about the pocket edition info. Thanks for digging into things

    3. Azeria


      No problem, sad to see fan creations get shut down but when dev's are doing shady stuff like this, they REALLY have it coming. 

    4. Wolfox


      one could say it's karma in that case

  4. Caz is busy with work and other things. He has little time to continue working on this, @BRS swag and @Twilightwing. For now, the game has likely halted progress.
  5. So when do we get Redemption badges? I had 1 or two before I stopped, but haven't received an image yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anime


      nah, its @Sparky and @Alex's jobs to make/fix cards

    3. Paul25


      Ninja'd by Amine

    4. Guzam



  6. Because of your little experience with drawing, what if you were to make portraits out of Pixels like Desolation's portraits are?
  7. Also, lots of universities seem to have taken an interest in the forums lately...

    (yes, I know they're bots)

  8. MAn being in school sucks, I haven't had the time to sprite in months

  9. tldr of my life: School is a mess but sports are fun. Not a lot of free time, so I've been off here for a while, but I'm back for a bit

    1. Anime


      Hey @Dypatome glad you're back :D i thought you left for good :/

  10. OMG IS ROMANCE GOING TO BE A PART OF YOUR GAME AHHHHHHH //don't answer that, I'm just screwing around right now. It looks like the game's moving along fairly smoothly, unless the coding is a huge mess. I do have to say that I like seeing the sketches for the drawings and art you've been putting out there. I don't have much to say about them, just that they're kinda neat.
  11. The manga then, I would presume? (Still can't wait to buy the first volume) Anyhow, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she's the sister of the with the Alolan Ninetales, though that may not be case due to the fact that she's certainly not dressed for cold weather. Anyone have any good ideas?
  12. Chances are, this hasn't happened to anyone else, or, if it has, only to a few other people. Now for how it's possible: Realize that everything has a chance. When you're flipping a coin, it's a 1/2 chance for it to land heads. Now, if you want it to land heads 3 times in a row, that's 1/2 times 1/2 times 1/2, or a 1/8 chance. So, it's entirely possible for this to happen to anyone here, as there is always a chance for a shiny. It'd just be much less likely because the odds of a shiny are obviously much lower than 1/2. Edit: the shiny chance in Reborn is somewhere around 700/6500, so the chance of this happening is 700/6500 times itself times itself, or .00124ish. Therefore, the chances of this happening to you are in the ballpark of 0.12%.
  13. 0100001101101111011011100110011101110010011000010111010001110101011011000110000101110100011010010110111101101110011100110010000100100000010010000110010101110010011001010010011101110011001000000110000101101110001000000110100101101110011101100110100101110011011010010110001001101100011001010010000001110000011011000110000101110100011001010010000001101111011001100010000001100001011010010111001000101110

  14. Oh no, I'm quite dull. Have you ever finished an anime with more than 50 episodes?
  15. *when you try to fix your Recommended section on YouTube by clicking a lot of videos you like, but it somehow just fills with more memes than before*

  16. I enjoy the ability to be around my friends, but overall dislike most of the learning portion. Do you have a Nintendo Switch yet?
  17. Sorry, I'm going to have to pull out of the competition. I'd love to submit, but school and studying keeps getting in the way so I haven't had too much free time lately.
  18. Welcome to the forums! Even if this isn't your priority, be sure to stop by every now and then to see what's up.
  19. After seeing the animation sketches, the hype is real for the game man. This is game's going to be just incredible once it's finished.
  20. Welcome to the forums! If you like reborn, you'll definitely get along with us. Be sure to check out the other fangames too!
  21. http://imgur.com/gallery/ducCn

    First time messing around with paint for stuff like this, can I get your guys opinions?

    1. Phi-Bi


      It looks really solid. You have a good start here. My suggestion is to darken the lightest green and tidying it up since right now they kinda too bright and too messy. For reference: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Anime_eye.svg/2000px-Anime_eye.svg.png
      Also if you intend to create the whole face you might want to rotate the eye a bit in clockwise direction to enhance your supposed character.

  22. The new Pokemon Academy Life demo is out aaaaand you should all go check it out; it isn't like anything we have here.

  23. Stop by to see some Misty art re-work for Pokemon Academy Life! https://www.twitch.tv/dmjh93

    (It's not me)

  24. So in two days, you'll give us a prompt to work off of, correct? I'm either thinking that it's going to be that or we'll have free choice to do whatever we wish, but I don't see any information above as to what we'll be drawing.
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