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Status Updates posted by LemonJones

  1. Can anybody name this plant for me please?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZEL


      Looks to be some type of agave to me.

      Checking out different species maybe it's a cultivar of agave americana? A. a. marginata or A. a. variegata perhaps?

    3. Dreamy


      Maybe like Aloe Vera?

    4. LemonJones


      And we have a winner - agave americana marginata. Thank you everybody /highfive ZEL 

  2. I sacrafice Black Vulpix from the Mystery Egg which resets the whole game to summon White Chimchar! (that was hella lucky man! btw am I a racist now?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LemonJones


      Pokemon Reborn, I really hated how I got the damn Vulpix two playthroughs in a row even though it was long ago.

    3. LemonJones


      Make that two, white Meowstick joins the team.

    4. SilverAngelus


      I got confused cause there's lots of fan made games out there. And I guess you'd be a.... pokecist. :3

  3. People I need help over here. I'd like to buy a laptop that can run League of Legends at 60 fps (less than 60fps isn't acceptable) but I cannot spend a fortune. Lets say 400$, is that a possible?

    1. Caimie


      Last thursday i bought laptop for my grandmother, the laptop was 450$ and is no where near capable of running league of legends at 60 fps. However, a computer that's 400$ is a lot better than a laptop that's 400$. You might get there with a computer!! (My father makes computers so i know a little about it) Hope that helps!

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's insanely easy. LoL runs pretty well on toasters ~~like my laptop~~ so it's definitely doable given well... l'm doing it. And this one's like... years old at this point.

    3. LemonJones


      Ahh I thought as much, thanks. Guess it's about time to get a real PC, been a while since I had one.

  4. How do you calm yourselves down when you feel that stewing anger? The one that gathers over time and makes you want to go fucking berserk?

    1. IntSys


      I've never tried it, but have you tried exerting your anger on a pillow?

    2. Gh0stStark


      I listen to this song I'm linking bellow, sip some coffee/tea, then if I can, I try finding some nice landscapes on the internetz.







    3. Wolfox


      music, I got a punching bag in my room, music. Did I mention music?

  5. Has anyone played Fallout 3 or the New Vegas? Which one would you pick as your favorite?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      New Vegas is pretty much the better game more or less hands down. lt's definitely the better of the two in the termsof being an RPG. lt's extra content(dlc) is actually a lot stronger as well though... probably helps that they didn't have to waste one on fixing the extra shitty original ending like 3 did ~~even thought the ending is still pretty lacklustre afterwards.~~

      Not that 3 has no merit as a game. lt's good in it's own right but Obsidian who was in charge of the dev of New Vegas just knows how to make RPGs. And there's my two cents.~ Use it as you so choose.

    2. Sunbean


      New Vegas by far.

    3. LemonJones


      Vegas it is, thanks fellas.

  6. I'm looking for somebody that can make a randomized pokemon reborn file. I'm talking about everything from starters, event pokemon and items completely randomized. I would very much like to play randomized nuzlocke but I suck at these things. 

    1. Sara1404


      This should help 


    2. LemonJones


      Much appriciated, thank you.


  7. What a shitty ass day. I've been robbed, betrayed and annoyed. But I had fun playing (and winning) all of my League games tonight <3

    1. Candy


      Oooo nooo! I hate when I'm robbed, betrayed and annoyed :( Hopes you feelin' better fam

    2. Zarc


      :/ , stay strong ! 

  8. Time flies when you have fun. Flies when you need it to slow down. Time is an asshole.

    1. seki108


      Then it just up and kills all of it's students eventually, all present included.  Really, so many dick moves Time.

    2. SilverAngelus


      Time is actually consistently constant. What you're making of this is only psychological.

  9. Fresh, natural, hardy home made goodness.. in a can.


    1. Candy


      are you talking about canned lemonade 🤔

    2. LemonJones


      General advertising. "American style Mac 'n cheese!" See that "style"? Someone is pulling your prick! Means it's not from here and tastes like the stuff they throw away.

  10. "...the clouds hung ponderously on the horizon like steel-grey, loosely formed gorilla turds..."

    1. Candy


      hisashiburi, Lemon-kun~ where's that quote from?

    2. LemonJones


      Heya! It's from Brain Droppings by George Carlin. Fun guy.

  11. Could use your help about which switch game up to 20€ should I buy. Ring any bells? Please exclude these because I already own them_


    *Hollow Knight




    *My Friend Pedro

    *Enter the Gungeon

    *Rocket League

    *Stardew Valley

    1. Des Teto

      Des Teto

      Baba is You?

    2. Wolfox


      I heard Dust an Alesean te is good. Bloodstained curse of the moon too if you enjoy a good old school Castlevania 

  12. Hey friends, I could use your help making a decision. I have my eye on Fire Emblem: Three Houses for a while now. I'm completely unfamiliar with the series and genre.


    Anyway, can I make decisions in the game that changes it's outcome? Be evil and such? Maybe take a different path no matter the house thing if you get me? Or at the very least are there cryptic sides to the story? Oh and is it true that combat takes the back seat in this game? Also, does a single battle really last for an hour sometimes? If so, is it repetitive?

    1. TheVentusX


      Each House changes the story of the game dramatically, each having their own unique path that really takes shape in the game's second half, and each with a unique house ending. There is also a secret fourth ending, if you choose a specific house (won´t spoiler which) early on. As far as I recall there are no different decisions for each house that change the outcome, but I haven´t played the DLC´s yet so I can´t say what changes they bring to the overall story. As for your question about the role of combat, the main focus of the game still lies on combat, but different from other FE games this game has features which act as a nice diversion from battling and all have their purpose. The main point in combat that changed is the combat system itself, since a well known feature from the FE series doesn´t exist anymore. For me it wasn´t a bad decision as it is still the grid-based combat I know and love and the system has expanded in all sorts of solid directions and as you are new to the series I think it won´t bother you. Regarding your question about the duration of single battles, I can´t confirm that it takes an hour, but regardless how long it takes, it depends on your strategic decisions.


      All in all I can highly recommend the purchase of this game regardless of wether you are a veteran or new to the FE series as it makes so much fun to play and it has a high replay value. If you are a fan of strategy based RPGs with great characters, depth and a captivating story, you won´t regret it 😉

    2. LemonJones


      Thank you for your time and effort, much appreciated! I'll get it, sounds like a lot of fun for what it is. Got me all excited about playing it, I love that feeling.😁

  13. Happy birthday yo, have a good one!

    1. Zarc


      Thank you !! 🙂 

  14. 30 days to go until I leave my well paid job that I don't like. I'll be counting days like a prisoner until it happens.

    1. Candy


      happy for you that you could leave an unsuitable work environment 🙂

  15. I'm not a smoker. I'm a pokemon trainer.

    1. inktalegaster


      still a addiction lol

  16. Isn't it interesting how every now and then a specific group of people gets bummed out? As if they are selected as a group. Usually those who are somewhat compatible with one another fall into a pit at the same time.

    Interestingly enough, this forum attracts venting of its members. Is it the color? Tone of the game it hosts? Or perhaps because it is kind of remote. Promoting support and kind words for those in need?

    Just a thought.

    1. Candy


      ?? I'm not sure but my theory is that there's a certain percentage (let's say X% where 0 < X < 100) of people on the entire Earth that need to vent somewhere, and since this is somewhat a random sample of people we have here, we get ~X% of people that want to vent and do so here 😛 I donut think this forum has a special quality that attracts it, but idk

  17. Just being there with your music is so wonderful.


  19. is having a great day <3

  20. Much love to you *plays banjo to bait out some smiles*

  21. hahahahaha I love work haahahaha

  22. "If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug" my new pickup line. I think it's a good way to get "laid"

  23. Lemme tell you man, that relentless gamer in me is dying. It's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird!!

  24. Y'all a pretty cool bunch of peeps! Have a good night/rest of the day!

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