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Everything posted by Alistair

  1. Oh no! When you update you'll be trapped in the Big Top Arena forever, watching Samson flexing while winking at you and Terra doing... her thing. I'll pray for your soul.
  2. Hey, that's funny. When I first played Reborn myself, about a year ago, I played E12 for a few hours before finding out about E15 and downloading it. I remember Florinia being much harder back then (or maybe I was just much worse a player?) Anyway, I advise you to update when you're in a Pokémon Center, these are the safest spots because they remain largely unchanged between episodes.
  3. Hey Alilatias, these are some great concepts! The gameplay part that involves convincing Pokémon to join through events reminds me of a thought I had long ago of a "prehistoric" Pokémon game, where Balls would not exist yet and you'd have to prove yourself to wild mons with questlines of sorts, in order for them to follow you around. Anyway, I'd be interested in playing such a game as Autumn Shore if it ever comes to life. Keep creating!
  4. I haven't been there in ages so I'm sorry for being inaccurate. After getting all the parts of the crystal key you need to backtrack to the western part of the valley, mess with a purple rock somewhere in a dark cave area to open a new path, and further down lies the Dusk Stone. I'm not 100% sure so it would be nice if someone could confirm.
  5. NYEH

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noir



    3. laggless01



    4. Alistair



  6. "at beast" huehuehuehue But yeah, don't hold your breath
  7. Reborn isn't even "edgy". Bad stuff happens, good stuff happens, just like in every other RPG ever. There's nothing shocking in it. It just suffers from being compared to regular, light-hearted Pokémon games on this one aspect. Only Titania and to some extent Saphira try a bit too hard to be likeable or truly believable characters. I'm not saying they are not interesting, I just don't see people actually acting like that. They act like your regular, badass type of character. Cain, Radomus or even Charlotte are miles ahead in terms of characterization imo. But I'm going off topic. Reborn is how it needs to be. If we didn't want a darker, harder game than your average Pokémon game, we'd go play something else.
  8. Hi Evi. As you can see I'm relatively new to the forums, so I don't know you at all and I have no idea about things you posted that could have pissed other members. I simply stumbled upon your thread. While it's true that human nature leads us to lying sometimes, I try to avoid doing this because lying in people's faces and then having to put up with that crap is a burden to me, and I hate needless burdens. So what you see is what you’ve got: a guy with no interest whatsoever in not speaking his mind here. Reading your post was quite the experience for me because I mostly dislike witnessing the problems and struggles of other people. I'm not a particularly brave guy. When I see troubles or sensitive topics ahead, I tend to avoid them. But when I read that I felt compelled to react somehow. Not sure why, but I see you put an effort in explaining your situation, describing your way to deal with hardships, and I can definetely respect that. That's not something I could easily do myself. People who have trouble finding their own place within our society are sadly not that uncommon. But I find seeing people who seriously consider leaving this world altogether because of this... frightening. I'm very afraid of death, what could come (or worse, not come) after. I don't know what it would take for me to even consider ending it all. Knowing there are people out there whose behavior and beliefs hurt others to the point of wanting everything to stop, it really, really pisses me off. But I think they are the minority. Almost nobody with their sanity genuinely wants to make life difficult for others. Sure, Trump was elected. Against Hillary freakin Clinton, talk about a choice. That tells us a lot about what's going on in the world right now. But that doesn't necessarily mean all these voters reject you. They didn't vote for Trump because of his opinions on trans people, LGBT issues or whatever. Most of them don't even care. They voted for Trump because they were afraid and/or wanted to get rid of Clinton. They think they'll be safer with Trump. That's their opinion, I'm not gonna discuss it. My point being, of course there are douchebags and intolerant people out there, but most people aren't like that. I'm not, I'm sure most members here aren't either. And despite what's happening, despite political power, douchebags do not rule our lives and do not get to decide whose life matters and whose life doesn't. We and the people we live with are the ones that matter. They are the ones with an immediate impact on us and they are the ones we need to care about. Like I said, I don't know you, but I'm sure there are people who love you and people out there who don't know you yet but just want to be friends. These people can give you strength just like you can give them strength. I know it may sound cheesy, but I choose to believe this. You made it this far, you endured stuff I can only imagine. All of that shouldn't be squandered. Now let's keep going, let life happen. You can handle this just as well as anyone else. I hope things get better for you.
  9. Coffee is meh. I mean it can situationally be useful for its energizing properties, but under normal circumstances I would choose hot cocoa over coffee. And most importantly, coffee completely prevents me to sleep at night if I drink it past 4pm. Because of this, I don't think I can be friends with coffee given how much I love sleeping.
  10. Pretty much anything that can be answered by the following person, I guess. Would you smooch a ghost?
  11. Out of curiosity, why is the Obtainable Pokemon list updated weeks before the release of the episode? Is it to help aces in the process of beta testing? Or just to tease non-aces plebs like me ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alistair


      Easy for you to say, you've been around for ages. Not me.

    3. Tacos


      The good thing is that now you should know for the remaining three episodes. Perhaps by next episode you'll be able to beta test?

    4. Alistair


      Who knows? That might be nice :)

  12. Welcome back to Pokemon Reborn: Prepare to spam Ultra Potions Edition. It seems you have great taste in starters Enjoy your stay!
  13. Well at least we can trust Ame to make Reborn great again

    1. Shinoda Yagami

      Shinoda Yagami

      Im a little sad that the revamp is taking place so close to E16. Last few months I've spent much of my time in the forums, and it will be down for a week now.

      At least we can all play E16 after that I guess

    2. Alistair


      Yeah, I agree with you. We'll have to hold on and keep in mind that we're gonna have a great time with E16 when it finally comes out!

  14. people whining, people whining everywhere

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi


      do you really think it's that weird though that that's happening

    3. Hiroki Tatsumi

      Hiroki Tatsumi

      Trump is a godsend for America <3

    4. Tacos


      It's quite easy to say that when you're not an American citizen.

  15. Spontaneous answer: snek is love, snek is life Serious answer: fireflies tied with wolves
  16. Worse than Batman & Robin? Woa there. I'm the first to admit BvS has huge flaws and is by no means a good movie, but still. That's some severe case of nostalgia goggles. Want to see a genuinely awful DC movie? Suicide Squad is where it's at. Absolutely nothing works in this one.
  17. There's no such thing as staying in bed too late, as long as you're enjoying it. During winter, drinking warm chocolate while watching snow or rain fall outside is one of the best things ever. If I feel sad for whatever reason or no particular reason at all, I try and hug the closest family member around. If not possible, I make myself comfy in my couch or bed and watch a jacksepticeye video or something like that on youtube. When it's the end of the week, I reward myself with some tasty junk food with my best friends. Let the grease flow within my body! But when I'm really feeling down, or angry at someone, I need to stay alone, process things, then clear my head with a game, movie, music or whatever I love. I found loneliness to be very soothing sometimes.
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