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Dylanrockin last won the day on September 6 2020

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371 Altruist

About Dylanrockin

  • Birthday 09/16/1995

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    Solving a Case
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    It's probably a fact now at this point that I'm probably the biggest fan of Tales of Symphonia on the Earth, since I now own EVERYTHING Tales of Symphonia related, including all of the overly expensive figurines, blu-ray dvd's, posters, Japanese manga, Japanese novelization, wall-scrolls, and all versions of the game (including Japanese exclusive versions). Yes, I am a nerd, yes, I am a huge fan-boy who has plans to go to a Tales of Festival in Japan, and YES... I want to get my stuff autographed.

    Currently, I am an Animator, Animation Director, Fan-Game Developer, Stage Actor, and Computer Science Major with a Secondary Major in Performing Arts.

    Also... I don't like Pokeplayers. Fact.

    Animation and voice acting directing work, down below:

    Japanese Dub


    English Dub


    Feel free to join my Groups Page! http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/

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  1. A Pokeplayer got mad at me because I denied him early access to my game. Not gonna say who, but this is only reinforcing my hatred for Pokeplayers even more, as well as their stupid and not-so-endearing name.


    Entitled piece of garbage. You HONESTLY think I'm making my game for YOU?! You're having a fucking laugh! Go make ad-revenue off of someone else's game, and piss off.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DemICE


      Wanna bet he wears a T-shirt about it?

    3. Dylanrockin


      Yeah, that's how people will recognize him. That's why he sells fucking t-shirts of a copyrighted Pokemon plastered on it with his internet handle on it.


      @Commander: The conversation started as: Hello, I'm {Pokeplayer}, I'm sure you've heard of me from all of my competitive battling videos and Let's Plays, and I wanted to know if you could let me play your game? You will benefit from exposure, and I can find bugs and report them as needed.


      Of course I said "Sorry, never heard of you. And no, I don't do early access or giving people my game before I actually finish it. I appreciate your wanting to play the game, but it won't be ready, until it's finished."


      And his response was extremely... hostile, as it was totally unnecessary and he could've just said "Oh, alright" or something along those lines. But no, he went on to say how idiotic I am for not allowing myself to garner more exposure for my game, and not letting him play the game for his channel. Among other things. The convo went on for awhile, as I was trying to explain to him why there was no possibility for nuzlocking or removing lead Pokemon from a certain characters' party, since he hated the idea of not being able to nuzlocke. Even going so far as to call me an idiot for not allowing for it to be in the game and that the game has been ruined because of it :L


      Why do you think there are difficulties in the game? It's to get around that there isn't any possible way to nuzlocke the game. If you want more of a challenge, like what a traditional JRPG would provide to you, you play on a hard setting and stop whining about it.

    4. Commander


      While it wouldn't be hard to add a nuzlocke feature I don't because it removes the purpose of nuzlocking. Giving the choice to obey the rules or not. But not all games are designed to use FE rules.


      As for that guy, there is a term we use for them. It is called a butthurt crybaby.

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