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Dylanrockin last won the day on September 6 2020

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371 Altruist

About Dylanrockin

  • Birthday 09/16/1995

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    Solving a Case
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    It's probably a fact now at this point that I'm probably the biggest fan of Tales of Symphonia on the Earth, since I now own EVERYTHING Tales of Symphonia related, including all of the overly expensive figurines, blu-ray dvd's, posters, Japanese manga, Japanese novelization, wall-scrolls, and all versions of the game (including Japanese exclusive versions). Yes, I am a nerd, yes, I am a huge fan-boy who has plans to go to a Tales of Festival in Japan, and YES... I want to get my stuff autographed.

    Currently, I am an Animator, Animation Director, Fan-Game Developer, Stage Actor, and Computer Science Major with a Secondary Major in Performing Arts.

    Also... I don't like Pokeplayers. Fact.

    Animation and voice acting directing work, down below:

    Japanese Dub


    English Dub


    Feel free to join my Groups Page! http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/

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  1. I think this constitutes as a new low for IRL Streamers:


    I needed that laugh, real bad.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      It's funny how when he said he'd beat the guy up he started quickly moving to the door.

    3. Dylanrockin


      This is what happened at TwitchCon, because IRL streamers assumed that they could stream (literally) 100% of Twitch. Which, they're not wrong, they are allowed to stream 100% of it, but they were super intrusive and quite brazen about it to the point they caused a disruption. Especially with people who don't want to be filmed or have pictures taken of them (me). Also they were shoving cameras, literally, into other people's faces.


      But, I also found it hilarious that he tried intimidating someone twice his size, like... really? Do people like him honestly think they'll get very far with that? He actually got arrested, which... yeah. Hubris.

    4. Wolfox


      Intimidating someone twice your size is not the stupidest idea since strength =/= linked to size. but in that guy's case, he should have just cut his losses and left

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