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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Combat

  1. I wonder, would it be worth grinding a Pokemon in Reborn up to high levels just so you can get Full Restores? I just noticed how at 91-100, the pick ups are kind of amazing...

    1. Shad_


      A Pickup squad in Reborn is extremely useful, so i guess it would be definitely worth

  2. Walhart is Red,

    Your dad's hair is Blue,

    You tried to kill me to prevent me from betraying Chrom,

    But I still love you.

    Will you be my Valentine?


    1. Wolfox


      is it strange that I always let Robin marry Lucina?

  3. Enemy Units are red,
    Player Units are blue,
    We're only adopted siblings,
    So it's not illegal if I marry you.
    Will you be my Valentine?

    1. Wolfox


      please make one of those from Robin

  4. I think the reason I was never a Ninja Turtle fan was they creeped me out as a kid. Not like scary or anything, just unnerving.

    1. Animefan666


      I liked the Ninja Turtles way back when, but I grew out of it and then I saw the realistic movie and was like "OMG A GIANT TALKING KUNG-FU RAT!!!"

  5. I will never quit being astounded that Charizard is a solo character in Smash. While I don't hate the big lizard, it always comes as a surprise when I remember he's in it.

    1. doombotmecha


      Charizard also appears in Sun and Moon solely as the fly replacement, and is otherwise unobtainable outside of Bank.


      Never underestimate the power of Wolverine Publicity

    2. Animefan666


      As powerful as Charizard is in Smash, I figure, why stop there? Pick Ganon max out attack and become the slowest, most powerful being the universe :P

  6. I might have just done something crazy and changed my name to Combat. The Medic part was nice, but I've become detached to source of where Medic came from.


    Plus I prefer it when people call me Combat.

    1. Wolfox


      you'le always be a medic in our hearts tho

  7. One of my greatest mistakes was using Comic Sans in Microsoft Word ironically, therefor setting it in the recently used font category all of these years later.

  8. You know you have issues when you're using the script to Bee Movie for academic reasons.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IntSys


      Is it because of "According to all known laws of aviation..."?

    3. Combat


      English classes can be weird.

    4. seki108


      When memes invade real life.......

  9. Previous profile picture was not Henry enough.

    1. Wolfox


      who would in in a one on one fight tho? Lon'qu or Henry?

  10. I'm kind of tempted to buy the Fire Emblem Fates DLC that gives you infinite experience once I finally get Conquest. The things I've heard about grinding and supports kind of scares me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      then maybe I'm just to OCD about wanting to have all units in my roster

    3. Combat


      I also have to take into consideration that I'm a casual player. That kind of makes the difference.

    4. Wolfox


      my advice is to just do it, might be usefull if you ever wanna make a competitive unit team or play on a harder dificulty

  11. I didn't expect my thousand post celebration to take that long. Oh well, you know what they say!

  12. Ah Henry, both a character I love and despise. 

  13. On a scale of one to Tom Bombadil, how over powered is he?

  14. Tfw you realize you've accidentally made a character addicted to opioids.

  15. What is the Meowth in Sun and Moon really is your father?

  16. Quest: Go to the Mustafar system. Wipe out Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders.


    (Optional: Spare Viceroy Gunray.)

    1. IntSys


      As if you want to spare that face.

  17. Just did my first session of DnD, and things went really well. My character only died once!

  18. Does anyone know how to evolve Inkay in Desolation? I have it to where it begins to evolve, but stops midway through the animation.

    1. Fumble


      Pretty sure you need to cancel the evolution to make it actually evolve like you do in Reborn; haven't tried it out though.

    2. Combat


      Yup, worked like a charm. Thanks!

  19. 999 posts everybody! Time to start working on the big 1000 thread.

    1. seki108


      '1000th post thread, but it's actually "We are Number One" on autoplay'

  20. Guys Club Penguin is shutting down! I thought 2017 was supposed to stop killing our celebrities! 

    1. seki108


      At least they finally tipped the iceburg:



  21. I'm pretty happy with my Tiki pull in Heroes. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Combat


      They are for me. Do they change everyday? Also just got a three star Robin.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      They seem to change everyday as to what they are. Today they seem to be Transparent ((or colourless.))

    4. Maelstrom


      Okay, making sure it was the same for everybody and not just random color each day for each person.

  22. As it turns out, I'm going to be playing DnD for the first time with my roommates. The DM is suggesting I may a bard, but I can't think of any ways of giving him character besides giving him night terrors. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swampellow


      Make him have to roll to seduce everything he encounters it's fun, trust me

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Roam to find chimes.

    4. doombotmecha


      pick an irl band. only play songs from that band. rename all your powers as songs by that band.

  23. So I finally hatched a shiny Espurr in Sun, and while I'm a tad disappointed its male, I'm glad I have one. So, Reborn community, whose my next shiny goal. Give me some ideas please.

  24. Getting two 6IV trained shiny Pokemon from the Sun Wondertrade was kind of unexpected. 

    1. Plok


      those are probably hacked

    2. Combat


      And I just saw that the egg was hatched in 2000. For a Gen seven Pokemon. Oh...

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