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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Combat

  1. Well, it's been an interesting Birthday, that's for sure.


    1. Animefan666


      I guess we could all use more pictures of Spider Man :P

  2. Me: "Oh boy, now I'm 22!

    Mother Nature: "Happy Birthday!"

    Me: "Thanks Mother Nat..."

    Mother Nature: "Have a snowstorm!"

    Me: "Oh... Thanks?"

  3. R O P E S  A N D  K N O T S  A R E

    T H E  T R U E  S I G N S  O F  

    R E S T L E S S  L I F E.

  4. Get back in the bag Nebby... Get back in the bag...

  5. Listening to Ace Attorney Music: I should cosplay as Phoenix Wright some day...

    Listening to Bravely Second Music: I should cosplay as Giest someday...

    Listening to Sun music: I should cosplay as Guzma someday...

    Listening to Kirby Music: Yeah, I could pull off a King Dedede cosplay.

    I think I might have a little problem.

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      A creative problem

    2. Commander


      Here let me help you with that problem



  6. Adele is the chosen Undead: Hallow from the Other Side.

  7. If I win, you have to bake me a cake, and if you win, I'll stop stealing the bricks to your house. One by one.

  8. Wow, Fantastic Beasts was the best Pokemon movie I've seen in years.

    1. Maelstrom


      You tryna start a fight?

  9. So, while breeding my Pokemon, trying to get a shiny, I accidentally wonder traded said shiny because I wan't paying attention.


    I'm speechless.

  10. I'm literally keeping my room warm right now by using lava lamps.

  11. Today's chapter of my life could be called "Combat versus the Smell Zone."

  12. When the Hydraulic Press channel does better promos for movies than the actual movie trailer.

  13. To the hacker who just sent me a level 100 shiny Beldum with the worst IVs possible on Sun, well played.

    1. Hect


      Reminds me of the time when I got a shiny Lv. 100 Latios with 0 IV's in every stat in OR/AS.

    2. Maelstrom


      You are hereby found guilty by association!

  14. So I just got a Golden Bottle Cap on Sun? Is that worth anything if I give it to a Pokemon and trade it? (If it is, what's the lowest I should accept?)

  15. You know, it's funny when you think about it. Smash has five Fire Emblem characters, but only one Fire Emblem assistant. (I think?)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cepheus


      yeah... and the Assist (Lyn) is the one I would have loved to see as a playable character - but essentially we have 4 playable FE chatacters... because 2 are Marth-clones...

    3. Wolfox


      tbh having Lyn playable would be amazing.

    4. Wolfox


      but we all know Ike is the best of the bunch. WE LIKE IKE

  16. Normally I secretly shame people who complain about having too much homework to do and complain about it on the internet, so karma needs her due. Please secretly shame me.


    For I have made a grave error.

  17. Gandalf stole all the experience, leveled up six times, and got a new set of robes.

  18. Most of my characters either have abusive parents or no parents... Huh. I might need to work on that.

  19. I need some help here. What is Reborn's shiny Honchkrow referencing? It looks kind of familiar.

  20. Quick question to Reborn. What's everyone's opinion of the hackers/people who make illegal Pokemon in the canon games who send them out to other players via Wonder Trade? Is this unethical, or is it ok since they might be "helping" the community. I've gotten three this way, and have felt unsure if I should be happy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Animefan666


      Well, the ones from Wonder Trade aren't nearly as bad as the ones put onto the GTS. I remember so many legendary Pokemon with horrible names. Most of them were either Ebola or the N word.


      Also, I heard they've been banning people from online play who put out Hackmons.

    3. Plok


      I don't mind if they are made made to look legal but personally I'd rather breed/catch mons myself then use hacked ones

    4. Combat


      That's what I figured. It's not like I'm going to go online and use them.

  21. So they've announced that they're making a new version of the Lion King, which I can only assume will be similar to the recent Jungle Book. While I knew it was eventually going to happen, all I can say is "Don't **** up."

    1. Commander


      Lion King is the one movie that has aged so well that I'd say it'll only hurt more than help it. Seriously do want to see it turn into a CGI.

    2. Combat


      I mean no one talks about the sequel(s) either. Still, it scares me.

    3. Marcello


      I loved the Jungle Book remake tbh so I am all for this

  22. My new favorite boss fight is Ornstein and Smol.


    Well, now I feel dead inside.

  23. I was planning on keeping my profile picture the same for a while, but then I found this little "gem" and had to change.

  24. Finding out you have an upcoming exam on your birthday is bad, finding out that its during your night class is even worse.

  25. Man, writing bad guys is fun.

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