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Everything posted by mde2001

  1. I hate Gen 4 with a passion. Slow speed, terrible pacing, forgettable characters. Overall my favourite game would be crystal as I always have enjoyed it. I also like Sapphire and X.
  2. Granted but he starts starving you instead. Side note: Yay for electric rodents being real. I wish I stopped getting sick.
  3. Episode 16 is going to be so cool. Great job again on the animations. They look great. You're putting in a lot of work with the animations and we all really appreciate it!
  4. I won't be able to fix any save files for a while because my Dad is taking my laptop with RPGMakerXP for work purposes:(

  5. mde2001


    Banned for banning me with the usual reason people ban me!
  6. mde2001


    Banned for random reasoning (unless I miss a joke in which case banned for making an in joke)
  7. Granted but they hate you. I wish for a Dedenne in real life.
  8. Thanks for your help! I've done that.
  9. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew where one could find static 6th gen sprites (eg. not the ones in the 6th gen for essentials project) suitable for a pokemon essentials game. I can't use the ones from the normal 6th gen project as they are animated and don't work with the ActualScene folder I'm using. Thanks for any help.
  10. 8/10. It looks cool. Let's see if my new one can beat by record of 2!
  11. Should I change my avatar. It seems everyone seems to hate dedenne.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Meruem


      i hate dedenne i hope it dies

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Why does it matter what other people think? But for the record I'm not a Dedenne fan but that's only because when I seen it I thought it was fake

    4. Fumble


      <3 Dedenne

  12. Yeah, I don't see us getting the mega bracelet until E18 or so.
  13. Probably don't worry about getting all the way up to the level cap as I don't feel Ciel needs that but it shouldn't take you too long given how great the clown is for grinding (especially pink!)
  14. The mirror field is quite new so Ame might change it but adapting is key when it comes to field effects.
  15. Looking at the event on the door which says it is locked gives me another theory. If I remember correctly there is a double battle involved so I think you might have to have two pokemon before the door unlocks. I'm not sure but I'd try it out.
  16. Moonblast probably (why don't you have it dedenne why!) Dragons die to moonblast!
  17. Wow! Once again thank you for putting so much time into small details to make the game even more enjoyable!
  18. mde2001


    Banned because Illuminati is freaking annoying!
  19. That animation is awesome! Sorry to hear you had a bad week.
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