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Everything posted by mde2001

  1. Welcome to Reborn! We all get along here so don't worry about that!
  2. Not so much anymore but if you look at the Adrienn announcement thread it is littered with people saying things like "it is too difficult. I'll just call xym a they sometimes even a she or he. Most people have gotten over that now but you still will find it quite rarely. I don't have a problem with people being confused but I do have a problem with people saying that they will never understand it. Anyway- not a big issue these days.
  3. Yeah, I didn't mind the pronoun talk at all and I think it is important as it distinguishes between the plural and singular as Foamy said. However given how many people seem to hate it it is possible it should become optional to listen to it. I don't really buy the people don't understand how to use them properly therefore they shouldn't exist thing. We could pick up he, him, his at such an early age that by now it shouldn't really be too difficult to learn three pronouns.
  4. I'd go with more than six pokemon and rotate them based on the circumstances. Linoone is good for pickup but not the actual battles, I'm not a fan of muk but if you are go with him. I'd recommend replacing Simisear as he really isn't very good. My personal preference is Numel but others may work (you'll be able to catch a lot of them near the fighting gym). The smoochum could be useful for Aya and a couple of others but there are better ice types and better psychic types out there. Croagunk is just a good pokemon. Anyway- that's just advice. In the end go with what you want.
  5. Welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay.
  6. It would also be worth mentioning GraphicsGale which is a free download and what Ame uses. It is really good for spriting work.
  7. Yes. I do like mudkips! I don't like memes! Do you like dedennes (I somehow doubt it)???
  8. Heather might have Crobat given that she is significantly less annoying than she was at the start and seems to have matured a fair bit (though she is still a little bit of a brat). Either way I don't see Ame mapping out the whole desert when she already has to redo the city. That would be so many maps so I don't think it would be until E17 anyway.
  9. I really hope we get more of Adrienn as xe is one of my favourite characters at the moment (I know some people hate xyr for her pronoun talks). It will be nice to see some old faces again too.
  10. This is a pretty old topic and should probably be in bug fixing but anyway. I assume what you are saying is that if you start your game now you only have to option to start new game. If so I would rename the on you mentioned (124- Emerald) to Game and it should work. If this isn't what you want PM me with more details.
  11. By this point most of the pokemon are getting their final movesets anyway so it doesn't really matter about the order in terms of difficulty. I personally think that Hardy will come after Adrienn, Amaira and Titania but I'm obviously just speculating. It would be kind of odd having him be past his older sister though so I think you could be right about the order.
  12. 7/10 as I have no clue who it is but I can't blame you for that. It looks cool anyway. I'm preparing for a very low score...
  13. For Meowstic it depends what you need. If it is just for Kiki I'd recommend female as stalling out Kiki is not really that viable but if it is in the long run I'd go with male. In the end it is up to you.
  14. Hmm, you can always get an Espurr and train it up if you want but Gothitha is pretty good. Kiki was the toughest leader for me on my first playthrough so I sympathise with you. Psychic is boosted by her field so that should make her quite easy (I beat her with my Unpheasant- it was hell). Just a quick note- this should have been in the gym leader help thread rather than making your own but we all make mistakes. Good luck with Kiki!
  15. Welcome to reborn. I think most of us lurked for a while but it is good to hear from you!
  16. I live in Bug reporting but will sometimes venture out into on the hunt, team showcase and the status blog. I'm sometimes in the wasteland as well.
  17. Don't worry we don't like people thinking you are Australian either... No, I'm not one of those Australian's who hates New Zealand. Yes, international people seem to lump us together. Funny I swear we sound really different.
  18. I don't see mega Blastoise given that it would mean only one starter had it available. However I agree on the other megas that you've listed.
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