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About Jayrachi

  • Birthday 07/07/1995

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    The Centre of the Core of Time

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  1. This game felt better as a mobile game. The PC port's controls retain the touch controls by using the mouse, which is a horrendous control scheme. Swiping the mouse around creates a lack of feedback, making the controls unwieldy in general. I will also have to say the short animations between running to each door get tiring and really don't serve to do anything but annoy. My biggest issue is with Night 1 - nothing attacks you until 4 AM. While I understand Scott did this to allow players to learn the controls of the game on their own time, they don't need that long to do so. If someone dies on Night 1, they're stuck waiting until 4 AM again, and that takes quite a long time and demolishes interest in playing further. Besides that, I agree that the designs of the animatronics, while making sense given the context of the situation, are generally less frightening just because of the outrageous design scheme they have now. More teeth, more grime, more everything. More does not always make something better, a lesson that Scott probably could have learnt from the second game. I think it's cool that 4 moves away from the design of the first three games quite a bit, but I can't say I like the direction it went in very much.
  2. Just a few of my personal favourites. Battle Team Galactic Admin - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Versions Slam Shuffle - Final Fantasy VI Castle & Fortress - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Stage 05: Casino Park - Sonic Heroes
  3. Gotta say my three favourite types would be the Dark, Ghost, and Fairy-types.
  4. Thanks for all the welcomes! I took a good look at the Community Rules as suggested.
  5. Brock was one of the few truly serious trainers in the area around Pewter City, and was well-respected and even admired among the people. Misty trained at the Seafoam Islands until she became the only local trainer capable of defeating the trainers at Cerulean's cape. Lt. Surge served in at least one war as an American soldier, was a commanding officer in the army, and was even a pilot that powered his planes with Electric-type Pokémon. He had saved the life of one of the trainers in his Gym. Erika is generally quiet, but well-known in Celadon City. She is also a teacher of flower-arranging. She dozes off quite a bit, implying that perhaps she is narcoleptic. Koga studied poisons and medicines, apparently making his own potions to heal his Pokémon. He taught Ninjutsu in his Gym, and his daughter, Janine, was also a student of his. He would also often patrol the Safari Zone's grounds to assure that those on tour were not attacked by wild Pokémon. He enjoys the despair and horror that Poison-type Pokémon can inflict. Janine, Koga's daughter, studied Ninjutsu with her father in his Gym. Originally, her goal in life was to train and use Poison-type Pokémon like her father, and afterwards her goals change to become better than her father and the protagonist of the second generation of games. Sabrina, ever since she was a child, had psychic powers. She discovered them when she allegedly bent a spoon with her mind. She is said to be so difficult to defeat because she has a telepathic connection to her Pokémon, despite the fact that she herself dislikes battling. She stripped Saffron's former Fighting-type Gym of its Gym status when she used her type advantage to destroy its leader in a battle, and founded a Psychic-type Gym in its stead. She also apparently has the ability to see into the future, though she admits this ability is somewhat limited. Blaine had lived on Cinnabar Island since before the Pokémon Lab was built. Once, while he was out travelling in a frigid mountain range, he found himself lost. A Moltres guided him to safety, and since then he had decided to become a Fire-type Pokémon trainer. He only takes his sunglasses off when thinking of new quiz questions for his Gym. Giovanni was obviously the head of Team Rocket, and then it turned out he was the Gym Leader for Viridian City. After he was defeated, he disbanded Team Rocket. It turned out he had a son as well, whom is Silver in the second generation games. Blue you obviously know plenty about. Those are the canon backstories of the Kanto Gym Leaders. I could do the rest if you'd like. From this list it seems that for the most part, a Gym Leader is selected by the city or town they live in, based on how respected or well-known they are.
  6. I added a friend on the Backloggery and noticed a game on his currently playing list entitled Pokémon Reborn. So I decided to check it out, downloaded the game, and after playing a while decided to join the forums the game's site had linked to.
  7. Hey, I am new here. Among my interests are digital artwork, game design, and thrash metal. Also, I drink Pepsi. That was the best intro I could conceive, but if you want to ask about me feel free to.
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