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Everything posted by SilverAngelus

  1. You are so adorable Ribombee! ^__^ *ahem* Hello and welcome to the land of Reborn! I hope you enjoy your wonderful stay here Rowan!
  2. Looks like Nebby won't get in the bag, but Zwei will!

    Image result for zwei in the bag rwby

    Here's a bonus:


    cute RWBY comp 194: Zwei. join list: CRC (289 subs)Mention Clicks: 34678Msgs Sent: 105494Mention History Prev First CRCCL Last Next do you want a certain themed


    cute RWBY comp 194: Zwei. join list: CRC (289 subs)Mention Clicks: 34678Msgs Sent: 105494Mention History Prev First CRCCL Last Next do you want a certain themedQpURDkxw4PRgcvIRGkdKs8yjPFprkc2i0-zreMffijA.jpg?w=344&s=8a237a51e395496251762fbd96f33f33



    1. seki108


      I like the bit of potential Monochome/Checkmate in the last one.

  3. Not sure what's going on, but if you need a dawn stone here are some places you could obtain some: Byxbysion Grotto in the Mr. Bigglesworth room (visible) Opal ward in bush near grand hall post upgrade (hidden) Department Store 9th Floor: $2100
  4. So there's debate on whether pineapple goes with pizza or not. I don't have a real answer to that cause, well, I've never tried pizza with pineapple.  I know how pineapple tastes and I know how pizza tastes, but together? They are both pretty good on their own, pineapple is very sweet (can be) and pizza is just very scrumptious. (I guess that can be depending on where you get the pizza from).

    So my question is, how does pizza with pineapple taste?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dreamy
    3. SilverAngelus


      Ayyy we got more pizza on pineapple LOL

    4. seki108


      Just noticed one of the more informative Youtube channels I request posted this a few days ago.  Coincidence???  A very interesting look at pizza in general


  5. Some funny Weiss Schnee from RWBY fan art pics:


    Image result for weiss schneeRelated imageRelated image

    Related image

    Image result for weiss schnee rwby funny

    And here's an epic one:

    Related image


    1. Wolfox


      Weiss is always a win.

    2. Dreamy


      I approve. and thanks for inadvertently reminding me that it's new episode day!

    3. SilverAngelus


      @DreamblitzXI forgot as well!!! Thank YOU for letting me know!

  6. Hello Cassie and welcome to land of Reborn! Trust me, being shy is something I can do well, but that's okay. These forums mostly entail texting so it's a-ok.
  7. Happy Birthday! Why Denver? What about Pokemon do you like best? What was your puppy's name?
  8. So local bully of the school community (LOL) "suggested" that I pull more pranks. Then I told him the only thing that needed pulling is his pants up.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair


      So THAT is why you pranked me >.<'

    3. SilverAngelus


      No no no, that is not why. I don't listen to bullies.

      That prank was just a simple prank to a friend. That is all. I was just playing with the spoiler tags. ;) He had no influence over me. Now I'll really be going.

    4. Alistair
  9. Banned for making me cry with that profile pic.
  10. I highly agree with you very much! The Franchise is not as realistic like Reborn is. Take the anime as an example. Now how is Team Rocket showing up in every single episode so realistic? Eleven year olds don't always get what they want and Ash is way too naive. Plus, his many losses in the leagues might even discourage some. And your friend is being ignorant to the fact that Reborn is not about this so called "perversion" but about the expression of creativity that the staff members put into the game and about life lessons.
  11. So I said hats off to the one who deisgned Shiny Aurorus. But this one... oh my god, complete epicness overload!

    *Warning: Spoilers*







    1. seki108


      You can look who designed each one in the Gen 7 shiny thread, though the images may not be working by now.  Oh well.

  12. Hats off to whoever made this beautiful design ~


    699s copy.png

  13. Hi Ceri! (Cute name btw) Welcome to Reborn! Let's not try to hurt poor Alistair's sight, alright? XD
  14. The sad part is that this is true




  15. Welcome to Reborn Time Keeper Dialga! You have quite the road ahead of you, and may I just say, Good luck! Make me lots and lots of delicious food. That includes sushi.
  16. Welcome to Reborn Endless! I hope you've been able to find your stay here comforting. And that's a cool team and banner. How'd you make that? :0
  17. I'm pretty sure this is not a spoiler, but I'll put this in a spoiler tag anyway.




    Guys, should I keep this Bulbasaur? how difficult is it to find a shiny starter? i just kept soft resetting for a good natured and IV Bulbasuar and I happen to find this little guy:

    (N.B. For mac users, to reset you hold command + fn + F12 )

    Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 12.21.36 PM.png




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      Update: This shiny Bulbasaur stays! So pretty!

    3. Jess


      It should definitely stay. You don't want it to play competitively, you just want to use it in a playthrough :) 


      Later on, you can breed for a good natured perfect IV'ed one to go online. Or just get one traded to you. ;) Preferably the second!

    4. SilverAngelus


      I kept this Bulbasaur. He has three family members already. :)

  18. Does anyone know a great sp. attck ev training location in Pokemon Ultra Sun? I'm on melemele island right now, storywise.


    Also, I want these so badly!!!


    Related image

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      I'm still not up to the point where you get access to the Poke Pelago. I haven't played for a while because of work.

    3. Wolfox


      oh. guess that makes sense

    4. SilverAngelus


      Don't worry. Thanks for the suggestion Wolfox.

  19. Don't put all of your money on him, otherwise you will be completely broke.
  20. In Pokemon, Fairy types are super effective against Dragon types. In real life, (I'm not saying Pokemon is not real life, it's uh, in another dimension) Dragons are much stronger than fairies.
  21. So I was having trouble with a boss in a certain game, and I didn't know what to do. I kept losing to that same boss. I paused the boss level and put my phone down for a bit on the sofa and went my way onto the kitchen for a snack. I didn't think my friend's baby brother (probably like 1 1/2 years old) would touch it (he was already playing with a toy), but when I came back after eating my snack, the little guy was tapping on my phone with curiosity in his eyes. I quickly snatched my phone away but I saw the main boss defeated, much to my astonishment. "What. the. heck. happened. How did you do that??" The little guy just smiled innocently and went back to his toy.


    Moral of the story: Babies are a beautiful wonder. And great at video games.

    1. Wolfox


      not sure if I feel bad you got outsmarted by a baby or I should give that baby a medal

    2. SilverAngelus


      Let's give that baby a medal, 'kay?

      Image result for emojis smiling tear at side

    3. Jess


      If his name is Joey, he has a chance at defeating Reborn with a single Rattata!

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