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Everything posted by nepeta100

  1. kingdom hearts 3 on a Nintendo console!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3
  2. I would say one of my favorites is anything done by Koopakungfu the combination of natewantstobattle and brettultimus take a close second do you like runaway guys with protonjon ncs and chuggaconroy
  3. its been a incredible journey and i will never let this fandom get away from me I hope the rest of the fandom does the same and preserves homestucks legacy by showing it to others Looking forward to hussies next project
  4. well to quote the serebii page this month was supposed to talk about special features about sun and moon and that hasn't happened yet
  5. someone apparently has a copy of the april corocoro! but only vanguard stuff has been shown
  6. welcome to reborn :3 edit also wow from Australia how on earth did you find this game
  7. this is such a weird game and your comments always make my day power through and beat this monstosity
  8. 40 houses and 100 npc this is absolutly absurred you totally should have put more in it lol looking forward to it :3
  9. While it is sad that Marco Rubio dropped out and most likely going to be Trump as the overall nomination. Even if he's a little crazy I'm still okay with him being our president
  10. yeah i think gliscor with poison heal would be a little op at this point of the game
  11. question is looking at the full list of what each field effect does allowed because it is in both the game files and on reborrn's main page it can only help you further down the road ie all normal moves on the chess field gain a rock type rip sickle
  12. I'm okay if you change the rival battle music so that it is not undertale but please don't change shiv's music ever! its perfect
  13. Youre creativeness with this series astounds me do you mostly improve everything the moment it happens in the game or do you do the non game pictures after you finished playing the game
  14. some random theory i came across during the preview where it is showing all the games and the year they came out it says it all comes together and the person speculated we could get a mega six gen game of some kind a little far fetched but I definitely believe a game where you go back to kalos is possible
  15. lunatone solrock primal reversion mega evolution fusion confirmed for gen 7 Kappa :3
  16. hold on got the perfect picture for this thread here we go both
  17. must wait patiently for pokemon direct tomorrow .... too much hype
  18. I realized the day I arrived back on winter break that I left one of my favorite hats on the shuttle. This was February 7th on that same day I contacted the people at my college that were responsible for the shuttle trying telling them somewhat frantically to try to get the shuttle company to see if we have at by some chance at their lost in found or still on the shuttle before some group of people that rented the shuttle after my college have one person find the hat and take it for themselves. It has now been two weeks with no updates from either the shuttle company or the people in charge of the shuttle service at Linfield. There is no shuttle coming to Linfield until Mid march for spring break and the seller of the original hat on Etsy is getting spinal surgery so I cant get a replacement any time soon unless I am able to find another seller even then it might no be any where close to the one I had or be for the right price range for me Also there is no way for me to get the shuttle information myself to contact them any where on my colleges webpage
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