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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by nepeta100

  1. i have reached blackview city omg the size of this thing :3
  2. looks like flamedragoon is finally playing the new version of desolation on You Tube this should be interesting
  3. i found a shiny stone!!!!!!!! I thought they weren't until version 4 edit in the rock closest to my character
  4. whoops sorry its late wasn't thinking
  5. ... I don't know what to make of this. Also I'm almost 100 percent sure embargo does not work in this version as it is supposed to my opponent used a super potion after I used embargo
  6. well thats unfortunate he should have given us that move instead of return which we already have a tm for
  7. what level up moveset are you using xy or oras Turns out if you use oras I have to delevel altaria around 7 levels to get dragon pulse
  8. I believe it is impossible for swablu to learn dragon dance it only knows it as an altaria. Is that so we don't have to grind it down with common candies to get it
  9. cause obviously we are getting a klefki to carry them all that's why we need the keys lol
  10. don't know if this is a bug but apparently embargo does not prevent healing items for at least the opponent edit omg these reputation questions your tugging out my heart strings
  11. I felt that the level of the wild pokemon after the ice cave could have been done better. In my opinion you should have kept the level of them constant because my pokemon weren't strong enough to let repels work even though I beat all the trainers In the cave. edit:I got the shiny key was that from activating all the switches or is there another thing that happens because I checked silver forest thoroughly and I don't see any more bridges and I also got this brass key both keys I have no idea where they would go except possibly for the people locked outside in the beginning of the episode
  12. do we have a name rator in this game yet i forgot where it is also the new sprites :3
  13. yeah i sorta messed up there such fail hope its fixable.
  14. I saved after I fell off the clouds I'm stuck and and unable to play rip
  15. wait its out! i saw this message too late im going to have to go to sleep soon darn it. Also that's unfortunate I really was super interested in seing more jinx lab stuff
  16. My hype for this new version is so high cant wait to see the finished result and give all my hard earned credits to scientists
  17. I faced a mill rogue c'thun today that was such a weird game I would have thought a deck like that would be too crowded to actually work but if actually turns out to work I would be esthetic because I would love to see a mill deck be actually completive for once in a card game that isn't banned edit I also played a dragon priest deck and a c'thun priest deck the same day recently I could definitely tell the difference between the two do you feel like the expansion added any new tools to that other than the new priest deathrattle or the new neutral dragons
  18. I'm having a lot of fun with this expansion two favorites so far would be agro paldin murlock and warlock zoo. I want to find a working mill deck in standard but with healbot, the blade flurry nerf and the doomguard gone its really hard. I would say the best c'thun deck as of now is most likely druid due to there being ramp. edit I disenchanted practically every epic and legendary i got in order to get at least 2 of all the commons and rares I found playable because I felt a lot of core cards in the set were that rarity and with the leftovers got 2 of the new paladin murlock and the rougue epics but I don't know if a second blade of c'thun is needed in that deck so I'm holding off on that
  19. that's unfortunate that you quit hearthstone I love card games so much that I don't see myself quitting anytime soon
  20. Since the new expanison is releasing tomorrow i thought why not revive hearthstone talk on reborn. What do you think of the expansion and feel free to put some of your deck lists for this expansion in this thread.
  21. thanks for responding its makes me feel a lot better about the situation
  22. So I was always wondering since a lot of the seniors at my school are graduating who would take the place of president of gaming club out of the four people in the club that aren't graduating that consistently go to meetings I thought I was practically a shoe in due to the fact that I went to almost every single meeting and stayed for the whole length of almost every meeting. In addition I was the only one that was a sophomore the rest of the remaining members being freshman. The person that ended getting picked as I found out today was a freshman that on average goes to half the number of meetings I go to each week. We meet every Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7. I am annoyed that I didn't get picked but I can somewhat understand it if the current president personally knows and trust this person to run the club better than me but there is next to no actual evidence to show who would be better for the position not only I have no idea how this person is going to go about recruiting new members at future club rushes because our clubs is going desperately need more members if the club ever wants to go to events like Sakura Con or get new games. Based on my experience with him during our club meetings so far this school year I personally don't think he would be the best personality or be the most motivated president for this club. Who knows in the end he might actually a good one this is mostly speculation but it does not take away from the fact that the whole situation still irritates me. At the very least I hope this new president allows me to be some kind of vice president or consultant because I still want a say in the future of this club
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