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Everything posted by BIGJRA

  1. Took me about 12 full battles -- or two hours -- to catch Lugia in my most recent try in Soulsilver (grass mono). My only mons were: Exeggcute L.38 Meganium L.39 Parasect L.38 Weepinbell L.37 Goldeen L.16 (whirlpool/surf) Mareep L.7 (flash) I think the winning try had me use all my X-items on Parasect after Exeggcute confused Lugia with Confusion and Mareep used Flash, then I just spammed Spore and Slash until I could use False Swipe to bring it down. Of course if it used Aeroblast Parasect was done, and I only had 2 revives. Very tricky attempt, got it eventually though. Oh and Reborn Beldum is a metallic ball of dung
  2. The very precious moment between Aya and Serra where Dragon mono goes from nearly impossible to beautiful https://gyazo.com/be30dc17b898f28c4062a6f89d0016ab

    1. Shad_


      2 Noivern? I like it lol

    2. BIGJRA


      i had four until I could get Trapinch and Skrelp lol

  3. Anyone remember what you have to trade for Trapinch in Reborn?


    1. BIGJRA


      Sceptile, Ampharos, 4 Noibats if you were wondering lol

    2. Ironbound


      Lol, couldn't you have gotten Noivern? It evolves at lv 48, just a little higher than the level cap, enough to common candy it back down. It'd get air slash and stuff to ease the process.

    3. BIGJRA


      getting them to 45 was hard enough, I really didn't want to go through the pains of leveling four defenseless Noibats up to 48, especially when they disobey so much.

  5. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-61545 Good game against Spade, I lost. At least my salt levels are low I guess.
  6. I mean it might have taken me 6 months (down to the day, apparently) but I finally beat Blake with my Ground monotype... had to swap in a Rhyperior and grind all of them up to 75...

    1. Bluewolf


      If that's not commitment, I'm not sure what is.

    2. BIGJRA


      not necessarily commitment since 5 of those months were me too mad to keep playing heh

    3. BIGJRA


      but lemme tell you Terra, Taka, Solaris, Blake/Fern, and Ciel all seemed so easy after that Blake fight

  7. lol are there even any more OU mons to pick? oh well why not
  8. Looks like I won Game Trivia then :-) Good game to everyone who played, this is a super fun game idea, def. recommend for the future.
  9. Hey guys, this is ALL I still need to 'finish' this episode. Obviously I know where all the Credit shop mons are but lack the credits. Please help me if you know where the upper three are.
  10. Wooooah Jan new Terajuma looks so cool but now I have to debate if I want to start a new file for the fourth time and... is that Angie with someone from Team Xen? Oh dear.
  11. Would including Sudowoodo in a SS Grass monotype be a bad idea

    1. Swampellow


      i mean, monotype wise, yes, because it is not grass type.

  12. Specifically Duskull's in the Unown cave areas, though it was super rare. Took me ~20 minutes to find one on C.E. 7x speed. Anyone know where Yanma is?
  13. Thanks Zargerth, found Weedle and Aron. I still can't for the life of me find Cubone in Vejyr, and I'm pretty sure I've gone through tons of encounters in every single room. Anyone remember which room in particular they got theirs in, how rare it was, etc.?
  14. Anyone know precisely where I can find Weedle, Cubone, or Aron? The former two might just be rare and I haven't found them yet; as for Aron idk where its event is.
  15. DJ's hate him! lol i tried it with Never Gonna Give You Up, 10/10 thanks jelly
  16. New Rotom form is the cutest thing ever tbh

  17. I guess I feel bad that I'm humblebragging here a little bit, but it's all in the name of self-confidence, no? The single thing that I love most about myself is the drive to complete everything I set my mind to to the fullest. The IB Program in school which I initially grudgingly started six years ago? Graduating full diploma next year. My 719/721 living Pokedex on ORAS (missing Hoopa/Volcanion, hmu)? Finished that after about half a year of playing through all the games I owned and looking for trading deals online. Trying to get in better shape for next years water polo season? Haven't missed a single day at the gym that I scheduled yet, and I'm finally seeing results! I can't emphasize enough how important it is for your psychological state and relative sanity to set goals for yourself, find the necessary steps, and reaching them! Anyone who says that they can't go get in shape or they can't get an A in a class can do it if they just set their minds to it and focus on their dreams and, uh, stuff. Persevere!
  18. Soundtrack time again -- this time we're going back SIX years to Sonic Colors. Seems like it's only been like two or three since that game came out but I guess it's good that the soundtrack still brings back memories. Proving that 8-bit music can still be awesome as heck...
  19. Happy birthday Maria! Though we're awake at different times for most of the day I'm glad you're on THE BEST TEAM IN POKENATIONS (#PHANTOMVULCANS) with me
  20. You don't need any special kind of patching software, because your save file is located elsewhere on your PC. For example when Reborn E16 comes out, download the new game, extract it, open the game.exe and your save file will be automatically transferred over. Some games like Insurgence have merging patches so if you need help with those I can help you too.
  21. Something like "celebrations" or "personal matters"? Only logical things I could think of.
  22. Yooo it's time for Nation D to Destroy the competition heh! Hope I'll get to know you guys better in this competition!
  23. It's gonna be sooooo LIT(ten). I'm hoping for Fire/Dark or something like that, but it'll be cool (as long as it doesn't evolve into Blaziken)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Yes, more love for Litten! Such a cuddly little fire kitty. c:

    3. starkidcosmo
    4. BIGJRA


      yes yes yes i agree with all of you. fire dark?

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