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Everything posted by Monochrome_Complex

  1. How sad, but have you told him how you felt about his change? Have you noticed anything that may have lead to that change, such as family issues or personal depression? From your description I'm guessing he's turned into a white supremacist or something.
  2. All this hate for Victoria makes me sad, I loved when she comforted shelly during episode 4 after she saw corey die. Also her laying it on Cal when he messed up.
  3. For my 3rd playthrough I actually saved the policemen in time so I was able to get the alternate fight with Corey for the first time. Honestly I thought gassy Corey was easier. Usually it takes 3+ attempts to beat him but this time I beat him first try, and only ended up using 4 pokemon(dustox is great for this fight and Pachirisu or emolga cripple crobat with nuzzle + electro ball/acrobatics). The poison mist can be blown away with gust 1st turn with no problem since skrelp is slow and there's plenty of pidgeys to catch in Jasper ward. His skuntank was still kind of a pain but without any field bonuses he's definitely easier. On one hand Gassy Corey makes venoshock incredibly dangerous while infesting your teammates with poison, but on the other hand it's a lot easier to circumvent than the corrosive field.
  4. Looks like Zangoose kind of. Or a peppermint candy excadrill.
  5. Admittedly the timing with that line was flawless and I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh every time on that part
  6. Gen 3's villain motives were just too stupid. ORAS made this a little better but jamming a rocket down a volcano? lol get outta here. Gen 4 was the first time I felt the story was actually serviceable and the villains while kind of dumb legitimately felt dangerous by the end(Cyrus was pretty cool). HGSS kind of screwed up by under-utilizing Mewtwo(would've been perfect for a post-gamestory)and the rocket admins while more fleshed out still kind of feeling lacking(archer = worst main villain. Guy has zero presence or charisma). Gen 5 had the best story. Gen 6 had the worst team yet and a weak cast. So much wasted potential here.
  7. I can understand disliking Terra. She's probably the biggest immersion killer in the game. Like she's funny sometimes but if you're not a fan of her humor style she's terrible. I've warmed to her a bit more on subsequent playthroughs but she's still one of my less liked gym leaders.
  8. Absol does have that whole early 2000s so dawk thing going on that was kind of big back then.
  9. That Serperior is lovely. But snivy's eye marking kind of looks weird next to its red eyes.
  10. The orphanage, 14, and Randomus.
  11. Honestly it's weird seeing Reborn without field effects since it's one of the main things that I associate it with. It's like watching Jojo without stands when you started with part 3.
  12. Reborn is better than gen 6 and 1(though kind of unfair to say lol) admittedly.
  13. Purple is one of the best colors. But yeah Reborn loves its purple lol. Like a 3rd of the shinies have a lot of purple or black in their color schemes. I'm a fan of the "crystalline" light blue/purple combo and a purple/white/black/yellow color scheme, looks real good.
  14. Aster right before Blake kicked nmy butt like 3 or 4 different times last playthrough. Blake I always lose to a couple of times and ALWAYS due to freeze hax whenever Walrein shows up.
  15. Rot lilligant looks cool as does the terracotta golurk
  16. I didn't even think ECT was legit anymore. I thought it was something phased out long ago. Wow. Reborn is deeper than I thought. You've created something fierce here. But man I feel real bad for IRL heather. kind of makes me respect her in-game character a lot more. Corey too.
  17. Some of the stuff the NPC trainers you fight are funny too. "I see you walkin dem tracks, you think you hot but you AIN'T." like dude why are you so salty? "Shit man. Like the park is all fucked up and shit." idk it's just jarring to hear this in a pokemon game lol. "Look what the cat dragged in. -uses glameow and meowth- Looks like I'm just lost paws." totally cheesy but still amusing. Also some dude in peridot says you gotta rock the swag homes or something...lol. I also love ms craudberyy cursing out the police officer.
  18. A lot of original shinies are quite ugly TBH. Way too many "urine yellow" "mucus green" and grey-purple going on. So many shinies look like food gone bad lol. Then you have Garchomp :/ I like custom shinies although overly fanservicey stuff like the ninja turtles is a bit too far and stuff like BLOODY FETUS takes me out of it. I remember loving shiny magnemite/zone's sprite first playthrough but then Magnezone had his boring original shiny sprite which was a real letdown.
  19. I think the real person might be into psychology and may have had a crazy sister but I think the shock therapy is just game related lol. The heather one seems legit disturbing if true though.
  20. Black people can definitely have green eyes if they're mixed. I work with a guy at work who does lol. And besides pokemon operates on anime logic where a person's hair color/type =/= their ethnicity. Like who has naturally blue/purple/pink hair? lol.
  21. Being based off real people, I wonder if some of the backstories were based off issues of actual people the characters were based off? Like did RL Cain have some friction with his mother over his sexuality and RL heather have a father/father figure who comitted suicide? Forgive me if I'm reaching too far into personal territory but it's kind of sad if so :[
  22. Scoops FTW. Holy crap though, that sounded like a right nightmare :[
  23. Him watching his PC give the ring to Blake was pretty funny too. He does have a point about how dumb it is that you're staring at the couch while Blake gloats his way without any opposition.
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