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Ice Cream Sand Witch

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Everything posted by Ice Cream Sand Witch

  1. 1. I'm not sure if I would. The first skill that came to mind was making puns, and that's definitely not something I'd want to sacrifice. However, if I did make the trade, the skill I'd want to be good at would probably be art. I can't really art at all. When it comes to drawing on paper, I'm like 2 or 3 levels above stick figures, and through web programs, I'm like 2 or 3 levels below stick figures. 2. One. My default response to scenarios like this where a group is screwed and you can only unscrew them by screwing another group is already to not interfere and just let what happens happen. But if it were the other way around, and I had to pull the lever to change the screwed group from the cute animals to the person, I might do it (again for just one), because cute animals ^~^ 3. First I'd be like "I have a biological cousin?" Then I'd be like "What even is a cousin in a family (as in through who are cousins related)? I don't remember." After that, I guess what I tell them would mostly depend on who they are as a person (including their age and gender)? The primary issue isn't even "But we're family!" (I actually have nothing against people who are family being in a relationship as long as both/all consent and there's no abuse, just like in non-family relationships), it's "I don't relationship" because whether they're family or not, it couldn't happen because I don't relationship. 4. Not as much as I'd like to be. I have a tendency of holding back my thoughts and feelings on certain subjects because I think it wouldn't be reacted to very well. There are a few exceptions for things I feel strongly enough to not ever do this with, but for everything else there's Mastercard I'm very careful about what I say, when and where I say it, and who I say it to. (I also consider intentionally omitting details the same as lying) Also, I sometimes try to convince myself that I'm just waiting to see how things turn out before I act or speak my mind, but deep down I know that even when the right time comes to say or do something, I usually don't unless I have a lot of outside help. It's something I'm working on changing especially because of recent circumstances. The ICSW I aspire to be isn't someone who goes along with things she doesn't like because she's scared of the consequences. That doesn't mean there aren't legitimately times where it's best to see what happens for a while before speaking/acting up, but when it's obvious that something needs to be said or done, I want to say/do it. Without hesitating or second-guessing.
  2. What's your favorite 1) mammal 2) reptile 3) bird 4) fish 5) amphibian
  3. Is there an FBI in Britain (+other countries) or some kind of equivalent or is that only in the U.S.? Also, what kind of advice would you give to an electric eel?
  4. I normally ask silly questions in AMAs, but since you prefer serious ones Have you ever had an experience that might be considered paranormal? Do you like pretzels?
  5. Mr. Blakeory = Thomas Blakeory The sign outside Ms. Katsu's house says "Bellarosa Family". So I assume it's safe to assume Katsu Bellarosa and Anastasia Bellarosa. I was actually confused at the sign at first because I'm used to "Ms., Mr., and Mrs." being used in place of a first name, with the name after being a last name. So I thought her and Anastasia's last name was Katsu for a while.
  6. We've met Mr. Blakeory in the past. Also, before V6 he was in the hotel's casino.
  7. Rorrim B is Crawli's father, Vitus/Indriad is Maria's father, Neved is a father but we don't know who's, and Mr. Blakeory is Saki's father. Also, (V8 spoilers, not sure if the spoiler lock is over yet)
  8. Crescent mentions it in the ship conversation, and Madame X mentions it after inserting her sword into Nancy's stomach. Both of them are confused by how a "doll" is able to feel love.
  9. Nancy was a doll who apparently wasn't expected to feel emotion, so I don't think she's our biological mom. Also, during the ship conversation, it seemed like Nancy was a puppet (figuratively and literally, I guess) and Crescent was pulling the strings.
  10. That's where Zumi says she's going after you complete the Advanced Pokedex quest.
  11. I don't think Madame X is our mom because when she was sending us back to deal with the orb bomb and mentioned saving us every time because we're important, she asked us who were are and why we're so important. (I think it's interesting that Madame X is just as curious who the player is as we are who she is XD) I think our mom could possibly be Crescent. Her wanting us to keep out of all of this comes off as protectiveness to me, and during the scene you can overhear on the ship she says to Nancy that she wants to see us smile. It seems like she wants us to live a normal life without having to worry about all the chaos and destruction that people like Team Xen are causing.
  12. I don't know how far you are so I won't mention names or places but you get one when you free a specific person at a specific mountain by pressing a lever.
  13. Would you like vampires more or less if they fed off of orange soda instead of blood?
  14. What the others who posted here said. Although there's one instance at the end of a help center quest where you're called "him", which is a typo that's been around since that quest started existing in V5. (won't give details about the quest since you're not there yet)
  15. There was a Mystery Dungeon Reborn (I think it used to be a pinned thread in Pokemon Fan Club), but it's discontinued.
  16. I started over on V8, and my favorite for both new and old appearance is Aevia. (btw, the alternate clothing has been a thing since V7. from your post it sounded like you thought it was new for V8)
  17. (this scenario is from a dream I had last year) You're climbing a mountain fighting a group that steals books and gives them to their leader who use this mountain as their base. There are lots of enemies of all kinds - swordsmen, gunmen, summoners, etc. Their second in command has muscles but he's tiny, maybe barely over 2 feet. Pick up to 4 Reborn members who'll be doing this mission with you and explain what role each of you will have.
  18. Going by brackets Bracket 1: Olivia Bracket 2: Ariel Bracket 3: Helen Bracket 4: Venus Bracket 5: Ninia Bracket 6: Festus/Excalibur
  19. We actually saw all of Team Flare except for Lysandre IIRC. Also, I forgot next month was August for a second, and thought "Wow, that's a whole month away for new info".
  20. I don't know why, but characters like Bennett always get to me more than characters like Sirius. Sirius is most likely either the worst person in Reborn or second-worst after Lin, but it's not the merciless house-burner and soul stealer that sets me off. It's the misguided kid who's easily influenced and has a poor control over (and possibly understanding of) his own emotions. I've noticed this in a lot of games, books, etc. The people I absolutely can't stand usually aren't the major villains that are global-level threats. They're the random throwaway assholes whose mouths and egos are bigger than their threat level, the school bullies, the abusive parents/guardians, the confused/misguided ones who are easily influenced, etc. With someone like Sirius, it's like "You did bad thing or are trying to do bad thing, and I'm going to stop you!" and that's the end of the emotional investment. He needs to be stopped, but his actions, goals, and words don't make me angry on a personal level. But with Bennett, I want to rip him to pieces. The best explanation I can think of for this is that it has to do with the way the characters carry themselves. Usually, those categories of villains I mentioned not being able to stand just act petty and disgusting and ridiculous (not in the good/fun way) and have very little if anything for me to like about them, while the main villains have a better chance of acting like a boss and/or having a personality or history that catches my interest. In Bennett's case, he also kind of reminds me of creeps who can't take no for an answer which is why I said if I were Luna I'd slice through with him with Bisharp. I'd feel threatened enough to do it by reflex, and anger enough to do it even not by reflex because I despise those people. I do think Bennett will be redeemed, and I'm looking forward to when/if it happens.
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