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Everything posted by zimvader42

  1. Well all mons learn Rest by TM Ceph, so that one was kind of a given :/ Also a shame we aren't in gen V no more, otherwise this thing would also resist ghost and dark, and then it would be unstoppable....except by EQ and Fire Blast. Oh well, at least it can sit and laugh at fairies like they're nothing. If you're a guy that doesn't like the fairy type among the public, this might just be the fairy killer you were looking for.
  2. Temmie village song. You lose braincells everytime you listen to it. It is a goofy song tho.

    1. Etesian


      Then try this!

    2. zimvader42



      That's it, new song for my mindfuck playlist.

    3. Grizzlybrand
  3. Wobbuffet. It ain't pretty, but I kinda have a connection to it. I'm quite slow IRL, and just like it, I cannot attack until someone attacks me first (this would make more sense if you could see how I open a path in a crowd of people xD). I don't have reflexes, just like this thing, and I preffer not to get in trouble and live in "caves", as its dex entry says. Just like wobbuffet I also have the real-life equivalent of a gargantuan HP, and every other stat is low. I don't have shadow tag equivalent tho ;-;
  4. Hallucigenia has to be like, the most tripping piece of cambrian shit I've ever seen. I mean nature must have been high when making that thing. Even the name gives acid trip vibes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Chespin
    3. dead account

      dead account

      It looks more like an abomination someone made in Spore than an actual animal.

    4. zimvader42


      @Waffle: IKR? but it is quite an actual, real thing.

  5. There's a soda can in the bathroom's trash bin. Like, who even drank soda in the toilet?

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      They could've finished it as they walked in

    2. zimvader42


      Oh, true, true.

    3. Red_Chaos


      once inside a bathroom, stays inside the bathroom

  6. Lol the mere thought of a bird-skull dressed like an old man running around with bombs creeps me out. Anyways, don't want to be a party pooper, and I know plague is a mod and all, but is it correct to deviate this much from se7en topic? last time it happened some guy warned us. Think it was gore?
  7. So like, a belly drum turns into a -6 attack drop, and a swords dance or nasty plot etc. turn into negative stats? Curiously enough, this move exists already in the canon games, and it is even dark type as well! it is called Topsy-turvy, and is the signature move of Malamar and Inkay, but almost nobody knows because no one uses it. Ever. Except in balanced hackmons.
  8. Is "Stellar Thug2 a reference to the game Hu-....Plague knight is pla-....comes from?
  9. Could this forum and its inhabitants in general be turned into the plot of an anime/manga? and on a scale of 10 to 10, how insane would said plot be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NickCrash


      I'll be the narrator.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Zim: dropped = stopped watching.

      I'd be a silly side character.

  10. I think that if you can somehow manage to switch them in safely AND have them use this malfunction move also safely while holding a sitrus berry or some healing item, you've pretty much won. I mean magnezone at +6 speed outspeeds quite a lot of things (not to say ALL the things actually), and a thunderbolt/flash cannon combo sweeps ANY combination of mons with no possible way of overcoming it except shedinja, or priority moves (since all defensive stats are at -6). Quite an interesting variation of belly drum.
  11. Well since it says fan favorites, I'm not gonna talk about things like pikachu and the pikaclones, since I perceive that the term "fan favorite" does not apply to these in the slightest. I know very little people, as a matter of fact, that isn't either "meh" or "gosh" about them. On the other hand it is true that most of the people that are not into pokemon pretty much only remember the franchise by pikachu, bulbasaur and charizard, all mons heavily featured in the anime from my childhood times (at least that I know of). That doesn't mean that these mons are fan favorites either, because if these people I'm talking about are not fans in the technical meaning, but just know what pokemon is from these widely featured mons, then they can't be called "fan" favorites, or at least I don't intend to do so. Is like these people that say "my favorite mon is pikachu" and the only mon they know pikachu; no wonder it is your fav then. Anyways, let's start with one that has appeared a lot here already: Charizard. Gen I starters are far from holding a special place in my heart (most starters don't anyways), if anything only bulbasaur holds any charm to me from these 3. Blastoise I find bland other than the interesting fact its anatomy includes cannons and then there's Charizard. Everybody knows charizard. Everybody loves charizard. Charizard is OP. Well no. Not quite. I never really understood what kind of charm does this non-dragon dragon have to make it so that everybody I seem to meet in real life that knows what pokemon is thinks that Charizard is the best starter ever and that from Turtwig onwards everything is crap or just "not as good as charizard". Well I can understand nostalgia MIGHT play a big part on this, given that I wasn't around when everybody was playing their 1st generation pokemon games in their nintendo machines, the ones I couldn't afford. But nostalgia is sometimes a big threat: it makes you remember things way better and way cooler than they might seem to you now that you've grown, just like it happened to me and some toys I had when I was a kid. I'm not saying, however, that you just can't genuinely like charizard, or that liking it over everything else makes you a genwunner (gengwunner? gengoner? whatever). Liking charizard is cool, I like charizard, just not as much as other pokemon, but that isn't bad either. Is just that there ARE people that will defend charizard over everything else that exists, be it same gen or not. And I find those people boring. That's all there is to it, is not the pokemon itself as much as it is the people that will try to make it be seen as the OP pokemon that it isn't, even if it means only talking about charizard. All the time. Ugh. Oh, there's also the thing GF did with this thing's mega. Or should I say, megaS. They were very clever IMO, killing two birds with one stone: first, that using two completely opposing designs instead of a single one considerably reduces the amount of charizard fanboys that will get butthurt with them (if they only went for one of them, either X or Y, they were risking to have one part of these people not giving them more money...), and second, that making one starter have two megas where others have 1 or none, is what a charizard fanboy will receive as the "finally the love he deserves!" love-letter from GF. They weren't playing games when they decided to give this thing 2 megas, and from a business point of view, they're smart sons of guns. From my personal point of view, is just unfair towards other equally or non-equally loved starter pokemons that deserved the stat push of a mega as much or more than charizard, but got nothing instead. This also applies to Mewtwo, who got two (considerably worse-designed than the original IMO) megas for pretty much the same reasons charizard did. I don't have many others that I haven't mentioned already somewhere else for different reasons: garchomp, rayquaza, salamence.... all the mons that are already crazy powerful and loved by "everyone" and yet still get a mega, just so that GF makes sure these fanboys will keep on giving them money....ugh. Neither of you guys deserves a mega as much as little guys like marowak do, and yet I still would like a genuine evolution, but since we're in the mega-wagon, at least let me have weak mons get some love. Don't make things 60 stat points more powerful than God, that's the only rule of thumb that, if followed, I wouldn't even care if they gave a mega to everything. But then mons with 760, 780 BSTs appear.... and yeah, unless they re-make arceus as a 150 in every stat thing....the whole mega business will only scalate, I'm sure of it.
  12. Plague knight is nice, he's very good with explosions and all, but I think I'll miss the other guy. Huku-something was his name. Will he ever return?
  13. Wow, apparently there's r34 of malamar. Well I guess I don't need these anyways *tears eyes out of sockets*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      Can't come close to some shit I've seen.

    3. Omega_Ra1der


      *Leans back* umm... Sir, that is called hentai... DON'T ASK.

    4. Shing


      *Insert rule 7 sign*

  14. Wakes up, decides not to go to college today. In exchange, no computer until I finish homework and read some lab stuff a little for tomorrow. Finishes that and turns on computer. Forums are offline. Well fuck. Anyways here we go again.

  15. Bro Deadpool you forgot to put the "--" in PSYCHIC/BUG. Some Jelly.
  16. Sorry bro, the dex was completed a lot of time ago, we are not opened to suggestions for fakemon anymore. Oh wait...
  17. I've seen people call it slut bunnyvand worse things, so mine was at least tame. Mostly cuz I genuinely like Lopunny. Regardless, those are some interesting pics of type combos. But volcanion counts as a canon mon in my book, be it unreleased yet or not.
  18. Oh, true, I meant to say fighting/ghost. Fixed it. Also did we actually have a fighting/normal? huh. Well anywaus it ain't a signature type combo since a form of meloetta and mega playbunny have it now.
  19. Well, then we will just have to wait and see. Also, a question: you are probably aware that there are lots of type combinations that haven't yet been made official by Gamefreak, meaning there aren't any canon pokémon of said types. For example, there isn't a canon ghost/normal type, or a canon fighting/ghost type, but those are unused combos we did get in Graterras, in the mentioned cases, in the form of Goshee and Voodusk. Now, what other unseen type combos do you believe you'll be seeing in Graterras' pokédex? This is merely a speculative question, you can say what you want about the topic at hand but don't make many questions of the "hey, will X/Y type be in the game?" kind, please.
  20. Now that you mention it, it's true. She works a lot, maybe she just hasn't been around lately.
  21. Yes, because the code for the move thunder wave includes the specific command of following the type charts, thus the move's capability of affecting types being directly influentiated by the move's own type. A normalize delcatty's thunder wave can hit Groudon but not Gengar, while a Jolteon's thunderwave can hit Gengar but not Groudon. If thunder wave was artificially hacked into being a dragon type move, it would not hit fairies whatsoever. If a target immune to thunder wave's current type is holding a ring target however, as long as the target is not immune to paralysis (like having limber, or being electric type), thunder wave will hit. Glare just does not have the same mechanisms. Glare simply puts paralysis on whatever it hits not counting typeXtype interactions, only statusXtype interactions. Meaning that it cannot paralyze electric types and stuff with limber.
  22. I always wanted to do a wiki with the bulbapedia format like many other fangames do, since making wiki articles and stuff is something I enjoy, and it will be necessary sooner or later after (hopefully) the game gathers enough fans. However I wouldn't do it until the game's done, so that people who start playing the game is forced to go blind all the way through, and so that they won't know the whole picture of what they were using until they finish the game. By experience, I can tell you all that playing a game with fakemon knowing nothing about them is quite the most interesting and enjoyable way of playing it
  23. So shuckle's BST is bigger than regular Heracross' and Pinsir's. Never realised that before. Huh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, remember it just has a horribly skewed BST pool. It's hardly based on size etc... ((I mean Keldeo has more than a lot stuff and he's tiny. Same with all the Pixie Legends since they have 600 even. ANd they are the smallest Pokemon in existence most time lol.))

    3. zimvader42


      Yeah, pixies apart, I just tend to do that.

      Shuckle is weird as fuck. More every time I look at it again xD

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well he's based on a particular kind of Slime Mold. So yea he's kinda supposed to be a bit weird.

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